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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disociační chování přírodních biokoloidů / Dissociation behaviour of natural biocolloids

Karbanová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of dissociation behaviour of natural biocolloids, namely humic acids and fulvic acids. Humic and fulvic acids are natural, heterogeneous, high molecular weight substances which behave as weakly acidic polyelectrolytes and they have complex not exactly described structure. They are formed by biochemical transformations of organic residues (mainly plants). They are part of the soil, water, peat, sediments and coal. Solubility of humic acids is affected by pH value. The higher the pH value is the higher the solubility is. Fulvic acids are soluble in whole range of pH values. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine the dissociation constant for the five kinds of humic acids and four kinds of fulvic acids, which have been isolated from various natural sources. These samples were purchased from IHSS. Dissociation constants were determined by the conductometric method and a combination of measurment pH and the content of acidic functional groups in Na2SO4. UV-VIS spectrophotometry method was used to characterize the quality of humic acids and fulvic acids.

Studium acidobazických vlastností derivátů bilirubinu metodou kapilární zónové elektroforesy / Study of acid-base properties of bilirubin derivatives using capillary zone electrophoresis

Kupcová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
in English The concise summary of literary information about bilirubin and its structure derivative ranarubin is the topic of this thesis. The experimental part is dedicated to investigation of some properties of this substances and their comparison. The rate of degradation and acid- base behaviour was monitored under the laboratory conditions using capillary zone electrophoresis. The results point to differences in their behaviour.

Elektrochemické studium rozkladu přírodních barviv používaných na uměleckých památkách / The electrochemical study of the degradation of the natural dyes from historical objects

Ramešová, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
The oxidation of quercetin (3,3',4',5,7-pentahydroxyflavone) and luteolin (3',4',5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone) has been studied. These intensively coloured polyphenolic compounds belong to a large group of naturally occuring flavonoid compounds. They were used with advantage as colourants in old tapestries. The study concerns the analysis of degradation processes of the original dyes. Degradation products formed during the ageing process can be used as fingerprints for the determination of the original colours. The degradation processes of flavonoid compounds were studied by electrochemical methods, absorption spectrometry and separation methods in aqueous media. The oxidation mechanism involves electron transfer coupled with chemical reaction and is influenced by the acidobasic properties of quercetin. The dissociation constants pK1 and pK2 of quercetin and pK1 and pK2 of luteolin were determined by combining of independent methods: acid-base titration and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The stability of both compounds significantly depends on the presence of the oxygen. The distribution of the oxidation products of quercetin in aqueous media within the exposure to oxygen was monitored by LC-MS/MS and LC- DAD analysis.


NILSSON, SOPHIE January 2017 (has links)
Världen är under konstant förändring och allt växer i snabbare takt nu än någonsin tidigare. I framtiden sägs utvecklingen ta oss till nya nivåer med ännu mera avancerad teknologi. Därför måste företag i alla branscher lära sig att anpassa sig till konstanta förändringar som initieras av yttre faktorer. Arbeta flexibelt, agilt och systematiskt är ett faktum för många branscher, byggbranschen är inget undantag. Byggbranschen genomgår ett paradigmskifte och det är av vitala anledningar att företag anpassar sig och lär sig hantera förändringar. Därav blev syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur ett byggherreföretag kan anpassa och implementera nya arbetssätt i organisationen, för att lättare anpassa sig till konstanta förändringar.Denna fallstudie har haft ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt, där intervjuer och observationer på fallstudieföretaget har varit den primära datainsamlingen. Det teoretiska bidraget i studien har varit koncept inom change management för organisationer, där det diskuteras vad en förändring är, vad det innebär och vad man måste göra som organisation för att få med sig medarbetarna att utföra förändringsprojekten. Det andra teoretiska bidraget är en jämförelse av traditionell projektledning och agil projektledning, där det agila arbetssättet talar för hur man kan anpassa sina arbetssätt till konstanta förändringar i en projektbaserad verksamhet.I den empiriska studien så har det framkommit att ledningsgruppen för Affärsområde bostad kan bli bättre på, för att öka motivation hos medarbetarna, är att: Kommunicera, Samarbeta, Vara tydliga, Lyssna, Följa upp och Förvalta förbättringsförslag samt Standardisera. Hela studien har resulterat i två rekommenderade förbättringsförslag, en på funktionell nivå för medarbetarna och en på industriell nivå för organisationen. Första, är att dela upp byggprocessen efter kunskapsbaserade områden, där projektledare och medarbetare med rätt kompetens arbetar i rätt område. Andra, är att skapa en ny avdelning för hela organisationen, en avdelning för forskning, utveckling och innovation, som bland annat arbetar med omvärldsbevakningar, forskning, utveckling, förbättring, innovationer, inom företaget. Denna avdelning kan liknas som en Research & Development avdelning, där utvecklingsprojekt eller innovationer forskas fram, utvecklas, färdigställs, testas och sedan lanseras och implementeras.

Charakterizace materiálů pro perovskitové solární články transientními metodami / Characterization of perovskite solar cell materials by transient techniques

Nakládal, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of the lifetime of charge carriers in perovskite single crystals. The principle of perovskite solar cells is formulated, their main structures are characterized and the history of the development of perovskite solar cells is summarized, especially in terms of efficiency. The properties of perovskite single crystals with perovskite solar cells are compared. For measurement purposes, transient methods, impedance spectroscopy, load characteristics and the dependence of sensitivity and photocurrent on the wavelength of incident radiation are described. The practical part deals with the method of measuring and evaluating the lifetime of charge carriers in the investigated perovskite single crystals.

Chirální separace diquatů a stanovení konstant stability jejich komplexů s cyklodextriny kapilární elektroforézou / Chiral separation of diquats and determination of stability constants of their complexes with cyclodextrins by capillary electrophoresis

Bílek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Capillary zone electrophoresis was used for chiral separation of eleven diquat derivatives. These N-heteroaromatic dications containing structural motif of 2,2'-bipyridine have recently been studied for their interesting electrochemical properties as well as for the axial chirality of their molecules. The combination of these properties could potencially lead to interesting applications in the future. For enantioseparation of diquats (DQ) commercially available randomly sulfated α-, β-, and γ-cyclodextrins with high degree of substitution were used. A succesfull chiral separation was achieved using all of the three sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors (CS). Baseline enantioseparation was achieved for 82 %, 91 % respectively 100 % of the analyzed DQ in the presence of HS-α-CD, HS-β-CD, HS-γ-CD respectively. The highest separation efficiency and resolution were obtained in the backround electrolyte containing 22 mmol/L NaOH, 35 mmol/L H3PO4 (pH2,5) and 6 mmol/L HS-β-CD. Using three available nonracemic DQ an identification of the particular M- and P-enantiomers was done for the three corresponding DQ structures. Apparent stabillity constants of complexes of the DQ derivatives with above mentioned cyclodextrins as CS were determined by means of capillary affinity electrophoresis. The stability...

Využití kapilární elektroforézy s UV fotometrickou a hmotnostně spektrometrickou detekcí s ionizací elektrosprejem ke studiu interakcí látek / Use of capillary electrophoresis with UV photometric and electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection for the study of interaction of compounds

Konášová, Renáta January 2017 (has links)
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is highly efficient separation method based on the different migration velocity of ions in liquid media in electric field. It is commonly used in analytical laboratories and due to the different separation principle it is applied as a complementary method to the chromatographic methods (HPLC and UHPLC). Beside the applicability of CE for quantitative/qualitative analysis, the method can be used also for physico-chemical characterization of compounds (e.g. determination of acid dissociation constants of weak electrolytes or stability constants of complexes). This work is focused on the applicability of CE methods for determination of physico- chemical characteristic of compounds (acid dissociation constants of triazole fungicides and stability constants of dibenzo-18-crown-6, benzo-18-crown-6 and 18-crown-6 ether complexes with metal ions in hydro-organic solvent mixtures) and on the possibility to use affinity CE (ACE) with electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric detection (ACE- ESI/MS) for the study of non-covalent interactions of compounds. For the online hyphenation of CE and ESI/MS, two highly sensitive CE-ESI/MS interfaces were tested: i) porous tip and ii) nano-sheath liquid flow. The ability of the CE-ESI/MS interfaces to effectively decouple spray and...

Studium přesných prostoročasů s kosmologickou konstantou / The study of exact spacetimes with a cosmological constant

Hruška, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
In this work we investigate an exact solution of Einstein's equations which is described by the Pleba'nski-Demia'nski metric. This metric represents type D space-times and contains seven free parameters, including electric and magnetic charges and a cosmological constant. We study geometrical and phy- sical properties of these space-times in the case when repeated principal null congruences have zero expansion. Therefore, first we study de Sitter universe and anti-de Sitter universe in the Pleba'nski-Demia'nski coordinates, and we care- fully analyze the corresponding parametrizations of (anti-)de Sitter hyperboloid in five-dimensional flat space-time, unknown so far, we draw the respective con- formal diagrams, and we find transformations to various known forms. After that, we investigate the more general case of the B metrics with a cosmological con- stant, and we do a basic analysis of its geometrical properties. We summarize the article by Gott from 1974, where he interprets the BI metric as a part of space-time with a tachyon singularity, and we generalize his results for the case of non-zero cosmological constant. Finally, we analyze even more general cases of the Pleba'nski-Demia'nski metric with more non-zero parameters. In particular, we study the electromagnetic field in the case of non-zero...

Automatická analýza dat v kapilární zónové elektroforéze / Automatic data analysis in capillary zone electrophoresis

Ördögová, Magda January 2015 (has links)
Evaluating data in capillary zone electrophoresis usually involves many steps that require using several different programmes. Apart from evaluating the electrophoreogram itself, it is usual to process the obtained data in some other way. For example, a suitable model is fit to the data in order to obtain physical and chemical parameters of the separation (e.g. stability constant in case of complexation). It is also important to know the accuracy of the evaluation (the calculation error). In this work, new parts of the Eval programme, originally developed for electrophoreogram evaluation, were implemented. The programme now automatically estimates the Haarhoff-van der Linde function (solution of continuity equation in capillary) parameters for analyte peak. Complexing agents are often used to improve the separation in the capillary zone electrophoresis. Complexation in the capillary can be described by its physical and chemical parameters. A new part was added to the Eval programme that allows the user to fit a rectangular hyperbole function to the obtained data. Thus, the regression parameters of this dependence can be gained. The programme can also draw profile diagrams for these parameters, from which the confidence intervals can be read. An option that allows two dependencies to be fitted at...

Systémové píky v elektromigračních systémech s komplexujícími činidly / System peaks in elektromigration systems with complexing agents

Dvořák, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) is a widely used analytical method. CZE is described theoretically very well and there are many simulation programs, which enable one to predict results of electrophoretic separations, and alternatively to study phenomena taking place during the electrophoretic separation in detail. The CZE method is not only an analytical method, but is often used for determination of many physical parameters of compounds, such as stability constants or complex mobilities. Among methods most often used for determination of complexation parameters belongs the affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE). Its alternative is the vacancy affinity capillary electrophoresis (VACE). Whereas by the ACE method the stability constant is determined from the dependence of the analyte effiective electrophoretic mobility on the background electrolyte (BGE) composition, in the case of the VACE system peaks are used for this purpose. In this work the legitimacy of using system peaks in the VACE method for determination of stability constants was investigated. Several approaches dealing with the concentrating of complexing agent in the peak area were compared, both for the ACE and the VACE method. Two different kinds of electrophoretic systems were studied. In the first one, neutral cyclodextrin was used as...

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