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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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IT-stöd i skolan - slump eller verklighet? / IT support in schools – random or reality?

Wikman, Sussanne, Holmgren, Pernilla January 2012 (has links)
I skolan möter vi dagligen elever som i någon form behöver extra stöd. Vi har i vårt arbete med elever i särskilda undervisningsgrupper haft god tillgång till IT-verktyg (exempelvis talsyntes, stavningsprogram), vilket väckt ett intresse hos oss kring IT och dess möjligheter. Finns detta stöd eller hur ser det ut vad det gäller IT-verktyg? Vi är också nyfikna på hur kompetensutvecklingen kring dessa verktyg ser ut samt om det kan finnas ett samband med skolutveckling inom IT-området. Vi valt en kvantitativ ansats, eftersom metoden är en enkätstudie i form av en webbenkät.Resultatet visar på en stor skillnad vad det gäller tillgången till IT-verktyg, kompetens och kompetensutveckling kring dessa samt hur det ser ut vad det gäller skolutveckling. Vi kan också konstatera att våra resultat inte skiljer sig ifrån den forskning vi tagit del av. Vad det gäller tillgänglighet visar resultatet dessvärre på sämre siffror än forskningen. / In school we meet students daily that in some form need extra support. We have seen within our work students in special education groups working with IT tools (such as speech synthesis, spell checking software). This has aroused our interest in IT and its potential. Is this supported in schools when it comes to the IT tools? We are also curious to find out if there is a connection between the development in skills and the school IT development. We also want to see how professional development around these tools look and see if there may be an association with the school development in the IT field. We chose a quantitative approach, since the method is a questionnaire in the form of a web survey.The results show a significant difference in access to IT tools in schools, skills and competence with these and how it looks when it comes to school improvement. We also note that our results do not differ from the research we have studied. In terms of availability, the results unfortunately give worse figures than the research.

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