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3D model dřevěného kostela sv. Paraskivy v Blansku / 3D model of wooden church of the Saint Paraskieva in BlanskoMichalková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is surveying and creation of 3D model of the historical building. For these purpouses was selected the wooden church of st. Paraskiva in Blansko. In the introduction this thesis is focused on history and description of the object. In the next part is description of the data collection for the model and than is solved the modeling issues in program AutoCAD.
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Tvorba 3D modelu kostela v Unkovicích / Creation of 3D model of church in UnkovicePospíšilová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on 3D model creation of a church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Unkovice. The resulting digital model is supposed to be used for the church building presentation. 3D model is created on the basis of tacheometrically measured points in Autodesk Inventor. Accuracy testing according to ČSN 01 3410 proved confirmed criteria of 3rd accuracy rating.
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Dokumentace kostela v Dolních Věstonicích / Documentation of the church in the Dolní Věstonice villageKovářová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is the creation of documentation of the St. Michael the Archangel church in Dolní Věstonice village, which includes topographic situation of the object, drawing of the first floor, vertical and longitudinal sections and outdoor views of the façades. The church, it’s location and chronological description of all activities is included in the text of the thesis. Chapter named Preparatory work describes reconnaissance of current point field, creation of network of extra points for measuring and sketches preparation. The next section describes the methods used for positional and height measurement of detailed and assist points. The following chapter entitled Office work includes description of all the calculations and the making of individual drawings. The summary of results and the possibility of future use of the created documentation is described in the end of this thesis. All drawings, calculations reports and the accuracy testing of detailed points are found in the annexes.
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Preevangelizační a evangelizační rozměr projektu Noc kostelů / Preevangelizational and evangelizational aspect of the project Night of ChurchesŠatánková, Radana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis investigates the Night of Churches schedules in selected parishes of the Prague Archdiocese in years 2011-2013. It also deals with the principles, procedures and methods of evangelization. The terms related to the above mentioned are defined. Additionally, part of the thesis aims to introduce the objectives and developments of the Night of Churches project not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. The practical part of the work classifies three consecutive years of the event according to their characteristics and the outcome is subsequently compared and analysed with regard to the challenges that arise in front of the Church during pre-evangelization and evangelization. Keywords Night of Churches, church, preevangelization, evangelization
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Farnost Bystré a její sakrální bohatství / The Parish Bystré and its religious treasureHavlátová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains chosen historical sections from the first written reference till present. Special attention is paid to the epoch of the second half of 20th century, the era of communist totalitarianism, contemporary confirmations, happening after the "velvet revolution". Considering confirmation and data assembly it is possible to come to a conclusion, the nationwide events considerably did mirror even in this parish. The main aim of this thesis consists in intention to make public acquainted with selected historical chapters of this parish. Some of these sections were not compiled so far. There is not a parish chronicle from the second half of the 20th century. In the context of a written introduction to the parish of Bystré, I pay my attention to the religious treasure of this parish. These sightseeing passed through exacting reparations and numerous arrangements even at the time of that totalitarianism.
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Sakrální architektura a aglomerace středověkých Litoměřic / Sacral architecture and agglomeration of medieval town LitoměřiceŽebrová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to approach the royal town Litoměřice in the medieval form, then agglomeration structure and sacral architecture of this town. Litoměřice excels especially in terms of the richness of their heritage fund and by this thesis I would like to commemorate especially disappeared monuments, churches, which were located here. I would like to contain my thesis like a monography of early medieval town Litoměřice with an enumeration of churches, fortification, castle and medieval houses.
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Dendrochronologické datování a stavebněhistorické hodnocení krovu kostela sv. Jakuba ve Staré Vsi u Bílovce (okres Nový Jičín)Sochová, Irena January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to make a constructional-historical research and dendrochronological dating of the roof frame (truss) of St. James´s church in Stará Ves near Bílovce (the district of Novy Jicin). It is the case of the roof frame structure of hammerbeam type which was made from fir timber. The result of the dendrochronological analysis has shown that the trees used for the construction of the roof of the nave were fell down between 1712 and 1713. The trees used for the construction of the roof over the chancel were also fell down between 1712 and 1713. The oak bell stool could not be reliably dendrochronologically dated. The results of the dendrochronological analysis correspond to the historical development of the church found out from the literary and historical sources
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Novostavba kostela v Brně-Líšni / New church in Brno-LisenEnev, Martin January 2012 (has links)
new building Salesian church in Nová Lišeň following the complex of salesian center with accommodation of monks. Church of Holy spirit.
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Kostel na sídlišti / Church in the housing estateSamiec, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The aim was to design a roman catholic church in the housing estate Brno-Nový Lískovec with a capacity of 200 seated and social center. Site for church is a rocky hill between high rise prefabricated houses, this hill is sloping from north, where main road and bus stop is located, to south and it drops by about 8 meters. Since this is a proposal in housing estate which lacks quality public space, creating public space was a priority. The proposal uses existing building on site for social center and adds new church building creating public church square. Public space is opening to the south towards view between houses on neighbouring hills. Main church space is arranged in semi-circular plan enclosed with circular presbytery. The main elevated space is enclosed by sacristy, adoration chapel, baptismal chapel and facilities. On the right side of the main entrance to the church is tower.
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Městská knihovna v Přerově / City Library of PřerovBalcárková, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The main task of the diploma thesis was to deal new public library for the city of Přerov . At first it was necessary to determine the most suitable place for the library. New place for the library was selected on the location at the Evangelic Church on the street Velké Novosady. The library is located in the south of the place to form a partial barrier along a busy road to the land and to create new space square around the church and significant sculpture. In the second half of the location was designed park area. Ground floor also offers a commercial use due to functional divide of building.
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