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Dějiny farnosti Ostrožská Lhota se zřetelem na 20. století / The History of the Parish Ostrozska Lhota in Consideration of 20th CenturyMALŮŠ, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to chart, in what extent has the political system influence on religious life of parishioners; what were the relations between the parish and the leaders of this village, its fraternities; what were the relations between parish and school; how the parishioners have lived their faith in different time periods of 20th century. The work is divided into several topics that describe particular spheres of 20th century. This work is compiled on the basis of researches in the archives.
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Katolické noviny v letech 1949-1968 / Catholic newpaper in the days of lack of freedom 1949-1968Dušková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The present study Catholic Newspaper between 1949 and 1968 deals with a historical analysis of the Catholic Newspaper which was established in order to implement repressive measures of the Communist Party against the Catholic Church. This study also discusses the situation of the Catholic Church after 1948 when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia came to power. The Catholic Newspaper was established in 1949 and at that time, it represented the only periodical of the Catholic Church which could strengthen the belief of people as well as provide religious education. Other Catholic journals were discontinued shortly after the Communist coup in February 1948. The Catholic Church became one of the major enemies of the new government. A part of this study deals with the negotiations of the main representatives of the state as well as the Catholic Church. The failure of establishing an agreement led to a new religious policy in Czechoslovakia; the policy comprised administrative measures against the Catholic Church, processes with Church Authorities and restrictions in the education system of theologians. The present study concentrates on the establishing of the Catholic Newspaper and discusses the first years of its existence with a major focus on the sections for children. It also discusses the Second...
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České katolické časopisy pro děti a mládež v letech 1945-1948 / Czech Catholic Magazines for Children and Youth in 1945-1948Volencová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to cover the topic of the Czech catholic children's magazines within the period of 1945 - 1948. Firstly the thesis contextualizes the historical background in the terms of looking back to the period of the occupation and then turns to the consequences that the occupation brought to the catholic population. Further the thesis offers an insight to the situation after 1945 mainly from the catholic point of view and focuses on the catholic press within the given period. In the next section the thesis characterizes the trends of the children's and juvenile literature in the period of 1945 - 48 through literary pieces, which form an integral part of the analyzed magazines. This part also deals with the general overview of the Czech children's and juvenile periodicals output within the given period. The main part of the thesis then characterizes and analyzes two chosen periodicals: Anděl strážný (The Guardian Angel) a magazine for catholic children and Dorost (The Juvenils) a magazine for catholic juvenils. This part of the thesis analyses the contents, structures and partly also the visual appearances of the chosen periodicals and tracks any changes of these aspects in single volumes. Marginally the thesis also mentions the editors and authors of the texts and illustrations....
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Morální aspekty antikoncepce z pohledu současných katolických párů / Moral aspects of contraception from the perspective of present catholic couplesHrnčiariková, Dana January 2014 (has links)
Moral aspects of contraception from the perspective of present catholic couples Most women in productive age choose any form of conception control. Catholic Church accepts only natural contraceptive methods. Fertility awareness-based methods are cheap, ecological but for necessity of managing the method more complicated forms of contraception. It is also little promoted and by doctors mostly considered to be less reliable and that's why it is not often recommended by gynecologists in contrast to widely promoted and used hormonal contraception. The topic of this dissertation is how do present catholic couples cope with this problem. The aim of the work is to give comprehensive description of basic types of in present used contraception and after that bring the view of particular contraception methods from the perspective of the Catholic Church doctrine. By the questionnaire survey in practical part is evaluated what are the attitudes of present catholic coulpes to contraception in comparison with official Catholic Church doctrine. Keywords catholic couples, contraception, fertility awareness-based methods, symptothermal method, hormonal contraception
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Pedagogické myšlení Jana Valeriána Jirsíka v letech 1826-1843 / The pedagogical thinking of Jan Valerián Jirsík in the years 1826-1843NOVOTNÁ, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with pedagogical thinking of Jan Valerián Jirsík in the years 1826-1843. The aim of this work is an introduction of Jan Valerián Jirsík´s opinions and ideas which are contained in his literary works. These opinions and ideas are classified to the context of thinking in Jirsík´s time. The work first describes time which Jirsík lived in, what spiritual environmental was around him and how education looked in the Habsburg monarchy. Then the examples of Jirsík´s pedagogical opinions are listed and commented, the examples were chosen from "Škola nedělní" book and "Časopis pro katolické duchovenstvo" magazine.
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JEDNOTA ČSL. ORLA OD POČÁTKU STOLETÍ DO DRUHÉ SVĚTOVÉ VÁLKY, NA PŘÍKLADU JIHOČESKÉ TŘEBONĚ A JINDŘICHOVA HRADCE / Association of Czechoslovak Eagle from the beginning of the 20th century until the Second World War, in particular in South bohemian Třeboň and Jindřichův Hradec.PFEIFEROVÁ, Mária January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with investigation of activities of Catholic sports association Czechoslovak Eagle from the beginning of the century to the Second World War. It describes its history and explains its most important activity with reference to the activities in South Bohemia, in particular in Jindřichův Hradec and Třeboň. It explains the aims of its work as well as the historical value with reference to particular examples. Its how is the main meaning in connection of spirituality and materialism. The first part describes the history of Czechoslovak Eagle, its foundation, organization, and, its most interesting historical moments. The second part describes its activities in the region of South Bohemia. The third part sets the Eagle's work in Třeboň into the historical context. The fourth does the same with the Eagle's work in Jindřichův Hradec.
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Pastorační péče o lidi s tělesným postižením - teorie a praxe / Pastoral care of persons with physical disabilities - theory and applicationWalter, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis strives to map and analyze the pastoral care of people with disabilities in the Czech Republic, both theoretically and practically. The theoretical scope of the topic uses primarily scientific literature from the field of neurology, psychology and sociology. In this theoretical part, it does not ignore the social policy of the state, which should help these people. Great emphasis is also placed on biblical and ecclesiastical teachings. Professional literature from the field of special pedagogy and pastoral theology is used as well for analysing the practical aspects of the topic, but mainly it draws from the practical experience of respondents to the questionnaire created in the framework of this thesis. The first two chapters describe physical disabilities from the perspective of neurology and psychology. The third chapter analyses theoretically attitude of society and the state to this issue. The fourth and fifth chapters deal with the question of disability in terms of Bible and church documents. The next chapter maps the social activities and services of charities in the Czech Republic which are provided to people with physical and other types of disabilities. The seventh chapter analyses the practical approach and communication of these people, both by the majority of...
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Ženské aktivity v českém politickém katolicismu (1896-1939) / Women's Agency in the Czech Political Catholicism (1896-1939)Havelka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is based on a socio-cultural and social-anthropological approach to religion which (among other things) says that religion is dependent on the society in which it occurs. The ambition of the dissertation is not to capture "official positions" of the Catholic Church about the role of women in modern society. The dissertation is focusing on the perspective of Catholic women themselves. My main aim is to observe the opinion Catholic women have about themselves, and whether they reflect social or modernization changes. I will also observe, how they negotiated their role within the Czech political Catholicism. Time specification includes the end of the nineteenth century when women got more opportunities in the public sphere. As well as the period of independent Czechoslovakia and its constitution which declared the equal status of men and women.
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Ženské aktivity v českém politickém katolicismu (1896-1939) / Women's Agency in the Czech Political Catholicism (1896-1939)Havelka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is based on a socio-cultural and social-anthropological approach to religion which (among other things) says that religion is dependent on the society in which it occurs. The ambition of the dissertation is not to capture "official positions" of the Catholic Church about the role of women in modern society. The dissertation is focusing on the perspective of Catholic women themselves. My main aim is to observe the opinion Catholic women have about themselves, and whether they reflect social or modernization changes. I will also observe, how they negotiated their role within the Czech political Catholicism. Time specification includes the end of the nineteenth century when women got more opportunities in the public sphere. As well as the period of independent Czechoslovakia and its constitution which declared the equal status of men and women.
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Okresní církevní tajemníci na okrese Český Brod v padesátých letech 20. století. Omezování katolické církve ve světle archivních pramenů / The district church secretaries on Český Brod district in the fifties if the 20th century. Reducing the CatholicChurch in the light of archival sourcesJUNOVÁ, Jindra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes a specific church political situation in the Catholic Church in the district of Český Brod in the period 1949-1952, as we know from the available archival sources - situation reports and documents of the district church secretaries. It shows how the official church policy of the state was in reality reflected at the given period in the activities of the district church secretary, pastors, nuns, believers in the monitored region. This work describes and evaluates various tasks and activities that the district church secretaries performed to reduce the Catholic Church in the Český Brod district in the fifties.
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