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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanické vlnění vzduchových částeček uvedených do pohybu chvějícím se tělesem / Mechanical waves of air particles set in motion by a vibrating body

Coufalová, Kristýna Unknown Date (has links)
The work deals with the sound in its various forms outside the music scene in connection with fine arts. Experimentally modulates different positions between visual and audio elements. Do the musical components of shows and exhibitions only serve to manipulate emotions, or are they original autonomic works? The artistic result will be the creation of an experimental situation of direct confrontation of sound with live action. The work was significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, so it deals more specifically with sound/music in the virtual space and the issue of their transmission.

Vysílání v roušce - sonda do výroby zpravodajství České televize vprostřed koronavirové krize / Broadcasting with a Face Mask - Insight into Czech TV News Production in the middle of the Coronavirus Crisis

Šenkýř, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The thesis documents circumstances of TV news production at the time when the government was taking unprecedented measures to prevent from spreading of a new type of coronavirus (SARS- CoV-2). The documentation is based on ten interviews with Czech Television reporters and anchormen together with both the analysis and interpretation of these interviews. The work is bringing the evidence of journalists from the most turbulent period. It makes efforts to contextualize how the journalists perceived the government interventions as well as enforced changes in the course of their work. The thesis reflects also the role of the journalists themselves and how they see it themselves. The majority of interviews were done during emergency rule. The final text is based on oral history method alongside with the reflection on contact points with journalism. It reflects also on a possibility whether the coronavirus crisis might move both mentioned professions forward.

Mediální prezentace Libereckého kraje / Media Presentation of Liberec region

Nápravník, Jan January 2020 (has links)
- English version The diploma thesis, in the form of a case study, deals with the issue of media presentation of the Liberec region as a state institution. The study focuses on the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020. The evaluation is limited to printed reports generated by the regional authority and contributions to the social networks Facebook and Instagram. The work includes the specifics of communication at the regional level, which is located exactly between the municipal and governmental levels and has not yet been typified. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to analyze the communication of the region on the example of the Liberec region and for further research to provide such a study that will offer insight into how the region communicates. The thesis places the region in the context of state administration and defines the basic concepts and customs that characterize communication at this level through an extensive theoretical part.

Proměna obsahu deníku Sport v době koronavirové krize a další vývoj periodika po ní / Change of the Content of the Sport Daily During the Coronavirus Crisis and Futher Developmentof the Paper After It

Kučera, Stanislav January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis Change of the Content of the Sport Daily during the Coronavirus Crisis and Further Development of the Paper after It deals with the changes in the daily "Sport" during the coronavirus crisis and in the immediate aftermath, i.e. from March 2020 to September 2020. As there were almost no sports events in the Czech Republic or in the world, particularly in the first third of the examined period, this thesis focuses on how the only domestic daily newspaper specialized in sports topics response to the lack of races and competitions. The thesis also monitors, whether trends established in the first third of the examined period persevered in the daily newspaper even when the situation in the society and the sports environment began to return to normal. In the theoretical part, the thesis deals with the issue of print media in the Internet era, presents selected research into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the functioning of media and outlines reporting on smaller sports in the sports media. The analytical part deals with the content of the "Sport" newspaper itself. The thesis examines each issue of the newspaper in the period from March to September 2020 and monitors the representation of sports, the topic of the main article on the front page, the number of sports, the number of...

Fotbalová Fortuna liga v Deníku Sport a sportovní příloze MF Dnes v době koronavirové krize v období od 1.3. 2020 do 31.12. 2020 / Fortuna football league in the Deník Sport and the MF Dnes sports section during the coronavirus crisis in the period from 1.3. 2020 to 31.12. 2020

Malík, Štěpán January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to present how the daily Sport, the web iSport, the sports section of MF Dnes and the website sport.idnes.cz reported on the coronavirus crisis in connection with the Fortuna League. To achieve the objectives of the thesis, quantitative content analysis is used. Three time periods are examined in the thesis, with each period chosen to cover an important period in the events related to the coronavirus crisis and the Fortuna League. The research part of the thesis analyses the articles published in each period, as well as examining mentions of clubs and the use of narratives. The results are compared both between periods and between media. The thesis also presents the Fortuna League as a competition, individual clubs and their history. At the same time, the thesis chronologically characterizes the key events of the coronavirus crisis in the Czech Republic. It also briefly presents recent research findings on sports journalism during the coronavirus crisis.

Analýza diskurzu o koronavirové krizi v názorových rubrikách českých online médií / Analysis of the coronavirus crisis discourse in the opinion sections of Czech online media

Karel, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines how the first, spring wave of the coronavirus pandemic and its associated aspects were presented by Czech media, specifically by the opinion sections of reputable mainstream online media in three three-days intervals in different phases of this period. Its main premise is that the way media refer to a social reality can significantly influence this reality, its theoretical part is therefore focused on the reciprocal relationship between media and society, mainly the social construction of reality and discourse, besides also describing the pandemic itself and the trends in the usage of media during the analysed period. The research itself was made using the discourse analysis method. The central chapter of the thesis presents key findings in ten subchapters focused on the main discursive tendencies, common language elements and social phenomena being referred to. The interference of the COVID-19 discourse with the ones about the government restrictions, economic development and the assumed Chinese origin of the virus was salient, the parallels with other diseases or historic events or eras were also common. Metaphors, neologisms, fallacies or metadiscourse reflections appeared in the analysed texts as well. The dynamics of the discourse that was varying depending on the...

Televizní zpravodajství o koronavirové epidemii 2020 jako možný svět / Broadcast coverage of the coronavirus epidemic 2020 as a possible world

Bergerová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the theory of possible worlds and its relation to broadcast during the coronavirus pandemic. It perceives news, especially broadcast, as a possible world. Using narrative analysis, this thesis describes the characteristics of two possible worlds that arose during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic on Czech Television and television Prima. The main goal of this research is to examine what kind of possible worlds have these two TV stations constructed in their main news programs and to point out how these two possible worlds differed. My diploma thesis should primarily contribute to a clear comparison of how the depiction of the coronavirus pandemic differed by individual television channels in the first half of 2020.

Aktivizační a edukační aktivity v domovech pro seniory v období koronavirové krize / Activation and educational activities in retirement homes during the coronavirus crisis

Kučerová, Anna January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of offering activation and educational activities in retirement homes during the coronavirus crisis. The main goal of this work is to analyze the offer of educational and activation programs in retirement homes and findings and definition of differences in the offer of these programs in the period before and during the coronavirus crisis. The aim of this work should be to describe the current offer of activation and educational activities in homes for the elderly, how it differs from the normal situation and whether the current state affects the participation of seniors in these activities or their preferences. The work is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part describes the definition of basic concepts of this problematics, describes the quality of life of elderly and society's attitude towards the elderly, functions and goals of education of elderly, possible ways of motivation and barriers in education of elderly and finally the importance and staffing for educational and activation activities in retairment homes. The empirical part will focus on the already mentioned analyze of offering activation and educational activities in retirement homes during the coronavirus crisis. Questionnaire survey and interviews with activation...

Harmonizace rodinných a pracovních rolí u pracovníků bez možnosti práce z domova během koronavirové krize / Harmonization of family and work roles for workers who do not have the option of working from home during the coronavirus crisis

Šrámková, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the harmonization of family and work roles of workers without the possibility of working from home during the so-called first wave of the coronavirus crisis in 2020. The goal of this thesis is to describe the harmonization possibilities of family and the work roles in the Czech Republic. Another goal of this thesis is to find out what circumstances influenced the parents without the possibility of working from home to stay at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Last but not least, the goal was set to map the harmonization of the family and of the work roles of the parents without the possibility of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. The theoretical basis of the thesis is the concept of family-work conflict in conjunction with the concept of work-life balance. These theoretical aspects were conceptualized with the issue of Covid-19, labor market conditions and the tools that make it easier to match the parental and the work roles in the Czech Republic. The research work works with primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained through the semi-structured interviews with the affected individuals (the parents who take care of a child under the age of 10 and at the same time working in a position without the possibility of working from...

En liten gärning med stor betydelse : En jämförande innehållsanalys av finskspråkiga allmännyttiga texter om covid-19 i Sverige och Finland / Pieni teko. Suuri vaikutus : Vertaileva sisällönanalyysi suomenkielisistäyleishyödyllisistä koronavirusteksteistä Ruotsissa ja Suomessa

Engver-Jensen, Joachim January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur finskspråkiga texter om covid-19 skiljer sig mellan den svenska Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM) och det finländska Institutet för hälsa och välfärd (THL). Uppsatsens hypotes är att FHM:s svenska källspråkstexter bör ha påverkat de finskspråkiga texterna i Sverige, med risk för att informationen senare skulle kunna tolkas felaktigt av den sverigefinska minoritetsgruppen. Inledningsvis ges en teoretisk beskrivning av översättningsteorin, med fokus på de fyra grundaspekterna struktur, stil, semantik och pragmatik. Därefter följer en redogörelse av översättningsstrategier vid imperativa och informativa texter samt en metodbeskrivning för hur en jämförande innehållsanalys bedrivs, som också är den valda forskningsmetoden. Från de båda myndigheterna har sedan fyra texter undersökts; två imperativa och två informativa med utgångspunkt i de tidigare nämnda grundaspekterna. Resultatet visar att texterna framtagna av FHM följer finskans konventioner väl, men att språkbruket tenderar att vara något mer komplicerat än nödvändigt. En slutsats är därför att det skulle kunna leda till att informationsmaterialet förstås felakigt av de sverigefinska läsarna, då de inte lika ofta kommer i kontakt med denna typ av text som Finlands inhemska befolkning. / Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee suomenkielisiä tekstejä koronaviruksesta ja analysoi sitä mitä eroja teksteissä on ruotsalaisen Kansanterveysviraston (FHM) ja suomalaisen Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) välillä. Tutkielman hypoteesi on, että FHM:n ruotsinkieliset lähdetekstit vaikuttavat suomenkielisiin teksteihin Ruotsissa. Tämä voisi johtaa siihen, että ruotsinsuomalainen vähemmistö tulkitsee tietoja väärin. Tutkielmassa kuvaillaan aluksi käännösteoriaa, joka keskittyy neljään perusnäkökohtaan rakenne, tyyli, semantiikka ja pragmatiikka. Sitten esittelen käännösstrategioita, joita ylensä käytetään imperatiivisen ja informatiivisen tekstien kääntämisessä. Menetelmäosiossa kuvaan sitä, miten valittu tutkimusmenetelmä, vertaileva sisällönanalyysi, toteutetaan. Molemmilta viranomaisilta on tutkittu neljä tekstiä; kaksi imperatiivista ja kaksi informatiivista. Analyysi perustuu edellä mainittuihin perusnäkökohtiin. Tulos osoittaa, että FHM:n valmistamat tekstit seuraavat suomen kielen konventioita hyvin, mutta kielenkäyttö on yleensä monimutkaisempaa kuin on tarpeen. On siis perusteltua päätellä, että tämä voisi johtaa siihen, että tiedotusmateriaalia suomenkieliselle lukijoille ymmäretään väärin. Tämä johtuu siitä, että he eivät ole kosketuksissa tällaisten tekstien kanssa harvemmin kuin suomalaiset.

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