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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jedličkova základní škola - integrace versus inkluze / Jedlička Elementary School - integration versus inclusion

Zaworová, Neli January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce "Jedličkova základní škola - integrace versus inkluze" pojednává o Jedličkově základní škole, jejích klientech, zaměstnancích a situaci ve škole jako takové, a principech, které se aplikují či neaplikují v rámci integrace a inkluze. Tato práce je hlavně zaměřena na fungování školy a vzdělávání v ní. Dále se věnuje problematice integrace a inkluze jakkoliv handicapovaných osob, a to především počátku jejich integrace do většinové společnosti v ČR, čímž je myšleno vzdělávání a výchova nejen handicapovaných, ale také většinové společnosti. Odrazovým můstkem této práce je průzkum v těchto osmi okruzích: - Zaměstnání v Jedličkově základní škole - Spolupráce zaměstnanců v Jedličkově základní škole - Práce s klienty - Péče o klienty - Hodnocení, známkování a profilování klienta - Sponzorování a rozvoj Jedličkovy základní školy - Integrace - Inkluze Tento průzkum, ve kterém se snažím především sama přicházet na nedostatky a pozitiva takto v průběhu několika let fungující instituce ukazuje, že prvotní cíl průzkumu zjistit, jak probíhá vzdělávání a výchova dítěte v Jedličkově základní škole v průběhu několika ročníků, je takřka nemožné z důvodu personálních změn v pedagogickém sboru v posledních letech. Z těchto důvodů došlo v roce 2014 ke změně původního průzkumného cíle s názvem "Vývoj a postup...

Nová právní úprava v oblasti ochrany bankovního klienta jako spotřebitele / The new legal legislation on the field of protection of the bank client as a consumer in the legal system of Czech Republic

Jahodová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the new legal legislation on the field of protection of the bank client as a consumer in the legal system of Czech Republic and evaluation of the level set by regulation. The theses itself provides a complex view on particular areas of the protection of the consumer on the field of commercial banking, which has undergone major amendments during last years, such as consumer loans, payments, insurance claims from deposits and financial arbiter. Particular areas of the protection of the consumer are amended by the results of the researches concentrated on financial literacy of consumers, evaluation of the possible impacts on the consumer and banking institution and moreover there is outlined possible development in the stated area.

Klinická využitelnost české verze Kanadského hodnocení výkonu zaměstnávání u dospělých pacientů s fyzickým postižením / Clinical utility of the Czech version of Canadian Occupational Performance Measure for physiucally disabled adults patients

Rusková, Patricie January 2019 (has links)
Aim: The aim of diploma thesis was clinical utility of the Czech version of Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) in both parts. Utility in performance of activities of daily living and utility in satisfaction with performance of activities of daily living for physically disabled adults persons. Methods: The pre-research consisted of 40 persons with physical disability after stroke. For data collection was used Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, Barthel index and Subjective QUAlity of Life Analysis (SQUALA). Hypotheses were vitrificated by correlation analysis using Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. Results: P-value (p = 0,00001) from the test of dependence of measured values by COPM in performance of activities of daily living and BI was lower than level of significance α = 0,05; 0,00001 < 0,05. P-value from the test of dependence of measured values by COPM in satisfaction with performance of activities of daily living and SQUALA questionnaire was lower than level of significant α = 0,05; 0,041 < 0,05. Conclusion: The results of the statistical analysis did not confirm the independence of the measured values by the Czech version COPM, BI and the SQUALA questionnaire. It was supported the using COPM in both parts, in performance of activities of daily living and in satisfaction...

K aplikaci etických zásad ve vztahu ke klientům v církevních a necírkevních sociálních zařízeních / The application of ethical principles in relation to clients in social institutions run by church organizations or non-church organizations

CHMELOVÁ, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of ethical principles in social work and comparing denominational and non-denominational social facilities. Great emphasis is put on the relationship between social worker and client. It is divided into a total of 6 chapters. The first chapter deals with the explanation of basic ethical concepts related to the work, which makes an easier reference to the following chapters. The second chapter involves the division of church and non-church organizations concerned with social care and describes their organizational structure and comparison. The third chapter is devoted to human rights, along with a related code of ethics and its importance as well as criticism. The fourth chapter refers to the values in social work and the values in the relationships between social workers and clients. The fifth chapter defines the concept of quality of life, human dignity and the related social work. The final chapter about the relationship of man to himself, to the client and the Christian concept of man.

Sociální prostředí a vazby klienta z pohledu systemických konstelací / Social environment and relationships of a client in terms of systemic constellations

BŘEZINOVÁ, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
The diploma paper addresses the topic of the relation between systemic constellations, social environment and social work. The objective of the paper was to ascertain for what reasons clients most often use this method of work. The questions we wished to be answered were for example how the respondents came across systemic constellations, how long their decision-making lasted, and what primary impulse was the most important one. It was also interesting to learn what experience they had with this method of work, what effect on their life they perceived and what benefit for themselves they saw in the method. The paper includes description of the course of their first experience with their own constellation which had been elaborated for them.

Příprava klientů dětského domova na odchod do samostatného života / Preparation clients of Children's Home for leaving for independent living

Valešová, Olga January 2022 (has links)
This thesis describes the preparation for leaving of institutional care clients the objective in areas of transition from residential state institution to ordinary life with respect to former client's experience is an evaluation of institutional care client's expectations. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on residential state institution characteristics description, process by which the residential state institution clients are prepared for their normal life, dedication of experts responsible for an education who participates in this preparation process. To describe assistance and procedures for preparation of children for their normal life, abilities to find a housing, material security. The practical part of the thesis is focused on vision for student's future life, who are facing to the preparation for leaving in a future. It will be compared with the results of former client's expectations. Whereas the imagination hardly meets reality; the author would like to trace how big a difference between imagination and reality is. Research shows that residential state institution prepares clients for independent living but with relative lack of practical experience. There are no obvious differences among children from orphanages and the other children. Clients have a lack of know ledge in...

Praní špinavých peněz a jeho prevence / Money laundering and its prevention

Chýlová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The work includes a theoretical definition, ways and methods of money laundering, Czech and International anti money laundering (AML) law. The second part is devoted to the fight against money laundering. It describes the main AML organizations. And as an example is given the program of one banking institution.

Limity péče o seniory s demencí v zařízení bez zvláštního režimu / The limits of care for seniors with dementia in a regular program facility

MYŠÁKOVÁ, Helena January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the care for persons with AD and the limits of care for these persons in a regular program facility. For several years already, the life expectancy has been increasing. However, this relates to the fact of increasing number of people suffering from diseases connected especially with the end of one's life, AD being no exception. This diploma thesis consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The aim of the theoretical part was to study and then analyse professional literature related to the topic. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided in three chapters. The main aim of the thesis was to find out, whether regular program facilities are capable of taking care of a client with dementia. Partial aims were to discover in which areas the employees of the regular program facility feel the strain while taking care of a person with dementia and how this client is perceived by other clients. While collecting data for the empirical part of the thesis, qualitative survey, inquiry and semi-structured interview were used as the methods of choice. The prepared questions were divided in five groups, making a total of 32. Through the survey I've found the regular program facilities able to take care of clients with AD. Since living together of clients with and without AD is possible, although problematic, it burdens the caring personnel, who see the most common problem in the regular program facility in a lack of time for clients, for taking care of them and communicating with them, and also in a small number of staff compared to the number of clients. According to my survey, the employees of a regular program facility mostly perceive situations connected with changing behaviour of clients with AD as stressful. This includes wandering of clients, their aggressiveness, the need of a different daily regime of a client with AD (sleep, diet) and complains on the behaviour of clients with AD from those without the disease. The employees are also under stress from the communication with clients with AD. I've also learned that clients without AD, according to the caring staff, perceive the clients with AD as problematic, they know that those receive more attention from the personnel and some clients with AD disturb other clients. However, living together of both groups is possible. I suppose that the number of patients with AD plays a part here, while it's not high in a regular program facility, and therefore clients with AD don't disrupt business as usual in the facility. From the empirical part of the thesis, following hypothesis can be made: The regular program facilities will take care of the clients with AD better, when the number of caring staff increases. The suggested hypothesis needs to be verified through a higher number of respondents. I assume that this thesis can serve as a source of information to both lay public and experts in the field of care for persons suffering from AD.

Řízení peněžních toků v zemědělském podniku / Cash Flow Management in the Agricultural Firm

Konečný, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis is dedicated on the area of company´s liquidity. It focused on the credit management and cash optimalization and the short term investment of the surplus value. It includes the financial plan for the next 4 years.

Uplatnění marketingu v sektoru služeb / Marketing Utilization in Service Sector

Jedličková, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This diploma work deals with marketing utilization in service sektor, concrete in legal profession. The objective was to make analysis of marketing assertion in legal office. On the basis of suitable methods was followed and evaluated actual posture of marketing literacy in legal office. Result of practical analyses was definition of barriers, handicaps, reserves and opportunities at marketing utilization in legal office. Theoretical part features information about marketing in service sektor, shows in legal profession domain and gets acquainted with used methods. Practical part analyses contemporary state in legal office. By means of suitable methods is drafted the measure, how to eliminate barriers, handicaps and reserves and to take advantage of opportunities.

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