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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spokojenst´ klientov ubytovacích zariadení v Juhomoravskom kraji

Belavá, Silvia January 2018 (has links)
Belavá, S. Satisfaction of clients of accommodation facilities in the South Moravian Region. Thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2018. This diploma thesis deals with the level of customer satisfaction and the quality of services provided in 3* and 4* hotels, located in the South Moravian Region. Based on primary research, the key factors affecting the overall satisfaction of the client are revealed, as well as the level of satisfaction with the hotel services is identified. The partial aim of the thesis is to analyze the impact of the hotel certification on the level of client satisfaction. To determine the perceived quality of provided hotel services, SERVQUAL model along with GAP analysis are applied. In line with the assessment of primary data, recommendations for hotel operators are formulated to enhance the quality of provided services.

Veřejnoprávní ochrana klienta finančních služeb / Public and legal protection of a client of finacial services

Veselý, Milan January 2015 (has links)
Resumé Public and legal protection of a client of financial services This diploma thesis deals with public and legal protection of a client of financial services to which is in my opinion given relatively marginal attention in the Czech legal area. The introduction outlines meaning and role of legal protection of a client in market economy, which is one of the basic premises for the proper functioning of a democratic state represented by the rule of law. I have also defined the key terms of this paper which are "client", "consumer"¨and "financial service". After detailed analysis I have distinct a client of financial services for this work as a consumer in accordance with interpretation in the European and Czech legal framework. Second part is devoted to theoretical basics and principles of consumer protection. I have analyzed basic principles of this topic, i.e. the principle of protection of the weaker party and the principle of autonomy of the will and their respective relation. I have also elaborated in detail tools used for consumer protection. The third chapter is focused on institutions that are involved in the legal protection of a client of financial services and I have briefly defined their status, duties and powers. Next part consists of analysis of legislation which regulates client's protection...

Model pro ohodnocení bonity klienta v pojišťovně

Píška, Vladimír January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou hodnocení bonity klienta v české komerční pojišťovně. Skládá se ze dvou hlavních logických celků ? přípravy teoretického modelu bonity klienta a jeho praktického ověření na reálných datech jedné české pojišťovny. Příprava modelu bonity klienta se přidržuje postupu popsaného v metodice CRISP-DM. Postupně jsou prozkoumány současné způsoby sledování bonity klientů v českém bankovním i nebankovním sektoru a je rozebrán způsob určování bonity klienta v amerických pojišťovnách. Následuje samotné sestavování modelu bonity klienta v pojišťovně. Nejdříve jsou nalezeny oblasti ke sledování a z těchto oblastí jsou vybrány vhodné ukazatele bonity klienta. Přípravu modelu uzavírá nastavení vah u jednotlivých ukazatelů a popis sledovaných kategorií bonity klienta. Druhý logický celek se zabývá aplikací připraveného modelu bonity klienta v praxi. Popsána je fyzická architektura řešení, příprava datové základny, použitá skóringová aplikace a převedení modelu bonity klienta do této aplikace. Dalšími popsanými kroky jsou testování modelu na vzorku dat a na kompletním portfoliu klientů spolupracující pojišťovny. Výsledky jsou analyzovány a zobrazeny v grafech. Poté jsou obdržené výsledky porovnávány s očekávanými výsledky. Diplomová práce končí diskuzí k využití bonity klienta v reálných procesech pojišťovny.

Zajištění bezpečnosti online platebních služeb / Ensuring security of online payment services

Havlíková, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
Ensuring security of online payment services Abstract The thesis is devoted to the topic of ensuring security of online payment services, especially in the context of identification and authentication of the client in the Internet when performing acts related to the provision of payment services. The issue of the customer identity is described especially in the context of know your customer principle governed by legal regulation in the area of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism, and in the context of the obligation to carry out a strong customer authentication (SCA) brought by the PSD2 directive and related RTS. The aim of the thesis is to describe and critically evaluate the legislation in the area of ensuring security of online payment services, meaning the binding legislation, soft law and rules created by entities operating on the payment services market. In this context, the thesis also deals with the question of proportionality of legislation in connection to the positive user experience and the possibility of implementing innovative FinTech solutions. The thesis is divided into four chapters, supplemented by introduction to the respective subject matter and conclusion summarizing the observations made in the thesis. The first chapter is devoted to the general definition of the...

Řízení úvěrových rizik segmentu SME / The Management of Credit Risk SME Segment

Ježek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis Credit risk management of SME segment is engaged in the credit process in the segment of entrepreneurs and small business owners, and also part of the segment of the public and nonprofit sectors in an existing bank operating in the Czech market. In the theoretical part there are defined basic approaches in bank risk management and their divisions. Follows overview of the different approaches. Another part is more detail devoted to credit risk. Credit risk is then solved by the credit case, incl. analysis of the credit approval process. Emphasis is also placed on the rating process by which the credit approval begins and ends. The practical part of the work is focused on the analysis of product portfolio of the bank. The work deals with various credit products of the banks in this segment, in terms of supportability, delinquency, and overall risk. The second part is an analysis of the portfolio in terms of individual sectors, where are evaluated selected risky and less risky sectors.

Sociální pomoc postiženým dětem a jejich rodinám / Social Help for Disabled Children and their Families

HORVÁTH, László January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Návrh doporučeného postupu výběru úvěrového produktu pro fyzickou klientelu / Proposal Recommended Procedure for Selecting a Credit Products for Physical Clientele

Sadílková, Květa January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the thesis Proposal recommended procedure for selecting a loan product of clients is analyzing forms of consumer credit provided to the client, evaluation and suggest optimization using a specific choice of bank and non-bank credit or loan in deciding client. The theoretical part defines the concepts of credit products, natural clientele, creditworthiness and credit registers. The issue of financing of natural persons pursues the factors that influence decisions, evaluations and indebtedness of clients. In my thesis, I also mentioned about the various types of credit registries, including information links on the subsequent granting of a loan to the client. The practical part is the description and comparison of various types of consumer contracts, provided banking and non-banking institutions. Based on the analysis of consumer contracts are found common factors and differences and then advantages and disadvantages of these contracts. This comparison is also the basis for the proposed solutions to the financing needs of individuals, particulary to optimize the selection of consumer credit products provided either banking or non-banking institutions for clients - loan applicants in the form of recommendations for applicants. In the practical part there are used personal experiences both in terms of several years of work in sociological research company, and in several activities of a credit counselor in financial institutions.

Ochrana klienta českých bank

Vašků, Radka January 2008 (has links)
Práce popisuje důležité prvky ochrany klienta českých bank. Soustředí se na produkty plnící základní funkce banky, tj. přijímání vkladů od klientů, poskytování úvěrů a zprostředkování platebního styku. Každý z tématických celků obsahuje výběr nejdůležitější legislativy upravující danou sféru jak na evropské, tak na národní úrovni. Značná pozornost je věnována praxi. Hodnocen je praktický význam legislativních předpisů a zkoumá se jejich dodržování bankami. Jsou popisovány některé vypozorované skutečnosti, zkušenosti s bankovními službami i aktuální kauzy. Důležitou součástí každé kapitoly je zhodnocení problematiky v dané oblasti a návrhy případných změn.

Posuzování bonity klienta z pohledu banky, úvěrový proces a analýza klienta / Assessment of client’s creditworthiness from a bank’s perspectiv e, loan granting procedure and c lient analysis.

Prokopová, Marta January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate creditworthiness (credibility) of a client and assessment of loan granting decision. The work highlights the importance of financial analysis, which constitutes a basis for risk assessment of a client and is a deciding factor in the final decision of granting a loan. Theoretical and methodological part deals with definitions, explanation of terms and methods related to credit processing and financial analysis. The second part assesses financial stability of the company "Firma, a.s." through financial analysis and subsequently evaluates its credibility by applying a selected credit rating model. As a result, final loan granting decision is made.

Úvěry fyzických osob podnikatelů a možnosti jejich získání v soudobých podmínkách ČR / Bank Loans of Enterpreneurs and Possibility of Obtaining in the Czech Republic

Kopecká, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of my diploma thesis is to choose the most sutaible option of loan financing of business activities of individual in simulated conditions. The first part is followed to summary of theoretical knowledges about loans issues which are loan analysis specifically interest, loan application, repayment, protection, risks and types of loans, then loan markets, loan unions and central bank and loans. The second part is aimed to analysis of specific cases of getting loans, morgages and leasing for entrepreneurs and citizens and it´s following evaluation. Then there is comparison of the best options. In conclusion of this part there are analysis and all the results of current situation of getting loans for entrepreneurs in Czech republic.

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