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Systém vzdělávání úředníků územních samosprávných celků / Education system for local government officialsJanečková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with the education of officials of local government. The introductory part of the thesis summarizes theoretical knowledge about the education of employees of private corporations and analyses requirements on the education of officials of local government under the act No. 312/2002. The practical part of the thesis presents empirical knowledge based on original research in a selected local government office. The current education framework of officials of the office is examined, strengths and weaknesses are identified and specific recommendations for its enhancement are offered. Based on the acquired knowledge an improved comprehensive concept of education of local government officials is recommended.
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Výkonnost v atletických disciplínách ve vztahu ke vzdělávacím koncepcím / Perfomance in Athletic Disciplines in Relation to Educational ConceptsŠulc, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
1 Annotation: The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of performance in athletic disciplines in relation to educational concepts. The data set was obtained from long-term records of children's performance for a selected school and was further processed and evaluated. An interview with a teacher who manages documents also makes a significant contribution to the interpretation of the results of the work itself. The research sample in question consists of male probands attending the 2nd grade at Glowackého Primary School between 1987 - 2019. Key words: performance, athletics, didactics, history, educational concepts, elementary school, pupil
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Návrh tvorby výrobní koncepce pro funkce řízení výrobního procesu / Design of Creating a Production Concept for Production Process Control FunctionsPokorný, Zdeněk January 2021 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the approaches to the introduction of the principles of lean manufacturing and especially the concept of Just in Time (JIT). It is structurally divided into theoretical and practical part. While the theoretical part focuses on the theory of lean manufacturing and the details about steam turbines, the practical part gradually deals with the introduction of the company, production portfolio, supplier analysis and especially the production process. The practical part ends with the selection of proposals for changes in the production concept, including partial economic evaluations with regard to customer requirements to meet delivery dates, quality and required costs.
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Studie průběhu zakázky firmou / The Study of Order Processing Through EnterpriseŠtambacherová, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the study during the engagement the company Štambacher, s.r.o., which deals with plumbing works. The thesis includes description of present time and proposals of solutions. These proposals would ideally should lead to the acquisition of new orders, increase the satisfaction of customers and competitiveness in the market.
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Návrh optimalizace logistiky internetového obchodu / Proposal for Optimization of Logistics Online StoreBitala, Libor January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis „Proposal for Optimization of Logistics Online Store“ is focused to analysis of present state of logistics concepts of the company XY operating an online store with information technology. The goal is finding of weaknesses in logistic approaches and proposal of their changes for not only keep, but also improve its market position.
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Návrh koncepce systému vztlakové klapky pro novou generaci sportovního letounu / The Concept Design of a Flap System for the New Generation of Sport AircraftRensa, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
ploma thesis deals with design of a four-seat sport aircraft for basic training, tourist flying and glider towing, which can be used in aeroclubs and by private owners. The objective of this thesis was to design the outer shapes of the aircraft, compute the basic aerodynamic characteristics and performance, design of structural and aerodynamic layout of the wing and design of flap system with governing.
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Kosmologická témata a geometrická koncepce v islámském umění / Cosmological Themes and Geometric Conception in islamic artŠtojdlová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
Graduted work "Cosmological Themes and Geometric Conception in islamic art" is about relationship betweewn religion and cosmological themes in philosophy opinions and their influence to fine art. Theoretic part is about signs of islamic art and give a simply look on religious, science, philosophic, generaly cultural and art influences of islamic culture of "Golden Age" to global culture. The next part is about cosmologie. Third part is about influence of cosmological themes to geometric forms in individual examples of fine art. The last part is about expresive interpretation symbols of cosmologii and geometry. Practic part have video form of own dance creative, which is expresive interpretation influenced by theme od diplom work. Pedagogic part is koncept of Art Project for second degree of Basic School (High school) , which is partly documented and reflected in practic works
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Soutěžní úspěšnost ve výkonnostním vývoji tenistů / Competitive success in the performance development of tennis playersPecha, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Title: Competitive success in the performance development of tennis players Abstract This study deals with the performance development analysis of players, in the conditions of the Czech Tennis Association enviroment (before 1993 of the Czechoslovak Tennis Association), and the aim is to find if the competitive success of Czech, or Czechoslovak players reached in the U12 and U14 age categories relates to their later top performance achievements at the international level. The prospective view analyses national rankings of best U12 and U14 players (during years 1989 - 2011) in relation to their future success at the professional level on the ATP and WTA Tour. The retrospective analysis focuses on players (born 1970 or younger) who reached a top 100 ATP or WTA ranking, and explores their performance development. The qualitative part of the research, based on structured open ended interviews with tennis experts, identifies, confirms and/or reviews the ways of achieving the top tennis performance. This part focuses on three topics of the long-term athletic development in tennis - characteristic features of training, demands on successful players and importance of sport competitions. The total number of 1791 players were involved into the prospective analysis research, and there was a success of 38,50 % of male...
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Výtvarná výchova jako východisko v procesu tvorby třídního vzdělávacího programu pro děti předškolního věku / Art as a starting point in the process of a class educational program for preschool childrenNěmcová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Name Art as a starting point in the process of a class educational program for preschool children Abstract This work in its theoretical part specifies the definition of art education, work and art techniques at kindergartens. It describes both the historical and the current ideas on changes of art creation of pre-school children. It goes into the solutions, competency, preparations and the actual creation of a class curriculum for pre-school children at contemporary kindergartens. The empirical part describes experience of my colleagues in the creation of a class curriculum with a focus on the global view, motivation and integrated programmes. The practical part illustrates the class curriculum based on a year-round project which comes out of art activities. There is a motivational theme that goes through the whole project and motivates children in other spheres of education as well. There is an offer of activities and a close relation to other subjects which are based on the art creation of children or lead to the creation by art works. The whole project culminates with a theatre performance which is made by children themselves. Key Words Art activities, pre-school age, class educational program, pre-school education, art techniques, art, kindergarten, fairy tale, educational conception,...
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Základní otázky koncepce civilního procesu / Fundamental Questions of the Conception of Civil ProcedureStřeleček, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Fundamental Questions of the Conception of Civil Procedure Abstract The dissertation deals with fundamental questions of the conception of civil procedure (civil contentious litigation). In order to deal with these questions, a system of fundamental questions is presented, serving as a prism for evaluation of the conception of the Czech civil procedure de lege lata and de lege ferenda. These fundamental questions are divided into fundamental questions of the conception of civil procedure largo sensu and stricto sensu. A deductive approached is employed, advancing the research from more general questions (i.e. inter alia character of contemporary democratic state based on rule of law and role of civil procedure within such state, a notion of civil procedure) to more particular questions (i.e. inter alia character of the relation between the court and the parties to the dispute, instruments of the court). The questions gradually narrow the space for the conceptions of civil procedure. Three general conceptions of civil procedure are distinguished. These are liberal, social and cooperative conceptions of civil procedure. Subsequently, special conceptions of civil procedure are distinguished, these do not deal with the relation between the court and the parties comprehensively (these are: conception based on...
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