Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kmol"" "subject:"km.h""
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GPS tracks data processing and visualization / GPS tracks data processing and visualizationDobroucký, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The wide spread of GPS devices capable of recording motion tracks has provided a huge amount of GPS track data with lots of information that can be used in various ways. Typical use of the data is to visualize the trajectory, but this is certainly only elementary use of the data. Additional processing, filtering and altering of data can significantly improve their information value. For example identification of popular places or routes, detection and removal of inaccurate parts of tracks, accenting speed or elevation progress on track, etc. The aim of the thesis is to identify and describe best solutions to process and visualize GPS track datasets. That means analysis of a standalone track, mutual comparison of several tracks or identification of characteristics of a large tracks set. The thesis will include a prototype implementation of selected described methods.
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An Android application for Fort Riley soldiers for integrated training area management and sustainable range awarenessPathi Reddy, Hemanth Reddy January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Daniel A. Andresen / The purpose of this project is to develop an Android application for Fort Riley soldiers so as to support the theme “War Fighters Supporting War Fighters by Caring for Military Training Lands”.
There are four core features in this application:
1. Find a Gully
2. Report a Gully
3. View Current Weather
4. View Current Satellite Image
Features are explained in brief below.
1. Find a gully
In this feature based on the current location of soldier, application will display all gullies near that location using Google Maps API. Soldier can also view the gully details by tapping the gully icon.
2. Report a Gully
In this feature, soldier can report a new gully i.e.; gully which is not already present on the map. This gully will be stored as unverified gully in the database. Once this gully is verified it will be changed to verified gully and it will be plotted on the Google map.
3. View Current Weather
In this feature, soldier can view the current weather conditions of Fort Riley.
4. View Current Satellite Image
In this feature, soldier can view the current satellite image of Fort Riley.
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NOSQL- OCH MYSQLPRESTANDAFÖR SKOGSBRANDSDATA : Prestandautvärdering av grundläggandedatabasoperationer vid användning avtabellanpassad KML-data / NOSQL AND MYSQLPERFORMANCE FOR FOREST FIREDATA : Performance evaluation of basic databaseoperations using table mapped KML dataWihlstrand, Marc January 2015 (has links)
Den globala uppvärmningen sätter många samhällsviktiga funktioner på prov. Inte minst förmågan att upptäcka och bekämpa bränder. Ett viktigt steg för att kunna göra detta på ett effektivt sätt är att kunna lagra den data som samlas in och bearbeta denna så att den effektivt kan användas av godtyckligt program. För att kunna göra detta krävs ett databassystem. För att undersöka vilket databassystem som är bäst lämpat att lagra branddata från USA:s jordbruksdepartement utförs insättnings-, läs, och uppdateringsoperationer på databaserna Cassandra, MongoDB och MySQL. Testresultaten som erhölls från studien tyder på att MongoDB med stor marginal är bäst lämpat för att bearbeta data från Active Fire Maps-dokument som erhållits från USA:s jordbruksdepartement.
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Design and test of a multi-camera based orthorectified airborne imaging systemBecklinger, Nicole Lynn 01 May 2010 (has links)
Airborne imaging platforms have been applied to such diverse areas as surveillance, natural disaster monitoring, cartography and environmental research. However, airborne imaging data can be expensive, out of date, or difficult to interpret. This work introduces an Orthorectified Airborne Imaging (OAI) system designed to provide near real time images in Google Earth. The OAI system consists of a six camera airborne image collection system and a ground based image processing system. Images and position data are transmitted from the air to the ground station using a point to point (PTP) data link antenna connection. Upon reaching the ground station, image processing software combines the six individual images into a larger stitched image. Stitched images are processed to remove distortions and then rotated so that north is pointed up (orthorectified). Because the OAI images are very large, they must be broken down into a series of progressively higher resolution tiles called an image pyramid before being loaded into Google Earth. A KML programming technique called a super overlay is used to load the image pyramid into Google Earth. A program and Graphical User Interface created in C# create the KML super overlay files according to user specifications. Image resolution and the location of the area being imaged relitive to the aircraft are functions of altitude and the position of the imaging cameras. Placement of OAI images in Google Earth allows the user to take advantage of the place markers, street names, and navigation features native to the Google Earth environment.
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Software pro komunikaci s GPS přijímačem / Software for Communication with GPS ReceiverVrba, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to over study, reconsider and make a program, which will be capable to interpose information from GPS module, different markers and necessary information’s, geographic coordinates obtained from GPS will be projected in its interface and also on map. This project contains of 3 parts. The first one exactly describes GPS, its history, structure, principle, competitive types of navigations systems and also GPS’ services and technical parameters. The second part of this project describes GPS hardware, used receiver of this signal. There is also mentioned its technical parameters and communication with outside world. The third part is in scripted the software for communication with GPS receiver. We can also see the description of code, in which is mentioned communication protocol and imaging the position on the map. It was programmed in C# language on platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
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Software pro komunikaci s GPS přijímačem / Software for Communication with GPS ReceiverVrba, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to over study, reconsider and make a program, which will be capable to interpose information from GPS module, different markers and necessary information’s, geographic coordinates obtained from GPS will be projected in its interface and also on map. This project contains of 3 parts. The first one exactly describes GPS, its history, structure, principle, competitive types of navigations systems and also GPS’ services and technical parameters. The second part of this project describes GPS hardware, used receiver of this signal. There is also mentioned its technical parameters and communication with outside world. The third part is in scripted the software for communication with GPS receiver. We can also see the description of code, in which is mentioned communication protocol and imaging the position on the map. It was programmed in C# language on platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
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Software pro komunikaci s GPS přijímačem / Software for Communication with GPS ReceiverVrba, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of this master’s thesis is to over study, reconsider and make a program, which will be capable to interpose information from GPS module, different markers and necessary information’s, geographic coordinates obtained from GPS will be projected in its interface and also on map. This project contains of 3 parts. The first one exactly describes GPS, its history, structure, principle, competitive types of navigations systems and also GPS’ services and technical parameters. The second part of this project describes GPS hardware, used receiver of this signal. There is also mentioned its technical parameters and communication with outside world. The third part is in scripted the software for communication with GPS receiver. We can also see the description of code, in which is mentioned communication protocol and imaging the position on the map. It was programmed in C# language on platform Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition.
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Exploring a Framework for Goal-Driven Collaboration through Serious GamingLoffing, Thomas Cheyney 02 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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City Mobility Model with Google Earth VisualizationAndersson, Henrik, Oreland, Peter January 2007 (has links)
<p>Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are flexible, self configuring networks that do not need a fixed infrastructure. When these nets are simulated, mobility models can be used to specify node movements. The work in this thesis focuses on designing an extension of the random trip</p><p>mobility model on a city section from EPFL (Swiss federal institute of technology). Road data is extracted from the census TIGER database, displayed in Google Earth and used as input for the model. This model produces output that can be used in the open source network simulator ns-2.</p><p>We created utilities that take output from a database of US counties, the TIGER database, and convert it to KML. KML is an XML based format used by Google Earth to store geographical data, so that it can be viewed in Google Earth. This data will then be used as input to the modified mobility model and finally run through the ns-2 simulator. We present some NAM traces, a network animator that will show node movements over time.</p><p>We managed to complete most of the goals we set out, apart from being able to modify node positions in Google Earth. This was skipped because the model we modified had an initialization phase that made node positions random regardless of initial position. We were also asked to add the ability to set stationary nodes in Google Earth; this was not added due to time constraints.</p>
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Behandling av kronisk myeloisk leukemi med tyrosinkinasinhibitorer i samband med graviditetMuhson, Fatima January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vid kronisk myeolid leukemi (KML) överproducerar blodstamceller omogna granulocyter som kan öka risken för infektioner, anemi och lätta blödningar. Ifall sjukdomen inte åtgärdas i tidigt skede så kan cancercellerna konkrurera ut friska blodceller vilket kan leda till ett livshotande tillstånd. KML drabbar främst vuxna över 55 år. Orsaken till KML är nästan alltid en somatisk mutation i blodcellerna som leder till förändring i karyotypen, den abnormala kromosomen kallas för Philadelphia kromosomen. De olika behandlingalternativ som finns mot KML inkluderar kemoterapi (låg dos/hög dos med stamcellstransplantation), interferon alfa, donator lymfocytinfusion och tyrosinkinasinhibitor (TKI). TKI är standardbehandling vid KML och TKIs inlkluderar imatinib, dasatinib, nilotinib, bosutinib och ponatinib. Studier har visat att TKI administrerat på friska råttor och möss har en teratogen effekt. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att utvärdera risker och fördelar vid behandling av kronisk myeloid leukemi med tyrosinkinasinhibitor i samband med graviditet. Metod: Arbetet är en litteraturstudie baserat på 13 caserapporter därav 4 studier om imatinib, 4 om nilotinib, 4 om dasatinib och 1 studie om imatinib, nilotinib och dasatinib. Bosutinib och ponatinib exkluderades eftersom det fanns inga studier om exponering av dessa läkemedel under graviditet. Resultat: Från studierna om imatinib var det totalt 23 av 163 patienter som fick missfall och 14 av 90 födsel slutade med foster abnormiteter. Totalt hade 49 fall rapporterats om exponering med nilotinib under graviditet därav 46 fall resulterade i normal födsel och 3 spädbarn fick fetala abnormiteter som resulterade till dödlighet. Av de fyra fall som rapporterades om Dasatinib var det ett som slutade med abort efter vecka 17 på grund av fostrets dåliga perinatala prognos. Alla patienter behandlades inte med TKIs under graviditeten. Vissa patienter hade kombinationer av läkemedel. Slutsats: Det finns fortfarande inte bekräftade risker med TKI behandling i samband med graviditet då statistiskt underlag saknas. Fördelen med att behandlas med TKI under graviditet är att risken för återfall och försämrad sjukdomprognos förminskas. Läkaren ska alltid diskutera med patienten om eventuella risker och möjligheter. Behandling för varje patient individualiseras utifrån patienens önskemål. / Background Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a type of leukemia that affects bone marrow and blood cells. In CML, the blood stem cells produce an excessive number of immature granulocytes which leads to a high count of white blood cells in patients. Consequently, the risk of acquiring infections, anemia and hemorrhage, is increased. If not successfully treated the leukemia cells will eventually crowd out platelets and healthy blood cells and ultimately lead to death. Generally, CML occurs in adults aged 55 years or older. The cause of CML is in most cases a somatic mutation that is referred to as the Philadelphia chromosome. There are various treatments for CML, I.e., chemotherapy, interferons-alpha, high-dose chemotherapy combined with a stem cell transplantation, donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI), and tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). TKI are the standard treatment for CML. There are several types of TKI, namely: Imatinib, nasatinib, nilotinib, bosutinib and ponatinib. Although considered the most effective treatment for CML, there are several animal studies indicating that TKI has a teratogenic effect. Purpose The objective of this study was to evaluate the risks and benefits of TKI treatment in connection with pregnancy. Method A literature review based on 13 case reports, among them four reports about imatinib, four reports about nilotinib, four reports about dasatinib and one report describing several patients treated with imatinib, nilotinib and dasatinib. Studies about bosutinib and ponatinib are excluded from this study due to the lack of scientific research regarding their impact on pregnant women. Result The studies about Imatinib showed that 23 of 163 patients had miscarriage. Furthermore, 14 of the 90 live births resulted in foster abnormalities. There were totally 49 cases in which Nilotinib was administered to pregnant women. In 46 cases the patients gave birth to healthy children. However, in three cases the fetuses were abnormal and in one of these cases the child was stillborn. Moreover, there were four case studies in which the patients were treated with dasatinib. In one case the treatment lead to an abortion after week 17 due do the fetus poor perinatal prognosis. All patients were not treated with TKIs during pregnancy. Some patients had combinations of drugs. Conclusion There are still no confirmed risks with TKI treatment in connection with pregnancy because statistical evidence is missing. The benefit of being treated with TKI during pregnancy is that the risk of relapse and impaired disease prognosis is reduced. The doctor should always discuss with the patient about risks and opportunities. Treatment for each patiens is individualized based on the patients wishes.
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