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The origin and tectonic significance of sediment-filled fissures in the Mendip Hills (SW England)Wall, Gavin Richard Tod January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise arquitetural de depósitos fluviais da Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior-Cretáceo Inferior) na borda sudeste da Bacia do Paraná, RS, BrasilReis, Adriano Domingos dos January 2016 (has links)
The Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic) crops out in the western portion of Rio Grande do Sul along a track with north-south orientation, of which the northern part essentially consists of fluvial deposits with paleocurrent to southwest. Despite the existence of outcrops with good vertical exposure and high lateral continuity, had not yet been carried out detailed studies of fluvial architecture of this unit. Through facies analysis, with vertical logs and lateral sections data, 9 lithofacies composing 8 architectural elements were described and interpreted. These elements are grouped in sandstone bodies of two fluvial styles: (1) Deep perennial braided rivers – composed by simple and composed downstream-accretion elements, small and large-sized hollows, trough cross-stratified sets and overbank sand and fine facies – and (2) Poorly channelized ephemeral braided rivers - characterized by horizontally stratified sandstones and trough cross-stratified sets. Two or more sandstone bodies of same style amalgamate into 10 to 15 m packages representing time intervals with the domain of a river style. These packages alternate vertically separated by hundreds of meters lateral extent surfaces, reflecting intervals with larger and more continuous water discharge (sandstone bodies of deep perennial rivers) or with high energy episodic discharge (with sandstone bodies of poorly channelized ephemeral rivers). The river systems of the proximal portion of the Guará Formation reflects low frequency discharge variations, controlled by the climate. / A Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior) aflora na porção oeste do Rio Grande do Sul ao longo de uma faixa com orientação norte-sul, sendo a sua porção setentrional constituída essencialmente por depósitos fluviais com paleocorrente para sudoeste. Apesar da existência de afloramentos com boa exposição vertical e uma alta continuidade lateral, não haviam sido realizados até o presente momento estudos detalhados da arquitetura fluvial desta unidade. Por meio da análise de fácies, com a elaboração de perfis verticais e seções laterais, foram descritos e interpretados 9 litofácies que compõem 8 elementos arquiteturais. Estes elementos se agrupam em corpos arenosos de dois estilos fluviais: (1) Rios entrelaçados perenes profundos – compostos por elementos de acresção frontal simples e compostas, hollows de pequeno e grande porte, sets isolados com estratificações cruzadas e fácies arenosas e finas externas aos canais – e (2) Rios entrelaçados efêmeros fracamente canalizados – caracterizados por arenitos horizontalmente estratificados e sets isolados com estratificações cruzadas. Dois ou mais corpos arenosos de mesmo estilo se amalgamam em pacotes de 10 a 15 m que representam intervalos de tempo com o domínio de um estilo fluvial. Estes pacotes se alternam verticalmente separados por superfícies de centenas de metros de extensão lateral, refletindo intervalos com descarga aquosa maior e mais contínua (com corpos arenosos de rios perenes e profundos) ou com descarga episódica e de alta energia (com corpos arenosos de rios efêmeros fracamente canalizados). Os sistemas fluviais da porção proximal da Formação Guará refletem variações de descarga de baixa frequência, de controle climático.
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Análise petrográfica e proveniência do Arenito Pedreira, Grupo São Bento, Jurássico Superior da Bacia do Paraná, Sul do BrasilBruckmann, Matheus Philipe January 2017 (has links)
Na região leste do RS, porção sul da Bacia do Paraná, ocorre uma unidade do Jurássico Superior denominada de Arenito Pedreira. Para definir as relações estratigráficas e caracterizar esta unidade foram avaliados dois furos de sondagem para pesquisa de carvão, situados na região de Osório. Foram coletadas amostras representativas para análise petrográfica e contagem modal dos minerais constituintes para definição da proveniência dos sedimentos. Esta unidade está depositada entre à Formação Botucatu por desconformidade sobreposta e a Formação Rio do Rastro, com a qual tem contato erosivo. O Arenito Pedreira é composto por uma sucessão de ciclos granodecrescentes constituídos por arcóseos líticos e conglomerados arcoseanos clasto-suportados e polimíticos com grânulos e seixos subangulosos de varias litologias, que sucedem para pacotes de arenitos médios a grossos com estratificação cruzada tangencial e de baixo ângulo, finalizando em arcóseos com marcas de ondas e pelitos laminados no topo. Os litoclastos analisados representam rochas metamórficas de alto e baixo grau, granitoides, rochas sedimentares e vulcânicas básicas. As feições diagenéticas observadas caracterizam condições de eodiagenese e mesodiagenese, indicando ukm ambiente de clima continental seco. Os litoclastos descritos representam fontes associadas a um arco magmático dissecado e mostram características petrográficas semelhantes aquelas encontradas em rochas do Terreno Tijucas e do Batólito Pelotas, do Cinturão Dom Feliciano no RS. Estes dados sugerem uma área fonte próxima a área de deposição. A porção norte da estrutura soerguida do Arco de Rio Grande de direção NW-SE, representa a área fonte dos sedimentos que constituíram o Arenito Pedreira. / In the eastern part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the southern portion of the Paraná Basin, there is a Upper Jurassic unit informally called Pedreira Arenite. In define the stratigraphic relations and to characterize this unit, a description of the two drilling holes associated to coal research work situated in the Osório region. It was collected representative samples to petrographic analysis and the modal count of the constituent minerals was carried out to define the provenance and origin of the sediments. This unit is deposited under Botucatu Formation by to unconformity and over Rio do Rastro Formation, with which it has erosive contact. The Pedreira Arenite is composed of a succession of granodecrescent cycles consisting of lithic arkoses and conglomerate sandstones, clast-supported and polymitic with subangular granules and pebbles of various lithologies, which succeed for medium to thick sandstone packages with tangential and low angle cross-stratification. This package ending in marks of waves arkoses and laminated mudstones at the top. The analyzed lithoclasts are represented by high and low metamorphic rocks, granitoids, sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The diagenetic features found characterize conditions of eodiagenesis and mesodiagenesis, where the environment present features of continental dry climate environment. The provenance studies highlight sources associated with dissected magmatic arc and shows petrographic features similiar to the rocks founded in Tijucas Terrane and Pelotas Batholith, of the Dom Feliciano Belt in the RS State. This data refers to a source area very close to the deposition area. The north portion of the positive structure of NW-SE direction called Rio Grande Arch,represent the source area of the sediments that generated the Pedreira Arenite.
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Análise petrográfica e proveniência do Arenito Pedreira, Grupo São Bento, Jurássico Superior da Bacia do Paraná, Sul do BrasilBruckmann, Matheus Philipe January 2017 (has links)
Na região leste do RS, porção sul da Bacia do Paraná, ocorre uma unidade do Jurássico Superior denominada de Arenito Pedreira. Para definir as relações estratigráficas e caracterizar esta unidade foram avaliados dois furos de sondagem para pesquisa de carvão, situados na região de Osório. Foram coletadas amostras representativas para análise petrográfica e contagem modal dos minerais constituintes para definição da proveniência dos sedimentos. Esta unidade está depositada entre à Formação Botucatu por desconformidade sobreposta e a Formação Rio do Rastro, com a qual tem contato erosivo. O Arenito Pedreira é composto por uma sucessão de ciclos granodecrescentes constituídos por arcóseos líticos e conglomerados arcoseanos clasto-suportados e polimíticos com grânulos e seixos subangulosos de varias litologias, que sucedem para pacotes de arenitos médios a grossos com estratificação cruzada tangencial e de baixo ângulo, finalizando em arcóseos com marcas de ondas e pelitos laminados no topo. Os litoclastos analisados representam rochas metamórficas de alto e baixo grau, granitoides, rochas sedimentares e vulcânicas básicas. As feições diagenéticas observadas caracterizam condições de eodiagenese e mesodiagenese, indicando ukm ambiente de clima continental seco. Os litoclastos descritos representam fontes associadas a um arco magmático dissecado e mostram características petrográficas semelhantes aquelas encontradas em rochas do Terreno Tijucas e do Batólito Pelotas, do Cinturão Dom Feliciano no RS. Estes dados sugerem uma área fonte próxima a área de deposição. A porção norte da estrutura soerguida do Arco de Rio Grande de direção NW-SE, representa a área fonte dos sedimentos que constituíram o Arenito Pedreira. / In the eastern part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the southern portion of the Paraná Basin, there is a Upper Jurassic unit informally called Pedreira Arenite. In define the stratigraphic relations and to characterize this unit, a description of the two drilling holes associated to coal research work situated in the Osório region. It was collected representative samples to petrographic analysis and the modal count of the constituent minerals was carried out to define the provenance and origin of the sediments. This unit is deposited under Botucatu Formation by to unconformity and over Rio do Rastro Formation, with which it has erosive contact. The Pedreira Arenite is composed of a succession of granodecrescent cycles consisting of lithic arkoses and conglomerate sandstones, clast-supported and polymitic with subangular granules and pebbles of various lithologies, which succeed for medium to thick sandstone packages with tangential and low angle cross-stratification. This package ending in marks of waves arkoses and laminated mudstones at the top. The analyzed lithoclasts are represented by high and low metamorphic rocks, granitoids, sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The diagenetic features found characterize conditions of eodiagenesis and mesodiagenesis, where the environment present features of continental dry climate environment. The provenance studies highlight sources associated with dissected magmatic arc and shows petrographic features similiar to the rocks founded in Tijucas Terrane and Pelotas Batholith, of the Dom Feliciano Belt in the RS State. This data refers to a source area very close to the deposition area. The north portion of the positive structure of NW-SE direction called Rio Grande Arch,represent the source area of the sediments that generated the Pedreira Arenite.
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Análise arquitetural de depósitos fluviais da Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior-Cretáceo Inferior) na borda sudeste da Bacia do Paraná, RS, BrasilReis, Adriano Domingos dos January 2016 (has links)
The Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic) crops out in the western portion of Rio Grande do Sul along a track with north-south orientation, of which the northern part essentially consists of fluvial deposits with paleocurrent to southwest. Despite the existence of outcrops with good vertical exposure and high lateral continuity, had not yet been carried out detailed studies of fluvial architecture of this unit. Through facies analysis, with vertical logs and lateral sections data, 9 lithofacies composing 8 architectural elements were described and interpreted. These elements are grouped in sandstone bodies of two fluvial styles: (1) Deep perennial braided rivers – composed by simple and composed downstream-accretion elements, small and large-sized hollows, trough cross-stratified sets and overbank sand and fine facies – and (2) Poorly channelized ephemeral braided rivers - characterized by horizontally stratified sandstones and trough cross-stratified sets. Two or more sandstone bodies of same style amalgamate into 10 to 15 m packages representing time intervals with the domain of a river style. These packages alternate vertically separated by hundreds of meters lateral extent surfaces, reflecting intervals with larger and more continuous water discharge (sandstone bodies of deep perennial rivers) or with high energy episodic discharge (with sandstone bodies of poorly channelized ephemeral rivers). The river systems of the proximal portion of the Guará Formation reflects low frequency discharge variations, controlled by the climate. / A Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior) aflora na porção oeste do Rio Grande do Sul ao longo de uma faixa com orientação norte-sul, sendo a sua porção setentrional constituída essencialmente por depósitos fluviais com paleocorrente para sudoeste. Apesar da existência de afloramentos com boa exposição vertical e uma alta continuidade lateral, não haviam sido realizados até o presente momento estudos detalhados da arquitetura fluvial desta unidade. Por meio da análise de fácies, com a elaboração de perfis verticais e seções laterais, foram descritos e interpretados 9 litofácies que compõem 8 elementos arquiteturais. Estes elementos se agrupam em corpos arenosos de dois estilos fluviais: (1) Rios entrelaçados perenes profundos – compostos por elementos de acresção frontal simples e compostas, hollows de pequeno e grande porte, sets isolados com estratificações cruzadas e fácies arenosas e finas externas aos canais – e (2) Rios entrelaçados efêmeros fracamente canalizados – caracterizados por arenitos horizontalmente estratificados e sets isolados com estratificações cruzadas. Dois ou mais corpos arenosos de mesmo estilo se amalgamam em pacotes de 10 a 15 m que representam intervalos de tempo com o domínio de um estilo fluvial. Estes pacotes se alternam verticalmente separados por superfícies de centenas de metros de extensão lateral, refletindo intervalos com descarga aquosa maior e mais contínua (com corpos arenosos de rios perenes e profundos) ou com descarga episódica e de alta energia (com corpos arenosos de rios efêmeros fracamente canalizados). Os sistemas fluviais da porção proximal da Formação Guará refletem variações de descarga de baixa frequência, de controle climático.
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Análise arquitetural de depósitos fluviais da Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior-Cretáceo Inferior) na borda sudeste da Bacia do Paraná, RS, BrasilReis, Adriano Domingos dos January 2016 (has links)
The Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic) crops out in the western portion of Rio Grande do Sul along a track with north-south orientation, of which the northern part essentially consists of fluvial deposits with paleocurrent to southwest. Despite the existence of outcrops with good vertical exposure and high lateral continuity, had not yet been carried out detailed studies of fluvial architecture of this unit. Through facies analysis, with vertical logs and lateral sections data, 9 lithofacies composing 8 architectural elements were described and interpreted. These elements are grouped in sandstone bodies of two fluvial styles: (1) Deep perennial braided rivers – composed by simple and composed downstream-accretion elements, small and large-sized hollows, trough cross-stratified sets and overbank sand and fine facies – and (2) Poorly channelized ephemeral braided rivers - characterized by horizontally stratified sandstones and trough cross-stratified sets. Two or more sandstone bodies of same style amalgamate into 10 to 15 m packages representing time intervals with the domain of a river style. These packages alternate vertically separated by hundreds of meters lateral extent surfaces, reflecting intervals with larger and more continuous water discharge (sandstone bodies of deep perennial rivers) or with high energy episodic discharge (with sandstone bodies of poorly channelized ephemeral rivers). The river systems of the proximal portion of the Guará Formation reflects low frequency discharge variations, controlled by the climate. / A Formação Guará (Jurássico Superior) aflora na porção oeste do Rio Grande do Sul ao longo de uma faixa com orientação norte-sul, sendo a sua porção setentrional constituída essencialmente por depósitos fluviais com paleocorrente para sudoeste. Apesar da existência de afloramentos com boa exposição vertical e uma alta continuidade lateral, não haviam sido realizados até o presente momento estudos detalhados da arquitetura fluvial desta unidade. Por meio da análise de fácies, com a elaboração de perfis verticais e seções laterais, foram descritos e interpretados 9 litofácies que compõem 8 elementos arquiteturais. Estes elementos se agrupam em corpos arenosos de dois estilos fluviais: (1) Rios entrelaçados perenes profundos – compostos por elementos de acresção frontal simples e compostas, hollows de pequeno e grande porte, sets isolados com estratificações cruzadas e fácies arenosas e finas externas aos canais – e (2) Rios entrelaçados efêmeros fracamente canalizados – caracterizados por arenitos horizontalmente estratificados e sets isolados com estratificações cruzadas. Dois ou mais corpos arenosos de mesmo estilo se amalgamam em pacotes de 10 a 15 m que representam intervalos de tempo com o domínio de um estilo fluvial. Estes pacotes se alternam verticalmente separados por superfícies de centenas de metros de extensão lateral, refletindo intervalos com descarga aquosa maior e mais contínua (com corpos arenosos de rios perenes e profundos) ou com descarga episódica e de alta energia (com corpos arenosos de rios efêmeros fracamente canalizados). Os sistemas fluviais da porção proximal da Formação Guará refletem variações de descarga de baixa frequência, de controle climático.
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Controls on the sources and distribution of chalcophile and lithophile trace elements in arc magmasD'Souza, Rameses Joseph 24 January 2018 (has links)
Volcanic arcs have been the locus of continental growth since at least the Proterozoic eon. In this dissertation, I seek to shine more light on arc processes by inferring the lower crustal mineralogy of an ancient arc by geochemical and structural modelling of its exposed levels. Arcs characteristically have high concentrations of incompatible elements, thus I also experimentally assess the ability of alkaline melts and fluids associated with sediment melting to carry lithophile and chalcophile elements in the sub-arc.
I measured the chemical composition of 18 plutonic samples from the Bonanza island arc, emplaced between 203 and 164 Ma on the Wrangellia terrane on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Models using trace elements with Nd and Sr isotopes indicate < 10% assimilation of the Wrangellia basement by the Bonanza arc magmas. The Bonanza arc rare earth element geochemistry is best explained as two lineages, each with two fractionation stages implicating < 15% garnet crystallization. My inference of garnet-bearing cumulates in the unexposed lower crust of the Bonanza arc, an unsuspected similarity with the coeval Talkeetna arc (Alaska), is consistent with estimates from geologic mapping and geobarometry indicating that the arc grew to > 23 km total thickness. The age distribution of the Bonanza arc plutons shows a single peak at 171 Ma whereas the volcanic rock age distribution shows two peaks at 171 and 198 Ma, likely due to sampling and/or preservation bias. Numerous mechanisms may produce the E-W separation of young and old volcanism and this does not constrain Jurassic subduction polarity beneath Wrangellia.
Although a small component of arc magmatism, alkaline arc rocks are associated with economic concentrations of chalcophile elements. The effect of varying alkalinity on S Concentration at Sulfide Saturation (SCSS) has not been previously tested. Thus, I conducted experiments on hydrous basaltic andesite melts with systematically varied alkalinity at 1270°C and 1 GPa using piston-cylinder apparatus. At oxygen fugacity two log units below the fayalite magnetite quartz buffer, I find SCSS is correlated with total alkali concentration, perhaps a result of the increased non-bridging oxygen associated with increased alkalinity. A limit to the effect of alkalis on SCSS in hydrous melts is observed at ~7.5 wt.% total alkalis. Using my results and published data, I retrained earlier SCSS models and developed a new empirical model using the optical basicity compositional parameter, predicting SCSS with slightly better accuracy than previous models.
Sediment melts contribute to the trace element signature of arcs and the chalcophile elements, compatible in redox-sensitive sulfide, are of particular interest. I conducted experiments at 3 GPa, 950 – 1050°C on sediment melts, determined fluid concentrations by mass balance and report the first fluid-melt partition coefficients (Dfluid/melt) for sediment melting. Compared to oxidized, anhydrite-bearing melts, I observe high Dfluid/melt for chalcophile elements and low values for Ce in reduced, pyrrhotite-bearing melts. Vanadium and Sc are unaffected by redox. The contrasting fluid-melt behaviour of Ce and Mo that I report indicates that melt, not fluid, is responsible for elevated Mo in the well-studied Lesser Antilles arc. / Graduate
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The upper Jurassic stratigraphy of Back Mesa, ArizonaHarshbarger, J. W. (John William), 1914-, Harshbarger, J. W. (John William), 1914- January 1948 (has links)
No description available.
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Stratigraphy and structural geology of Upper Triassic and Jurassic rocks in the central Graham Island area, Queen Charlotte Islands, British ColumbiaHesthammer, Jonny January 1991 (has links)
Upper Triassic and Jurassic rocks in the central Graham Island area comprise shale, siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate of the Kunga, Maude, and Yakoun Groups. Volcanic rocks are common in the Middle Jurassic Yakoun Group. The oldest unit exposed within the study area is the Lower Jurassic Sandilands Formation of the Kunga Group, a more than 250 metre thick sequence of interbedded organic-rich shale, tuff, siltstone, and sandstone. The Lower Jurassic Maude Group conformably overlies the Kunga Group and is divisible into four formations. The Ghost Creek Formation is an organic-rich black fissile shale, and is overlain by calcareous sandstone of the Fannin Formation. The Whiteaves Formation consists of fissile calcareous grey shale that grades upwards into fossil-rich medium- to coarse-grained, sandstone of the Phantom Creek Formation. The base of the Middle Jurassic Yakoun Group is marked by an angular unconformity. The unit is more than 1500 metres thick and is divided into four lithofacies. The lowermost shale and tuff lithofacies is a sequence of interbedded shale, tuff, siltstone, and sandstone, with shale dominating. The sandstone lithofacies overlies and partly interfingers with the shale and tuff lithofacies and comprises medium- to thickly-bedded lithic arenite interlayered with thinly-bedded shale. The conglomerate lithofacies exists within the sandstone lithofacies and consists mostly of thickly-bedded pebble and cobble conglomerate. The volcanic lithofacies interfingers with, and overlies the sedimentary rocks of the Yakoun Group, and includes lava flows, pyroclastic rock deposits, and lahars.
The Kunga and Maude Groups record several relative changes in sea level. They formed in a progressively deepening basin. In Pliensbachian time, the basin shallowed and deposition, represented by the upper Fannin Formation of the Maude Group, was near-shore. Toarcian time is marked by an abrupt transgression. The upper part of the Whiteaves Formation and the Phantom Creek Formation of the Maude Group indicate a subsequent regression.
The sedimentary rocks of the Yakoun Group were deposited in local shallow marine basins. Volcanic rocks are most abundant in the eastern parts of the map area, and indicate that an igneous source is located in that direction.
All rock units in the map area are deformed by major northwest-trending faults and folds, reflecting at least four northeast-southwest oriented deformational events. The angular unconformity at the base of the Yakoun Group restricts one compressional phase to mid-Jurassic time. Abundant southwest-verging folds suggest development of northeast-dipping thrust faults during this compressional event. Northeast-trending normal faults cut through the thrust faults, postdating them and indicating a period of extension. Rocks of the Sandilands Formation are observed thrust on top of the Yakoun Group, thus indicating a second compressional event. Several small-scale strike-slip faults cut through all described rock units and overlying Tertiary sections, suggesting a late Tertiary deformational event.
The Middle Jurassic compressional event may be a result of collision of Wrangellia with North America, or could have been caused by changes in relative plate motion between the North American and Pacific plates during the break-up of Pangaea.
Lithologic similarities between the Jurassic and older units of Wrangellia on the Queen Charlotte Islands and coeval rocks of the Alexander terrane in southeastern Alaska suggest that there are no clear differences between the two, and that they were contiguous since Upper Paleozoic time. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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L'influence de la variabilité intraspécifique sur la taxinomie, la biostratigraphie et l'évolution des ammonites : une approche paléobiologique : exemples pris dans le Jurassique supérieur et le Crétacé inférieur / The influence of intraspecific variability on taxonomy, biostratigraphy and evolution of ammonites : a palaeobiological approach : examples from the Upper Jurassic and Lower CretaceousBert, Didier 25 June 2014 (has links)
La problématique de ce travail concerne des cas concrets d'application de l'approche paléobiologique chez les ammonites. Une attention spéciale a été donnée à la variabilité intraspécifique et ses conséquences taxinomiques, ainsi qu'à l'étude des patterns et processus évolutifs des groupes étudiés, afin d'en tirer des généralités. Les études paléobiologiques sur des exemples très variés montrent que la variabilité et le degré de sa prise en compte par les auteurs a une influence particulière sur les conceptions taxinomiques, et par conséquent sur la biostratigraphie et sur la compréhension des mécanismes évolutifs. Les lois de Westermann semblent être prépondérantes pour expliquer la variabilité intraspécifique d'un grand nombre de groupes d'ammonites, mais elles ne sont pas la seule source de covariation et leur influence doit être relativisée face à d'autres facteurs habituellement peu pris en compte. Les facteurs de la variabilité intraspécifique reconnus concernent : (1) le dimorphisme, (2) une variabilité dipolaire dans l'application stricte de la première loi de Westermann, (3) des variation par rapport à l'énoncé général de cette loi, (4) une variabilité tripolaire, (5) des relations hétérochroniques morphologiques dépendantes ou indépendantes, (6) un facteur d'atténuation de l'ornementation, et (7) différents facteurs d'enroulement liés ou non à d'autres caractères morphologiques et ornementaux chez les ammonites hétéromorphes. / The issue of this work involves concrete case of application of the palaeobiological approach in ammonites. Special attention was given to intraspecific variability and its taxonomic consequences and the study of evolutionary processes and patterns of the groups studied, in order to draw generalizations. Paleobiological studies on a variety of examples show that the degree of variability and its consideration by the authors has a particular influence on taxonomic concepts, and consequently on the biostratigraphy and the understanding of evolutionary mechanisms. Westermann laws seem to be dominant to explain intraspecific variability of a large number of ammonites groups, but they are not the only source of covariation and their influence must be relativized against other factors usually not taken into account. Factors of intraspecific variability recognized are: (1) dimorphism, (2) a dipolar variability in the strict application of the first Westermann’s law, (3) changes compared to the general statement of the law, (4) tripolar variability, (5) heterochronic relationships morphological dependent or independent, (6) an attenuation factor of ornamentation, and (7) various coiling factors related or not to other morphological and ornamental characters in heteromorphic ammonites.
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