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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problemi nastave geografije u školama nacionalnih manjina u hrvatskom Podunavlju

Đekić Borislav 28 January 2013 (has links)
<p>U cilju integracije u &scaron;iru zajednicu, pripadnici nacionalnih manjina, koji se obrazuju na jeziku i pismu kojim se služe, imaju pravo i obvezu učiti i službeni jezik države u kojoj žive. Pravo na odgoj i obrazovanje pripadnici nacionalnih manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj ostvaruju u pred&scaron;kolskim ustanovama, osnovnim i srednjim &scaron;kolama te drugim &scaron;kolskim ustanovama na jeziku i pismu nacionalnih manjina, kao i drugim oblicima obrazovanja (seminari, letnje i zimske &scaron;kole i sl.). Obrazovanje učenika nacionalnih manjina provodi se temeljem tri modela organiziranja i provođenja nastave i to: 1.Model A, po kojem se celokupna nastava izvodi na jeziku i pismu nacionalne manjine uz obavezno učenje hrvatskog jezika u istom broju časova u kome se uči jezik manjine; 2.Model B, po kojem se nastava izvodi dvojezično na način da se prirodna grupa predmeta uči na hrvatskom jeziku, a dru&scaron;tvena grupa predmeta na jeziku nacionalne manjine; 3.Model C, po kojem se nastava izvodi na hrvatskom nastavnom jeziku uz dodatnih pet &scaron;kolskih časova namenjenih negovanju jezika i kulture nacionalne manjine.</p> / <p>In order to integrate into the wider community, national minorities, educated in the official language and script of their country of origin, also have the right and obligation to learn the official language of the country in which they live. The right to be educated in their own language, ethnic and national minorities in Croatia exercise in preschools, elementary and secondary schools, other educational institutions and other forms of education (seminars, summer and winter schools, etc..). Education of minority students is based on three models of organizing and conducting classes, namely: 1.Model A, in which the entire education is the language and script of national minority, but the students must also have lessons of Croatian language in the same amount of of hours as they have their minority language, 2. Model B, in which instruction is bilingual in a way that the natural group of subjects is being presented in Croatian, and social group of subjects is being presented in the minority language; 3.Model C, in which classes are held in the Croatian language, with additional five classes designated to fostering language and culture of national minorities.</p>

O identitetima algebri regularnih jezika / On Identities of Algebras of Regular Languages

Dolinka Igor 26 April 2000 (has links)
<p>Jezik nad E je proizvoljan skup reci nad E, tj. proizvoljan podskup slobodnog monoida E*. Jezici nad datom azbukom formiraju al&shy; gebre jezika, sa operacijama unije, konkatenacije (dopisivanja red), Kleene-jeve iteracije i sa 0, {A} kao konstantama. Regularni jezici nad E su elementi podalgebre algebre jezika nad E generisane konačnim jezicima. Ispostavlja se da algebre jezika generi&scaron;u isti varijetet (i stoga zadovoljavaju iste iden&shy;titete) kao i algebre binarnih relacija snabdevene operacijama unije, kompozi&shy;cije, refleksivno-tranzitivnog zatvorenja i praznom relacijom i dijagonalom kao konstantama. Reč je o varijetetu Kleenejevih algebri, i slobodne algebre tog varijeteta su ba&scaron; algebre regularnih jezika. Na početku disertacije, izloženi su neki aspekti algebarske teorije automata i formalnih jezika, teorije binarnih relacija i univerzalne algebre, relevantni za ispitivanje identiteta na algebrama jezika. Zatim je dat klasični rezultat (Redko, 1964.) da varijetet Kleenejevih algebri nema konačnu bazu identiteta. Ovde je prikazan dokaz Conwaya iz 1971., budući da on sadrži neke ideje koje su se pokazale korisne za dalji rad. Glave 3 i 4 sadrže originalne rezultate usmerene na profinjenje Redkovog rezultata. Pokazano je da uzroci beskonačnosti baze identiteta za Kleenejeve algebre leže u interakciji operacija konkatenacije i iteracije jezika (odnosno, kompozicije i refleksivno-tranzitivnog zatvorenja relacija). Drugim recima, klasa redukata algebri jezika bez operacije unije nema konačnu bazu identiteta. To daje odgovor na problem D. A. Bredikhina iz 1993. godine. S druge strane, pro&scaron;irenjem tipa Kleenejevih algebri involutivnom operacijom inverza jezika, odnosno relacija, takođe se dolazi do beskonačno baziranih varijeteta, čime se re&scaron;ava problem B. Jonssona iz 1988. godine. Analogno, komutativni jezici nad E su proizvoljni podskupovi slobodnog komutativnog monoida E&reg;. U Glavi 5 je dokazano da se jednakosna teorija algebri komutativnih jezika poklapa sa jednakosnom teorijom algebre (regu&shy;larnih) jezika nad jednoelementnim alfabetom, &scaron;to daje odgovor na problem koji je jo&scaron; 1969. formulisao A. Salomaa u svojoj monografiji&nbsp; Theory of Au&shy;tomata.Na taj način, iz poznatih rezultata o jednakosnoj aksiomatizaciji komutativnih jezika se dobija jedna baza za algebre jezika nad jednoelement&shy;nim alfabetom, kao i veoma kratak dokaz poznate činjenice (takođe Redko, 1964.) da algebre komutativnih jezika nemaju konačnu bazu identiteta. Na kraju disertacije, identiteti Kleenejevih algebri se posmatraju u kon&shy;tekstu dinamičkih algebri. Reč je o algebarskoj verziji dinamičkih logika, koje su konstruisane sedamdesetih godina kao matematički model rada računara, kada se na njima izvr&scaron;ava program pisan u nekom imperativnom program&shy; skom jeziku. Na primer, problemi verifikacije i ekvivalentnosti programa se lako izražavaju preko identiteta dinamičkih algebri, tako da razne njihove jednakosne osobine odgovaraju pojmovima iz teorijskog računarstva. Takođe, interesatno je da je jednakosna teorija Kleenejevih algebri &rsquo;&rsquo; kodirana&rdquo; u konačno baziranoj jednakosnoj teoriji dinamičih algebri. Polazeći od poznatih rezul&shy;tata za dvosortne dinamičke algebre (pri čemu je jedna komponenta algebra istog tipa kao i Kleenejeve algebre, dok je druga Booleova algebra), neki od tih rezultata su transformisani i pro&scaron;ireni za Jonssonove dinamičke algebre (jednosortne modele dinamičkih logika). Na primer, ako se Kleenejeva algebra K može predstaviti kao konačan direktan proizvod slobodnih algebri varijeteta Kleenejevih algebri generisanih Kleenejevim relacionim algebrama, tada vari&shy;jetet K-dinamičkih algebri ima odlučivu jednakosnu teoriju. Odavde se izvodi da svaki varijetet Kleenejevih algebri generisan Kleenejevim relacionim algeb&shy;rama takođe ima odlučivu jednakosnu teoriju.</p> / <p>A language over &pound; is an arbitrary set of words, i.e. any subset of the free monoid &pound;*. All languages over a given alphabet form the algebra of languages, which is equipped with the operations of union, concate&shy;nation, Kleene iteration and 0, {A } as constants. Regular languages over &pound; are the elements of the subalgebra of the algebra of languages over &pound; generated by finite languages. It turns out that algebras of languages generate exactly the same variety as algebras of binary relations, endowed with union, rela&shy;tion composition, formation of the refelxive-transitive closure and the empty relation and the diagonal as constants. The variety in question is the vari&shy;ety of Kleene algebras, and the algebras of regular languages are just its free algebras. The present dissertation starts with several aspects of algebraic theory of automata and formal languages, theory of binary relations and universal alge&shy;bra, which are related to problems concerning identities of language algebras. This material is followed by the classical result (Redko, 1964) claiming that the variety of Kleene algebras have no finite equational base. We present the proof of Conway from 1971, since it contains some ideas which can be used for generalizations in different directions. Chapters 3 and 4 contain original results which refine the one of Redko. It is shown that the cause of nonfinite axiomatizability of Kleene algebras lies in the superposition of the concatenation and the iteration of languages, that is, composition of relations and reflexive-transitive closure. In other words, the class of -(--free reducts of algebras of languages has no finite equational base, which answers in the negative a problem of D. A. Bredikhin from 1993. On the other hand, by extending the type of Kleene algebras by the involutive operation of inverse of&nbsp; languages (converse of relations), we also obtain a nonfinitely based variety, which solves a problem of B. Jonsson from 1988. Analogously, commutative languages over E are defined as subsets of the free commutative monoid &pound;&reg;. It is proved in Chapter 5 that equational the&shy; ories of algebras of commutative languages and, respectively, of the algebra of (regular) languages over the one-element alphabet, coincide. This result settles a thirty year old problem of A. Salomaa, formulated back in his wellknown monograph&nbsp; Theory of Automata.Thus, we obtain an equational base for the algebra of one-letter languages, and, on the other hand, a very short proof of another Redko&rsquo;s result from 1964, according to which there is no finite equational base for algebras of commutative languages. Finally, identities of Kleene algebras are considered in the context of dy&shy;namic algebras, which are just algebraic counterparts of dynamic logics. They were discovered in the seventies as a result of the quest for an appropriate logic for reasoning about computer programs written in an imperative pro&shy; gramming language. For example, problems concerning program verification and equivalence can be easily translated into identities of dynamic algebras, so that many of their equational properties correspond to notions from computer science. It is also interesting that the whole equational theory of Kleene alge&shy; bras is &rsquo;&rsquo;encoded&rdquo; in the finitely based equational theory of dynamic algebras.<br />Starting with known results on two-sorted dynamic algebras (where one com&shy; ponent is an algebra of the same signature as Kleene algebras, while the other is a Boolean algebra), some of those results are transformed and extended for Jonsson dynamic algebras (that is, one-sorted models of dynamic logics). For example, if a Kleene algebra K can be represented as a finite direct product of free algebras of varieties of Kleene algebras generated by Kleene relation algebras, then the variety of K-dynamic algebras has a decidable equational theory. The latter yields that all varieties of Kleene algebras generated by Kleene relation algebras have decidable equational theories, too.</p>

Algoritmi i jezik za podršku automatskom raspoređivanju elemenata dijagrama / Algorithms and a language for the support of automatically laying out diagram elements

Vaderna Renata 25 October 2018 (has links)
<p>U sklopu doktorske disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje vezano za automatsko<br />raspoređivanje elemenata dijagrama. Kroz analizu postojećih rešenja uočen je<br />prostor za poboljšanja, posebno po pitanju raznovrsnosti dostupnih algoritama<br />i pomoći korisniku pri izboru najpogodnijeg od njih. U okviru istraživanja<br />proučavan, implementiran i u pojedinim slučajevima unapređen je širok<br />spektar algoritama za crtanje i analizu grafova. Definisan je postupak<br />automatskog izbora odgovarajućeg algoritma za raspoređivanje elemenata<br />grafova na osnovu njihovih osobina. Dodatno, osmišljen je jezik specifičan za<br />domen koji korisnicima grafičkih editora pruža pomoć u izboru algoritma za<br />raspoređivanje, a programerima brže pisanje koda za poziv željenog algoritma.</p> / <p>This thesis presents a research aimed towards the problem of automatically<br />laying out elements of a diagram. The analysis of existing solutions showed that there<br />is some room for improvement, especially regarding variety of available algorithms.<br />Also, none of the solutions offer possibility of automatically choosing an appropriate<br />graph layout algorithm. Within the research, a large number of different algorithms for<br />graph drawing and analysis were studied, implemented, and, in some cases,<br />enhanced. A method for automatically choosing the best available layout algorithm<br />based on properties of a graph was defined. Additionally, a domain-specific language<br />for specifying a graph&rsquo;s layout was designed.</p>

Adaptable Java Agents (AJA) — a Tool for Programming o f Multi-Agent Systems / Adaptabilni java agenti – alat za programiranje multi-agentskih sistema

Bađonski Mihal 07 April 2004 (has links)
<p>The main goal of this thesis is the creation o f the tool agent-oriented programming tool AJA. AJA is the acronym for Adaptable Java Agents. AJA consists o f two programming languages:<br />- A higher-level language used for the description of the main agent parts. This language is called HADL, which is the acronym for Higher Agent Definition Language.<br />- A lower-level language used for the programming o f the agent parts defined in HADL. This language is called Java+. It is actually Java enriched with the constructs for accessing higher-level agent parts defined in HADL.<br />A translator from AJA to Java is implemented in the practical part o f the thesis. AJA agents have the following features: - Agent communicates with other agents using a construct called negotiation. The messages sent can be encrypted or digitally signed in order to ensure the security of the system. - Agent possesses adaptable&nbsp; parameters and neural nets that adapt themselves when the environment changes.<br />- Agent has reflexes, which are the reactive component o f the agent architecture.<br />- Agent can perform its actions parallel. Actions execution is synchronized.<br />- Agent is accessible via Internet, because it acts as a simple HTTP server. People can use this way to communicate with an agent.<br />- Agent has Java Swing based graphical user interface. Its owner uses this interface to communicate with the agent.<br />- Because o f the fact that Java-i- language extends Java, it is possible to use all useful Java features in the implementation o f AJA agents (e.g. JDBC for the database access). The thesis also presents an original approach of integrating artificial intelligence techniques, such as neural nets, with a programming language. Having the artificial intelligence components as a part of the programming language runtime environment makes their use straightforward. A programmer uses the language constructs that are implemented using the artificial intelligence<br />without the need for understanding their background and theory.<br />The thesis contains eight chapters and three appendixes. In the first chapter, an overview of agents and multi-agent systems is given. The second chapter surveys existing agent-oriented programming languages and tools. The third chapter introduces AJA and describes the architecture of AJA agents. The syntax and semantics o f AJA languages HADL and Java+ is described in the fourth chapter. The fifth chapter presents adaptable AJA constructs in more details. To demonstrate and test the created tool, a case-study multi-agent system has been implemented in AJA. There are four personal digital assistant agents in the system. The sixth chapter describes the example agents and positively evaluates the tool. In the seventh chapter the related work and tools are analyzed and compared to AJA. The last chapter concludes the thesis. The first appendix describes the implementation details of the AJA to Java translator. The second appendix is a guide for the installation and usage of the implemented AJA to Java translator. Finally, the third<br />appendix describes step by step how to translate, compile, run, and use the example agents. The thesis contains many references, which include almost all the most important and the most actual papers in the field. The reference list can be found at the end o f the thesis.</p> / <p>Glavni doprinos doktorske teze je napravljeni alat za programiranje agenata AJA . AJA - Adaptabilni Java Agenti je jezički alat za programsku implementaciju agenata Sastoji se od dva programska jezika:<br />- Jezik vi&scaron;eg nivoa kojim se opisuju glavne kom ponente agenta. Ovaj jezik se naziva HADL - Higher Agent Definition Language.<br />- Jezik nižeg nivoa koji služi za implementaciju pojedinih komponenti agenta specificiranih HADL jezikom . Ovaj jezik se najava Java+, jer je on zapravo programski jezik Java obogaćen konstrukcijama pomoću kojih je moguće pristupati komponentama agenta, definisanim u jezik u HADL.<br />AJA agent poseduje sledeće osobine:<br />- Sigurna kom unikacija sa drugim A JA agentim a koristeći mehanizam pregovaranja, &scaron;ifrovanje i digitalno potpisivanje poruka.<br />- Mogućnost adaptiranja na promene u okruženju u kom se nalazi, koristeći neuralne mreže i adaptabilne parametre.<br />- Reaktivnost zasnovana n a kom ponenti zvanoj refleks.<br />- Paralelno izvr&scaron;avanje akcija agenta u z njihovu internu sinhronizaciju.<br />- D ostupnost agenta preko Interneta. Agent se pona&scaron;a kao jednostavan HTTP server. Na ovaj način se drugim osobama omogućuje da komuniciraju sa agentom .<br />- G rafički korisnički interfejs zasnovan n a Java Swing tehnologiji<br />- Po&scaron;to se u program iranju agenta koristi Java+, moguće je uposliti sve pogodnosti Jave, kao &scaron;to su na primer pristup bazama podataka koristeći JDBC , rad sa multimedijalnim sadržajem , itd.<br />U tezi je predstavljen i originalni pristup integrisanja tehnika ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije sa program skim jezikom . U građujući kom ponente ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije u izvr&scaron;nu okolinu je z ik a čini n jihovo kori&scaron;ćenje veom a jednostavnim . Programer ne mora da bude ekspert iz ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije a da pri tome koristi konstrukcije jezika koje su implementirane pomoću ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije. AJA specifikacija agenta se sastoji od HADL i Java+ delova. U tezi je implementiran prevodioc kojim se A JA specifikacija prevodi u skup klasa programskog jezika Java. Implementiran je i jedan multi-agentski sistem kojim se praktično pokazuje kori&scaron;ćenje i mogućnosti napravljenog alata D oktorska teza sadrži i detaljan pregled oblasti o agentskpj m etodologiji. O n a kruni&scaron;e vi&scaron;egodi&scaron;nji rad kandidata i njegovog mentora u ovoj sve značajnijoj oblasti računarstva.<br />Teza sadrži o sam glava i tri dodatka. U prvoj glavi se opisuje oblast agenata i m ulti-agentskih sistem a. Pregled postojećih agentskih program skih jezik a i alata se daje u drugoj glavi. O pis A JA agenata i njihove arhitekture je dat u trećoj glavi teze. Četvrta glava se bavi sintaksom i sem antikom oba A JA jezika: H A D L -a i Jave+. Adaptabilni elem enti A JA agenata se opisuju u petoj glavi. U &scaron;estoj glavi je opisan m ulti-agentski sistem koji j e ujed n o i prim er prim ene A JA alata. A JA se sa drugim postojećim agentskim alatim a upoređuje u sedm oj glavi. Osma glava sadrži zaključak. N a kraju se u tri dodatka detaljno opisuju im plem entacija prevodioca A JA -e u Javu, instalacija prevodioca i kori&scaron;ćenje napravljenog m ulti-agentskog sistema respektivno. U doktorskom radu su kori&scaron;ćene i navedene brojne reference kojim a su obuhvaćeni gotovo svi najznačajniji i najaktuelniji radovi iz oblasti multi-agentskih sistema. Lista referenci je navedena na kraju teze.</p>

Pristup modelovanju specifikacija informacionog sistema putem namenskih jezika / An Approach to Modeling Information System Specifications based on Domain Specific Languages

Čeliković Milan 12 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Namenski jezik za vizuelizaciju evaluiranu statističkom analizom malih skupova podataka / Domain specific language for visualization evaluated by the statistical analysis of small data sets

Petrović Veljko 01 October 2018 (has links)
<p>Za potrebe evaluacije kvaliteta vizuelizacije u svrhu prakse inkluzivnog dizajna razvijen je namenski jezik koji hendikepe vida opisuje kroz formalizam baziran na vizuelnim promenljivama. Namenski jezik se može koristiti kao dokumentacija, ili kao specifikacija hendikepa za posebno napisan simulator vizuelnih hendikepa koji se može koristiti za potrebe testiranja. Kao pandan ovoj tehnologiji razvijen je novi mehanizam za evaluaciju vizuelizacija koji kroz inovacije u metodologiji i statistici omogućava da se merodavni zaključci izvedu iz relativno malih uzoraka podataka.</p> / <p>For purposes of visualization quality evaluation as part of the practice of<br />inclusive design, a domain specific language was developed such that it<br />describes visual handicaps through a formalism based on visual variables.<br />This domain specific language can be used as documentation or as a handicap<br />specification for a specially constructed visual handicap simulator usable for<br />testing. Alongside this technology, a novel mechanism for visualization<br />evalution was developed. This mechanism allows, through innovations in<br />metholodoly and statistics, the production of trustworthy results from relatively<br />small data sets.</p>

Modelom vođena semantička integracija poslovnih aplikacija / Model based semantic enterprise application integration

Vuković Željko 21 December 2019 (has links)
<p>U sklopu doktorske disertacije izvršeno je istraživanje vezano za<br />automatizaciju integracije poslovnih aplikacija. Prikazani pristup<br />kombinuje model strukture interfejsa aplikacija koje se integrišu sa<br />formalnim opisom njihove semantike, datim u vidu ontologije. Na<br />osnovu ovih izvora, obavlja se automatsko mapiranje među elementima<br />interfejsa koji se integrišu, kao i detekcija i razrešavanje<br />semantičkih konflikata. Razvijena je praktična implementacija<br />predloženog pristupa, koja je korišćena za verifikaciju teorijskih<br />razmatranja, a uključuje adaptivan radni okvir i jezik specifičan za<br />domen. Predloženi pristup je verifikovan na dva realna<br />integraciona scenarija i jednim eksperimentom.</p> / <p>This thesis presents a research in the field of automation of enterprise<br />application integration. The approach combines structural models of<br />interfaces of the applications being integrated with a formal specification of<br />their semantics, given in form of an ontology. Using information from these<br />sources, automated interface mapping is performed, along with detection and<br />resolution of semantic conflicts. A practical implementation of the presented<br />approach was developed and used to verify theoretical considerations. The<br />implementation includes an adaptive framework and a domain specific<br />language. The proposed approach has been verified on two real-world<br />integration scenarios and one experiment.</p>

Model-Driven Technical Space Integration Based on a Mapping Approach / Приступ интеграцији техничких простора заснован на пресликавањима иинжењерству вођеном моделима / Pristup integraciji tehničkih prostora zasnovan na preslikavanjima iinženjerstvu vođenom modelima

Dimitrieski Vladimir 30 March 2018 (has links)
<p>In order to automate development of integration adapters in industrial<br />settings, a model-driven approach to adapter specification is devised. In this<br />approach, a domain-specific modeling language is created to allow<br />specification of mappings between integrated technical spaces. Also<br />proposed is the mapping automation engine that comprises reuse and<br />alignment algorithms. Based on mapping specifications, executable adapters<br />are automatically generated and executed. Results of approach evaluations<br />indicate that it is possible to use a model-driven approach to successfully<br />integrate technical spaces and increase the automation by reusing domainspecific<br />mappings from previously created adapters.</p> / <p>За потребе повећања степена аутоматизације развоја адаптера за<br />интеграцију у индустријском окружењу, осмишљен је моделом вођен<br />приступ развоју адаптера. У оквиру овог приступа развијен је наменски<br />језик за спецификацију пресликавања између техничких простора који су<br />предмет интеграције. Приступ обухвата и алгоритме за поравнање и<br />поновно искориштење претходно креираних пресликавања са циљем<br />аутоматизације процеса спецификације. На основу креираних<br />пресликавања, могуће je аутоматски генерисати извршиви код адаптера.<br />У испитивањима приступа, показано је да је могуће успешно применити<br />моделом вођен приступ у интеграцији техничких простора као и да је<br />могуће успешно повећати степен аутоматизације поновним<br />искоришћењем претходно креираних пресликавања.</p> / <p>Za potrebe povećanja stepena automatizacije razvoja adaptera za<br />integraciju u industrijskom okruženju, osmišljen je modelom vođen<br />pristup razvoju adaptera. U okviru ovog pristupa razvijen je namenski<br />jezik za specifikaciju preslikavanja između tehničkih prostora koji su<br />predmet integracije. Pristup obuhvata i algoritme za poravnanje i<br />ponovno iskorištenje prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja sa ciljem<br />automatizacije procesa specifikacije. Na osnovu kreiranih<br />preslikavanja, moguće je automatski generisati izvršivi kod adaptera.<br />U ispitivanjima pristupa, pokazano je da je moguće uspešno primeniti<br />modelom vođen pristup u integraciji tehničkih prostora kao i da je<br />moguće uspešno povećati stepen automatizacije ponovnim<br />iskorišćenjem prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja.</p>

Modelom upravljani razvoj arhitekture Senzor Veb mreža / Model Driven Development of Sensor Web Networks Architecture

Vujović Vladimir 28 April 2016 (has links)
<p>Primjena Internet protokola u uređajima sa ograničenim resursima, dovodi do radikalne promjene Interneta i pojave potpuno novog koncepta pod nazivom Internet stv&acirc;ri &ndash; Internet of Things (IoT), čiji je jedan od osnovnih gradivnih elemenata Senzor Web (SW) čvor. SW čvor predstavlja elementarni &ldquo;resurs&rdquo; u SW mreži koja se po svojoj prirodi može posmatrati kao nestrukturirana kolekcija gradivnih elemenata koji se mogu dinamički orkestrirati u virtuelne klastere, odnosno u arhi-tekturu. Cilj disertacije predstavlja unapređenje procesa razvoja arhitekture sistema baziranih na SW mrežama uz oslonac na dinamičko generisanje servisnog sloja u svrhu povećanja produktivnosti, održivosti i smanjenja troškova razvoja. Pod unapređenjem procesa razvoja arhitekture smatra se analiza, integracija i prilagođavanje postojećih sistema i pristupa projektovanja arhitekture senzorskih mreža, kao i sistema baziranih na IoT konceptima. U tu svrhu definisana je arhitektura SW mreža, kreiran domenski specifičan jezik, interaktivni grafički editor i alat za automatsku transforma-ciju modela u implementacione klase. U sklopu teze izvršena je i eksperimentalna verifikacija predloženog modela i razvojnog okruženja, čime je dokazana njhova praktična primjena.</p> / <p>The use of Internet protocols in limited resources devices contributes to radical changes in the Internet and the emergence of an entirely new concept called the Internet of Things (IoT), consisted of the Sensor Web (SW) nodes as one of the basic building blocks. SW node is the elementary &quot;resource&quot; in the SW Network, which by their nature can be seen as an unstructured collection of blocks that can be dynamically orchestrated into the virtual cluster, or in the architecture. The aim of this thesis is to improve the process of developing a system archite-cture based on SW networks, relying on the dynamic generation of the service layer in order to increase productivity, sustainability and cost of development. The improvement of the architecture development process includes analysis, integration and adaptation of existing systems and sensor network architecture design approaches, as well as systems based on the IoT concepts. For this purpose, the archite-cture of the SW Network is defined, a domain-specific language has been created as well as interactive graphics editor and a tool for automatic transformation of models into the implementation class. As part of the dissertation, the experimental verification of the proposed model and the development environment were carried out demonstra-ting their practical application.</p>

Metadata-Supported Object-Oriented Extension of Dynamic Geometry SoftwareTI / Objektno-orijentisano proširenje softvera zadinamičku geometriju podržano metapodacima

Radaković Davorka 10 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Nowadays, Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) is widely accepted as a tool for creating and presenting visually rich interactive teaching and learning materials, called dynamic drawings. Dynamic drawings are specified by writing expressions in functional domain-specific languages. Due to wide acceptance of DGS, there has arisen a need for their extensibility, by adding new semantics and visual objects (visuals). We have developed a programming framework for the Dynamic Geometry Software, SLGeometry, with a genericized functional language and corresponding expression evaluator that act as a framework into which specific semantics is embedded in the form of code annotated with metadata. The framework transforms an ordinary expression tree evaluator into an object-oriented one, and provide guidelines and examples for creation of interactive objects with dynamic properties, which participate in evaluation optimization at run-time. Whereas other DGS are based on purely functional expression evaluators, our solution has advantages of being more general, easy to implement, and providing a natural way of specifying object properties in the user interface, minimizing typing and syntax errors.LGeometry is implemented in C# on the .NET Framework. Although attributes are a preferred mechanism to provide association of declarative information with C# code, they have certain restrictions which limit their application to representing complex structured metadata. By developing a metadata infrastructure which is independent of attributes, we were able to overcome these limitations. Our solution, presented in this&nbsp; dissertation, provides extensibility to simple and complex data types, unary and binary operations, type conversions, functions and visuals, thus enabling developers to seamlessly add new features to SLGeometry by implementing them as C# classes annotated with metadata. It also provides insight into the way a domain specific functional language of dynamic geometry software can be genericized and customized for specific needs by extending or restricting the set of types, operations, type conversions, functions and visuals.Furthermore, we have conducted&nbsp; experiments with several groups of students of mathematics and high school pupils, in order to test how our approach compares to the existing practice. The experimental subjects tested mathematical games using interactive visual controls (UI controls) and sequential behavior controllers. Finally, we present a new evaluation algorithm, which was compared to the usual approach employed in DGS and found to perform well, introducing advantages while maintaining the same level of performance.</p> / <p>U dana&scaron;nje vreme softver za dinamičku geometriju (DGS) je &scaron;iroko prihvaćen kao alat za kreiranje i prezentovanje vizuelno bogatih interaktivnih nastavnih materijala i materijala za samostalno učenje, nazvanih dinamičkim crtežima. Kako je raslo prihvatanje softvera za dinamičku geometriju, tako je i rasla potreba da se oni pro&scaron;iruju, dodajući im novu semantiku i vizualne objekte. Razvili smo programsko okruženje za softver za dinamičku geometriju, SLGeometry, sa generičkim&nbsp; funkcionalnim jezikom i odgovarajućim evaluatorom izraza koji čini okruženje u kom su ugrađene specifične semantike u obliku koda označenog metapodacima. Ovo okruženje pretvara uobičajen evaluator stabla izraza u objektno orijentiran, te daje uputstva i primere za stvaranje interaktivnih objekata sa dinamičkim osobinama, koji sudeluju u optimizaciji izvr&scaron;enja tokom izvođenja. Dok se drugi DGS-ovi temelje na čisto funkcionalnim evaluatorima izraza, na&scaron;e rje&scaron;enje ima prednosti jer je uop&scaron;tenije, lako za implementaciju i pruža prirodan način navođenja osobina objekta u korisničkom interfejsu, minimizirajući kucanje i sintaksne gre&scaron;ke. SLGeometry je implementirana u jeziku C# .NET Framework-a. Iako su atributi preferiran mehanizam, koji povezuje C# k&ocirc;d sa deklarativnim informacijama, oni imaju određena ograničenja koja limitiraju njihovu primenu za predstavljanje složenih strukturiranih metapodataka. Razvijanjem infrastrukture metapodataka koja je nezavisna od atributa, uspeli smo prevladati ta ograničenja. Na&scaron;e re&scaron;enje, predstavljeno u ovoj disertaciji, pruža pro&scaron;irivost: jednostavnim i složenim vrstama podataka, unarnim i binarnim operacijama, konverzijama tipova, funkcijama i vizuelnim objektima, omogućavajući&nbsp; time programerima da neprimetno dodaju nove osobine u SLGeometry&nbsp; implementirajući ih kao C# klase označene metapodacima.</p>

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