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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sporné otázky nutné obrany v judikatuře / Controversial issues of self-defence in Czech case law

Houzar, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The focus of the thesis is set on the controversial issues connected with a legal institute of Czech criminal law called "self-defence", and how these controversial issues were dealt with within judicial practice. The first chapter serves as an introduction to the whole topic. The second chapter describes the concept of self-defence, as well as its prerequisites. The self- defence was classed into the system of criminal law. The goal of the third chapter is to define preconditions which are necessary in connection with application of the self-defence institute. The main parts of this chapter describe firstly attacking, first of all and secondly defence. Subsections of this chapter analyse the term of attacking itself, the attacker and his characteristics, the term of harmfulness of such attacks towards society. As for the second part of the third chapter it focuses on the defence itself, its proportionality etc. The fourth chapter is about the role of judicial practice within the context of Czech legal system. This chapter serves as a relevant contribution to the main part of the thesis, which is chapter five. Chapter five introduces specific cases, especially those which were at some point controversial. The specific case is briefly described and the controversial issue is named and further...

Vybrané rozsudky Soudního dvora EU v oblasti svobody usazování právnických osob / Freedom of establishment of legal entities and review of selected EU Court judicature

Sládková, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with freedom of establishment of legal entities inside EU. It focuses on evaluation of EU Court judicature. Inside thesis work are described basic terms connected with freedom of establishment including personal status determination and procedure of preliminary ruling.

Sporné otázky nutné obrany v judikatuře / Contentious issues of necessary defence in judicial practise

Vajc, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
Contentious issues of necessary defence in judicial practise Abstract The subject of this thesis is necessary defence, or more precisely some of its contentious issues that have been dealt with by Czech courts within the framework of their judicial practise. The fundamental focus of the thesis lies with the judicial decisions providing solutions to these issues, emphasis, on the other hand, is not placed on doctrinal concept of the legal institute. The thesis subjects some of the judicial decisions to evaluation and comparison with other judgments. As for the structure, the thesis is divided into a total of seven chapters with regard to the elements of necessary defence that are primarily related to the issues dealt with by the judicial practice in each particular case. The first chapter presents a brief general outline of the topic, as it pursues, above all, the function of the legal institute of necessary defence, the way how it is established within the Czech law and the character of the relevant provision of the penal code. Chapter two deals with integral prerequisites or structural elements of necessary defence, specifically attacker and defender subjects, as well as attack itself. It ponders about whether someone who is not primarily targeted by an attack can be deemed a defender. The same question is...

Judikatura a její publikace / The Case Law Publication

Králík, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
The phenomenon of the case law and publication of the case law reports has been present in our legal culture at least since the 13th century, as well as in some other European countries. Court decisions in writing occurred through several types of documents and sources. We can trace the case law documents in the public royal records ("the plates"), the law books and the first constitutional codifications of law. There is even particular group of the law collections which we can actually name as the original case law reports. The case law reports were designed even before this period of time. Unfortunately, no such original law reports survived up to the present day. We can strongly state the sustainable tradition of typical case law collections in the Czech legal culture since the medieval times. The very first case law reports in modern sense of meaning came in late 1850`s. But the periodicals case law reports in the Czech language eventually appeared with the year of 1918 when the Czech state was restored. Creating the case law reports and its headnotes falls within the process of court decisions publication. The courts, which constitute the top of the judicial pyramid, operate with their special individual instruments on their case law publication. The official law reports have been established...

Judikatura soudů ve volebních věcech / Court case-law regarding elections

Záleský, David January 2018 (has links)
This theses deals with analysis of cases that were held mainly before the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic with regard to the election process and political parties. It focuses mainly on the analysis of topics that are often criticised by small political parties as harmful to the free and fair election process. Specifically, these topics include election threshold, setting electoral districts, methods for allocating seats, subsidising political parties from the national budget, financial restrictions on candidacy, and access to media. The thesis briefly summarizes relevant theoretical premises, which is followed be presenting the bases of criticism of the specific institutes, and finally the courts' opinions are analysed as well. With each of the institute, the main goal of the theses is to show how the courts interpret them. Specifically, it focuses on finding a line between what courts still deem acceptable, and what is perceived by them as too damaging to the fair and free election process.

Evropský soud pro lidská práva - postavení a role na poli ochrany osobnosti vč. rozboru judikatury a jeho vlivu na tuzemskou judikaturu / European Court of Human Rights: its position and role in protection of personal rights of an individual including analysis of judgments and the influence on domestic judical decisions

Čejková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract European Court of Human Rights: its position and role in the protection of personal rights of an individual including analysis of judgments and the influence on domestic judicial decisions The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is devoted to the theoretical background of the ECHR, its function within the Council of Europe, personal ground and analysis of statistics. The thesis is also focused on the procedural rules of proceeding, with emphasis on the filing of the complaint, its formal and substantive requirements and its compliance with the Convention. In this section, is also presented to the reader the procedure, the enforceability of the decisions and the renewal of the proceedings before the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. In the second part, the concept of personal rights and the Convention are presented in the light of the Article 8 and 10 of the Convention because these are the most important articles when it comes to personal rights. The third part is devoted mainly to the analysis of the case law of ECHR with a connection to the domestic case law. This part is further divided into three sections, protection of personal data, right to reputation and defamation and right to own portraits. The protection of personal data consists of two parts, call monitoring...

Rozvázání základních pracovněprávních vztahů na základě jednostranného právního jednání / Termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions

Jindřich, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions Abstract This final thesis deals with the topic of termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions. Its aim is to provide insight into the current legal regulation of labor law in the Czech Republic and to present a comprehensive overview of ways of termination of an Employment Relationships on the basis of one-sided legal actions using applicable legal regulations, legal literature and jurisprudence. This final thesis is based on the search of specialized literature and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic and Czech Constitutional Court. My final thesis in its first part explains terminology Employment Relationships, Employment Contract, Agreement to complete a job and Agreement to perform work. The main part analyses of applicable legal regulation of labor law and current jurisprudence in the field of termination of Employment Relationships on the basis of one- sided legal actions by Employer and by Employee, whose validity requires written form. The main part is dedicated to the termination by notice, immediate cancellation and cancellation of an Employment Contract during a probation period by both - by Employer...

Překážky volného pohybu pracovníků v judikatuře Evropského soudního dvora / Les obstacles de la libre circulation des travailleurs dans la juridiction de la Cour européenne

Královcová, Magdalena January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce pojednává o překážkách voného pohybu pracovníků v judikatuře ESD. Nejprve se teoreticky věnuje právní úpravě této problematiky a přináší určitou typologii překážek volného pohybu pracovníků. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována překážkám vyplývajícím ze vzájemného uznávání diplomů a kvalifikací. Ve druhé části jsou uvedeny a okomentovány vybrané rozsudky Evropského soudního dvora dotýkající se dané tematiky.

Česká republika a rozhodnutí Evropského soudu pro lidská práva

Soukupová, Irena January 2007 (has links)
Předmětem diplomové práce je zkoumání způsobu implementace rozhodnutí Evropského soudu pro lidská práva v České republice. Práce se zabývá jak obecným fungováním Soudu, tak analýzou postavení České republiky jako Vysoké smluvní strany Úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod. Jsou zde představeny jednotlivé právní úpravy, které byly přijaty v reakci na rozsudky štrasburského soudu. Způsob implementace rozhodnutí Evropského soudu pro lidská práva v České republice je rovněž zkoumán prostřednictvím srovnání způsobů implementace ve vybraných smluvních státech Úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod.

Evropský standard ochrany lidských práv a základních svobod ve vztahu k zákazu mučení / The European standard of protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in connection with the ban on torture

Izmailova, Lyudmila January 2012 (has links)
The primary objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive view of the human rights protection system concerning the prohibition of torture, focusing specifically on its European regulation. On the way to fulfill this aim, the following three hypotheses were confirmed: the prohibition of torture is currently regulated at all levels of protection of human rights, namely the universal, regional and national levels; from a comparative perspective, the highest level of protection has been achieved within the European system; and the prohibition of torture has recently acquired a social dimension. This work provides a comprehensive view, of the prohibition of torture at present time, and analyzes the instruments and mechanisms created to date. The interpretation was put into historical context, which is highly important, not only because it provides an exhaustive insight into the regulation of this issue in different sources, but also because this approach helps to understand the regulation correctly and enables the interpretation and application of respective standards in an adequate manner. It also makes it possible to better predict future developments in this area. The most interesting part of this thesis is the section that questions whether the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment are...

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