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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Typologie renesančních arkád královské huti kolem poloviny 16. století v Čechách. Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Poděbrady, Brandýs nad Labem / Typology of Renaissance portico of royal works around mid - 16th century in Bohemia. Kostelec nad Cernymi lesy, Podebrady, Brandys nad Labem

Čermáková, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Renaissance arcades typology of royal architectural works in Bohemia around 1550 A.D. Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, Poděbrady, Brandýs nad Labem. Chateaux owned by ruler Ferdinand I. and situated outside of Prague served as a hunting residences. The buildings became king's property in the 1540th . Various reasons for rebuilding led to conversion from gothic castles to comfortable renaissance chateaux. Renaissance appearance of chateaux with an emphasis on the form of courtyards and arcade's corridors are the main topic of this thesis. Types of arcades are examined on three selected buildings, chateaux in Brandýs nad Labem, Kostelec nad Černými Lesy and Poděbrady. For entire overview of morphology used in renaissance arcades passages it is important to point out noble mansions in whose courts the arcade's corridors were used as well. This thesis specifically attempts to bring the analogy to the selected buildings in the Czech environment and also in foreign countries. The examples in the treatises and the inspiration for certain types of arcades from Antique to the Renaissance period are also reminded.

Aktuální problémy podpory sportu v Červeném Kostelci / Current problems of sport promotion in Červený Kostelec

Jirásek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Title: Current Issues promoting sport in Cerveny Kostelec Objectives: The aim of this document is to analyze and evaluate the current management of sport in Cerveny Kostelec. Attention is paid to the financing of sport activities and facilities. Part of this thesis is dedicated to providing an overview of sports facilities, their condition and a comparison with urban standards. Further parts are dedicated to analyzing current funding of sport in the community, analyzing the financing of sport in other towns and a new possible funding of sport in the town. Methods: This is a case study which is based on an analysis of primary and secondary data about Cerveny Kostelec and similar towns. Secondary data was collected from the information available on the Internet and internal town documents. The primary data was obtained from interviews with the people who deal with this issue. To evaluate the information obtained, descriptive, contextual and comparative analysis was used. Results: There is a complete list of sports facilities in the observed community. It was also found that the total area for sports in Cerveny Kostelec is sufficient, but the sub-area for school PE is small when compared with urban standards. Public sport facilities are neglected and little used. Hall Sokol and gyms are used...

Půdy labské nivy: Dynamika změn vývoje aluviálních půd Labe na vybraných profilech v průběhu 100 let. / Soils of Elbe floodplain. A dynamics of changes of development of alluvial soils at selected profiles in over 100 years.

Vejrostová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with soils of the middle Elbe floodplain. Basic information about the development of Elbe floodplain is focused on the middle Elbe region. The aim of the thesis is to capture the floodplain development in the area of interest, including the description and comparison of soils at different transects in surroundings of Kostelec nad Labem. For this purpose several transects from the historical Elbe canalisation documentation were chosen. Additional to this, small soil survey was carried out at identical locations in 2013. Obtained information was confronted and evaluated.

Návrhy soustavy střídání plodin na orné půdě ZD Rozkvět Kostelec na Hané

Dokulil, Zdeněk January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

The university forest enterprise in Kostelec nad Černýmil Lesy - a basis for practical education and research at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences in Prague

Remeš, Jiří 03 June 2019 (has links)
The paper presents the University Forest Enterprise, established in 1935, as an important part of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. The contribution also describes the natural conditions of the enterprise (altitude, climate, geological and soil condition) and the species composition of the forests. Attention is also paid to the organizational structure of the enterprise and to the main activities, being carried out there. These are focused on education and research. However, the number of these activities is stagnating or declining in recent years. Therefore it is necessary to seek a new financing model and start work on the modemization of the facilities and equipment.

Analýza dopravy a návrh zlepšení ve městě Červený Kostelec / Transport analysis and improvement proposal in Červený Kostelec

Zelinka, Martin January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the transport analysis in the town Červený Kostelec in the Hradec Králové Region. The work contains analysis of transport modes, especially road transport and parking, concurrently proposes their optimization. The first part of the thesis provides basic informations of the town Červený Kostelec. Next there is described the current traffic situation in the town. The second part of the work focuses on the analysis and solution of the difficult places.

Využívání partnerství českých měst se zahraničními městy k podpoře cestovního ruchu v ČR / Application of Town Twinning among Czech and Foreign Municipalities for the Support of Tourism in the Czech Republic

Pavelková, Soňa January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe establishment, development and forms of town twinnig. There is described development, definitions, benefits and forms of town twinning in the theoretical part. There are presented international organisations supporting town twinning too and also there is described a programm called "Town Twinning". Practical part is devoted to description of activities among choosen towns - Hradec Králové, Kostelec nad Orlicí, Vamberk and Albrechtice nad Orlicí. There are some proposals how to support tourism with these partner towns too.

Historická topografie města Kostelce nad Černými Lesy / The Historical topography of Kostelec nad Černými lesy town

Mrvík, Vladimír Jakub January 2012 (has links)
English abstract The aim of my thesis is to use usual methodologies and above all finding new ways of historical urban topography, applied to a representative of a small town, which since the 16th century has evolved from agrarian center seat for a wide area - Kostelec nad Černými lesy. Kostelec is one of the smaller Czech towns located in the district Prague-East and currently has about 3,500 inhabitants. In particular, there exists relatively rich and complex source material preserved from the 16th century (primary a series of cadastral and urban books and an extensive aristocratic-domain archive). 1. Topics of historic urban topography: A) Problems associated with urban planning or development of the oldest cities in the absence of the written sources 1. Evaluation of the position of town/city. 2. Before-location situation. 3. New location in town, depending on upgrade- privilege in comparison with analogous cases. 4. communication scheme over the centuries. B) Problems associated with individual objects or their architecture and typology 1. Overview of all owners and house prices in a specific year and season, depending on economical or physical condition of the building. 2. Whether the house was wooden, stone, brick, or whether it had the attic floor, the approximate number of habitable rooms and...

Sledování dlouhodobých změn a hodnocení vývojových trendů krajinného prostředí údolí Vltavy ovlivněném výstavbou JETE / Monitoring of secular changes and evalution of trends in country around valley of the Vltava river influenced by the JETE

PALIVCOVÁ, Hana January 2008 (has links)
This work evaluates evolution changes of socio-economical structure and Territorial System of Ecological Stability (ÚSES) in Territory Zone. Territory Zone is meant nearer surround of river dam Hněvkovice, that is used for needs of technological water in JETE (nuclear power station Temelín). There can be found villages Buzkov, Dobřejovice, Hroznějovice, Jaroslavice, Jeznice, Kostelec, Litoradlice, Poněšice, Pořežany, Purkarec and Třitim. This work also solves evolution of number of population, age structure and employment from 1982 to 2001 as well as other specific development factors of this territory. The part of this work is the KES (Coefficient of the Ecological Stability) of the territory before and after the Hněvkovice dam was built. The basic characteristics of whole territory and list of historical interests is also important.

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