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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Měření a analýza posturální stability a pohybových vzorů osob po trans-femorální amputaci / Measurement and analysis of postural stability and movement patterns of persons after transfemoral amputation

Vyhnal, Ondřej January 2022 (has links)
Title: Measurement and analysis of postural stability and movement patterns of persons after transfemoral amputation. Objectives: The aim of this work is to understand the compensatory mechanisms arising after femoral amputation and to find out what effect the lenght of amputation has on movement patterns in humans after transfemoral amputation and exarticulation in the knee joint. Methods: In my work I used the method of analysis and method of comparison. For the analysis of postural stability, I used standard tools: force plates (Kistler 9286A) and motion recording system (Kistler 9286A). To compare kinematic one-dimensional data, I used the technique of statistical parametric mapping, which is a generalization of classical statistical tests from scalar to one-dimensional data. 8 probands with transfemoral amputation participated in the study. Three successful attempts were recorded, at three speeds with the contact of a residual and amputated limb. The movement of the pelvis in the horizontal, sagittal, transverse planes and the time spent on a residual limb were analyzed. Results: We found that the length of amputation significantly effects postural stability and movement patterns. It was found that the shorter the amputation stump, the less stable the gait, with greater deviations in the...

Design ligandů pro medicínské aplikace / Ligand design for medicinal applications

Paúrová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, copper radioisotopes have been extensively studied for their suitable coordination and physical properties. Nuclides 61 Cu, 64 Cu and 67 Cu are used in nuclear medicine - in diagnostic as well as in therapeutic applications. The aim of the Thesis is a study of the coordination properties of divalent copper as a stepping stone for the next potential applications. The presented Thesis consists of two thematic parts. The first part deals with the synthesis of cyclam derivatives. Sixteen new macrocyclic ligands with different phosphorus acid coordinating pendant arms (phosphinate, phosphonate, germinal P-C-P) were prepared; an analogous ligand endowed by carboxylic acid pendant arm as well as tetramethylcyclam without coordinating arm were prepared for comparison. The influence of the nature of coordinating acid pendant arms on selectivity and on the rate of copper(II) complexation was studied in detail. The protonation constants of the free ligands and the stability constants of the complexes with selected transition metal ions were determined by potentiometric titrations and by 1 H and 31 P NMR spectroscopy. Kinetic properties - i.e. studies of the formation rate and kinetic inertness of the copper(II) complexes - were performed by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The formation kinetics of the selected...

Terahertzová spektroskopie v časové doméně a vizualizace biologických objektů / Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy and Visualization of Biological Objects

Nedvědová, Marie January 2022 (has links)
This thesis deals with the methods of Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy to observe the kinetics of haemostatic materials used for supporting the native mechanism of haemostasis. The theoretical part follows the physical principles of THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz TDS), mentions the advantages and limitations of this method and its application possibilities for the characterization of biomedical materials. Further, there are specified properties of actual haemostats, described principles of their function and usage in practice, including their interaction with the living tissue. There were performed experiments monitoring the kinetics of physiologic reaction of the tissue adhesive based on the cyanoacrylates and absorbable haemostats. The mechanisms of monitored reactions were explained based on the physical-chemical principles that are used also for the kinetic models’ derivation. Modelling of the measured data results in the estimation of the parameters characterizing the observed samples. The most interesting parameter is the time constant of the reaction because of the possibility to compare reaction rates of different types of haemostats. The detailed analysis of this parameter is performed using the means of statistical methods. Tissue adhesive samples were measured by other spectroscopic and microscopic methods to compare the findings with the experimental results of the THz TDS. Data were processed using algorithms designed especially for this experiment and analysed using mathematical methods.

Srovnání indukce a regulace autofagocytózy v proliferujících a senescentních nádorových buňkách / Srovnání indukce a regulace autofagocytózy v proliferujících a senescentních nádorových buňkách

Pešina, František January 2014 (has links)
Autophagy, senescence and apoptosis are tightly linked processes which together determine the fate of cells in response to various stresses. There is ample evidence supporting the notion that senescent cells are highly dependent on autophagy and this process is here much more intensive than in nonsenescent cells. Autophagy may to some extent compensate increased energetic and metabolic demands of senescent cells and also helps with removal of toxic products such as oxidized proteins, protein aggregates and damaged organelles resulting from an overloaded metabolism of some senescent cells. In addition, some studies reported the need of autophagy for the adoption of senescent phenotype. However, there are also studies with seemingly contradictory results claiming that increased autophagy prevents or delays cellular senescence. Relationship of autophagy to apoptosis is similarly ambivalent. Whereas intact autophagy is necessary for the cell, while slightly increased autophagy still has a rather positive impact, excessive autophagy may lead to degradation of critical components necessary for cell function and survival and can trigger one of the modes of programmed cell death. In the first part of this work, we focused on the analysis of autophagic response in senescent and proliferating pancreatic...

Analysa substrátové specifity a mechanismu GlpG, intramembránové proteasy z rodiny rhomboidů. / Analysis of substrate specificity and mechanism of GlpG, an intramembrane protease of the rhomboid family.

Peclinovská, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Membrane proteins of the rhomboid-family are evolutionarily widely conserved and include rhomboid intramembrane serine proteases and rhomboid-like proteins. The latter have lost their catalytic activity in evolution but retained the ability to bind transmembrane helices. Rhomboid-family proteins play important roles in intercellular signalling, membrane protein quality control and trafficking, mitochondrial dynamics, parasite invasion and wound healing. Their medical potential is steeply increasing, but in contrast to that, their mechanistic and structural understanding lags behind. Rhomboid protease GlpG from E.coli has become the main model rhomboid-family protein and the main model intramembrane protease - it was the first one whose X-ray structure was solved. GlpG cleaves single-pass transmembrane proteins in their transmembrane helix, but how substrates bind to GlpG and how is substrate specificity achieved is still poorly understood. This thesis investigates the importance of the transmembrane helix of the substrate in its recognition by GlpG using mainly enzyme kinetics and site-directed mutagenesis. We find that the transmembrane helix of the substrate contributes significantly to the binding affinity to the enzyme, hence to cleavage efficiency, but it also plays a role in cleavage site...

Inhibitory myší serinracemasy / Inhibitors of mouse serine racemase

Vorlová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Serine racemase (SR) is a pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme responsible for biosynthesis of D-serine, a recognized neurotransmitter acting as a co-activator of N-methyl- D-aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptors in the mammalian central nervous system. The hyperfunction of the mentioned receptors have been shown to be implicated in many neuropathological conditions including Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy. To alleviate the symptoms of these diseases, several artificial blockers of NMDA receptors have been introduced into the clinical practice. However, many of these compounds cause undesirable side effects and it is thus necessary to search for either less harmful blockers or regulators of other targets of pharmaceutical intervention that are involved in NMDA receptor activation. In this context, specific inhibition of serine racemase seems to be a promising strategy for regulation of NMDA receptor overstimulation. Mouse serine racemase shares 89% identity with its human ortholog and it was also shown that both enzymes possess similar kinetic parameters and inhibitor specificity. Therefore, the mouse models can be used to search for a potent human serine racemase inhibitor. Although many different compounds for their inhibitory potency towards serine...

Charakterizace glutamátkarboxypeptidasy II, jejích blízkých homologů a jejich interakcí s ligandy / Characterization of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II, its Close Homologs and their Interaction with Ligands

Tykvart, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Cancer, group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled cell growth, represents one of the great challenges of modern clinical research. Currently, the standard treatment of the cancer disease relies mainly on the whole body exposition to various factors, which targets the dividing cells, combined with surgical resection of the tumor. Unfortunately, this treatment is sometimes accompanied by numerous severe side-effects (e.g., nausea, loss of hair, infertility etc.). Therefore, in the past 40 years enormous resources and effort have been invested into finding a way how to specifically target and destroy the cancerous cells. This goal has been primarily addressed by the search for molecules, mainly proteins, which are predominantly expressed in the cancerous tissues compared to the healthy cells. Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII), also known as prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA), represents such a target since it is highly expressed in a prostate carcinoma as well as in a solid tumor neovasculature. Additionally, GCPII is widely used as a model target molecule for proof-of-principle studies on targeted drug delivery. GCPII thorough biochemical characterization is essential for its appropriate use. Therefore, our laboratory has been investigating GCPII from various perspectives for more...

Strukturiranje i određivanje kinetike reakcija nastajanja funkcionalnih hibridnih materijala na osnovu epoksidnih smola / Structure design and determination of curing kinetics for epoxy based functional hybrid materials

Teofilović Vesna 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je ispitan uticaj montmorilonita i<br />termoplastičnih segmentiranih poliuretana na kinetiku reakcija<br />umrežavanja, strukturu i svojstva funkcionalnih hibridnih<br />materijala na osnovu epoksidnih smola. Pripremljene su dve<br />serije uzoraka hibridnih materijala: prva na osnovu epoksidne<br />smole sa različitim sadržajem organski modifikovanog<br />montmorilonita (0, 1, 3, 5 i 10 mas.%) umrežene sa<br />umreživačem Jeffamine D-230; druga serija je sintetisana na<br />osnovu epoksidne smole, sa različitim sadržajem (10, 15 i 20<br />mas.%) termoplastičnog poliuretanskog elastomera sa<br />različitim sadržajem tvrdih segmenata (20, 25 i 30 mas.%)<br />sintetisanih na osnovu alifatičnog polikarbonatnog diola i<br />heksametilendiizocijanata i produživača lanca butandiola, kao<br />i katalizatora dibutiltin dilaurata; kao i bez dodatog elastomera<br />umrežene sa diaminom Jeffamine D-2000. Umrežavanje<br />reaktivnih sistema sa projektovanim sirovinskim sastavom je<br />praćeno diferencijalnom skenirajućom kalorimetrijom (DSC).<br />Modeli izokonverzije primenjeni su da se ustanovi da li<br />dodatak punila utiče na reakciju umrežavanja hibridnih<br />materijala. Sintetisani materijali su analizirani dinamičkomehaničkom<br />analizom (DMA), mikroskopijom atomskih sila<br />(AFM), kao i TG-DSC i TG-MS metodama i određena su<br />mehanička svojstva (zatezna čvrstoća, prekidno izduženje i<br />tvrdoća po &Scaron;oru A). Epoksidni materijal sa 10 mas.% organski<br />modifikovanog montmorilonita ima značajno niže vrednosti<br />energija aktivacije za definisane stepene reagovanja, čime je<br />potvrđen katalitički efekat gline sa slojevitom strukturom kada<br />je prisutna u reakcionoj sme&scaron;i u dovoljnoj količini. Uticaj<br />otežane difuzije pri kraju reakcije je izraženiji u prisustvu<br />montmorilonita, čime je pokazano da njegovo prisustvo utiče<br />na ceo mehanizam umrežavanja. Utvrđeno je da na vrednosti<br />G&#39;, pored udela montmorilonita, utiče i stepen dispergovanja<br />čestica unutar polimerne matrice. Zaključeno je da dodatak<br />punila do 3 mas. % utiče povoljno na ispitana mehanička<br />svojstva, dok pri sadržaju od 5 i 10 mas. % dolazi do<br />aglomeracije čestica punila, &scaron;to negativno utiče na ispitana<br />svojstva, osim tvrdoće, koja se povećava linearno sa dodatkom<br />punila montmorilonita. Na osnovu rezultata TG analize<br />zaključeno je da je sa porastom udela montmorilonita u<br />epoksidnoj matrici termička stabilnost uzoraka ispitivanih u<br />atmosferi vazduha neznatno pobolj&scaron;ana, dok u inertnoj<br />atmosferi nema uticaja na termičku stabilnost, niti na<br />mehanizam raspada hibridnih materijala na osnovu epoksidnih<br />smola sa različitim udelima montmorilonita. Kod sistema kod<br />kojih je dodavan termoplastični poliuretanski elastomer,<br />zaključeno je da pri većem sadržaju segmentiranih poliuretana<br />u epoksidnoj matrici (10 i 15 mas.%) proces umrežavanja<br />započinje na nižim temperaturama i maksimalna brzina se<br />ostvaruje na nižim temperaturama, a najveća vrednost<br />promena ukupne entalpije reakcije umrežavanja je određena za<br />hibridni materijal sa poliuretanom koji u svojoj strukturi ima<br />30 mas.% tvrdih segmenata. Zatezna čvrstoća hibridnih<br />materijala raste sa porastom udela tvrdih segmenata u strukturi<br />poliuretana, kao i sa porastom masenog udela poliuretanskog<br />elastomera u epoksidnoj matrici. Dodatkom termoplastičnih<br />segmentiranih poliuretana značajno je povećano prekidno<br />izduženje epoksidnih smola. Sa porastom udela tvrdih<br />segmenata kod poliuretana dodatih u istom masenom procentu<br />u epoksidnu matricu, tvrdoća raste. Ustanovljeno je da na<br />konačna svojstva hibridnih materijala utiče izbor polaznih<br />komponenti, način ume&scaron;avanja punila u matricu i uslovi pri<br />kojima se vr&scaron;i umrežavanje. Zaključeno je da je dobro<br />poznavanje kinetičkih parametara reakcije umrežavanja važno<br />za pravilan odabir optimalnih uslova za proizvodnju i preradu<br />hibridnih materijala u industrijskim uslovima.</p> / <p>In this thesis the influence of clay fillers and thermoplastic<br />segmented polyurethanes on the curing kinetics, structure and<br />properties of functional hybrid materials based on epoxy resins<br />was assessed. Two sets of hybrid material samples were<br />prepared. First type of samples was based on epoxy resin with<br />a different content of organically modified montmorillonite (0,<br />1, 3, 5 and 10 wt. %) and crosslinking with hardener Jeffamine<br />D-230. Second type of samples was based on epoxy resin,<br />having different content (10, 15 and 20 wt. %) of thermoplastic<br />segmented polyurethane with different content of hard<br />segments (20, 25 and 30 wt. %) based on aliphatic<br />polycarbonate macrodiols and hexamethylene diisocyanate,<br />with chain extender 1,4-butanediol and the catalyst, dibutyltin<br />dilaurate, and also a sample without added elastomeric<br />polyurethane and crosslinking with hardener Jeffamine D-<br />2000. The curing of the hybrid materials based on epoxy resins<br />systems were investigated by non-isothermal differential<br />scanning calorimetry (DSC). The kinetic study by<br />isoconversion models has been carried out using data from<br />DSC. The synthesized materials were analyzed by dynamicmechanical<br />analysis (DMA), atomic force microscopy (AFM)<br />as well as TG-DSC and TG-MS methods and mechanical<br />properties (tensile strength, elongation and hardness at Shore<br />A) were determined. Epoxy based hybrid material with 10 wt.<br />% of the organically modified montmorillonite has<br />significantly lower activation energy values for the defined<br />reaction rates, thereby confirming the catalytic effect of the<br />clay with the layered structure when present in the reaction<br />mixture in sufficient quantity. The diffusion effects at the end<br />of the reaction are more pronounced in the presence of<br />montmorillonite, which indicates that its presence affects the<br />entire curing mechanism. It was found that G&#39;, along with<br />montmorillonite content, is affected by the degree of particle<br />dispersion inside the polymer matrix. It was concluded that the<br />addition of montmorillonite up to 3 wt. % improves<br />investigated mechanical properties, while the samples with 5<br />and 10 wt. % of montmorillonite resulted in agglomeration of<br />the filler particles, which negatively influenced the<br />investigated properties, except for the hardness which<br />increases linearly with the addition of montmorillonite. TG<br />analysis shows that the increase of montmorillonite content in<br />the epoxy matrix slightly improves the thermal stability in the<br />air, while in the inert atmosphere there is no influence on the<br />thermal stability nor on the mechanism of the decomposition<br />of epoxy based hybrid materials. In the system with a<br />thermoplastic polyurethane filler, it was concluded that hybrid<br />materials with a higher content of segmented polyurethane (10<br />and 15 wt. %), curing process starts at lower temperatures and<br />the maximum speed is achieved at lower temperatures and the<br />highest value of changes in total enthalpy of the crosslinking<br />reaction is determined for the epoxy hybrid material with<br />polyurethanes containing 30 wt. % of hard segments. Tensile<br />strength of hybrid materials increases with the increase of hard<br />segments content in the polyurethane elastomer as well as with<br />the increase of polyurethane content in the epoxy matrix. The<br />addition of thermoplastic segmented polyurethanes<br />significantly increased the elongation at break of prepared<br />epoxy resins hybrid materials. The increase of the hard<br />segments content in polyurethane, in the same ratio, improves<br />hardness of epoxy based hybrid material. It was concluded that<br />the final properties of hybrid materials are influenced by the<br />selection of initial compounds, methods of processing and the<br />curing conditions. It was concluded, as well that knowing the<br />kinetic parameters of curing reaction is important for the<br />proper selection of optimal parameters for production and<br />processing of hybrid materials in industrial conditions.</p>

18-22 metų merginų, sergančių 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu, greitosios adaptacijos aerobiniams ėjimo krūviams ypatumai / 18-22 years girl, with type 1 diabetes, quick load adaptations aerobic walking workload characteristics

Jakaitė, Jurgita 20 June 2012 (has links)
Hipotezė: 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu sergančių merginų vegetacinių sistemų rodiklių pokyčiai krūvio metu bus didesni, nei šokėjų ir nesportuojančių. Tikslas: Įvertinti 18-22 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu sergančių merginų, greitosios adaptacijos aerobiniams ėjimo krūviams, ypatumus. Tiriamieji: 10 šokėjų, 12 nesportuojančių sveikų merginų, ir 12 sergančių 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu merginų. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Kūno kompozicija 2. dujų analizė 3. pulsometrija 4. biocheminė kraujo analizė 5. standartinis šešių minučių ėjimo krūvis bėgtakiu 6. matematinė statistika. Tyrimo organizavimas: Tyrimas atliktas 2011-2012 metais. Tyrime dalyvavo 34 merginos, kurios buvo suskirstytos į 3 grupes: I grupę sudarė 1 tipo cukriniu diabetu sergančios merginos (n=12), II grupę šokėjos (n=10), III grupę nesportuojančios sveikos merginos (n=12). Tiriamosios buvo 18-22 metų amžiaus. Tiriamosios, atvykusios į Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijos sporto fiziologijos labaratorija, buvo supažindintos su tyrimu. Prieš tyrimą tiriamosioms buvo atlikta kūno sudėties analizė su „Tanita TBF-300-A “ svartyklėmis. “Tanita TBF-300-A” svarstyklėmis buvo nustatyta tiriamųjų: kūno masė, KMI (kūno masės indeksas), riebalų masė (%), riebalų masė (kg). Visos tyrime dalyvavusios merginos atliko 6 minučių standartinį ėjimo testą bėgtakiu VIASYS LE 200 CE (Vokietija) pagal (1 tyrimo protokolą). 6 minučių standartinio ėjimo testo metu buvo atliktas tiesioginis MDS nustatymas dujų analizatoriumi „Oxycon Mobile“ (Jaeger, Vokietija)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Hypothesis: We thought that type 1 diabetic girls vegetative system parameters during exercise will be higher than the dancers and untrained. The aim of the study: To evaluate the type 1 diabetic quick adaptation of aerobic walking loads, characteristics Subjects: 10 dancers, 12 untrained healthy women, 12 patients with type 1 diabetic women. The methods of the study: 1. Body composition 2. gas analysis 3. pulsometry 4. biochemical blood analysis 5. standard 6-minute treadmill walk test 6. mathematical statistics. The organization of the study: The study was conducted from 2011 to 2012 years. The study included 34 women were divided into 3 groups: group I consisted of type 1 diabetic girls (n = 12), group II dancers (n = 10), III group of healthy untrained girls (n = 12). The participants were between 18-22 years of age. Before the study subjects was performed body composition analysis with Tanita TBF-300-A."Tanita TBF-300-A subjects were found on scales: body weight, BMI (body mass index), fat mass (%), fat mass (kg).All the girls participated in the study, carried out a standard 6-minute treadmill walk test VIASYS LE 200 CE (Germany) in accordance with (1 TABLE). Standard 6-minute walk test was carried out directly by the gas analyzer MDS "Oxycon Mobile (Jaeger, Germany). Total 6-minute walk test in a standard treadmill VIASYS LE 200 CE (Germany) and recovery time using a portable system Oxycon Mobile has been recorded in gas exchange rates of oxygen consumption (VO2)... [to full text]

Karakterizacija bioremedijacionih procesa u zemljištu i podzemnim vodama zagađenim naftom i derivatima na lokalitetu Ratno ostrvo / Characterisation of the bioremediation processes in soil and groundwater contaminated by oil and oil derivatives at the site of Ratno Ostrvo

Rončević Srđan 01 June 2007 (has links)
<p>Predmet izučavanja ove disertacije je pasivna bioremedijacija naftom i derivatima nafte&nbsp;zagađenih podzemnih voda na lokalitetu&nbsp; Ratno ostrvo i pospe&scaron;ivanje procesa&nbsp;<br />bioremedijacije zemlji&scaron;ta i podzemne vode zagađenih naftom i derivatima nafte na&nbsp;laboratorijskom postrojenju u ciljusanacije ugroženog lokaliteta.</p><p>Praćenjem podzemnih voda granične zone izvori&scaron;ta Ratno ostrvo i Rafinerije nafte&nbsp;utvrđeno je da je u podzemnoj vodi granične zone izvori&scaron;ta Ratno ostrvo i Rafinerije&nbsp;nafte Novi Sad prisutan proces pasivnebioremedijacije, odnosno, da na pojavu&nbsp;ugljovodoničnog zagađenja u vodi sredina odgovara povećanjem brojnosti, pre svega,&nbsp;ugljovodonik-osidujućih i lipolitskih bakterija i bakterijske enzimatske aktivnosti, i&nbsp;dolazi do transformacije mineralnih ulja u polarna jedinjenja. U vodi većine praćenih&nbsp;objekata uočene su eksponencijalne i linearne funkcionalne zavisnosti bakterijske&nbsp;brojnosti i fosfatazne aktivnosti od koncentracije ugljovodoničnog zagađenja za&nbsp;koncentracije ukupnih ugljovodonika &lt; 400 &micro;g/l (najče&scaron;će &lt; 200 &micro;g/l). Visok nivo&nbsp;podzemnih voda i prisustvo dela zagađenja u gornjim slojevima zemlji&scaron;ta ukazuje nam&nbsp;na mogućnost primene fitoremedijacije navedenog područja, jer je deo zagađenja&nbsp;dostupan korenskom sistemu.</p><p>Ispitivanjem tehničke bioremedijacije zemlji&scaron;ta i podzemne vode zagađenih naftom i&nbsp;<br />derivatima nafte&nbsp; na laboratorijskom postrojenju utvrđeno je da dolazi do opadanja&nbsp;<br />koncentracije ukupnih ugljovodonika u zemlji&scaron;tu sa 38,2 na 14,6 g/kg i mineralnih ulja&nbsp;sa 27,0 na 10,2 g/kg (62%), &scaron;to se može definisati jednačinom C=C<sub>0</sub>e<sup>-kt</sup>, gde je&nbsp;<br />konstanta brzine degradacije ugljovodonika k=0,0082 dan<sup>-1</sup>. U vodi je prisutan veliki&nbsp;<br />broj karboksilnih kiselinanastalih oksidacijom alkana (C10-19), kao i aromata&nbsp;(benzoeva kiselina, kao i benzaldehid), &scaron;to ukazuje na proces biooksidacije&nbsp;ugljovodonika. Proces rastvaranja i emulgovanja nafte se pospe&scaron;uje uvođenjem&nbsp;recirkulacije vode: određena je jednačina zavisnosti koncentracije ugljovodonika u&nbsp;vodenoj fazi od koncentracije u&nbsp; čvrstoj fazi, zavisno od&nbsp; brzine proticanja:&nbsp;C<sub>voda</sub>=(f<sup>*</sup>v+K<sub>0</sub>)C<sub>zemlja</sub>, gde je koeficijent ispiranja f=1400 s/m, a difuzioni koeficijent&nbsp;K<sub>0</sub>=6<sup>*</sup>10<sup>-4</sup>. Proces ispiranja nafte i derivata sa zemlje značajno utiče na aktivnost&nbsp;mikroorganizama i razgradnju zagađenja. Sa porastom koncentracije ugljovodonika&nbsp;generalno opadaju brojnosti svih ispitivanih grupa bakterija i fosfatazna aktivnost i&nbsp;određene su granične vrednosti tolerancije. Proces ispiranja se &nbsp;mora voditi tako da&nbsp;koncentracija mineralnih ulja u vodenoj fazi netreba da pređe 15-35 mg/l, a kad se&nbsp;postignu koncentracije ugljovodonika manje od 400 &micro;g/l treba prepustiti pasivnoj&nbsp;bioremedijaciji da ukloni zagađenje.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigates the passivebioremediation of groundwater from Ratno&nbsp;Ostrvo contaminated by oil and oil derivatives, and a bench-scale experiment to improve the soil and groundwater bioremediation processes, with the goal of sanatising the effected area.</p><p>During groundwater monitoring of the zone between the Ratno Ostrvo spring and the&nbsp;Novi Sad oil refinery, a passive bioremediation process was observed, whereby, &nbsp;in the hydrocarbons-contaminated water, increased counts of hydrocarbon-oxidising and lipolytic bacteria and increasing bacterial enzyme activity were found, along with the transformation of mineral oils to polar&nbsp; compounds. In water, the majority of the&nbsp;monitoring points displayed either exponential or linear functionalal dependence&nbsp; between bacterial count or phosphatase activity and hydrocarbon concentration, for&nbsp; total hydrocarbon concentrations &lt; 400 &micro;g/l (most often &lt; 200 &micro;g/l). The high groundwater level and the presence of contamination inthe upper soil layers makes possible the application of phytoremediation at the site, as part of the contamination is in the rhyzosphere.</p><p>The bench-scale investigation of bioremediation in soil and groundwater contaminated by oil and oil derivatives yielded decreasing concentrations of total hydrocarbons in the soil from 38.2 to 14.6 g/kg and mineral oils from 27.0 to 10.2 g/kg&nbsp; (62%), which can be described by C=C<sub>0</sub>e<sup>-kt</sup>, where the rate constant of&nbsp; hydrocarbon degradation is k=0.0082 day<sup>-1</sup>.</p><p>In water, a large number of carboxylic acids were present, from the oxidation of&nbsp; alkanes (C10-19) and aromatics (benzoic acid, and also benzaldehyde), which indicates a hydrocarbon biooxidation process. The process of dissolving and emulgating the oil is enhanced by recirculating the water: the linear relation between the concentration of hydrocarbons in the liquid and solid phases was found to be dependent on the flow rate: C<sub>water</sub>=(f<sup>*</sup>v+K<sub>0</sub>)C<sub>soil</sub>, where the rinsing coefficient f=1400 s/m, and the diffusion coefficient K<sub>0</sub>=6 x 10<sup>-4</sup>. The process of rinsing the oil and oil derivatives from the soil significantly influences the microbial activity and the degradation of contaminants. With increasing hydrocarbon concentrations, there was&nbsp; generally decreasing bacterial counts and phosphatase activity, and an upper limit for&nbsp; hydrocarbon tolerance was determined. The rinsing process must becontrolled to&nbsp; ensure the mineral oil concentration in water does not exceed 15-35 mg/l, and once the concentration of hydrocarbons becomes less than 400&micro;g/l, passive bioremediation may be left to complete the degradation.</p>

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