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O postavení člověka ve světě (Úvahy v pozdním díle Jana Patočky) / On the Role of Man in the World (Contemplations in the Late Works of Jan Patočka)PIZINGER, David January 2007 (has links)
Annotation This work is interested in the late philosophy of Jan Patočka. The leading idea is to find basic motives in Patočka{\crq}s concept of The care of soul, and tries to make a connection to his life and social context. One of the most important expressions of the social reality is art. Jan Patočka{\crq}s continuing theme was the problem of human exsitence. How to live an authentic life. The post modern art is also interested in being authentic. The man according to Patočka is a personality determined by going out of his self and by finding this self from a different point of view. That is the question for performing arts: How to express the inside to be visible, how to make it a partner of a dialogue? Which means that Jan Patočka{\crq}s philosophy can be realized by some special kind of praxis. A praxis which is not practical as such. In the works of Jan Patočka, Being and social role play a substantial role. The problem of narration {--} a myth as a part of the process of young man{\crq}s identification and his acceptance from the society. The question of how to be a part of a society implicates another one: what are the foundations of society? What is the idea of European society? Questions concerning the heritage of Europe are {--} in anticipation {--} questions about the sense of Europe (or the European Union) today. In general, is there a possibility to live together, in any kind of human comunity? Through society he gets back to individuality with its questions. Patočka tries to ask concrete questions, expecting answers from Being itself. What is important: he doesn{\crq}t want to make a comprehensive system (following the example of Platón), he only urgently seeks the questions which can open the Being's truth. The sources: This work uses Jan Patočka`s texts from the 1970s. It compares them with texts from the field of art and tries to find their historical context.
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Přičitatelnost jednání státu podle mezinárodního práva veřejného / Attribution of Conduct to a State according to Public International LawBruner, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis firstly describes how the concept of attribution of private conduct to a state changed during the history. Original ancient conception of collective responsibility was absolute. One could attribute to a State or ancient community any unlawful act of its members. The damaged country or community could choose whether to demand and accept reparation or resort to use of force. This conception changed in the late middle ages and modern times. The responsibility of state was made more subjective. The international relations were perceived as inter-personal relations among the sovereigns. Unlawful conduct of private persons was not attributed to those sovereigns. This subjective conception of responsibility prevailed; it was based on concept of fault of the sovereign, either in form of action or omission or negligence. Later, the attribution of conduct of the sovereign to a State widened and included also the attribution of conduct of state organs. Since the 19th century the responsibility has been gaining more objective character in certain areas of international law. The concept of diplomatic protection allowed attribution of a failure to guarantee certain standard and of a failure to protect the interests of foreigners on the territory of particular state. Another concept of due diligence prescribed...
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Kolektivní dominance v soutěžním právu / Collective Dominance in Competition LawŽáčková, Soňa January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na kolektivní dominanci v soutěžním právu. Charakterizuje prameny právní úpravy a vývoj pojmu kolektivní dominance jako takového. Dále se zabývá srovnáním kolektivní dominance s jednáním ve vzájemné shodě. Jako nejdůležitější pramen kolektivní dominance identifikuje judikaturu (především na evropské úrovni), jejíž analýze je věnována značná pozornost. V závěru shrnuje důsledky vývoje judikatury na vývoj konceptu kolektivní dominance se zaměřením na praktickou stránku ? zda je či není nutné při prokazování kolektivní dominance prokázat existenci ekonomických vazeb mezi soutěžiteli.
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Zvláštnosti podnikatelského prostředí, obchodní a kulturní zvyklosti: Kostarika / Particularities of entrepreneurial environmnet, business and cultural practices: Costa RicaČekalová, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Práce analyzuje podnikatelské prostředí Kostariky a posuzuje jeho výhody a nevýhody z pohledu zahraničního podnikatele, který chce vstoupit na kostarický trh. Po seznámení čtenáře se základními údaji o Kostarice jsou podrobně rozebrány jednotlivé složky podnikatelského prostředí, tedy prostředí politické a právní, ekonomické, sociální a kulturní a technologické. Součástí práce je dotazník, který zkoumá kulturní a obchodní etiketu při vyjednávání s kostarickými obchodními partnery.
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Obchodní a kulturní zvláštnosti v obchodním jednání s indickými partnery / Business and cultural specialties in business dealing with Indian partnersBeránková, Magdalena January 2008 (has links)
The first chapter is dedicated to basic characteristics of India. In the second chapter you can find business specialties. These include issues which in my opinion highly characterize business environment, more or less friendly for doing business. The core part of this thesis is cultural and social manners, values, norms which I compare, as per Hoefstede's theory, with the Czech Republic, etiquette and forms of dealing. My analysis of the business and cultural specialties during dealing with Indian partner are closed by the chapter in which I present information gathered from experienced participants of business dealing with Indian partners. This confirms or specifies my theoretical knowledge. Before the ending there is a characteristic of strong and weak aspects of the Indian business environment, mainly from the point of view of those who see India as another economic growing giant.
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Problematika prodeje produktů AIESEC na českém a zahraničním trhu / The issues of sales of AIESEC products on Czech and international marketsKutáková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Focusing on the current reality in Czech Republic and Hong Kong, the paper deals with the process of business negotiation and other topics concerning products offered by international student organization AIESEC, offering a comparison of the given markets. AIESEC is presented in the introduction to the thesis, giving a general overview as well as a deeper insight into the Czech and Hong Kong reality in the area of services provided by AIESEC to their corporate partners. A characteristic of Hong Kong follows, describing the geographic, political, economic and cultural specifics of the territory. The focal point of the paper is the analysis of the selling process of AIESEC products, showing the specific characteristics of business negotiation in Hong Kong. The main aspects of the analysis are preparation for a business appointment, usage of presentation materials, participants and place of the appointment, the respective phases of the selling process as well as strategic and tactical issues. In the concluding part of the paper a comparison of the two given countries is drawn, in terms of the sales procedures while offering the specific AIESEC products. A quantitative overview is included, as well as an estimation of the market potential for selling international internships in the respective countries. Furthermore, customer relationship management and cultural specifics are discussed. A SWOT analysis follows, presenting the abovementioned learnings in a structured way.
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WTO a rozvojové země / WTO and developing countriesHrbková, Zuzana January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the participation of developing countries in multilateral trade system. It analyzes the developing countries' view of world trade system, how this system reflected their special needs and interests and how their positions changed in multilateral trade negotiations under GATT/WTO.
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Multilaterální jednání, vývoj a funkce předsednictví v rámci EU / Multilateral negotiation,evolution and function of presidency of EU.Macků, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
This work talks about multilateral negotiation in EU. Clearly describe each institution of EU, it history, function and structure. Then it brings some information about legislation process, how it works and who is involved. After that is described the function and meaning of presidency in EU. At the end it talks about presidency of Czech republic from January 2009 and give some advices to the government.
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Zvláštnosti podnikatelského prostředí Iráku a exportní příležitosti pro české firmy na tomto trhu / Specifics of entrepreneurial environment in Iraq and export possibilities of czech companies on that territorySvobodová, Ivana January 2008 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on export possibilities for Czech companies in Iraq. It gives information about Iraq entrepreneurial environment regarding cultural and business specifics of that territory. The main aim of mine was not only to show potential export fields but also particular forms of market entry and take into account all entrepreneurial risks. There are several successful Czech companies with lot of experience on Iraq market which can be shown as examples for others. I also wanted to highlight various government and non-government support of Czech export. This dissertation should serve as an export guide to Iraq and show all aspects of Iraq business characteristics on which exporters must be prepared for.
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Dánsko a jeho obchodní a kulturní specifika / Denmark and its cultural and business specificsLaňová, Milena January 2009 (has links)
The thesis provides an insight into Danish culture and society. First chapter is dealing with the general characteristics of Denmark and its economic situation. Furthermore, it includes brief history. Following chapter introduces Danish culture and the values of the society. The cultural standards are divided into cultural dimensions, introduced by Hofstede, and compared to the Czech cultural standards. Danish business culture as well as business negotiation style is subject to third chapter. The chapter also provides information about consumer behaviour in Denmark. The last chapter introduces the results of a survey made.
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