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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Communication Strategy of Market Entry in Eastern Europe in the Area of International Tolling / Komunikační strategie vstupu na trh zemí východní Evropy v oblasti mezinárodního výběru mýta

Záklasníková, Alena January 2008 (has links)
This thesis concerns development of a communication strategy in Eastern Europe, particularly Bulgaria, as a model country, in the area of international tolling, more precisely road user charging system offered by Satellic. In this strategy the promotion mix tools such as advertising, personal selling, PR, public affairs, events and conferences are applied. A concrete target group, the key message, the goal, the message strategy and the budget are created in each of the above noted promotion mix tools.

Nástroje komunikačního mixu ve vybrané firmě Acovy s. r. o. nabízející telekomunikační služby / Instruments of comunication mix in chosen company Acovy Ltd. who is offering telecomunication services

Kocourková, Magdalena January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová prace pojednavá o komunikačním mixu telekomunikační firmy Acovy s. r. o. Proto, aby mohl být mix zpracován, musela být zpracována situační analýza, marketingový mix. Acovy s. r. o. používá obchodní modely B2B a B2C. V práci byl pro tyto modely zpracovan model komunikačního procesu. Následně byly zhodnoceny současné a navrženy budoucí nástroje komunikačního mixu.

Strategie implementace nové služby na český trh / Implementation strategy for a new service on the Czech market

Vejsadová, Klára January 2007 (has links)
Základní téma následující práce vychází ze stále aktuálnější problematiky využívání přírodních zdrojů a ekologických důsledků lidské činnosti. Samotnému napsání práce předcházela úvaha o vlivu výroby a používání jednorázových plenek na životní prostředí. Kromě vysoké náročnosti výroby na surovinové zdroje a energie je největším negativním výstupem spotřeby plen na jedno použití vznik enormního množství odpadu, jenž končí na skládkách. Postupným sbíráním informací k problematice a zejména seznámením se s existencí takzvané plenkové služby v zahraničí, jež představuje ekologičtější a zároveň stejně pohodlnou alternativu jednorázových plen, vedly k rozhodnutí, pokusit se v rámci diplomové práce vyhodnotit možnost zavést tuto službu v České republice.

Analýza komunikačního mixu vybrané firmy / Analysis of the Communication Mix of selected firm

Vargová, Štěpánka January 2008 (has links)
The dissertation is concerned with the analysis of the communication mix of the educational agency and publisher AMOS. The objective is to review present application of communication instruments and propose some modifications and utilisation of other instruments respecting the communication aims of the firm.

Vliv product placementu ve filmech a počítačových hrách na rozhodování spotřebitele. / The impact of product placement in movies and PC games on consumers' decision making

Košaříková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This paper analyzes attitude of Czech audience towards product placement in movies and PC games and explores its potential impact on Czech consumers' decision making. This paper also deals with the segmentation of product placement, its position within the communication mix, historical development of this technique and finally conclusions of the foreign studies.

Sportovní sponzoring jako marketingový nástroj komunikačního mixu firmy / Sport's sponsorship as the marketing tool of the firm's communication mix

Kiss, Petr January 2007 (has links)
The main subject of my diploma work is the analysis of the sport's sponzorship effectivity as one of the implement of the firm's communication mixt. This is made for the firm DEKTRADE inc., which is the main sponsor of the cycling team. For better illustration of the sponzorship's function in sports the work is firstly focusing on sports as a marketing branch, then defines sponzorship from the economic and law points of view, maps out its development, shows the possibilities in using it in the field of sports, determines its position in the communication mix of the firm and introduces the possibility for measuring the effectiveness of the capital investments putting in sport's sponzorship. There are also methods of the sponzorship's efficiency assessments in the dissertation. Concretely the survey of the sponzorship's response, general knowledge of the mark and media monitoring. At the conclusion of this work is the reccomendation for improving of the existing situation.

Analýza komunikačního mixu Zoo Praha

Linhartová, Štěpánka January 2007 (has links)
Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny pojmy jako komunikační mix a jeho složky, hlavně pak reklama a public relations. Dále pak pojem vizuální styl a jeho tvorba. V praktické části je podroben analýze komunikační mix Zoo Praha z let 2002 - 2007, s důrazem na jednotný vizuální styl, který se komunikačním mixem prolíná.

Marketingová komunikační strategie pro projekt rehabilitačního centra společnosti Herbita / Marketing Communication Strategy of a Project for Physiotherapy Centre Herbita Company

Havlová, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This thesis handles marketing communications strategy for the newly established wellness center in Prague. The project aims to build a device that will help people meet their demands in the care of your health and your appearance and bring them to relax and release. The aim of this thesis is propose a marketing strategy which is initially, before operation for primarily intended to inform potential newly emerging customers about new place, presenting them services offer and motivate them to visit first. In the second stage, a short time after the launch of relaxation centers on building a preference for customer service and continuous remembrance service offerings.

Komunikační strategie zámku Berchtold. / Communication strategy of Castle Berchtold.

Blahová, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
Thesis topic: "Communication strategies of the Castle Berchtold" mainly deals with the analyses of current situation and proposals for improvements in the future. Thesis in the theoretical part deals with reasoning about the meaning and history of marketing and communications strategy in today's trade. Extensive part of the theory handle in detail with the analysis of the communication plan and strategy. The practical part presents the thesis the castle Berchtold itself-- geographic location, history, present and vision for the future. Assess the current state and their activities. The greatest emphasis is placed of course, on the last part the communication plan for 2011. In this field I use knowledge that I gained during studying at the University of Economics in recent years, but especially during the last semester, when I attended a minor specialisation Commercial communication. This section can also serve as a basis for the actual communication with clients from different types of services. The conclusion of the thesis examines whether the aim, as set out in the introduction, was satisfied or not.

Vývoj eGovernmentu a informačních a komunikačních technologií ve veřejné správě a jejich dopad na podnikatelské subjekty a občany České republiky / The development of the eGovernment and information and communication technology in Public Administration and their imapct on buseness entities and the citizens of the Czech republic

Šťastná, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
Introducing electronic devices into Public Administration is a long-term process that has begun in the Czech Republic in 1990. Until the present day, a number of measures to support the advancement of Electronic Public Administration has been made. The basic changes were also made in the legislative framework, the Offices of Public Administration, and, in accordance with the strategies of the European Union, some strategic documents have been passed. All these steps have impacted Czech society, the relationship between the citizens, companies and Public Administration. In this Thesis I would like to define the causality between introducing electronic devices and subjects in the Czech Republic and at the end of the Thesis I would point out the impact of the changes on the concrete course of Public Administration. To achieve this goal I am going to use the analytical methods, the ratio analysis that explores the dependencies between the two phenomena, and casual analysis that is focused on the research of phenomena causes. The currently available data shall be used as evaluation input.

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