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Výpočtové modelování deformačně-napěťových stavů pneumatik / Computational modelling of stress-strain states in tyresLavický, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Work occupies computational modelling mechanical behavior elastomers and composits with rubber matrix and their utilization for compute model of tire creation. MATADOR tire 165/65 R13 Axisymetric 2D model was created in two geometric variants. For the computational modeling is applying the Finite element method (FEM). The model was in different variants distinctive grade of modeling material. At first was done inner pressure analyst impact on deformation of each of model. Then was count influence on tire load with angular velocity meanwhile with inner pressure. The impact thickness of tire protector layer on global deformation tyre casing was verified too.
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Výpočtová analýza hybridního litino-kompozitového smykadla obráběcího centra TM 2000 / Computational analysis of the steel-composite carrier of the machining center TM 2000Zbožínek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of the work was to perform a computational analysis of the hybrid (steel-composite) carrier and compare the results with the original metal carrier. Static analysis, modal analysis and frequency response were solved. Computation was performed for three different relative positions of the carrier. Static stiffness, natural frequencies and dynamic compliance have been calculated. The results were verified by an experiment performed on a scaled-down model of the carrier. Modern software products, namely MSC Patran, MD Nastran, Matlab and ProENGINEER, were used for the calculation.
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Návrh uzlu křídlo-trup kompozitního letounu / Design of composite aeroplane wing-fuselage jointSadovský, Hynek January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design, strength calculation and technological solution of wing-fuselage joint for composite four-seater aeroplane certificated by CS-23. Design is focused on optimal space utilization, low weight and simple manufacturing and assembly. Main output is technical documentation consisting of drawings and technological lay-ups. Conceptual design was chosen after analysis and weight estimation. With strenght calculation for composite materials it was possible to design composition of primary parts and also specify manufacture processes. Assigment was solved by unusuall conceptual design, which claims higher precision manufacturing, but it saves weight.
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Charakterizace nanostruktur deponovaných PVD a CVD technologiemi / Characterisation of Nanostructure Deposited by PVD and CVD TechnologyFořt, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with mechanical properties of thin hard wear-resistant coatings. The work presents a method of dynamic testing of thin hard coatings on a newly constructed prototype of impact wear tester. It provides a comparison with standard methods of layer testing and presents new experimental results of dynamic impact wear test of the coatings. Finally, the thesis covers preparation techniques of thin film systems deposited on various substrates and their characterization using optical and electron microscopy.
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Ověření skutečných fyzikálně-mechanických parametrů kompozitního materiálu / Verification of actual physical-mechanical parameters of composite materialJablonská, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with composite materiál and it is dedicated to steel fiber concreat. The thesis focuses on verification of mechanical parameters of the steel fiber concrete. Especially on the compressive (tensile) strength at first cracking and the compressive strength in cracked state. Testing was conducted on concrete different tensile with 30 kg on m3 steel fibers KrampeHarex DE 50/1,0 N. The thesis is divided into theoretical and experimental part.
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Návrh demonstrátoru konstrukce z kompozitních materiálů pro kalibraci simulace pohlcení energie / Scaled airframe structure design made from composite material for calibration of simulation of absorbed energyBucňák, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on a scaled fuselage design made from composite material. The first part deals with a description of composite materials and used material models in an explicit FEM simulation. Two types of scaled structures were designed that were subjected to drop test. Test results were compared with FEM simulation. Finally the calibration of models was carried out.
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Vliv anorganických plniv na elektrické vlastnosti epoxidových pryskyřic / Inorganic fillers effect on electrical properties of the epoxy resinsDoležel, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of electrical insulation materials based on epoxy composites used in the electronics industry. This thesis is divided into theoretical part focused on composite materials, their technological processing and diagnostics. It also describes dielectric materials, their properties and events taking place in their structure. The experimental section describes the measurement of electrical properties of samples of electrical insulating materials with different types of fillers.
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Konstrukce měřící cely s elektrodou na bázi uhlíkového filmu / Construction of an electrochemical cell based on carbon film electrodeLibánský, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the construction of an electrochemical cell with two types of integrated composite electrodes based on carbon films. Using these electrodes, the voltammetric behavior of environmental pollutant triclosan (5-chlor-2-(2,4- dichlorophenoxy)phenol) was studied. For the construction of composite electrodes, graphite and glassy carbon were used as conductive microparticles. Several types of polymers served as the nonconductive binder. For the measurements, combinations of graphite with polystyrene and graphite with polycarbonate were selected as optimum materials. From the dependence of peak heights on solution composition, a mixture of a buffer of pH 7 and methanol (1:9, V/V) was selected as the optimum medium. In this medium, concentration dependences were measured; calculated triclosan detection limit were 0,49 µmol dm-3 for carbon polystyrene composite electrode and 0,25 µmol dm-3 for carbon polycarbonate composite electrode, respectively. The possibility of further increasing the sensitivity of the determination by the accumulation step was studied. Accumulation of triclosan on carbon polystyrene composite electrode was observed, but the increase in response was connected with the loss of repeatability. Accumulation of triclosan on carbon polycarbonate composite electrode was...
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Vlastnosti kompozitů s polymerní matricí a dlouhovláknovou výztuží / Use of FRP Composites as Reinforcing Material for ConcreteKratochvílová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
Because FRP composites have high fiber strength and good durability, they are increasingly used for repairs, modernisation and reconstruction of concrete structures. In practice, however there is a risk of premature separation of FRP reinforcement from concrete. This can be avoided by appropriate selecting the fibers and the matrix and the appropriate shape of the reinforcement. The actual materials and consistency of FRP reinforcement with concrete are also covered by this diploma thesis.
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Konstrukční lamelové dřevo vyztužené kompozitními materiály / Structural laminated wood reinforced with composite materialsKovács, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes an experimental program investigating the strengthening of beams of glued laminated timber with composite reinforcement. The work compares the behavior of beams reinforced with composite reinforcement with unreinforced beam and with solid timber beam. The work also deals with identifying and evaluating the physic-mechanical properties of materials.
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