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Princip arbitrárního pořádku se zaměřením na sporné nalézací řízení / The Principle of Arbitrary Order with the Accent on Contentious Trial ProceedingsKrtička, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The Principle of Arbitrary Order with the Accent on Contentious Trial Proceedings The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the principle of arbitrary order and its role in recent civil-procedure legislation both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The reason for my research is the incessant discussion of experts and the continuing need for amendment of the Civil Procedure Code to ensure a balance between examination of facts and reasonable time of hearing. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis, especially the fundamental principles of civil procedure and principles of procedural order. Chapter Two describes historical development of arbitrary order in our country from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Chapter Three is subdivided into three parts. Part One highlights the most important international-law and constitutional grounds for the current order of the proceedings. Part Two and Three looks at amendments which brought substantial changes to the principle of arbitrary order after 2000. Chapter Four is focused on today's legislation and problems resulting from its ambiguous interpretation. Chapter Five provides a view of foreign legislation and its approach to the selected topic. The chosen jurisdictions are Austria, Germany and...
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Právní jednání osob stižených duševní poruchou / Legal actions of persons suffering from mental disorderRoul, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the Czech legislation in legal actions of persons suffering from mental disorder. The thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter describes the historical background of the topic. In the second chapter I describe in detail basic terms such as legal action, legal capacity and mental disorder, since these are important and essential for the thesis. The fundamental part of the thesis discusses institutes that support the legal conduct of persons suffering from mental disorder. These are preliminary statement, assist in determining, the representation of a household member, incapacitation and limitations associated with the institute guardian. The final chapter describes the fundamental international legal documents that influenced the Czech legislation.
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Analýza podnikatelského prostředí Thajska v oblasti cestovního ruchu - příležitosti a hrozby pro české podnikatele / The analysis of the entrepreneurial environment of Thailand in the teritory of tourism – Opportunities and Threats for Czech enterpreneursTeterjová, Alice January 2010 (has links)
The most important target of this diploma thesis is to point out opportunities and threats for Czech enterpreneurs especially in the territory of tourism. The thesis contains definitions of: entrepreneurial environment, negotiation strategy and tactics. The thesis includes SWOT analysis of the entrepreneurial environment of Thailand and the environment in the area of tourism.
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Komparace obchodních jednání v ČR, Německu a Rakousku / Comparison of business negotiations in the Republic, Germany and AustriaBošiaková, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The main task of the thesis is to describe intercultural differences among the Czech republic, Germany and Austria. The goal is to characterize not only the differences in behaviour of each country, but also to understand and to apply it in business negotiations. There is also included the research of Geert Hofstede and his dimensions. After that is research compared to the praxis and real experiences from business area. First part speaks about communication. Second part is about culture, cultural dimensions and standards. Third part is dedicated to business negotiations, their phases and traditions in all three countries. Fourth part shows results of Hofstede's research in Czech republic, Germany and Austria. Fifth part belongs to the interview with HR Manager of german developing company in Czech republic.
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Důkazní břemeno o protiprávním jednání poskytovatele zdravotních služeb / The burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service providerSlezáková, Alžběta January 2019 (has links)
The burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider Abstract This thesis describes a burden of proof and the distribution of the burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider between the parties to the dispute. Particular emphasis is put on cases in which patient as party burdened by the burden of proof is unable to prove unlawful conduct of the health service provider or other elements of the obligation to pay damages because the health service provider violated his obligation to properly maintain medical records. This thesis is composed of eight chapters. Chapter One is introductory and describes the civil liability which can arise out of the provision of health services. It presents cases of strict liability and also liability for fault. Chapter Two deals with the unlawful conduct of the health care service provider. Besides the general introduction, attention is paid to medical malpractice and other typical cases of unlawful conduct related to the provision of health services. Chapter Three examines other elements of the obligation to pay damages in cases of medical malpractice. Chapter Four deals with the procedural obligations of the parties to the dispute, especially with the duty of assertion and evidence and the burden of assertion. Chapter Five is...
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Postavení Evropského parlamentu v rámci normotvorby EU / The Role of the European Parliament in the Rulemaking Process of the EUMazura, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The Role of the European Parliament in the Rulemaking Process of the EU Abstract The topic of the thesis concerns the law-making of the European Union. It intends to present the legal framework of the adoption of the adoption of legislative acts and analyse the influence caused by the practice of informal procedures on de facto the situation in this field. Within the organisation structure, the emphasis is placed on the functioning of the European Parliament and within the informal procedures on so-called trilogue negotiations. Firstly, we examine the nature of informal procedures and trilogue negotiations. Secondly, we analyse what the influence of those procedures on the factual state of affairs of the ordinary legislative procedure in the light of its de lege lata concept and thirdly we evaluate the outcome from the EU functioning principles' point of view. After the de lege lata overview and the specification of the trilogue negotiations and other modalities of the informal procedures, we analyse some typical impacts of the trilogue negotiations on the practice of the adoption of legislative acts. We conclude that the trilogue negotiations constituted the so-called early agreements practice as a standard concept of the ordinary legislative procedure and materially substituted the three readings'...
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Rozvázání základních pracovněprávních vztahů na základě jednostranného právního jednání / Termination of basic employment relationships by unilateral legal actsWister, David January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to provide coherent, comprehensible and transparent view on the issues of termination of basic employment relationships by unilateral legal act, it is based on relevant legal rules (including relevant case law on to this issue). Although this institute was the principal topic of this work, I considered it necessary to pay attention to other questions which are connected with termination of basic employment relationships. In my thesis I tried to focus on individual forms of termination of employment relationship, but I also included the issue of employment relationship itself, labor law in general, and I tried to show that this law, as well as entire legislation of the Czech Republic is in harmony with sources of various international organizations and legislation of the European Union.
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Fair play a pravidla ve sportu / Fair play and the rules of sportVejpravová, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
Title: Fair play and the rules of sport Objectives: The main aim of this work is to define the concept of fair play in terms of formalism, and its detailed explanation, explanation of related concepts while using examples from practice, and subsequent critique of formalism in comparison with other concepts of fair play. Methods: The methods of compilation, analysis and synthesis were used. We used the compilation method to summarize the theme based on available literature. The method of analysis was used to understand concepts closely related to fair play as formalism and the method of synthesis to understand the whole theme through the synthesis of the explained parts. Furthermore, we used the method of comparison, for comparing fair play as formalism with other concepts of fair play. Results: The theme of fair play and its relationship to rules was explained. We identified some limits of fair play as formalism, based on comparison with other concepts of fair play. Keywords: Fair play, rules, virtues, cases of fair play conduct, education
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Turecko a EU - některé očekávané dopady přístupu / Turkey and EU - some of the anticipated impacts of the accessionStrouhalová, Miroslava January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá identifikací hlavních dopadů, které bude pravděpodobně mít rozšíření Evropské unie o Turecko. Nejprve je krátce popsán vývoj vzájemných vztahů. Následuje rozbor rámce přístupových jednání a jejich aktuálního stavu. Práce obsahuje přehled postoje hlavních aktérů rozšíření na prespektivu tureckého začlenění do EU. Hlavní část práce se věnuje nejdůležitějším dopadům vstupu Turecka na Unii z pohledu ekonomického i politického.
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Podnikatelské prostředí, obchodní zvyklosti a kulturní specifika NizozemskaRambags, Iva January 2006 (has links)
Práce popisuje podnikatelské prostředí Nizozemska. Dál uvádí, jaké jsou podmínky pro podnikání. Věnuje se zvláštnostem nizozemské kultury a jejich vlivu na obchodní jednání s nizozemskými obchodními partnery. Snaží se formulovat základní doporučení pro úspěšné jednání českých ekonomických subjektů s nizozemskou stranou. Práce též analyzuje vzájemnou spolupráci České republiky a Nizozemska v obchodní a ekonomické oblasti.
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