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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace spektrálních a nespektrálních analytických metod pro sledování kvality kečupů / Application of spectral and non-spectral analytical methods for monitoring the quality of ketchups

Havlíčková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the master´s thesis was to verify the applicability of elemental analysis and molecular spectrometry for examining the authenticity of ketchup. For verify of share refractometric dry matter introduced into ketchup from tomatoes was used analysis of potassium and lycopene content. Ketchups with different tomato contents were prepared and subsequently models were created, which were used to verify the proportion of refractometric dry matter introduced into tomato ketchup in ketchups from the store. The results of the work showed that the amount of lycopene is a problematic marker for verifying the authenticity of ketchup, because during the production of ketchup, lycopene is degraded.In contrast, the amount of potassium in ketchup has been shown to be a good marker for monitoring the authenticity of ketchup. The model based on the potassium content of ketchup worked reliably, the deviations obtained from the quantity of tomatoes used for the production of ketchup indicated on the packaging were less than 10%. Higher deviations were achieved in ketchups with a minimum permitted tomato content of up to 20%. The concentration of potassium in ketchup with a lower content of used tomatoes can be significantly affected by the addition of other ingredients to the ketchup (onion, garlic, carrot, apple, etc.). In addition to the ketchup production technology used, the ripeness of tomatoes also has a significant effect on the model for verifying the authenticity of ketchup.

Stanovení makroprvků, organických kyselin a dalších parametrů v kečupech / Determination of macroelements, organic acids and other parameters in ketchups

Popelová, Nikola January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is perform basic analyses of samples ketchups. The theoretical part describes the basic characteristics of tomato, tomatoes processing and production of puree and ketchup. Then there are described analytical methods which were used for analysing the selected parameters in ketchups. The experimental part deals with the determination of pH, total solids, organic acids, saccharides, macroelements and lycopene in ketchups. Citrate and acetate were analysed by IC. The amount of acetate in ketchups was about 5 times greater than the amount of citrate. Glucose, fructose and sucrose were analysed by HPLC. Glucose and fructose were determined in all samples but sucrose not. The ICP-OES method was used to determine four elements. Magnesium was the least represented element and sodium was the most represented element in the analysis. The amount of sodium was recalculated on the amount of salt. Lycopene was analysed by UV-VIS spectrometry. Its amount in ketchups is influenced by the variety of used tomatoes and plenty of other factors.

Plánování trajektorie robota v dynamicky měnícím se prostředí s ohledem na splnění specifického cíle

Koten, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is a trajectory optimization of robot in the Ketchup House competition. Environment mapping system is proposed to deal with this issue. As an ideal solution is chosen a method of familiar environment scanning using a camera module and lidar. Camera module and lidar provide a possibility to scan up to nine searched objects, instead of one object allowed by the previous solution. A proximity sensor supplements the whole system, so the efficiency of detection increase. To find a particular position of the object on the playing field, image processing methods are used, namely line detection and thresholding. Moreover, new playing strategy and a new way of representing the playing field are implemented. Robot K4, created by PEF MENDELU AiStorm team, serves for application of the system.

Characterization of the novel adhesion G protein-coupled receptors: CG11318/mayo and CG15556/ketchup in Drosophila melanogaster

Vieira Contreras, Fernando 28 June 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Vybrané jevy při přenosu tepla vzduchotechnikou / Selected heat transfer phenomena in air conditioning

Vojkůvková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Numerical simulation is a scientific method used to describe characteristics of examined system by means of experiments on its mathematical model. This thesis uses this method to elucidate the processes taking place in two different systems. Firstly it deals with the design of air conditioning systems for buildings, focusing on the mixing chambers. It focuses on the formation of condensation of water vapor in mixing chambers under conditions where the final temperature of the mixture does not drop below the saturation curve. Second prepared topic falls within the field of thermodynamics applied in food production. In order to assess the sufficiency of air-cooling method examines the thermal field in the product and evaluates the application of air-cooling assembly line in practice.

Iskorišćenje sporednog produkta prerade paradajza kao sirovine za prehrambene proizvode sa dodatom vrednošću / Utilization of tomato processing byproduct as raw material for value-added food products

Belović Miona 10 October 2016 (has links)
<p>U okviru disertacije su razvijeni postupci za iskori&scaron;ćenje sporednog produkta prerade paradajza (tropa) kao polazne sirovine za proizvodnju prehrambenih proizvoda sa dodatom vredno&scaron;ću. Sprovedena istraživanja kretala su se u dva smera: proizvodnja lipofilnih i hidrofilnih ekstrakata od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza, primenom rastvarača koji su dozvoljeni za upotrebu u prehrambenoj industriji (n-heksana i 95% etanola) i njihova karakterizacija u pogledu sadržaja i sastava fitohemikalija i biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti in vitro; razvoj formulacija i tehnolo&scaron;kih postupaka za kreiranje gotovih proizvoda sa povećanim sadržajem prehrambenih vlakana i njihova karakterizacija u smislu nutritivnih, reolo&scaron;kih i senzorskih svojstava. Proizvedena su tri proizvoda sa povećanim sadržajem prehrambenih vlakana: kečap od svežeg tropa paradajza, kečap od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza u prahu i marmelada od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza u prahu.<br />Proizvedeni lipofilni i hidrofilni ekstrakti pokazali su sposobnost redukcije jona gvožđa, kao i antiradikalsku aktivnost na DPPH, azot (II)-oksid i superoksid-anjon radikale. Karotenoidi detektovani u lipofilnim ekstraktima (likopen i &beta;-karoten) povezani su sa vi&scaron;om antiradikalskom aktivno&scaron;ću na superoksid-anjon radikal, dok su fenolna jedinjenja detektovana u hidrofilnim ekstraktima (hidroksicinamati, flavonoli i dihidrohalkoni) bila efikasnija u redukciji jona gvožđa. Etanolni ekstrakt tropa paradajza pokazao je inhibitornu aktivnost na angiotenzin-konvertujući enzim pri koncentraciji ekstrakta od 10 mg/ml.<br />Kečap proizveden od svežeg tropa paradajza, kečap proizveden od liofilizata tropa paradajza i marmelada proizvedena od liofilizata tropa paradajza su bili okarakterisani povećanim sadržajem prehrambenih vlakana (preko 3 g na 100 g proizvoda), na osnovu kog mogu da se deklari&scaron;u kao izvor vlakana. Marmelada je proizvedena od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza bez dodatka hidrokoloida, sa 20% manjim sadržajem &scaron;ećera u odnosu na komercijalne proizvode.<br />Reolo&scaron;ka svojstva kečapa proizvedenog od svežeg tropa paradajza su prevashodno zavisila od koncentracije nerastvorljivih čestica. Rezultati senzorske ocene sprovedene uz primenu panela treniranih ocenjivača, ukazuju da su miris na paradajz i aroma paradajza bili najvažniji za jasno razlikovanje kečapa proizvedenog od svežeg tropa paradajza od komercijalnih proizvoda.<br />Kečap i marmelada proizvedeni od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza se, kao reolo&scaron;ki sistemi, mogu opisati modifikovanom frakcionom Kelvin-Voigt-ovom jednačinom kao viskoelastična tela. Ispitivanje model sistema sastavljenih od različitih odnosa liofilizata tropa paradajza i vode tretiranih na temperaturi od 60&deg;C i 100&deg;C ukazalo je da su vrednosti modula elastičnosti (G&rsquo;) zavisile od koncentracije liofilizata tropa i da su G&rsquo; vrednosti niže na 100&deg;C u odnosu na 60&deg;C. Test dopadljivosti kečapa i marmelade od liofilizovanog tropa paradajza, sproveden primenom hedonske skale od 1 do 7, ukazuje da su oba proizvoda prihvaćena od strane potro&scaron;ača (prosečna ocena za ukupnu dopadljivost veća od 4).</p> / <p>This dissertation describes processes for utilization of tomato processing byproduct (tomato pomace) as raw material for value-added food products. Research was conducted in two directions: one is production of lipophilic and hydrophilic tomato pomace extracts using solvents that are allowed for use in the food industry (n-hexane and 95% ethanol) and their characterization in terms of content and composition of phytochemicals and their in vitro biological activity; the other one is development of formulations and technological processes for the creation of tomato pomace based products with increased content of dietary fiber and their characterization in terms of nutritional, rheological and sensory properties. Three products with increased dietary fiber content were produced: ketchup was produced from fresh tomato pomace, and ketchup and jam were produced from lyophilized tomato pomace powder.<br />Produced lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts showed ferric ion reducing ability, as well as DPPH, nitric oxide and superoxide anion radical scavenging activity. Carotenoids detected in lipophilic extracts (lycopene and &beta;-carotene) were correlated with higher superoxide anion radical scavenging activity, while phenolic compounds detected in hydrophilic extracts (hydroxycinnamates, flavonols and dihydrochalcones) were more effective in ferric ion reduction.<br />Ketchup produced from fresh tomato pomace, ketchup produced from lyophilized tomato pomace, and jam produced from lyophilized tomato pomace were characterized by increased content of dietary fiber (more than 3 g per 100 g of product). Jam was produced from the lyophilized tomato pomace without addition of hydrocolloids, with 20% lower sugar content in comparison with commercial products. Rheological properties of ketchup produced from fresh tomato pomace primarily depended on the insoluble particles content. The results of sensory analysis indicate that tomato odor and flavor were the most important for clear separation of ketchup produced from fresh tomato pomace from commercial products.<br />Ketchup and jam produced from lyophilized tomato pomace could be described, as rheological systems, by the application of modified fractional Kelvin-Voigt model as viscoelastic solids. The examination of model systems comprised of different lyophilized tomato pomace:water ratios heat treated at 60&deg;C and 100&deg;C indicated that storage modulus (G&rsquo;) values depended on the concentration of lyophilized tomato pomace and that G&rsquo; values were lower at 100&deg;C than at 60&deg;C. Preference test for ketchup and jam, conducted by application of 7-point hedonic scale, indicated that both products were accepted by the consumers (average score for overall acceptability higher than 4).</p>

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