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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Executive functions modulated by context, training, and age

Strobach, Tilo 16 April 2014 (has links)
Der vorliegende Arbeit systematisiert Befunde aus dem Gebiet der exekutiven Funktionen und ihren Modulationen durch verschiedene Parameter (d.h. Shifting, Inhibition, Updating, Dual tasking). Diese Parameter werden in einer entsprechenden Rahmenkonzeption illustriert und umfassen die Parameter Kontext, Training, Alter und ihre Kombinationen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt Beispiele, wie diese Parameter in Bezug auf exekutive Funktionen realisiert werden können. Im Rahmen des Kontext-Parameters wird beispielsweise gezeigt, wie die Vorhersagbarkeit von Aufgaben und Aufgabenreihenfolgen Dual tasking (Heinrich et al., 2012) und wie aktuelle Anforderungen an das Arbeitsgedächtnis Inhibition (Soutschek et al., 2013) modulieren kann. Allerdings zeigen Töllner et al. (2012) auch Grenzen des Kontext-Parameters bei der Modulation der erstgenannten exekutiven Funktion. Der Parameter Training wurde realisiert mit Fokus auf (1) Shifting (Strobach et al., 2012a) und (2) Updating (Salminen et al., 2011, 2012). Schubert and Strobach (2012) sowie Strobach et al. (2012b) untersuchten den Transfereffekt von Video-game- und Arbeitsgedächtnistraining auf Dual tasking und Shifting. Schließlich zeigen Strobach et al. (2012c, 2012d) Modulationseffekte bei der Kombination des Alters- und Trainingsparameters auf die exekutive Funktion Dual tasking. Abschließend systematisiert die vorgestellte Rahmenkonzeption die Lücken und Ziele zukünftiger Forschung zur Modulation von exekutiven Funktionen. / The present review aims at a systematization of findings in the field of executive functions and their modulation due to different operational parameters (i.e., dimensions). This systematization is realized in the form of the Framework on modulations of executive functions. Basically, this framework illustrates how different types of executive functions (i.e., Shifting, Inhibition, Updating, Dual tasking) are modulated by their context (Context dimension), training (Training dimension), age (Age dimension), and combinations of these dimensions. The present review includes examples of studies that demonstrate a realization of each of these dimensions and their effects on executive function types. In detail, the Context dimension modulates the executive function type Dual tasking (i.e., due to task order predictability in dual tasks; Hendrich et al., 2012 ) and Inhibition (i.e., due to the level of concurrent working memory demand in a Stroop task; Soutschek et al., 2013); however, Töllner et al. (2012) demonstrated that Context also affects processes that are not related with executive functioning (i.e., perception and motor processes) in a dual-task situation. The framework’s Training dimension was realized when (1) Strobach et al. (2012a) investigated effects of training on the executive function Shifting in a task switching situation and (2) Salminen et al. (2011, 2012), Schubert and Strobach (2012), as well as Strobach et al. (2012b) investigated transfer effects on executive functioning of Dual tasking and Shifting after video game and working memory training. Finally, Strobach et al. (2012c, 2012d) illustrated modulation effects of age and training (i.e., the combination of Age and Training dimension) on the executive function type Dual tasking. In sum, this framework helps to systematize research gaps and future studies in this field (i.e., executive functions).

Proportional slowing in old adults is modulated by episodic memory demands : an investigation of age-related slowing using compatible and arbitrary stimulus-response mappings / Proportional slowing in old adults is modulated by episodic memory demands : an investigation of age-related slowing using compatible and arbitrary stimulus-response mappings

Laubrock, Jochen January 2004 (has links)
Das dominante Datenmuster im Bereich des kognitiven Alterns ist der Alters-x-Komplexitätseffekt. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob das Muster statt durch einen üblicherweise postulierten unspezifischen durch einen spezifischen Mechanismus erklärt werden kann: die mit dem Alter abnehmende Reliabilität episodischer Akkumulatoren. In sechs Reaktionszeit-Experimenten wurden junge und ältere Erwachsene verglichen, dabei wurden frühe kognitive (Stroop-Bedingung) und episodische Schwierigkeit (Reiz-Reaktions-Zuordnung) orthogonal manipuliert. Die vorhergesagte Dreifachinteraktion der beiden Faktoren mit dem Alter zeigte sich über die Experimente hinweg relativ konsistent. Eine modifizierte Brinley-Analyse ergibt deutlich unterschiedliche Steigungen der Regressionsgeraden im Alt-Jung-Raum für niedrige und hohe episodische Schwierigkeit. Als methodischer Beitrag wird im Anhang ein zur modifizierten Brinley-Analyse passendes Regressionsmodell entwickelt, das aus einigen einfachen Verarbeitungsannahmen folgt. Es wird gezeigt, dass in einer klassischen Brinley Metaanalyse die Steigung neben der theoretisch interessierenden Varianz von theoretisch uninteressanter Zwischen-Experiment-Varianz beeinflusst wird. / The age-by-complexity effect is the dominant empirical pattern in cognitive aging. The current report investigates whether a specific high-level mechanism---an age-related decrease in the reliability of episodic accumulators---can account for the age-by-complexity-effect, which is commonly assumed to be caused by an unspecific, low-level deficit. Groups of younger and older adults are compared in six reaction time experiments, using orthogonal manipulations of early cognitive difficulty (e.g., Stroop condition) and episodic demands (e.g., stimulus-response mapping). The predicted three-way interaction of age and the two factors was observed fairly consistently across experiments. A modified Brinley analysis shows that different regression slopes in old-young-space are required for conditions with low and high episodic difficulty. As a methodological contribution, a Brinley regression model following from certain simple processing assumptions is developed. It is shown that in contrast to a standard Brinley meta-analysis, the regression slopes in this model are not influenced by theoretically un-interesting between-experiment variance.

The Aging of the Social Mind - Differential Effects on Components of Social Understanding

Reiter, Andrea M. F., Kanske, Philipp, Eppinger, Ben, Li, Shu-Chen 07 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Research in younger adults dissociates cognitive from affective facets of social information processing, rather than promoting a monolithic view of social intelligence. An influential theory on adult development suggests differential effects of aging on cognitive and affective functions. However, this dissociation has not been directly tested in the social domain. Employing a newly developed naturalistic paradigm that disentangles facets of the social mind within an individual, we show multi-directionality of age-related differences. Specifically, components of the socio-cognitive route – Theory of Mind and metacognition – are impaired in older relative to younger adults. Nevertheless, these social capacities are still less affected by aging than factual reasoning and metacognition regarding non-social content. Importantly, the socio-affective route is well-functioning, with no decline in empathy and elevated compassion in the elderly. These findings contribute to an integrated theory of age-related change in social functioning and inform interventions tailored to specifically reinstate socio-cognitive skills in old age.

The Aging of the Social Mind - Differential Effects on Components of Social Understanding

Reiter, Andrea M. F., Kanske, Philipp, Eppinger, Ben, Li, Shu-Chen 07 December 2017 (has links)
Research in younger adults dissociates cognitive from affective facets of social information processing, rather than promoting a monolithic view of social intelligence. An influential theory on adult development suggests differential effects of aging on cognitive and affective functions. However, this dissociation has not been directly tested in the social domain. Employing a newly developed naturalistic paradigm that disentangles facets of the social mind within an individual, we show multi-directionality of age-related differences. Specifically, components of the socio-cognitive route – Theory of Mind and metacognition – are impaired in older relative to younger adults. Nevertheless, these social capacities are still less affected by aging than factual reasoning and metacognition regarding non-social content. Importantly, the socio-affective route is well-functioning, with no decline in empathy and elevated compassion in the elderly. These findings contribute to an integrated theory of age-related change in social functioning and inform interventions tailored to specifically reinstate socio-cognitive skills in old age.

Kognitive Reserve im Erwerbsalter / kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und psychophysiologische Informationsverarbeitung

Weißbecker-Klaus, Xenija 14 February 2019 (has links)
Bei altersbedingt abnehmender kognitiver Funktion stellt das steigende Renteneintrittsalter Arbeitgeber und -nehmer vor wachsende Herausforderungen. Der Aufbau der kognitiven Reserve (CR) durch geistig stimulierende Aktivitäten verspricht eine Resilienz gegenüber neuropathologisch bedingten kognitiven Defiziten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Rolle der CR in Bezug auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit und die neuronale Informationsverarbeitung gesunder Erwachsener im Berufsalter untersucht. Unter Ableitung des Elektroenzephalogramms bearbeiteten Probanden mittleren und hohen Erwerbsalters (34-45 J. und 46-62 J.) im 2-Jahres-Abstand Aufgaben zu drei Domänen exekutiver Funktionen: Arbeitsgedächtnis (AG), kognitive Flexibilität und Inhibitionskontrolle. Hoch-CR-Probanden wiesen aufgabenübergreifend schnellere Reaktionen und geringere Fehlerraten auf. Reduzierte Leistung ließ sich in der Gering-CR-Gruppe tendenziell bei älteren Probanden und in anspruchsvollen Aufgabenbedingungen beobachten. Nach 2 Jahren zeigten Gering-CR-Ältere eine numerisch abnehmende AG-Kapazität, während Hoch-CR-Ältere ihre hohe Leistung steigern konnten. Die P3-Amplitude variierte in Abhängigkeit von der CR und dem Alter. Hoch-CR-Jüngere wiesen im Vergleich zu Gering-CR-Jüngeren höhere P3-Amplituden auf, während Hoch-CR-Ältere im Gegensatz zu Gering-CR-Älteren kleinere P3-Amplituden generierten. Zudem legten kürzere P3-Latenzen in der Hoch-CR-Gruppe eine schnellere neuronale Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit nahe. In der Aufgabe zur kognitiven Flexibilität ließ sich bei Gering-CR-Probanden ein Anterior-Shift der P3 beobachten. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse konnten nach 2 Jahren repliziert werden. Alterungsrelevante Leistungsvariablen und neuronale Informationsverarbeitungsprozesse zeigten sich bereits im Berufsalter sensitiv gegenüber der CR. Das mittlere Erwachsenenalter sollte bei der Erarbeitung und Evaluation CR-basierter Maßnahmen zur Prävention kognitiver Defizite stärker berücksichtigt werden. / The increasing retirement date accompanied by an age-associated decline of cognitive functions poses growing challenges to employers and employees. The cognitive reserve (CR) promises a resilience to brain damage-associated cognitive deficits through intellectually stimulating lifestyle activities. The present study examines the role of CR relating to cognitive performance and neuronal information processing of healthy adults in working age. Using an electroencephalogram, subjects of middle and high working age (34-45 years and 46-62 years of age, respectively) completed tasks on three domains of executive functions: working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibition control. Follow-up assessments were conducted after two years. High-CR subjects performed better across tasks than Low-CR subjects, with faster reaction times and lower error rates. Reduced performance in the Low-CR group tended to be more common among older participants and during the more challenging task conditions. In addition, after two years, Low-CR older workers showed a decreased working memory capacity while older High-CR individuals improved their higher performance. The P3 amplitude of the event-related brain potential varied systematically as a function of CR and age. High-CR younger individuals revealed higher P3 amplitudes compared to Low-CR younger individuals, while High-CR older individuals generated smaller P3 amplitudes than Low-CR older individuals. The shorter P3 peak-latencies of the High-CR group suggested moreover a difference in neural processing speed. When testing cognitive flexibility an anterior shift of the P3 was observed in older Low-CR subjects. The results were almost completely replicated after two years. Age-related performance variables and neuronal information processes revealed to be sensitive to CR already at working age. These findings recommend more research on early adulthood in the development and evaluation of CR-based programs to prevent cognitive deficits.

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