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Návrh trupu a systému řízení letounu VUT 081 Kondor / Fuselage and control system design of VUT 081 KondorKalný, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with VUT 081 Kondor composite fuselage design and control system layout design. Load computation and selection of critical load cases are made. Principal inner surfaces of the fuselage are designed with respect to basic ergonomic requirements of the crew. Construction materials are chosen and a layup of composite materials is performed. Fuselage FEM model is made in MSC Patran/Nastran system and the structure-strength analysis is given for chosen load cases.
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Náhrada kovových ocasních ploch letounu VUT 100 kompozitními / Tail units design of VUT 100 aircraft made out compositeBerka, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This Master´s thesis describes the design of composite horizontal tail of VUT 100 aircraft. Load calculation and selection of the critical load cases is performed. Internal structure of stabilizer and right elevator is designed. Construction materials are chosen and the structure of the composite materials is proposed. FEM models of stabilizer and the right elevator are created in MSC Patran system and consequently the strength test of the models for the selected load cases is executed using MSC Nastran software and COMPOST.
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Obrábění kompozitních materiálů pomocí robotů / Robotic machining of composite materialsRubišar, Václav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the robotic machining of composite materials. It is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on detailed introduction of the term “an industrial robot” and a description of its controls, types of the robots, types of their propulsion and programming methods. Furthermore, there is a list of CAM softwares with its specification designed for both conventional machining and machining by using a robot. It also includes the introduction of composite materials and specification of their machining. The practical part deals with selection of appropriate type of bracket spindle by using a simulation software, suction design and economic evaluation of two types of machining in manufacture.
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Simulátor Turingových strojů popsaných pomocí kompozitních diagramů / Simulator of Turing Machines Described by Means of Composite DiagramsSiska, Josef January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, the theory related to Turing machines and means of their description (with focus on composite diagrams) is presented. The aim of this work is to create an application that allows editing Turing machines described by means of composite diagrams and simulating their computation on specified input configuration (including non-deterministic and multi-tape machines). Furthermore, within the application it will be possible to run the termination analysis of Turing machine in order to determine whether this machine or any of its parts always halt. The resulting application is implemented in Java and the termination analysis is performed using the well-founded orders. And so, one of the results created during this work is a software tool which allows designing and testing of Turing machines described by means of composite diagrams. Resulting application may be used especially during lectures on theoretical computer science, where it can be used to demonstrate computation of some Turing machine.
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Příprava nanostrukturovaných a nanokompozitních vrstev s matricí plazmového polymeru / Preparation of nanostructured and nanocomposite thin films with plasma polymer matrixSolař, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Title: Preparation of nanostructured and nanocomposite thin films with plasma polymer matrix Author: Pavel Solař Department: Department of Macromolecular Physics, MFF, UK Supervisor of the doctoral thesis Prof. RNDr. Hynek Biederman, DrSc., Department of Macromolecular Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague Abstract: This thesis is devoted to study of nanostructured thin films implementing metal and plasma polymer particles and columns. Process of formation of particles from various materials has been studied. The particles size, shape and chemical composition has been characterized relative to the deposition conditions. Transport of metal and plasma polymer particles inside the particle source and from the particle source to substrate has been investigated. The particles were used in composite films especially to produce films with controlled roughness e.g. for investigation of influence of roughness on adhesion of cells. Preparation of columnar films by Glancing Angle Deposition has been studied and the particles have been used as seeds for the columnar growth. Keywords: Nanoparticles, Glancing Angle Deposition, plasma polymer, composite thin film
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Návrh podvozku čtyřmístného jednomotorového letounu / Landing gear design for single-engine four-seat aircraftPauliny, Jozef January 2014 (has links)
Cílem této práce je návrh pevného tříkolového podvozku pro jednomotorový čtyřmístný celokompozitní letoun s dodržováním certifikačních specifikací CS-23. To zahrnuje návrh kompozitních pružinových hlavních podvozkových vzpěr v kombinaci s hydropneumatickým tlumičem příďového podvozku. Proces návrhu se dělí do pěti specifických fází; požadavky na konstrukci, předběžný návrh, detailní návrh, příprava výroby a zkoušení prototypu. Zatížení podvozku pro jednotlivé případy a konfigurace letounu je definován v předběžné fázi návrhu. Detailní návrh zahrnuje pevnostní analýzu jednotlivých komponentů. Fáze zkoušení prototypu definuje způsob ověření únosnosti zkouškou. Závěr obsahuje podrobnou technickou dokumentaci.
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Vliv prostředí s korozním účinkem na dlouhodobou stabilitu adhezního spoje mezi sklovinou, dentinem a kompozitními materiály / Effect of corrosion environment on the long-term stability of composite material to enamel and dentin bondsDudek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Adhesive technology represents a significant advancement among different treatment options of dental caries. Its advantages involve not only highly aesthetic reconstructions, but also ability to preserve hard dental tissues compared to more traditional filling materials such as amalgam, where the material retention was achieved through undercuts. A potential of adhesive technology to arrest progression of an incipient caries has triggered its wider use in dental caries management, potentiated by an ongoing development of new adhesive systems and composite materials that assure an acceptable long-term stability of adhesive reconstructions. Adhesive bonds of dental reconstructions are in the oral cavity constantly challenged by various mechanical, chemical and biological factors. One of the chemical agents with detrimental potential is peroxide bleaching gel used for teeth brightening. Currently bleaching belongs to the most frequent cosmetic dental procedures. The active ingredient of bleaching gels is hydrogen peroxide or its precursors. It is assumed that free oxygen radicals released from peroxides attack double bonds of chromophore molecules captured within the tooth tissues. Because of the high reactivity and nonspecific nature of these oxygen radicals, they may affect also dental...
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Dlouhodobá odolnost okrajového uzávěru kompozitních výplní v prostředí se zvýšeným korozním rizikem / Long-term durability of composite restoration margins in environments with increased corrosion riskRoubíčková, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: An adhesive bond between hard dental tissues and composite reconstructions is exposed to mechanical load, water, bacteria, enzymes and different chemical compounds. These factors could impair durability and resistance of composite reconstructions. In contrast with extensive research of negative influence of water on degradation of adhesive bonds, the influence of chemical substances on adhesive bond has not been investigated to a greater extent. Aim: The aim of the experimental part of the thesis was to evaluate the influence of hydrogen peroxide containing tooth-whitening products and mouth rinses containing chlorhexidine and fluoride on a long-term stability of class V composite restorations created using four contemporary adhesive systems by a microleakage method. Materials and methods: The following adhesive systems were investigated: total-etch Gluma Comfort Bond (GLU), and self-etch adhesives Clearfil SE Bond (CLF), Adper Prompt (ADP) and iBond (IBO). Standardized class V cavities were prepared in 192 extracted human teeth (one cervical margin in the cementum and one in the enamel). Subsequently, the cavities were restored using microhybride composite Charisma. The specimens were then exposed to the tooth whitening system Opalescence PF 20, mouth rinse Corsodyl containing...
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Konstrukce předstihových a souběžných kompozitních indikátorů pro ČR / Construction of the composite leading and coincidence indicators for the Czech RepublicZeman, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Gross Domestic Product represents the basic indicator of macroeconomic performance of the Czech economy and its importance is growing. The need to get the information on its development as quickly as possible for the necessary government actions is unquestionable, but the time taken to publish its first quarterly estimate of growth rate is significantly longer (45 days after the reference quarter) in comparison to other countries. The aim of this thesis is to attempt the construction of composite leading and coincidence indicator to estimate quarterly GDP changes, starting 30 days after the reference quarter. The methods of time series analysis, by which the relationships among GDP and indicators available in this 30-day period and possibly entering this composite leading, respectively coincidence indicator are analyzed, are used.
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Speciální problémy lomové mechaniky singulárních koncentrátorů napětí v kompozitních materiálech / Special problems of fracture mechanics of singular stress concentrators in composite materialsKrepl, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
Předkládaná disertace se zabývá obecnými singulárními koncentrátory napětí a to zejména ostrým vrubem neboli V-vrubem, ostrým bi-materiálovým vrubem a ostrou materiálovou inkluzí. V první části práce je stručně nastíněna Kolosovova-Muschelišviliho teorie komplexních potenciálů rovinné pružnosti aplikovaná na problémy lomové mechaniky. Dále je diskutována lineární elastická lomová mechanika trhlin, V-vrubů, bi-materiálových vrubů a bi-materiálových spojů. V rešerši jsou dále zahrnuta kritéria směru iniciace trhliny i její stability a to kritérium maximálního tečného napětí, faktor hustoty deformační energie a sdružené napěťově-energetické kritérium. Následují text uvádí omezení jednoparametrové lomové mechaniky a výhody její multiparametrové formy. Další část představuje metody pro určení nezbytných parametrů pro popsání pole napětí a posuvů v blízkosti obecného singulárního koncentrátoru napětí. Tyto parametry zahrnují vlastní číslo a zobecněný faktor intenzity napětí. Vlastní číslo je určeno jako řešení problému vlastních hodnot zatímco metody pro určení zobecněného faktoru intenzity napětí tvoří Psi-integrál a metoda přeurčitosti. Obě zmiňované metody jsou aplikovány na zde studované obecné singulární koncentrátory napětí a vzájemně porovnány. Kritéria pro vznik trhliny v obecném singulárním koncentrátoru napětí jsou navržena. V rámci numerických příkladů jsou předpovězeny směry iniciace trhliny a podmínky stability pro konkrétní problémy. Kritické síly pro V-vrub jsou předpovězeny pomocí výše zmíněných kritérií a srovnány s experimentálními daty v literatuře. V následující části jsou ukázány metody analýzy multi-materiálového problému. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty způsoby iniciace a šíření trhliny v blízkosti ostré materiálové inkluze.
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