Spelling suggestions: "subject:"climatización"" "subject:"automatizace""
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Vlhkostní bilance bytu / Moisture balance of apartmentBlasinski, Petr January 2012 (has links)
My diploma paper is concerned with the problem of humidity in residential buildings, the experimental temperature and humidity measurement in protected rooms of buildings and its follow-up evaluation according to the valuable regulations. The next part of my diploma paper is concerned with the economical evaluation of different sets of air handling units, realized on air conditioning system wellness sports center. The draft of this air conditioning system was a goal of my bachelor thesis „ Hot-air ventilation of Wellness Sports Centre ".
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Energetické hodnocení systémů VRF / Energy evaluation of systems VRFGašpár, Juraj January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with VRF systems, which are used for extensive commercial and office buildings, or for buildings where there are multiple zones with different required parameters. The aim of the thesis is to explain the functions of the system and their evaluation and inclusion into energy classes according to the new legislation. The practical part deals with an application of the VRF system and its variants in the building of bank branch. The comparison of initials costs and resultant costs to operate the system. The experiment focuses on comparison of the measured values of VRF system and their comparison with data from the manufacturer.
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Vzduchotechnika hotelového objektu / Air Conditioning of Apartment HotelŠusták, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue of the creation of the internal environment in the hotel. The subject is the evaluation of indoor environments, the selection and design of an appropriate ventilation system. The experimental part deals with the measurement of temperature and humidity with subsequent evaluation according to the applicable legal requirements and comparing with the calculation programmes.
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Optimalizace vnitřního prostředí stravovacího provozu vzduchotechnikou / Optimization of the indoor climate of an eatery by air conditioningMrázková, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the optimization of the catering service internal environment by air conditioning in Brno. This concept uses a forced ventilation system and air conditioning. The theoretical part addresses the proper air distribution in the catering operation. The experimental part involves the measurement of carbon dioxide, air velocity, relative humidity and air temperature and the temperature of the thermometer ball. Depending on the observed values a technical solution was created in variations and applied in the calculation program.
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Studie pasivního chlazení kabiny osobního automobilu / Car cabin passive cooling system performance studyViščor, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The work is focused on issue of passive cooling in a cabin of a car. The basic principles and mechanisms of heat transfer are described in the theoretical part and the quality of cabin environment in terms of thermal comfort and air quality is discussed as well. Next part of the work describing the principles of ventilation and air conditioning of cabins and possible methods of passive cooling are discussed. Passive cooling means decrease of temperature of cars interior, without need of energy supply from car battery, or fuel. The last part of the work includes numerical simulation of selected methods of passive cooling using the THESEUS-FE 3.0 software. Simulations were performed on model of Volkswagen Polo car and primarily were focused on testing of functionality of various methods of passive cooling.
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Klimatizace jednoho podlaží administrativní budovy / Air - conditioning of office buildingBalcar, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of the submitted thesis is the design of central conditioning system used to ensure the required internal microclimate of office space and meeting rooms on the 2nd floor of office building, located in the city of Brno. The first part provides an overview of air conditioning systems and the appropriate central air conditioning system is selected. In the next part is designed the devices for air conditioning by building layout, properties of building structures, equipment and office space occupied. The work also submits drawing documentation, technical report and specification of materials used.
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Analýza možností využití tepla pro ohřev teplé užitkové vody, vytápění a chlazení domácností / The Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Heat Energy for Water Heating, Space Heating and Air Conditioning in the Domestic SectorAlmabrok, Almabrok Abdoalhade January 2014 (has links)
Rostoucí světová poptávka po méně efektivních zdrojích energie vede ke zvýšení zájmu o kogenerační technologie v sektoru domácností. Pomocí této technologie lze významně snižovat množství znečišťujících látek emitovaných při výrobě elektřiny a tepla pro domácnosti. Kogenerační systémy v sektoru domácností nabízí možnost produkce jak užitného tepla a elektřiny z jednoho zdroje paliva, např. motorové nafty či zemního plynu. Tato práce se zaměřuje na analýzu možností užití kogeneračních a tri-generačních technologií ke zlepšení efektivity využití primárního zdroje energie, zejména v zemích severní Afriky. První část práce se orientuje na obecné definice v oblasti elektroenergetiky, aktuální i budoucí výhled energetické bilance v Libyi. Následující kapitoly se věnují kogeneračním a tri-generačních systémům, jejich charakteristikám se zaměřením na technické parametry, výhodám a nevýhodám těchto systémů a jejich dalšímu rozvoji. Hlavní část práce se zabývá problematikou spotřeby typických rodinných domů ve třech nejdůležitějších městech Libye. Dále předkládá citlivostní analýzu, která je zaměřená na výpočet množství energie vyžadované k pokrytí energetických potřeb typického domu (vytápění, ohřev vody a klimatizace) a porovnání naplnění těchto potřeb při uvažování technických a ekonomických hledisek. Výsledky práce budou využity pro tvorbu pokladů pro Libyjské energetické úřady.
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Optimalizace interního mikroklimatu velkoprostorové kanceláře pomocí stínění / Optimization of indoor climate in the "open space" officeVysloužil, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is design air-conditioning system and optimization of indoor climate by solar shading. In theoretical part I focused on dividing and description off different types of solar shading. In the next part I designed suitable air-conditioning system for the open space office. The last part is first concentrating on the simulation of the indoor climate in software BSim2014. And then on evaulation of the appropriate solar shading system, whick I can use in the building.
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Energeticky úsporný dům lékařů a sester v Kroměříži. / Energy-efficient house for doctors and nurses in the city of Kroměříž.Dvořák, Petr January 2022 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to design the project documentation of an energy-efficient house for doctors and nurses, located near the hospital in Kroměříž. The work is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the architectural and construction design of the building. The second part deals with the design of the technical equipment of the building and its layout. The third part deals with the design and comparison of different cooling sources. The building is a two-storey building with a flat, vegetated roof and its design is in the building permit stage. On the ground floor there is a bistro, a dining room with food preparation, technical rooms and 3 apartments. On the second floor there are 9 apartments and a lounge. In the middle of the building there is a circulation area with a staircase, a glass elevator and a large skylight that illuminates the whole area. Heating is provided by a gas condensing boiler. Ventilation is provided by three air handling units. A hybrid cooling system with heat recuperation from the refrigerant is designed. For partial electricity demand, 62 photovoltaic panels are installed on the roof of the building. The third part deals with the design of alternative cooling solutions for the building. Multi split, VRV and water cooling system with roof top chiller are proposed in addition to the already designed hybrid system. These four alternatives are compared with each other and the most suitable option is then designed.
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Optimalizace distribuce vzduchu bazénových hal / Optimization of air distribution in swimming pool hallsBlasinski, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with solution of air distribution in swimming pool halls with regard to the dominant influences, which are creating a microclimate in these areas. Results of this work are graphs with evaporation of water and chemicals dependents on changing boundary con-ditions. There is followed with optimal design of air distribution, which is reflecting the critical specific effects of swimming pool halls.
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