Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kereke""
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A study of home ranges, movements, diet and habitat use of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) in the southeastern sector of Banks Peninsula, New ZealandCampbell, Kirsten L. January 2006 (has links)
The present study is part of the Kaupapa Kereru Programme. The main aim of the programme is to increase the numbers and range of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) on Banks Peninsula. Home ranges, movements, diet and habitat use of 15 kereru captured in Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, were investigated from February 2005 to February 2006. Hinewai Reserve is the largest tract of regenerating native forest in a highly modified urban-rural landscape. Phenology of 11 plant species predicted to be key kereru foods, was studied to determine the pattern of food availability in Hinewai Reserve. Twelve radio-tagged kereru resided in the Hinewai Reserve study site (Otanerito Valley and Sleepy Bay) and three resided in Akaroa. Ripe fruit was available from January to August; the height of the fruiting season was in autumn. The bulk of new leaf growth occurred in spring and early summer although new leaves were available on broom and tree lucerne year round. Peak flowering occurred in spring. Kereru in Akaroa ate a total of 21 plant species; six of these species were native and 15 introduced. Kereru in the Hinewai Reserve study site ate a total of 26 plant species; 20 of these species were native and six introduced. Fruit was preferred when readily available. Native fruit appeared to be preferred over fruit of introduced species in Akaroa, where both types were available. New foliage of introduced legumes and deciduous species appeared to be preferred over new foliage of native species at both sites during winter and spring. These species were important food sources prior to the breeding season and may be selected specifically for their nitrogen and protein content. Food is currently not a limiting factor for kereru survival or reproductive success. Considerable variation in the use and preference of vegetation types of individual kereru made it difficult to identify trends in habitat selection. Use and preference for many vegetation types was seasonal; this was certainly because of the availability of food species included in or close to these vegetation types. Overall, native vegetation communities were used more than communities dominated by introduced species and forest communities were used more than non-forest communities. Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) was used most often for non-feeding activities and 67% of observed nests were built in kanuka. Annual home ranges and core areas in the Hinewai Reserve study site (mean of 15.9 and 2 ha respectively) were significantly larger than those found in Lyttelton Harbour, Banks Peninsula in previous research (mean of 8 and 0.08 ha respectively). Home ranges were larger when fruit was eaten, than when no fruit was eaten indicating that kereru are more sedentary when feeding on foliage. Kereru from the Hinewai Reserve study site made no excursions >5 km and no daily movements >2 km. Kereru from Akaroa and Sleepy Bay travelled into Otanerito Valley to feed on horopito in autumn, indicating that there may have been a lack of fruit in their local areas during autumn. No kereru in Otanerito Valley travelled outside of the valley. The distribution of high quality food sources is likely to have caused the observed differences in home range and core area size between localities. Kereru in Lyttelton Harbour may have been restricted to small patches of high quality resources in a study area consisting largely of unsuitable habitat. In Hinewai Reserve, high quality resources were spread over larger areas and were more uniformly distributed. The density of kereru was unknown at both study sites, and this confounded assessment of habitat quality. However, it is likely that the Hinewai Reserve study site would support a higher number of kereru. The main factor limiting population growth in the present study was failure of nests at the egg and chick stage. The fledge rate was 17%. Two of fifteen adult kereru died. Control of predators should be the first aspect of management that is focused on, and will almost certainly increase reproductive success of kereru and loss of breeding adults. As the population of kereru on Banks Peninsula increases due to predator control in existing kereru habitat, food may become a limiting factor. Habitat can be improved for kereru by planting a diverse range of plant species that provide food year-round. Native fruiting species are greatly recommended for habitat enhancement and should be selected so that fruit is available for as much of the year as possible. Native and introduced legumes should also be made available as foods for winter and spring. As most land on Banks Peninsula is privately owned, co-operation and enthusiasm of the community is critical for successful management. Information and support needs to be given to landowners wishing to enhance their properties for kereru.
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Consequences of dispersal failure: kereru and large seeds in New ZealandWotton, Debra Mary January 2007 (has links)
The decline of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) may limit dispersal of large-seeded plants in New Zealand, but the consequences of this are unknown. I determined kereru disperser effectiveness by modelling seed dispersal distances (using seed retention times and movement patterns). Mean seed retention time was significantly longer for larger-seeded species, ranging from 37-181 minutes. Wild radiotracked kereru were sedentary, remaining at one location for up to 5.25 hours. The mean flight distance was 77 m and the maximum was 1, 457 m. Estimated mean seed dispersal distances for tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), puriri (Vitex lucens), and fivefinger (Pseudopanax arboreus) were 95, 98, and 61 m respectively. Kereru dispersed 66-87% of ingested seeds away from the parent tree, with 79-88% of seeds dispersed <100 m and < 1% dispersed over 1,000 m. In a field seed-fate experiment, "pre-human" conditions (cleaned seeds, low density, away from parent, and protected from mammals) increased survival compared to "post-human" conditions (whole fruits, high density, under parent, not protected) for both taraire (Beilschmiedia tarairi; 15% vs. 2% survival to one year respectively) and karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus; 60% vs. 11% to two years, respectively). Fruit diameter varied considerably within karaka, taraire, and tawa, although theoretically not enough for them to be swallowed by other birds. Nevertheless, other birds are reported to occasionally take fruits of nearly all large-seeded species. Small tawa seeds produced smaller seedlings in the glasshouse; therefore selection of only smaller seeds by alternative dispersers may negatively affect tawa recruitment. Kereru are generally not gape-limited, and fruit size preferences were independent of mean fruit size. Kereru provide effective dispersal by moving most seeds away from the parent, and enhancing seed and seedling survival. Therefore, both dispersal failure and introduced mammals negatively affect the regeneration of large-seeded trees in New Zealand.
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Consequences of dispersal failure: kereru and large seeds in New ZealandWotton, Debra Mary January 2007 (has links)
The decline of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) may limit dispersal of large-seeded plants in New Zealand, but the consequences of this are unknown. I determined kereru disperser effectiveness by modelling seed dispersal distances (using seed retention times and movement patterns). Mean seed retention time was significantly longer for larger-seeded species, ranging from 37-181 minutes. Wild radiotracked kereru were sedentary, remaining at one location for up to 5.25 hours. The mean flight distance was 77 m and the maximum was 1, 457 m. Estimated mean seed dispersal distances for tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), puriri (Vitex lucens), and fivefinger (Pseudopanax arboreus) were 95, 98, and 61 m respectively. Kereru dispersed 66-87% of ingested seeds away from the parent tree, with 79-88% of seeds dispersed <100 m and < 1% dispersed over 1,000 m. In a field seed-fate experiment, "pre-human" conditions (cleaned seeds, low density, away from parent, and protected from mammals) increased survival compared to "post-human" conditions (whole fruits, high density, under parent, not protected) for both taraire (Beilschmiedia tarairi; 15% vs. 2% survival to one year respectively) and karaka (Corynocarpus laevigatus; 60% vs. 11% to two years, respectively). Fruit diameter varied considerably within karaka, taraire, and tawa, although theoretically not enough for them to be swallowed by other birds. Nevertheless, other birds are reported to occasionally take fruits of nearly all large-seeded species. Small tawa seeds produced smaller seedlings in the glasshouse; therefore selection of only smaller seeds by alternative dispersers may negatively affect tawa recruitment. Kereru are generally not gape-limited, and fruit size preferences were independent of mean fruit size. Kereru provide effective dispersal by moving most seeds away from the parent, and enhancing seed and seedling survival. Therefore, both dispersal failure and introduced mammals negatively affect the regeneration of large-seeded trees in New Zealand.
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A study of home ranges, movements, diet and habitat use of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) in the southeastern sector of Banks Peninsula, New ZealandCampbell, Kirsten L. January 2006 (has links)
The present study is part of the Kaupapa Kereru Programme. The main aim of the programme is to increase the numbers and range of kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) on Banks Peninsula. Home ranges, movements, diet and habitat use of 15 kereru captured in Hinewai Reserve, Banks Peninsula, were investigated from February 2005 to February 2006. Hinewai Reserve is the largest tract of regenerating native forest in a highly modified urban-rural landscape. Phenology of 11 plant species predicted to be key kereru foods, was studied to determine the pattern of food availability in Hinewai Reserve. Twelve radio-tagged kereru resided in the Hinewai Reserve study site (Otanerito Valley and Sleepy Bay) and three resided in Akaroa. Ripe fruit was available from January to August; the height of the fruiting season was in autumn. The bulk of new leaf growth occurred in spring and early summer although new leaves were available on broom and tree lucerne year round. Peak flowering occurred in spring. Kereru in Akaroa ate a total of 21 plant species; six of these species were native and 15 introduced. Kereru in the Hinewai Reserve study site ate a total of 26 plant species; 20 of these species were native and six introduced. Fruit was preferred when readily available. Native fruit appeared to be preferred over fruit of introduced species in Akaroa, where both types were available. New foliage of introduced legumes and deciduous species appeared to be preferred over new foliage of native species at both sites during winter and spring. These species were important food sources prior to the breeding season and may be selected specifically for their nitrogen and protein content. Food is currently not a limiting factor for kereru survival or reproductive success. Considerable variation in the use and preference of vegetation types of individual kereru made it difficult to identify trends in habitat selection. Use and preference for many vegetation types was seasonal; this was certainly because of the availability of food species included in or close to these vegetation types. Overall, native vegetation communities were used more than communities dominated by introduced species and forest communities were used more than non-forest communities. Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) was used most often for non-feeding activities and 67% of observed nests were built in kanuka. Annual home ranges and core areas in the Hinewai Reserve study site (mean of 15.9 and 2 ha respectively) were significantly larger than those found in Lyttelton Harbour, Banks Peninsula in previous research (mean of 8 and 0.08 ha respectively). Home ranges were larger when fruit was eaten, than when no fruit was eaten indicating that kereru are more sedentary when feeding on foliage. Kereru from the Hinewai Reserve study site made no excursions >5 km and no daily movements >2 km. Kereru from Akaroa and Sleepy Bay travelled into Otanerito Valley to feed on horopito in autumn, indicating that there may have been a lack of fruit in their local areas during autumn. No kereru in Otanerito Valley travelled outside of the valley. The distribution of high quality food sources is likely to have caused the observed differences in home range and core area size between localities. Kereru in Lyttelton Harbour may have been restricted to small patches of high quality resources in a study area consisting largely of unsuitable habitat. In Hinewai Reserve, high quality resources were spread over larger areas and were more uniformly distributed. The density of kereru was unknown at both study sites, and this confounded assessment of habitat quality. However, it is likely that the Hinewai Reserve study site would support a higher number of kereru. The main factor limiting population growth in the present study was failure of nests at the egg and chick stage. The fledge rate was 17%. Two of fifteen adult kereru died. Control of predators should be the first aspect of management that is focused on, and will almost certainly increase reproductive success of kereru and loss of breeding adults. As the population of kereru on Banks Peninsula increases due to predator control in existing kereru habitat, food may become a limiting factor. Habitat can be improved for kereru by planting a diverse range of plant species that provide food year-round. Native fruiting species are greatly recommended for habitat enhancement and should be selected so that fruit is available for as much of the year as possible. Native and introduced legumes should also be made available as foods for winter and spring. As most land on Banks Peninsula is privately owned, co-operation and enthusiasm of the community is critical for successful management. Information and support needs to be given to landowners wishing to enhance their properties for kereru.
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