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The Integration of Google Maps into American Kestrel, Falco sparvarius, Nest Trail ProgramsHarper, Dylan M. 01 May 2014 (has links)
American Kestrel Nest Box Programs have been established since the mid 1960’s. The population of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) along nest box trails has decreased by 47 percent since their original implementation. There are existing technologies that can help in the location of prime kestrel habitat (open fields with conspicuous perching locations) along highways, which reduces the amount of labor in searching for new box locations. These technologies can also help increase the efficiency of monitoring and maintaining kestrel nest trail programs. This study provides an example of how Google Maps can be implemented into a kestrel trail and explains the multiple benefits of the integration.
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Effects of electric and magnetic fields on selected physiological and reproductive parameters of American kestrelsFernie, Kimberly J. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Fenthion as a secondary poisoning hazard to American kestrelsHunt, Katherine A. (Katherine Anna) January 1990 (has links)
The potential of fenthion to act as a secondary poisoning hazard to birds of prey was investigated using American kestrels (Falco sparverius) and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) as a representative model of a naturally occurring predator-prey interaction. Kestrels were presented with live sparrows previously exposed to perches containing Rid-A-Bird 1100$ sp circler$ solution (Rid-A-Bird, Inc., Muscatine, IA), 11% fenthion active ingredient, under simulated field conditions. All 14 kestrels tested died following ingestion of fenthion-exposed sparrows. Decreased brain cholinesterase activity and residue analyses of kestrel gastro-intestinal samples confirmed secondary fenthion poisoning. / Prey selection trials were conducted in the laboratory to determine the response of kestrels to a mixed flock of contaminated and uncontaminated sparrows. Kestrels captured fenthion-exposed prey significantly more often (12 out of 15 trials) than normal, unexposed prey. / These results suggest that avian predators and scavengers in the wild are at risk from contact with fenthion-exposed prey in areas where Rid-A-Bird perches are in use.
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Determination of linkage and degree of relatedness in a captive population of American kestrels using DNA fingerprintingCunningham, Heather V. January 1995 (has links)
DNA fingerprinting was used to assess levels of genetic variation within the captive colony of pedigreed American kestrels (Falco sparverius) which have been maintained for over twenty years at the Avian Science and Conservation Centre of McGill University. Several instances of apparent linkage and allelism were observed. The high probability of fortuitous co-segregation of parental bands as if linked or allelic resulting from the small number of offspring was most likely responsible. Otherwise, the kestrel fingerprints displayed germ-line stability and high levels of heterozygosity characteristic of other species. A positive linear and quasi-linear relationship was found between pedigree-based and DNA fingerprint-based relatedness coefficients. High levels of genetic variation and minimal inbreeding were detected via genetic analyses. Genetic similarity coefficients between colony-bred and free-ranging American kestrels were not significantly different (P $>$ 0.5), indicating minimal genetic drift within the colony. Managed mating combined with immigration of new members into the breeding pool can maintain genetic diversity within a captive population of 200 to 300 American kestrels for a long term management scale. The captive-bred kestrel population can be fully exploited for general research, management and care techniques and as a genetic and demographic reservoir.
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Effects of electric and magnetic fields on selected physiological and reproductive parameters of American kestrelsFernie, Kimberly J. January 1998 (has links)
Birds nest under electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) generated by transmission liners which may affect their reproductive success and/or melatonin governing their circadian and circannual cycles. Over two years, captive kestrels were used to determine whether EMFs affect their plasma melatonin concentrations and their reproductive success. EMFs were equivalent to that which wild kestrels are exposed to while nesting under 735 kV transmission fines, and daily exposure used in the captive study (88--98% time budget) was potentially equivalent to that of wild kestrels (90% X, 80% X). Captive kestrels were housed in control or EMF conditions to determine short-term (one season; S-EMF) and longer-term EMF (two seasons; L-EMF) effects. / Plasma melatonin in adult EMF males was suppressed at 42 d and elevated at 70 d of EMF exposure compared to controls. Melatonin levels in EMF males at mid-season were similar to controls at season's end, suggesting a seasonal phase-shift. Melatonin was suppressed in L-EMF fledgling birds but not in adult females or nudes (1995) at 70 d. Plasm melatonin, higher in adult males than females at 70 d post-pairing, was not directly associated with body mass changes in kestrels. / Captive EMF birds were more active and alert but groomed less often than controls. EMF exposure affected reproductive success of kestrels. Fertility and fledging success were higher, and hatching success lower in S-EMF clutches. Hatching success was higher, but fledging success lower in L-EMF clutches. In S-EMF clutches, mean egg volume and mass were greater, eggs had slightly more albumen but thinner eggshells, and embryos were larger than controls. L-EMF hatchlings were heavier than controls. / The melatonin results for male kestrels indicate that kestrels perceive EMFs as light, thus altering their photoperiod. Photoperiodic manipulations advance molt onset, which is associated with increased body mass in male kestrels. S-EMF males were heavier at 56 d of exposure when molt began, but this was unlikely related to feed intake winch was unchanged. EMF exposure had no effect on body mass and pectoral muscle scores of reproducing females. The sexually-dimorphic response in body mass and melatonin concentrations suggests that male kestrels may be more sensitive to EMF exposure than females.
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The Effects of Sodium Flouride on the Reproductive Performance of the Male American kestrel (Falco sparverius) and the Japanese quail (Cotumix japonica)Shutt, Laird January 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Determination of linkage and degree of relatedness in a captive population of American kestrels using DNA fingerprintingCunningham, Heather V. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Fenthion as a secondary poisoning hazard to American kestrelsHunt, Katherine A. (Katherine Anna) January 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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Reproductive Success of American Kestrels (<em>Falco sparverius</em>) Nesting in Boxes along an Interstate in Northeastern Tennessee.Powers, Jennifer Robertson 19 December 2009 (has links)
Nest box programs provide supplemental nest sites for American Kestrels, Falco sparverius. When the availability of nest sites is a limiting factor, the addition of nest boxes can increase local breeding populations. These programs also facilitate the collection of data on breeding kestrels.
This study focuses on an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) nest box trail along Interstate 26 in northeastern Tennessee during the breeding seasons of 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, and 2009. Productivity measures and reproductive success of nesting birds are provided and compared to other programs. The data are analyzed across years and by box. Finally, a discussion of the habitat surrounding the most and least active boxes provides recommendations for increased efficiency of the program.
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Nest site selection by the American kestrel, Falco sparveriusSpiegel, Stephen. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.
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