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Rozvoj obce službami cestovního ruchuKouklíková, Markéta Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce nejprve v obecné rovině představuje cestovní ruch, a to od jeho historie, přes přepoklady rozvoje cestovního ruchu, po jeho rozčlenění dle různých parametrů. Práce se také dotýká problematiky monitorování statistických ukazatelů cestovního ruchu a rozvoje regionů. Druhá část práce se pak konkrétně věnuje městu Jindřichův Hradec. Analyzuje současnou situaci města, jeho předpoklady a atraktivity pro cestovní ruch. V závěru práce jsou představeny vlastní návrhy na budoucí rozvoj Jindřichova Hradce, které vycházejí z uvedené SWOT analýzy.
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Analýza strategické pozice nemocniceGrollová, Kateřina Bc. January 2008 (has links)
Strategická analýza Nemocnice Jindřichův Hradec, a.s, pomocí PEST analýzy, Metody 4C, Porterova pěti - faktorového modelu konkurenčního prostředí a SWOT analýzy. Výběr vhodné strategie a posouzení přijatelnosti zvolené strategie.
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Analýza vzniku organizace destinačního managementu na území Jindřichohradecka / Analysis of the Formation of Destination Management Organization in the Territory JindřichohradeckoPlačková, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the current situation and potential for development of tourism in Jindřichohradecko region. Key factors influencing the development of tourism are identified through SWOT analysis and PEST analysis. Strategies are suggested on their basis. There is an analysis of the suitability of the legal forms for the establishment of an organization. The goals of the organization are set and further elaborated the objectives of short-, medium-, and long-term objectives of fulfilling the principle of sustainable development. They are defined as activities leading to the fulfilment of these objectives. On that basis there are defined three variants of establishment and function of the organization out of which one describes the ideal situation, where the organization operates on the principles of destination management, a second variant, we can often encounter in practice, and the third option provides the least favourable situation. The solution is to identify the most likely options and recommend what to avoid in case of passive approach of organization's potential partners.
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Nástěnná malba v Čechách ve 14.století. Český Rudolec a Jindřichův Hradec / Mural Painting in Bohemia in the 14th Century. Český Rudolec and Jindřichův HradecVyšohlídová, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis, titled "Mural painting in Bohemia in the 14th century" is focused on two particular locations, The Chapel of the Church of Saint John the Baptist in Český Rudolec and on the ancient minorit church of Saint John the Baptist in Jindřichův Hradec. The first part of this thesis deals with the contemporary, historical, political, religional and art situation and consequently discusses the question of the wall paintings of these two locations mentioned above in the broader context. The next two chapters are focused on the locations on their own and discuss their history and the history of the dynasties as the owners of these landed estates. In brief the thesis also presents the historical sacral monuments - the Church in Jindřichův Hradec and the Chapel in Český Rudolec, where the described wall paintings are situated. The main attention is devoted to the murals and to the iconographic motifs. The main goal of this thesis is to describe and assess the wall paintings in Český Rudolec and in Jindřichův Hradec and to interpret the wall paintings in Český Rudolec in terms of their style and iconographic context in which they have not been presented before.
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Pan Oldřich III. z Hradce. Portrét českého šlechtice z doby vlády Jana Lucemburského / Lord Ulrich III of Neuhaus. The profile of a Czech Aristocrat from the Time of John of Luxembourg'sMiczanová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the life story of the medieval nobleman Ulrich III. of Neuhaus. The goal of the dissertation is to portray his life and work and put them in a larger context of the period in which he lived, that is the first half of the fourteenth century. Despite the fact that Ulrich III. did not hold any important office but devoted his life to administering his large dominion instead, he is one of the most important persons of the Neuhaus family. He contributed significantly to the structural changes of Jindřichův Hradec, for example by issuing an order to complete the Saint John the Baptist Church and inviting the Order of Friars Minor Conventual to live there. A confirmed Catholic, he lead the first Crusade against the Waldensians, who settled on his dominion. He also had a chamber in the Jindřichův Hradec castle decorated with a wall painting based on the legend of Saint George, the patron saint of the Teutonic Order, an order that had settled in Jindřichův Hradec alongside the Knights Templar. Due to the fact that he belonged to the Neuhaus family, he acquired the Castle of Telč in Moravia. The Castle subsequently became a significant property of the Neuhaus family until the Neuhaus family became extinct in 1604. With regard to the politics, Ulrich III supported King John of...
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Potřebnost hospicové péče na území obce s rozšířenou působností Jindřichův Hradec / The need for hospice care in Jindřichův Hradec, the municipality with extended competenceKUČEROVÁ, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
An essential part of high-level medicine of every state is hospice-based and palliative care. Throughout the world and throughout western Europe there is a fully established network of mobile and residential hospices. Meanwhile, the Czech Republic is in the early stages, making efforts to improve the situation and to firmly embed hospice care into its social and health service provision. The year 2016 is one of great expectations. Firstly there is an ongoing pilot programme of grants supporting mobile palliative care, which will compare the "cost of dying" at home with the cost spent by institutions. Secondly, a decision by the Ministry of Work and Social Services is expected with respect to proposed changed in law no. 108/2006 of the Collection of Laws on social services. If passed, this would mean a hospice would turn into an official social and health institution, thereby markedly improving the problem of financing the care provided within one, as it is a combination of social and health services. The aim of this thesis is to provide a more integrated briefing of current information related to the given issues. Therefore the theoretical part covers not only hospice and palliative care itself, but space is given to other issues such as cancer, population ageing with its impal on the economy and to new forms of care for senior citizens, dying and death. Furthermore the thesis deals with the question of financing hospice care, with particular emphasis on community planning. Lastly the theoretical part of the thesis covers the characteristics of Jindřichův Hradec, the municipality with extended competence and a description of the need for hospice care from the perspectives of both the Town Jindřichův Hradec and the Southern Bohemian region. The Hospital Jindřichův Hradec, plc and the Town itself are aware of the need for palliative care in the given region. Both organizations have therefore already undertaken important steps, based on which the Southern Bohemian region has included support for hospice and palliative care into planning and health development for the coming years. The aim of the thesis is to map out the situation concerning the provision of hospice care in the area of Jindřichův Hradec, the municipality with extended competence and to establish the requirements for this care by considering the interest of the citizens from the given area. The experimental part of the thesis uses two approaches to establish the need for hospice care. Firstly, this was content analysis of data materials provided by social and health service providers, and secondlya qualitative investigation using interviews with eight respondents of a panel on community planning of social services in the area of Jindřichův Hradec, the municipality with extended competence. Included are also statistical data from the Hospital Jindřichův Hradec plc, with emphasis on oncology patients, because these form the major group receiving palliative care. The result of the research is not surprising. The population is ageing demographically, cancer-related illnesses are the nightmare of our time and the social and health care in Czech Republic must adapt to this fact. The research confirmed that hospice care in Jindřichův Hradec, the municipality with extended competence is needed, that the families of patients are requesting it and that services currently offered are deficient. It became evident that the overwhelming support is for the development of a residential hospice or for establishment of palliative beds in the hospital. In Southern Bohemia there is only one residential hospice in Prachatice, which is little used due to the long distance and thus the families have no opportunity for respite care, which the carers are also interested in. The research confirmed, that the creation of a residential form of hospice type in the area of Jindřichův Hradec, the municipality with extended competence is supported by general practitioners, specialist doctors
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Výuka rozšířené hudební výchovy na základní škole / Extended musical teaching in primary schoolŠTRUPLOVÁ BARTOŠKOVÁ, Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis called "Extended musical teaching in primary school" addresses the initial idea of the author, professor Ladislav Daniel, since itś creation till its development in the last 45 elapsed years of its continuation in the Czech Republic. Based on this method this experimental research has taken place. This research will focus specifically on The 2nd primary school in Jindřichův Hradec where extended musical teaching has been in progress. The purpose of this activity is to find out how this school has dealt with extended teaching (the reason for its foundation, difficult situations during teaching, where is the musical education leading) and if this way of educating is comparable to professor Danielś method.
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Vytvoření optimálního modelu spolupráce VŠE Praha, FM Jindřichův Hradec s nemocnicí Jindřichův Hradec, a.s. / Creating an Optimal Model for Cooperation between Jindřichův Hradec Faculty of Management of Prague School of Economics and Jindřichův Hradec HospitalKrejčová, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
The target of dissertation's work is creation of optimal cooperation model between The Faculty of Management the University of Economics Prague and Nemocnice Jindřichův Hradec, a. s., based on present system of cooperation with a view to mutual utility and benefits. Output of our dissertation's work is set the parameters of cooperation and full made new contract and approval of it by both sides.
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Vývoj územního plánování ve vybrané obci / Development of urban planning in selected municipalityHOFMAN, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of urban planning in chosen region. The landscape engineering in the region of Jindřichův Hradec has a long-term history. The aim of my thesis is a comparison of the urban plan development in the chosen area. The very first part of my thesis speaks about the definitions, history, legislation and the process of urban planning. In the second part the main procedure of urban plan processing is described. Also there is a description of the chosen area in the second part of my thesis. The last part of this thesis deals with all the urban plans in the area of Jindřichův Hradec which were valid in the period of past years.
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Zemské soudy ve vyobrazeních 16. století v Čechách / Provincial Courts in 16th Century Portrayals in BohemiaHavlicová, Jindřiška January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Provincial Courts in 16th Century Portrayals in Bohemia deals with portrayals of the higher provincial courts sessions in Bohemia in the 16th century as well as with their typology. In this time arose mural paintings, which decorated representative spaces of some residences which belonged to the prominent nobleman families, pictures and graphics which illustrated treatises with law themes. The aim of this thesis is to map these portrayals, compare them and set them into the cultural-historical context.
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