Spelling suggestions: "subject:"konstant"" "subject:"konstante""
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Studium vlivu dielektrika na optoelektronické vlastnosti elektroluminiscenčních zařízení / Study of the influence of the dielectrics on the optoelectronic properties of electroluminescent devicesFoldynová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is studing the possibilities of influencing the optoelectric properties of printed light emitting panels, which work on the principle of electroluminescence excited by alternating electric field. The aim of this worrk is to monitor the influence od dielectric properties of electroluminescent phosphor binder on the targeted electroluminescence. In the theoretical part of this thesis, there are described principles of electroluminescence, suitable materials methods of characterization and preparation of panels using printing techniques. Experiment part contains electrical characterization of selected binders to determine their dielectric constants. Subsequently, printing pastes were formulated in different weight ratios of binder electroluminescent phosphor and model light-emitting panels were prepared. Optoelectric characterization was used to determine the change in irradiance. It was found that the dielectric properties of the binder significantly affect the resulting irradinace. It has same irradiance for a smaller amount od phosphor than with the binder with a low dielectric constant. The finding of this work can be used to improve the luminosity at the electroluminescent panels.
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Studium acidobazických a elektrolytických vlastností hyaluronanu v roztoku / Investigation of acid-base and electrolytic properties of hyaluornan in aqueous solutionsSuchá, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with acid-base and electrolytic behavior of hyaluronan solutions at different ionic strength. Acid-base behavior of hyaluronan was investigated by acid-base titrations which were carried out with two different methods, acid and alkaline acid-base titration. Dissociation constants at different ionic strength at zero degree of dissociation and at 50% degree of dissociation were evaluated from the results of acid-base titrations. Dissociation constants obtained from acid acid-base titrations have values between 3,0 and 3,6. Dissociation constants obtained from alkaline acid-base titrations are not very informative because their values are much higher than the expected values. The study of degradation of hyaluronan during acid-base titration was performed to complete study of acid-base behavior. Electrolytic behavior of hyaluronan solution was performed by conductometric titrations in three different environments.
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Zkratový proud synchronního stroje / Short circuit current of synchronous generatorŠebesta, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problematics of short-circuit current of synchronous machine. The first section focuses on the theoretical process of short-circuit current of synchronous machine and describes how this transient process changes throughout it's duration and with what reactances and time constants it is defined. Subsequently, this section deals with the methodics of tests of the snychronous machine,which may be used to set it's reactances. The second part of the work focuses on measurement of the short-circuit current in a specific synchronous machine. Further, there are measurements of processes of the short-circuit in time and their analysis. The last section of the thesis deals with the simulation of short-circuit current process. The simulation is ran by the Matlab/Simulink software. Simulated processes of short-circuit are then compared with the results of measurements from the previous section of the thesis.
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Termohromno ponašanje halogenidnih kompleksa kobalta(II) u višekomponentnim sistemima / Thermochromic behaviour of cobalt(II) halide complexes in multicomponent systemsDožić Sanja 11 April 2014 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji proučavano je građenje i termohromno ponašanje hloro kompleksa kobalt(II) jona u tri različita medijuma: amonijum-nitrat + <em>z</em>formamid (z= 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 i 20), amonijum-nitrat + <em>z</em>N-metilformamid (<em>z </em>= 3, 4, 5, 6 i 20) i amonijum-nitrat + <em>zN,N</em>-dimetilformamid (<em>z</em> = 3) u temperaturnom intervalu od 308,15 do 348,15 K. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio određivanje stabilnosti termohromnih kompleksa kobalta(II) koji se grade sahloridnim i nitratnim jonima i molekulima rastvarača, pronalaženje kvalitativne i kvantitativne zavisnosti konstanti stabilnosti kompleksa kobalta(II) od temperature i molskog odnosa komponenti ispitivanih sistema. Termodinamički parametri, koji karakterišu reakcije asocijacije u ispitivanim sistemima izračunati su na osnovu dobijenih konstanti stabilnosti na različitim temperaturama. Drugi deo ovog rada obuhvata fizičko-hemijsku karakterizaciju ispitivanih sistema, i to: merenje gustine, provodljivosti i njihove viskoznosti. Na osnovu dobijenih podataka razmotrene su vrste interakcija koje se javljaju među česticama rastvarača i rastvorene supstance, kao i njihov uticaj na građenje kompleksnih čestica kobalta(II). Ispitivani sistemi su posebno interesantni, jer predstavljaju dobre medijume za ispitivanje termohromizma u praksi.</p> / <p>In this thesis absorption spectra of cobalt(II) chloride in three ammonium nitrate binary mixtures with organic solvents (formamide, N-methylformamide and <em>N,N</em>-dimethylformamide) at different temperatures (from 308.15 to 248.15 K) and compositions have been investigated in the wavelength range 400-800 nm. Influence of the temperature and composition of the mixture on complex formation between cobalt(II) and nitrate ions, chloride ions and/or solvent molecules have been studied. Thermodynamic parameters for cobalt(II)-ligand association in different solventswere also determined. The second part of this work involves physical-chemical characterization of the studied systems, namely: density, electrical conductivity and viscosity measurements. On the basis of the obtained data, the types and nature of the solute-solvent interactions that occur, as well as their impact on the cobalt(II) complex formation were discussed. In all investigated systems, complexes of cobalt(II) change the geometry and colour from pale pink to dark blueupon addition of chloride ions and upon heating/cooling. Hence, additional chemical energy can be stored in such system. Because the effective working temperatures match very well with that readily achievable under sunlight, these thermochromic systems present an example of novel materials suitable for auto-regulated protection and energy storage.</p>
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Charakterizace nízkomolekulárních syntetických markerů izoelektrických bodů kapilární zónovou elektroforézou a kapilární izoelektrickou fokusací / Characterization of low-molecular-mass synthetic markers of isoelectric points by capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric focusingBrandejsová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
High-performance electromigration separation methods, capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), have been applied to physico-chemical characterization of new synthetic low-molecular mass markers of isoelectric points. Amphoteric compounds on the basis of aminomethylnitrophenols, their derivatives and other structurally related substances were analyzed by CZE in a series of background electrolytes in a wide pH range, 1.86 - 11.18. From the measured pH dependencies of effective electrophoretic mobilities of analytes (beforehand corrected to reference temperature of 25 řC), their isoelectric points (pI) were determined. In addition, using the non-linear regression analysis of the above dependencies, acid-base dissociation constants (pKa) of ionogenic groups of selected analytes were calculated. Subsequently, the analytes with sharply defined isoelectric points were analyzed by CIEF. CIEF confirmed applicability of these compounds as markers of isoelectric points for calibration of pH gradient in CIEF in the determination of pI of amphoteric compounds, especially peptides and proteins. The determined pKa values of ionogenic groups in particular compounds will be utilized in the development of new pI markers with desired pI values.
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Reakce kladných iontů s atomárním a molekulárním vodíkem při nízkých teplotách / Reactions of cations with hydrogen atoms and molecules at low temperaturesTran, Thuy Dung January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned about ion-molecular reactions at low temperatures, which are important the fully understand the chemical evolution in interstellar medium. For realization of experimental part of thesis has been used the apparatus of 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap, which allows study the rate constant of reactions at temperatures 10 - 100 K. Thesis contains measuring results of reaction NH+ + H → N+ + H2, which follows the previous study of reaction N+ + H2 → NH+ + H on the same apparatus, description of the apparatus and the general introduction.
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Uticaj vrednosti pH pufera i vrste anjona na brzinu oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline / Influence of Buffer рН Value and Anion Туре on L-Ascorbic Acid Oxidation RateKolarov Ljiljana 25 May 1999 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>U radu je spektrofotometrijski ispitivana brzina oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline. Tok reakcije je praćen snimanjem UV apsorpcionih spektara termostatiranih rastvora L-askorbinske kiseline u puferima različitih vrednosti rN: acetatnom (4-6). fosfatnom (5-8). fosfatno-citratnom (6-8), boratnom (8-11). glicinskom (9-11) i univerzalnom (4-11) !zveden je jednostavan oblik kinetičke jednačine reakcije višeg i razlomljenog reda. Dobijena jednačina je univerzalna, jer obuhvata jednačine nultog, prvog, drugog, trećeg i razlomljenog reda izračunate su vrednosti reda reakcije i one variraju sa promenom vrednosti rN unutar jednog puferskog sistema. Veza između vrednosti konstanti brzine oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline i vrednosti rN ispitivanih pufera je linearna do vrednosti rN=10.00. Vrednosti koeficijenta pravca prave su različite za ispitivane pufere. Vrsta anjona prisutna u puferu kao i prisusutvo jona metala u korišćenim hemikalijama utiču na vrednosti konstante brzine oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline i one su različite u raznim puferima istih vrednosti rN. Vrednosti konstante brzine oskidacije L-askorbinske kiseline su največe u univerzalnom puferu pri svim vrednostima rN. Prisutna smeša anjona manje utiče na oksidaciju L-askorbinske kiseline nego pojedinačni anjoni, verovatno zbog među- sobnih interakcija.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>The paper deats with the spectrophotometric study of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate. The course of reaction has been observed by recording the UV absorption spectra of thermostated solution of L-ascorbic acid in buffers with different рН values: acetate (4-6), phosphate (5-8), phosphate-citrate (6-8), borate (8-11), glycine (9-11) and universal (4-11). A simple form of kinetic eguation of higher and fractional order reaction has been observed. The obtained eguation is universal as it comprises the eguations of zero, first, second, third and fractional order. The reaction order values have been calculated and they vary with change of рН values within each buffer system. The relation between the values of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate constants and рН value of the studied buffers is linear up to рН value = 10.00. The straight line stopes are different for investigated buffers. The anion type present in a buffer as wett as the presence of metal ions in applied chemicals affect the values of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate constant and they are different in different buffers with the same рН values. The values of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate constant are the highest in the universal buffer at all рН values. The present anion mixture affects the L-ascorbtc acid oxidation to a tesser degree than single anions, presumabty due to mutuat interactions.</p>
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Modelovanje uticaja intenzivnih promena Sunčevog zračenja na prostiranje radio talasa / Modelling of intense solar radiation change influence on radio propagationBajčetić Jovan 09 March 2017 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija predstavlja rezultate istraživanja uticaja dve vrste<br />intenzivnih promena Sunčevog zračenja na prostiranje radio talasa. Prvi deo<br />prikazanih rezultata odnosi se na efekte neperiodičnih zračenja u X-opsegu<br />talasnih dužina u toku trajanja Sunčevog X-flera. Izvršeno je modelovanje<br />karakteristika jonizovane sredine D-sloja jonosfere u toku celokupnog<br />trajanja efekata dodatne energije jonizacije i karakteristika prostiranja<br />radio talasa određenih frekvencijskih opsega u okviru navedene sredine.<br />Drugi deo rezultata prikazuje periodičnu promenu nivoa prijemnog signala<br />usmerene mikrotalasne radio komunikacije koja nastaje u toku jutarnjih<br />časova. Pokazano je da ova promena ima visok stepen korelisanosti sa<br />promenama vrednosti geomagnetskog polja i da je uzrokuje pojava Sunca na<br />horizontu. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih merenjem je predložen model koji<br />opisuje trend navedene promene u jutarnjim časovima.</p> / <p>This thesis presents the research results of intensive solar radiation variation<br />influence on radio propagation. The first part of presented results is related to the<br />effects of non-periodic radiation within X-ray wavelength during Solar X-flare.<br />Modelling of ionosphere D-layer medium is performed during all time duration of<br />additional ionization energy, as well as radio propagation characteristics within this<br />medium. The second part of the measured results presents periodic variation of<br />receiving microwave radio signal level of experimental Line-of-site communication<br />during the morning hours. It is shown that this variation is highly correlated with<br />geomagnetic field component values variation and that is caused by the Sun<br />appearance on the horizon. Based on the experimentally collected results, the model<br />that describes this variation during morning hours is proposed.</p>
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Stanovení a porovnání elektromigračních vlastností markerů pro izoelektrickou fokusaci / The Determination and Comparison of the Electromigration Properties of Markers for Isoelectric FocusingLorinčíková, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The dependencies of electrophoretic mobility on pH were measured for a set of 14 markers used for isoelectric focusing that were developed by the group of Šlais and that are based on substitutions on the nitrophenol core, and for a kit consisting of 5 pI markers developed by Shimura, which have an oligopeptide structure. The dissociation constants and limiting electrophoretic mobilities of these compounds were obtained from the dependencies with the use of the program AnglerFish. The isoelectric point values of the compounds were consequently calculated using the obtained data. A comparison of the obtained pI values with the values that have been declared in literature, albeit gained by different analytical methods, has been made. Key Words capillary zone electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, pI markers, isoelectric point, thermodynamic dissociation constant, limiting ionic mobility
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Identifikace parametrů asynchronního motoru / Identification of AC induction motor parametersKřížek, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes and realizes (in program Matlab/Simulink and in the microcontroller Freescale 56F8346) one off-line identification method of AC Induction motor parameters which are necessary to implement the field-oriented control strategy. The identification metod identify leakage inductance, magnetizing inductance and secondary time constants. The presented method is evaluted, advantages and disadvantages of this method are evaluated with reference to their possible use in real-machine. The experimental results and schemes which are presented demonstrate the feasibility methods. The thesis is dividend in seven chapters. Second chapter describes the basic principle and model AC induction motor. Third chapter generally describes identification methods. Fourth, fifth and sixth chapters deal with method which is based on a previous work of the authors [4] and [5].
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