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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozšířená realita nad obrazem ze stacionární kamery / Augmented Reality Using Video from a Stationary Camera

Lagová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of creating applications of augmented reality. There are described types of augmented reality, problems associated with developing of applications of this kind. Also there is description of method for detection of moving objects from the record of stationary camera. The thesis deals with camera calibration using knowledge of scene geometry. Scene editor for scene geometry estimation is included in this work. Augmented reality is represented by physical simulations, where object from virtual reality interacts with detected objects and with objects defined in scene editor.

Kalibrace snímačů úhlu / Calibration of angular encoder

Šindelář, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with calibration of incremental encoders. Introduces basic principles and terms in the field of rotary encoders and its calibration. The first part describes angular displacement sensors. Especially it focuses on optoelectrical incremental encoders. It also includes market research of very high-accuracy encoders. The second part contains description of precision calibration techniques with uncertainty to the thousandth of an arc-sec level. In the last part, the development of a calibration stage is presented and consequently the error map of an encoder is obtained.

Automatická analýza dopravy z videa: Rozpoznání typů vozidel a automatické měření rychlosti / Automatic Traffic Video Surveillance: Fine-Grained Recognition of Vehicles and Automatic Speed Measurement

Sochor, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
V rámci této dizertační práce se zaměřuji na Inteligentní dopravní systémy a Počítačové vidění - především automatické měření rychlosti a rozpoznání automobilů podle typů.  Rozpoznání automobilů podle typů je úkol, ve kterém system má predikovat přesný typ (např. Škoda Octavia combi mk2) pro daný obrázek automobilu. Publikoval jsem dva články, které popisují navržený přístup k tomuto problému a tvoří jádro této dizertace. Prezentovaná metoda je založena na 3D obalových kvádrech postavených okolo automobilů, které jsou následně využity pro rozbalení obrázku automobilu do roviny a tudíž normalizaci vstupu neuronové sítě, která dělá následné rozpoznání. Přístup byl dále rozpracován v druhé publikaci, kde je navržena metoda pro určení tohoto 3D obalového kvádru z jediného obrázku - tudíž není nutné mít zkalibrovanou kameru. Experimentální výsledky ukazují, že navržená metoda zlepšuje úspěšnost rozpoznání o 12 procentních bodů - chyba rozpoznání je redukována o 50 procent.Při měření rychlosti má systém za úkol odhadnout rychlost projíždějících aut z videa. Cílem je také, ať měření probíhá plně automaticky bez jakékoli manuální kalibrace. Jelikož neexistoval žádný dataset, který by obsahoval velké množství průjezdů s přesně změřenou rychlostí, tak jsme nejprve takovýto dataset pořídili. Dále jsem navrhnul metodu pro plně automatickou kalibraci dopravní dohledové kamery což umožňuje měřit rychlost automobilů pozorovaných touto kamerou. Metoda je založena na odhadu kalibrace pomocí detekovaných úběžníků scény a následného zarovnání 3D modelů několika běžných typů automobilů. Experimentální výsledky ukazují, že navržená metoda dosahuje průměrné chyby měření rychlosti 1,10 km/h.

Přesnost monitorování v procesu dosahování výsledků žáků ve škole / Monitoring Accuracy as a Skill in Academic Performance

Pešout, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
This study has aimed to investigate monitoring accuracy as a skill in an academic performance. First part of the study defined metacognitive monitoring theoretically as a strategy evolved from metacognitive strategies and based on self-regulated learning principles. Previous studies assert that monitoring accuracy is a beneficial skill that enhances performance regardless a domain of use. In order to give those claims empirical support in the Czech educational environment, the research has been carried out. Data have been collected from three classes of 6th graders within six weeks. Classes were assigned during the practice test into different settings: individual, competitive and cooperative. Reading comprehension has been selected as the monitored skill. The results corroborate the assumptions that monitoring accuracy training is beneficial both for performance and for increasing metacognitive skills to monitor. Secondary, the cooperative setting appeared to be the only one that both calibration accuracy and reading comprehension did significantly increase. The outcomes and recommendations for follow-up studies are discussed.

Predikce ekonomického vývoje regionů Česka pomocí modelu potenciální dostupnosti / Prediction of economic development of Czech regions using a model of potential accessibility

Elster, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the relationship between the development of the economic situation in Czech regions and potential accessibility of road networks evaluated with mathematical analysis. The intent of the model is to define a relationship between the transport accessibility and economic state in municipalities in 2001, 2011 and to predict for 2021. This evaluation has been reached with the model of potential accessibility. Several methodological problems had to be solved. Model calibration was provided with respect to the reality and changes in economic state in particular geographical regions. After the first step, which was focused on finding out the optimal model for potential accessibility of road networks, the linear regression with prediction of gross added economic value in analysed regions was used. Results showed only minor growth of gross added economic value in core geographical regions in the Czech Republic. In contrary, in peripheral regions dynamic growth of gross economic added value can be expected. This thesis follows the present interest in developing a transportation geography mathematical model, which can help us to understand the road transportation accessibility and its impact on economical development. Key words Potential accessibility, linear regression,...

Kalibrace optických souřadnicových měřicích strojů GOM ATOS / Calibration of GOM ATOS optical coordinate measuring machines

Košťák, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis contains the basic division of 3D methods which are used for reconstruction of measured objects. Furthermore the types of structured light patterns used for 3D triangulation. It also contains a description of the construction and functions of GOM ATOS and TRITOP machines. Primarily the thesis deals with the calibration of these machines, the design of suitable materials standard of size and the internal calibration methodology used by ŠKODA AUTO a.s. The text also includes verification of the proposed calibration procedure in practice, proposal for determination of calibration uncertainties and recommendations for practice.

Posouzení časových změn kalibračních charakteristik vodoměrných vrtulí / Assessing the time changes of calibration characteristics of current meters

Sedlák, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Diploma’s thesis is focused on analysis of the time changes of calibration characteristics independent type of current-meters, processing by the calibration data and their evaluation and subsequent comparison with related research. This thesis describes the proces of calibration of current-meters.

Automatická kalibrace robotického ramene pomocí kamer/y / Automatic calibration ot robotic arm using cameras

Adámek, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
K nahrazení člověka při úloze testování dotykových embedded zařízení je zapotřebí vyvinout komplexní automatizovaný robotický systém. Jedním ze zásadních úkolů je tento systém automaticky zkalibrovat. V této práci jsem se zabýval možnými způsoby automatické kalibrace robotického ramene v prostoru ve vztahu k dotykovému zařízení pomocí jedné či více kamer. Následně jsem představil řešení založené na estimaci polohy jedné kamery pomocí iterativních metod jako např. Gauss-Newton nebo Levenberg-Marquardt. Na konci jsem zhodnotil dosaženou přesnost a navrhnul postup pro její zvýšení.

Kalibrace hydraulického modelu vodovodní sítě / Calibration of hydraulic model of water supply network

Náplavová, Eva January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with calibration of hydraulic simulation models, especially with methods used for calibration and parameters that are modified during calibration. The literature review in the field of mathematical modeling, basic principles applied in hydraulic modeling and the current approach to calibration and data collection is done in theoretical part. In the practical part of the thesis, a hydraulic model of the group water supply system Horní Dunajovice is built and subsequently calibrated. The calibration is first performed manually for the normal operational status and then using a calibration software created for this purpose for a load case with high velocity.

Systém pro automatickou kalibraci robotického nástroje / System for Automatic Calibration of a Robotic Tool

Šála, David January 2020 (has links)
This Master's thesis describes the design and implementation of an experimental sample for automatic calibration of a robotic tool using machine vision methods under the auspices of the company SANEZOO EUROPE s.r.o. It deals with the analysis of all used methods of performing TCP calibration, on the basis of which it is implemented. The application is based on the Point-counterpoint method, where the robot is guided against the calibration point from three different directions, all perpendicular to each other. The calibration point is set using the ArUco marker. In order to detect the endpoint are used images from two cameras that are at the right angles to each other. Using conventional computer vision methods and an HSV filter, the endpoint of the instrument is found in the images and is guided to the calibration point. From the obtained coordinates, the searched endpoint of the robotic tool in the robot coordinates is found using the optimization method Particle Swarm Optimization. This application, therefore, performs TCP calibration in a fast time, thus reducing production downtime almost without human intervention.

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