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Koncepce trénování kategorie přípravky v judu - mláďata 8 až 10 let / Judo training concept of children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11)Chytrá, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Title: Judo training concept of children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11) Objectives: The main objective of this work is to describe and evaluate a judo training concept for children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11). The secondary objective is to create a suitable test battery valid for children of this age. Methods: The thesis has an empirical-theoretical character. The work incorporates analyses of professional literature from the areas of general sports and judo training, data collection, and t-test and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient statistical methods. Results: The results of the thesis show that it is very important to focus on the growth of all the individual components of the training based on the age and development specifics of the children. It is also apt to periodically evaluate the training performance through the whole training plan. Keywords: judo, conception, training, children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11), battery of tests
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Komparace termínů řízení a vedení / Comparison of the terms of management and leadershipVlková, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
5 TITLE: Comparison of the terms of management and leadership AUTHOR: Jitka Vlková DEPARTMENT: Education Management Center SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Irena Lhotková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The final study deals with the issue of management - in terms of managing an organization, and with the issue of leadership - leading people. The theoretical part will clarify both particular terms: management and leadership in the first place. This part is based mainly on literature. This issue follows from a current problem, which is the fact that directors understand the role of leading people less important than the role of managing organization, or they marginalize this role for lack of time and pay more attention to economic and administrative work. Then, there is a problem to lead a nursery school. 6 Work with people is often disregarded and underestimated in schooling; most of schools is managed too much, and, on the other hand, there is a lack of leadership. This thesis follows results of Věra Fantová's research study from 2004. This research study confirmed that manager activities predominate over pedagogical activities. The study proved that directors are often burdened by frequently changed legislation, they have lack of time for pedagogical leading of school, and united school directors worry about leading people. We all know...
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Metodika práce s mládeží v klubu 1. FC Viktorie Přerov kategorie U 10 - U 13 / Methodic of work with youth in 1. FC Viktorie Přerov club in U10 - U13 cathegories.Mrázek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Title: Methodic of work with youth in 1. FC Viktorie Přerov club in U10 - U13 cathegories. Objectives: The aim of this study is to write methodic and organization of work in 1. FC Viktorie Přerov o.s club, which will help other coaches in this club. By this methodic we will continue to work with youth cathegories U10 - U13. Compare history, present and future, which will cooperate with methodics and organization of work with youth. We will compare informations from Ajax Amsterdam, Dukla Praha and 1. FC Viktorie Přerov and from all these clubs we will take the best to conditions of our middle big club. Methods: Analysis of historical literature, analysis of present literature, analysis of needs of 1. FC Viktorie Přerov Results: The result of this work will be written conception for youth cathegories U10 - U13 based on historical materials from 1. FC Viktorie Přerov club and present methods from Ajax Amsterdam and FK Dukla Praha. This concepts will respect current status of this subject and needs of our club. Keywords: Concepts, Methodic, training the youth cathegory, the trainining process, organization of work
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Návrh koncepce financování sportu v ČR / Concept suggestion of sport funding in the czech republicBříza, Matouš January 2017 (has links)
Objectives: The main aim of this work is to evaluate the current system of sports financing from public sources in the Czech Republic. Based on this analysis, analysis of sports funding system from public budgets in selected EU countries try to create a new system of financing sport that is stable, systematic, transparent, efficient, and sustainable development. Methods: The work used the method of analysis and comparative. Analysis method was applied when examining the current financing system in the Czech Republic and in selected foreign countries. The method of comparison was then used to compare the information gathered from various funding schemes. Results: The results suggest that the sports sector in the Czech Republic is deeply underfunded, despite what economic and social benefits of each sport brings. In order to improve the current system are proposed partial measures, aimed at long-term support for the concept of the sport in the country. Partial proposals based on an analysis of the financing of sport in the Czech Republic and the subsequent comparison with selected systems in selected EU countries. Key words: public expenditures, financing of sport, institucionalizace, system of funding
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Systém řízení kvality ve vybraném podniku ve vztahu k inovacím výrobku / The system of managing quality in a selected company in relationship to innovations in the productSKLENÁŘOVÁ, Pavlína January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with ?The system of managing quality in a selected company in relationship to innovations in the product?. The terms quality, quality management and other terms associated with quality are explained in the thesis, furthermore the term innovation and some of its types were characterized. The goal of the thesis is analysis of the current situation in quality management, detection of reserves and duplicities, suggestions of measures for improving quality management based on analysis and practical knowledge using methods of international companies. I specifically focused on the company MOTOR JIKOV Strojírenská a. s. and her division of Mechanization. The company has a formally very well described and established system of quality management. I found out however, that not all rules, norms, regulations and instructions, that are theoretically very well described, are always correctly and sufficiently applied in praxis. To make the situation better, I have suggested the following measures: bigger emphases on the concept of work development in context with quality, rigorous use of proven methods, that were described in the first part of the thesis, attempt to get more objective data about quality development from customers, to be more initiative in the innovation department and watch the competition.
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Výtvarná koncepce filmového zpracování románů: Jules Verne: Les cinq cents millions de la Begum, Ocelové město - filmové zpracování románů Julese Verna na příkladech české a světové kinematografie. / THE ARTISTIC APPROACH TO THE FILM "OCELOVÉ MĚSTO" BASED ON JULES VERNE´S NOVEL "LES CINQ CENTS MILLIONS DE LA BEGUM"Lipenský, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Theoretical part of this thesis examines the most significant adaptations of Jules Verne´s novels into feature films. From the beginning of cinematography until present days the author describes different artistical approaches during the 20th century around the whole world. The main part of this thesis is an artistic concept of the movie based on Verne´s novel "Ocelové město" (Les Cinq Cents Millions de la Begum). It contains description of the whole idea and author´s proposal for a design introduced in form of paintings based on specific scenes from the novel.
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Návrh controllingové koncepce s využitím systému "Business intelligence" / Designing a controlling concept using the business intelligence systemHejdánek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The Master Thesis deals with the use of the controlling concept in business management, Business Intelligence systems and their interconnection. The aim is to propose this integration link on the example of a particular company and at the same time to give management recommendations in areas that will be evaluated in the analysis as insufficient. The theoretical part of this thesis is divided into three main chapters. The first deals with the definition of controlling, its tools and organizations. The second one describes business intelligence, not just the basic principles of this technology, but also the choice of tools and the implementation process are explained. The following chapter lists two software tools that combine controlling and business intelligence in practice. The practical part is divided into a general description of the company, analysis of the applied elements of controlling and then the proposal of solution of insufficient areas and the process of BI implementation, which contains 12 steps which would enable to implement the BI concept.
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Jednání právnických osob (Teoretická koncepce) / Making juridical acts by legal entities (A theoretical conception)Šilhavý, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Herein presented thesis intends to outline some of the conceptual yet practical issues that arise as of the effect of the new civil code in relation to conceptual changes of legal doctrine of legal persons and its legal acting. In chapter 2 hereof the author briefly illustrates the history and development of legal persons in the continental Europe with a special focus on the theories of legal persons. In the end of the chapter the author analyzes the current concept of the legal persons in the legal system of the Czech Republic. In chapter 3 hereof the author describes the primary principles upon which the concept of legal persons and its legal acting is built. The author also briefly analyzes the term and meaning of legal acting in general. The author further engages in analysis of acting of legal persons and its legal nature in relation to the question of who is the person acting; whether it is a legal act performed by a natural person acting in representation of the legal person or whether it is the legal person who acts on its own. In the final part of the chapter the author analyses the law on acting of legal representatives on behalf of the legal person and outlines the issues arising thereof. In chapter 4 the author describes and analyses particular issues that arise from the effective law....
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Koncepce umění Georgese Bataille / Georges Bataille's conception of artKaisrová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
in English The aim of the study is to show Bataille's esthetic thoughts, dispersed in several Bataille's works, as a consistent theory of art. Through his fascination for cruel and evil, Bataille turns his interest to the matter and in revue called Documents he describes the appeal of low forms due to their proximity to formlessness. Beyond this frontier there is a sphere of "not-knowing", where the logical reason can not impenetrate. This sphere of excess is not only out of logical concept, but also out of our life, i. e. before our birth and after our death. In an organized society this sphere is forbidden. The tabu that guards it protects us from the destructive forces of chaos which could appear through the death rage, violent sexual passions, cruelty and evil. Human desire to see what is in this sphere comes from his nostalgia for a naturalness which had been lost when we changed from animals into human beings. The animal does not obey any rule and in ancient societies it used to represent the divinity. The lost intimity of present instant, as explained in Lascaux or Literature et le Mal, is mediated to us through religious transgression of law (sacrifice) or as fiction in art (transgression in modus "a like") or through destruction of academic forms. Such moments are always accompanied by...
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Trendy a kontexty vývoje energetického sektoru / Trends and contexts of development of the energy sectorNovotná, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The world is nowadays dependent on energies, which become scarcer and scarcer. Petroleum reserves are shrinking and it is necessary to find new suitable substitutes. Energy consumption is increasing and energy crises are threatening the whole world. This caused price increased of all energies. Prices and consumption can decrease because of economic crisis, however when recession is over prices of energies are likely to grow again. Economic crisis can cause energy sources are predominantly located in politically unstable countries and other countries are dependent on them. National strategies on energy sector are therefore crucial. The Czech Republic with other countries consumes more energy than actually needed. Savings on energies are becoming more important. The production and consumption of energies have harmful by-products polluting the environment which is not desirable. Renewable resources are much less harmful to the environment but their consumption is still limited. Big potential could be also in nuclear energy and coal power plants with new technologies. The goal of this paper is to analyse individual indicators of energy sector of the Czech Republic and compare it internationally, set the strengths and weaknesses of this sector.
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