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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výskyt rtuti a olova v sedimentech horního toku Vltavy a nádrže Lipno. / The Content of Mercury and Lead in Sediments from Vltava River and Lipno Reservoir.

MAŘÍKOVÁ, Helena January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to define and evaluate the load of sediments by exposure of mercury and lead on the upper flow of the Vltava river and in the Lipno lake. To evaluate possible influence of the glass factory in Lenora for pollution of this area by toxic metals mentioned above. The literature survey refers about problems of mercury and lead content in fresh water and reservoirs sediments, the structure of toxic heavy metals and risks of their release in the enviroment, then in chemical composition of water reservoirs. It also engages in glass manufacturing problems in the glass factory in Lenora, especially the raw materials, which where obviously used for its manufacture. Experimental part describes profile of sampling points, working methods, used chemicals and results of individual analyses. Sediments of the Lipno reservoir and the upper flow of the Vltava river aren{\crq}t seriously loaded with mercury or lead, but in the sediments below Lenora was shown multiple increase of lead and mercury content in comparison with the background. Forest soils has higher mercury content in all localities in comparison with the sediments. On the contrary, the content of EDTA-extractable lead in soils is lower. Detected isotopic ratio of lead 206/207 and 208/206 in sediments of the Vltava river below the glass factory in Lenora have different signature in comparison with the signature of sediments from the Vltava river above the glass factory. On the contrary the signature of lead in all sediments of the Lipno reservoir showed values relevant to natural background of this locality. The structure which corresponds to the lead from the glass factory was also surprisingly detected in humic horizont of the forest soils in Lenora{\crq}s surroundings. The thesis was extended with fish samples from Lipno reservoir and their liver{\crq}s load by lead and mercury content. There were determined isotop ratio (signature) of lead in the fish, the izotop ratio of lead not corresponds to the lead signature from the glass factory in Lenora.

Bioarcheologie středověké populace střední Evropy: vztah zdravotního stavu, sociální diferenciace a výživy. / Bioarcheologie středověké populace střední Evropy: vztah zdravotního stavu, sociální diferenciace a výživy.

Kaupová, Sylva January 2017 (has links)
We studied the dietary behavior and health status of a population that lived in the context of rapid change, including the development of the economic and political structures of states, the adoption of Christianity as well as the subsequent disruption of social structure and the recovery of society. Carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen (δ15 N) isotopic values were measured in a sample of 189 adult individuals of both sexes and 74 animals representing different socio-economic contexts (power centers versus the hinterlands) and chronology: the Great Moravian (9th -10th century AD) versus late Hillfort (11th century AD) period. A sample of 41 sub-adults aged 0-6 years, representative of both Great Moravian power centers (Mikulčice) and its rural hinterlands (Josefov), was selected for isotopic analyses of breastfeeding and weaning behavior. Data on growth and frequency of nonspecific stress indicators (cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, and endocranial lesions) were analyzed in a sub-adult group. In adults, we focused on dental health (caries, periapical lesions, dental wear, and periodontal disease), the presence of cribra orbitalia and estimated adult stature. Isotopic data of the adult sample showed that the Great Moravian population had a terrestrial diet with a substantial proportion of C4 plants....

Využití analýzy stabilních izotopů uhlíku a dusíku k rekonstrukci výživy ve vztahu ke zdravotnímu stavu langobardské populace / The use of the stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in the dietary reconstruction of the Lombard population in relation to the health status

Novotná, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a reconstruction of the Germanic tribe of the Lombards' diet found at Kyjov burial site dated back to the Migration Period (5th - 6th century A.D.) as well as a research of their living conditions. The principal aim is a description of this population diet and its comparison to the other populations within this period and the Early Middle Ages era. The diet was examined by considering of carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen (δ15 N) stable isotopes analysis received and evaluated from a group of 60 adult individuals (30 men and 30 females). In regard to the interpretation of the isotopes values, the stable isotopes C and N were present in some animal species (N=19). Apart from the above mentioned, several significant health indicators were chosen for evaluation which indirectly show health condition and quality of living conditions of the examined group. These health indicators were evaluated in relation to the diet. The results of this study indicate that the diet of Lombards' population was based on C3 plants and animal proteins, which is similar to the other localities in the time of the Migration Period. It shows a difference, namely in consumption of millet, providing that the Lombards to the Great Moravian's localities are compared. The millet seemed to be common part of...

Výživa v dětství ve vztahu k utváření sociálních rolí a zdravotnímu stavu velkomoravské populace / Childhood diet in relation to the determination of social roles and health status in Great Moravian population

Jílková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This study is focused on dietary reconstruction according to stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in bone and tooth collagen. The material used for this study is represented by set of 46 skeletons of adult individuals from 6th church's burial site in Mikulčice, which belong to the Great Moravian era (9th -10th century). Isotopic values are discussed in relation to the formation of social roles and health status. The presence and eventually degree of severity of some non-specific stress indicators and pathologies (Cribra orbitalia, presence of tooth caries, caries intensity, linear enamel hypoplasias, dental wear and length od femur) was observed. The results of isotopic analysis suggest, that diet in this population sample was based on terrestrial sources, both animal and plant protein. Plants in Great Moravian diet belonged to C3 and C4 group. C4 group of plants in Mikulčice was represented by millet (Panicum miliaceum), which supports the hypothesis of "Millet - typical crop of old Slavs" (Reitsema and Kozlowski, 2013). Millet was consumed mainly in childhood. Significant differences between diets of high social class and rest of population was found with people of higher social rank consuming more animal protein. These differences were created in childhood and persisted to adulthood....

Odtok ze sněhu při událostech deště na sníh v povodí Ptačího potoka vypočtený pomocí stabilních izotopů ve vodě / Snowmelt runoff during rain-on-snow events in the Ptačí brook basin calculated using stable water isotopes

Valdhansová, Klára January 2020 (has links)
Rain-on-snow events represent one of the basic mechanisms causing floods. Rain falling on the snow cover causes enhanced melting and the resulting runoff often exceeds the runoff caused by rain. During the winter seasons 2018 and 2019, water samples from the stream, snowpack and precipitation were repeatedly taken in the the Ptačí Brook catchment in the Šumava mountains, and the concentrations of 2 H and 18 O were measured in the laboratory. Based on the observed isotope ratios 18 O/16 O and 2 H/1 H in combination with other variables measured in the catchment, the two ROS events from 2019 were reconstructed. The ratio of heavy isotopes increased in the snowpack due to ROS events. Using the end member mixing equation, a hydrograph separation was performed for both investigated events. For the first event, it was not possible to clearly separate groundwater from rainfall, and thus the range of snow in the total runoff was determined by its separation from rainfall and subsequent separation from groundwater. The second event examined was separated directly into three components: rainfall, groundwater and snow. According to the analyses, the total runoff during ROS events in both cases was mostly formed by event water (a combination of rainfall and melt water). The melting water from the snow cover...

Paleoenviromentální záznam jezerních sedimentů karbonu středočeských a západočeských pánví:analýza a korelace mineralních a biogenních proxy / Paleoenvironmental record of carboniferous lacustrine deposits of central and western Bohemian basins: analysis and korealiton of mineral and biogenic proxies

Lojka, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Ph.D. thesis represents summary of multidiciplinary palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic research of the most significant Late Pennsylvanian lacustrine horizon of the central and western Bohemian basins - the Malesice Member of the Slaný Formation. Two cores from new shallow drills, situated 80 km apart, were analysed. Multidisciplinary approach is based on description of lamination structure and periodicity; mineral and isotopic composition of autigennic carbonates, namely siderite; compositiona of detrital minerals including clay mineral assemblages; and composition of autochthonous and allochthonous organic particles including palynospectra. Detailed analysis of drill cores lead to the identification of individual phases of lake development linked with lake-level fluctuation and water-column stratification, which were driven by a sume of precipitation and its seasonal distribution. Changes in precipitation also affected compostion and density of vegetational cover in the lake surroundings, weathering intesity of source rocks and degradation of organic matter in the drainage basin, and so precipitation affected final grain-size and composition of detrital material deposited in the lake. Beside common environmental signatures at both studied sites, there are also significant...

Výzkum nenasycené zóny v severní části Moravského krasu / Study of vadose zone in northern part of Moravian Karst

Gregorová, Anita January 2012 (has links)
This study is focused on the flow through the uppermost part of the unsaturated zone in karstified areas. The information about distribution of transit times and chemical reactions taking place in the unsaturated zone is based on isotopic and chemical composition of cave dripwaters, precipitations and water caught by gravitation lysimeters. The water balance was calculated using measurements of intensity of dripwaters and amounts of water caught by lysimeters and rain gauges. The velocity of a hydraulic shockwave between monitored objects was also estimated according to the delay between significant precipitation event and dripwater intensity increase. The field study took place in the Němcova 1 cave in the northern part of Moravian Karst, near the village Suchdol. It was carried out during the hydrological year 2010/2011. The cave is about 13 m under the surface. The information about composition of overlaying rock above the cave was obtained using geoelectrical and electromagnetic measurements. Studied geological environment is built of 0.5 - 1.5 m of soil, 0.5 - 3.5 m of epikarst and a layer of massive limestone as thick as 10 m. About 70 to 90 % of dripwaters have residence time over 4 years. The distribution of transit time of younger water can be described using the exponencial model (well...

Stabilní izotopy uhlíku v letokruzích smrku jako marker napadení stromu patogenní houbou. / Carbon Stable Isotopes in Spruce Tree Rings as a Marker of Pathogenic Fungal Attack of Trees.

NECUDOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Trees are long living plants, which use carbon from the air and hydrogen and oxygen predominantly from soil water for their growth. They deposit these elements largely into a wood where they may persist for thousands of years. Tree growth is influenced by environment, especially by air temperature and precipitation. These factors have an effect on stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rate which influence carbon stable isotope ratio (13C/12C) in the tree tissue. This thesis is focus on stable carbon isotopes in tree-rings of Norway spruce attacked by honey mushroom, and Norway spruce which doesn?t show any signs of disease. The hypothesis of the thesis is based on an expected difference in carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis between the spruce attacked by honey mushroom and a ?healthy? spruce. The difference in isotope fractionation could be caused by water deficit induced by honey mushroom disease in the tree. We expect that the attacked spruce defends against water loss by closing stomata, and it could lead to lower CO2 concentration in the needles and higher ?13C value in tree-rings biomass The stable carbon isotope analysis (IRMS) was done on tree-rings of four spruce pairs, each one including an attacked spruce and spruce which didn?t show any signs of disease. Carbon isotope ratio of early wood, late wood and in biomass of the whole annual increment was measured. In contrary to our hypothesis we did not fined any systematic difference in isotopic composition between the attacked spruce and the spruce which did not show any signs of disease.

Vulkanismus siluru a devonu pražské pánve / Silurian and Devonian volcanism of the Prague Basin

Tasáryová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The principal goal of the thesis is to constrain nature of magmatic and alteration processes, character of mantle source(s), geotectonic setting and palaeogeographic implications of the Silurian and Devonian volcanism in Prague Basin (Teplá-Barrandian Unit, Bohemian Massif). The thesis is based on extensive geochemical study covering major- and trace-element geochemistry, neodymium isotope geochemistry and mineral chemistry supported by petrographic and field observations. The most important conclusions of the thesis are as follows: 1. The Silurian volcanic rocks of the Prague Basin represent within-plate, transitional alkali to tholeiitic basalts, which erupted in continental rift setting through thick Cadomian crust. The basalts originated by low degrees of partial melting of garnet peridotite mantle source. Older Wenlock basalts are similar to alkaline ocean island basalts (OIB) derived from subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), enriched most probably by frozen pods of Ordovician magmas. Younger Ludlow basalts resemble tholeiitic enriched mid-oceanic ridge basalts (EMORB) derived from subduction-modified SCLM depleted by Late Cambrian melting. The Wenlock-Ludlow melting is characterized by contemporaneous mixing of melts derived from both enriched and depleted SCLM mantle domains. 2....

Dynamika toků uhlíku a fosforu v arbuskulární mykorrhizní symbióze / Dynamics of carbon and phosphorus flows in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis

Konvalinková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Dynamics of carbon and phosphorus flows in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis Mgr. Tereza Konvalinková (doctoral thesis) Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are widespread and highly specialized root symbionts, which gain all of their carbon (C) from the hosts, supplying plants with mineral nutrients (particularly with phosphorus, P) in return. This thesis focuses on the size and flexibility of C and P flows in arbuscular mycorrhiza in relation to environmental conditions, in particular to light and P availability. The indications that the symbiotic flows are regulated actively by both partners are discussed. The main findings are presented as a compilation of separate scientific works (two research articles, one review and one book section). A glasshouse experiment has shown that both mycorrhizal benefits and mycorrhizal colonization of medic (Medicago truncatula) by an AMF species (R. irregularis) decline along the gradient of decreasing light intensity. Interestingly, morphological adaptation of medic to the long-term light deprivation was boosted by mycorrhiza, probably because of C demand of AMF and due to the improved nutrition of the mycorrhizal plants. On the other hand, sudden 6-day shading caused rapid decline of shoot P content of mycorrhizal plants, accompanied with the accumulation of P...

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