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Dějiny kláštera Kladruby / History of the Monastery KladrubyBrasová, Alena Petra January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the history of Kladruby's monastery, about it's establishment and development during centuries. Further, it deals with the change of lifestyle in the monastery, as well as outside of it. This thesis highlights the outstanding architectural beauty of the Baroque Gothic style of Czech architects Jan Blažej Santini Aichel and Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer.
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Novostavba farního kostela v Brně-Líšni / Parish church, Brno - LíšeňJurák, Vítězslav January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis, called „Parish church, Brno-Líšeň“, is compiled as documentation for building construction. There is one complex building situated in slope. Therefore it consists of one partly underground floor and first floor. It is divided into three sections. Central part is designed as round-shaped body of the church with tower in the southern part of the church. Shed roof has an angle of 7° for body and an angle of 13° for tower. From the western side there is an administrative area connected to the church and from eastern side there is a community area which is supposed to be used as residential premises. Roof of both these parts is constructed as flat vegetative roof. Structural design is systemic, Velox. Foundation construction combines concrete and ferro-concrete belts and footing.
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Místo ve středu města? Brno – Lokalita Veveří - Žerotínovo náměstí / Inventure of the City Center ? Brno – Veveří – Žerotínovo náměstíHolá, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The main subject of the thesis is a revision of current area framing northwest part of Žerotín Square, that nowadays consists of so called White house (center for children health care and a seat of a medical school). The design is based on theoretical situation concerning the removal of White house and therefore it uses the newly existing place as a subject for new architectural solution. The solution emphasizes the completion of current block of buildings with large courtyard and corner between Žerotín Square and Veveří street, which is very important for traffic. The thesis is focusing on finding the right form, scale and functional content which would reflect the importance of the location, especially focusing on the Brno’s ring road that goes directly to Denisovy sady and accessibility of this city’s part. It also respects the design of the back side of the Red Church. The design uses the newly existing place as a location for new apartment building that reflects the scale of similar buildings in Marešov and other nearby streets and it also proposes administration building as an architectural solution for this location, which would be used as a seat for both municipal and national institutions.
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Moderní sakrální architektura / Modern Sacral Architecture.PODROUŽKOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with European sacral architecture of the twentieth and the twenty-first century. Particularly, it refers to Judaic, Roman-Catholic and Islamic buildings. The second part puts into historical context the sacral constructions of individual religions including their function, characters and typology. In the third part of this thesis the representative sample of significant modern sacral constructions is selected, always under circumstances regarding their creation, the urban description and the setting in a specific location as well as the architectural layout, the interior arrangment and a possible use of special technological procedures at their construction. The mutual comparison and the evaluation of the modern European sacral architecture development are carried out in the fourth part. This section notices the function and the usage of light and presents some extraordinary buildings from this point of view. The final fifth part tries to answer the question, how a modern temple should look like.
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