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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis and design of BI Reporting and Dashboards Survey / Analýza a návrh průzkumu trhu ohledně BI reportingu a dashboardů

Andiľová, Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of the diploma thesis called "Analysis and design of BI Reporting and Dashboards Survey" is to analyze the main principles of Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management approach with a focus on performance reporting and dashboards, and to design a survey form for BI Reporting and Dashboards Survey which will focus on the current state of the reporting and dashboards in European enterprises. The final design of the market survey form is based on the identified key areas of the topic and is created by using the basic principles of statistics which help to compose successful market surveys. It represents the main input for the conduct of the quantitative market survey planned to be realized in the summer of 2014. The first part of the diploma thesis represents the theoretical baseline for the analysis of the key areas of the survey's content. This part includes introduction to the BI and CPM principles (chapter 2) followed by the identification and definition of key elements of successful BI reporting and dashboards (chapter 3). The last chapter of this part (chapter 4) summarizes the key principles of statistics leading to beneficial composition of market surveys. The second, practical part of the diploma thesis (chapter 5), presents the overall design of the BI Reporting and Dashboards Survey. This design includes scope, objectives of the survey, profile of respondents, and specification of the question form with predefined range of possible answers to each individual question. The final design of the question form is also available in Appendix 1 in MS Excel file. This diploma thesis emphasizes the importance of the effective performance reporting and the beneficial use of dashboards in organizations and outlines the key areas of those topics which business representatives should focus on. Another benefit of this thesis is the prepared question form itself which might bring interesting and valuable findings about the current state of BI reporting and dashboards implemented and used among the European countries.

Využití nástroje Business Intelligence na příkladu konkrétní organizace / The use of a business intelligence tool on an example of specific organization

Jurošová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
This Master Thesis deals with the use of modern information technologies in business man-agement, business data processing and measurement of business performance, in order to achieve better management decisions. This thesis aims to: introduce a business intelligence principle and business performance management within a certain designated area, their us-age in management systems and, last but not least, their usage in creation of modern presentation tools, dashboards. The theoretical part of this thesis is divided into three chapters. The first deals with busi-ness intelligence, which not only explains this concept and the basic principles of this tech-nology, but also the importance of quality in processing data. The next chapter describes business performance management. The subchapters provide information about the types of control systems and their performance, balanced scorecard method, and types of indicators to measure performance. The chapter dealing with management applications for decision support describes how the above-mentioned technologies and processes can be used for managerial praxes. The practical part is divided into two chapters. The first chapter provides a suggestion of indicators for measuring the selling performance of retail companies. The second part deals with a selection of indicators for a prototype of a dashboard, which is incorporated into a Competence Center of Retail Analytics.

Model business procesov interného auditu v banke / Business process model of internal audit at a bank

Gardlík, Peter January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a model of internal audit business processes at the bank. The diploma thesis is divided into three parts logically connected, which also fulfill the objectives of this thesis. The first part is theoretical, which means that is based on expressing theoretical assumptions about the studied subject. This is followed by a practical part in which the next objective is fulfilled by the proposed model of internal audit business processes using the methodology MMABP (Methodology for Modeling and Analysis of Business Processes). The thesis ends fulfilling the last objective by setting up appropriate key performance indicators (KPI).

Herramienta de gestión integral en innovación en imagen médica

Ruiz Martínez, Enrique 03 November 2017 (has links)
La implementació de les Tecnologies de la informació i la Comunicació (TIC) i la digitalització de la imatge medica ha suposat un canvi en tot el progres clínic assistencial per part de radiòlegs i metges nuclears encarregats de realitzar l'informe diagnòstic i les intervencions radiològiques. Actualment, els sistemes d'informació coneguts com Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), Radiology Information System (RIS), i Hospital Information System (HIS) permeten el maneig dels estudis adquirits, el seu informat i el seguiment dels processos de gestió associats als fluxos de l'activitat assistencial. Propiciat per aquest profund canvi han nascut noves oportunitats i necessitats que, desafortunadament, no han sigut resoltes i integrades en la majoria dels entorns hospitalaris. Per exemple, gracies a la digitalització de la imatge i als avanços en investigació, és possible obtindré dades quantitatives de l'exploració adquirida que reflecteixen l'estat d'una malaltia o de l'efecte d'un fàrmac sobre aquesta. Aquestes mesures es coneixen com biomarcadors d'imatge. Per altra part, actualment els informes realitzats pels metges especialistes no tenen una estructura que impedisca una variabilitat en el contingut i en conseqüència l'absència potencial d'informació rellevant pel metge peticionari de l'exploració. El disseny i desenvolupament dels informes estructurats mitjançant l'ús de lèxics normalitzats i plantilles es factible amb les TIC. Aquests informes deuen establir-se per malalties i lesions concretes, i deuen estar consensuats entre els metges especialistes de la imatge i els metges peticionaris. Degut al volum de dades generades pels sistemes d'informació citats anteriorment, es crea contínuament una font de coneixement de dades que no son explotades. L'extracció d'aquest coneixement a través d'indicadors deu de permetre visualitzar l'estat actual dels serveis de radiologia i de medicina nuclear, de tal manera que es possibilite corregir els colls de botella i realitzar accions correctores oportunes front a una situació critica. El proposit final és promoure un funcionament òptim dels serveis i facilitar la presa de decisions fonamentades a les dades d'activitat que millor s'ajusten per a una millor atenció al pacient. Aquesta Tesi Doctoral té per objectiu l'integració eficient dels biomarcadors d'imatge, els informes estructurats, i els indicadors d'activitat en la pràctica assistencial dels serveis de radiologia i de medicina nuclear. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu s'utilitzaren estàndards d'imatge medica com el Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) i altres com eXtensible Language Market (XML). Mitjançant la tecnologia JAVA es desenvolupà una plataforma per a la integració dels biomarcadors d'imatge. Mitjançant l'utilització de lèxics com el Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) i Radiology Lexicon (RADLEX), més l'estàndard DICOM i l'estàndard HML5, es va implantar una aplicació que permet l'integració de l'informe estructurat. D'aquesta manera es poden realitzar estudis poblacionals, així com analitzar la relació de determinats factors en una malaltia especifica. Per últim, de l'informació obtinguda del RIS i del PACS, es va construir una plataforma d'indicadors amb tecnologia JAVA per a permetre visualitzar l'estat dels serveis respecte a l'activitat assistencial; activitat d'innovació; i activitat d'investigació i docent. Per tant, la present Tesi Doctoral aporta als servicis de radiologia i de medicina nuclear una ferramenta d'innovació amb tres camps fonamentals per a oferir un millor diagnòstic, una millor cura i atenció al pacient. A través de la quantificació dels biomarcadors d'imatge i l'informe estructurat per a una medicina personalitzada, i amb els indicadors d'activitat per a una presa de decisions i d'accions basades en l'evidència. / La implantación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y la digitalización de la imagen médica supuso un cambio en todo el proceso clínico asistencial por parte de los radiólogos y médicos nucleares encargados de realizar el informe diagnóstico y las intervenciones radiológicas. Actualmente, los sistemas de información conocidos como Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), Radiology Information System (RIS), y Hospital Information System (HIS) permiten el manejo de los estudios adquiridos, su informado y el seguimiento de los procesos de gestión asociados a los flujos de la actividad asistencial. A raíz de este profundo cambio han nacido nuevas oportunidades y necesidades que, desafortunadamente, no han sido resueltas e integradas en la mayoría de los entornos hospitalarios. Por ejemplo, gracias a la digitalización de la imagen y a los avances en investigación, es posible obtener datos cuantitativos de la exploración adquirida que reflejen el estado de una enfermedad o el efecto de un fármaco sobre ella. Estas medidas se conocen como biomarcadores de imagen. Por otra parte, actualmente los informes realizados por los médicos especialistas carecen de un esqueleto que impida la variabilidad de contenido y en consecuencia la ausencia potencial de información relevante para el médico peticionario de la exploración. El diseño y desarrollo de los informes estructurados mediante el uso de léxicos normalizados y plantillas es factible con el uso de las TIC. Estos informes deben establecerse para enfermedades y lesiones concretas, y deben estar consensuados entre los médicos especialistas en la imagen y los médicos peticionarios. Debido a los volúmenes de datos generados por los sistemas de información citados anteriormente, se crea continuamente una fuente de conocimiento con datos no explotados. La extracción de este conocimiento a través de indicadores debe permitir visualizar el estado actual de los servicios de radiología y medicina nuclear, de tal forma que se posibilite corregir los cuellos de botella y realizar las acciones correctoras oportunas ante una situación crítica. El propósito final es promover un funcionamiento óptimo de los servicios y facilitar la toma de decisiones en base a los datos de actividad que mejor se ajusten para una mejor atención al paciente. Esta Tesis Doctoral tiene por justificación la integración eficiente de los biomarcadores de imagen, los informes estructurados, y los indicadores de actividad en la práctica asistencial de los servicios de radiología y medicina nuclear. Para lograr este objetivo se utilizaron estándares de imagen médica como el Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) y otros como eXtensible Language Market (XML). A través de tecnología JAVA se desarrolló una plataforma para la integración de los biomarcadores de imagen. Mediante la utilización de léxicos como el Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) y Radiology Lexicon (RADLEX), más el estándar DICOM y el estándar HTML5, se implantó una aplicación que permite la integración del informe estructurado. De este modo se podrán realizar estudios poblacionales así como analizar la relación de determinados factores con una patología determinada. Por último, de la información obtenida del RIS y del PACS, se construyó una plataforma de indicadores con tecnología JAVA para permitir visualizar el estado de los servicios respecto a la actividad asistencial; actividad de innovación; y actividad científico-docente. Por tanto, la presente Tesis Doctoral aporta a los servicios de radiología y de medicina nuclear una herramienta de innovación en tres campos fundamentales para ofrecer un mejor diagnostico, cuidado y atención al paciente. A través de cuantificación de los biomarcadores de imagen y el informe estructurado para una medicina personalizada, y con los indicadores de actividad para una toma de de / The implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the digitization of medical images implies a change in the entire clinical care process for radiologists and nuclear physicians responsible for the diagnostic report and the radiological interventions. Nowadays, information systems such as Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), Radiology Information System (RIS) and Hospital Information System (HIS) enable the management of medical imaging studies, their reports and the follow-up of the management processes associated to the workflow of healthcare activities. These changes (use of ICT and digitization in hospitals) have created new opportunities and needs. Unfortunately, they have not been solved and integrated in most hospital settings. For example, thanks to the digitization of the image and research advances, it is possible to obtain quantitative data from the acquired exploration that reflect the state of a disease or the effect of a drug on it. These measures are known as image biomarkers. Reports made by specialist physicians currently lack of a skeleton that reduces the variability of content and consequently there are potential lack of relevant information for the applicant¿s physician. The design and development of structured reports using standard lexicon and templates is feasible with the use of ICT. These reports should be set up for diseases and specific injuries, and should be agreed upon between specialists and applicant¿s physicians. Due to the volume of data generated by the information systems mentioned above, a source of knowledge is continuously growing but data remains unexploited. The extraction of this knowledge through indicators could enable us to improve the processes in radiology and nuclear medicine departments which should help to correct bottlenecks and take corrective actions in critical situations. The final purpose is to promote the optimal functioning of the services departments and to facilitate the decision-making for a better attention to the patient care based on data activity. This Doctoral Thesis aims at integrating efficiently image biomarkers, structured reports and activity indicators into the clinical practice in the radiology and nuclear medicine departments. To achieve this goal, we have used medical imaging standards such as Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) and eXtensible Language Market (XML). We used JAVA technology to develop a platform for the integration of image biomarkers. An application was implemented using lexicons such as the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT), Radiology Lexicon (RADLEX), the DICOM standard and the HTML5 standard. This application allows the integration of the structured report. In this way, it will be possible to make population studies, as well as to analyze the relation of certain factors with a certain disease. Finally, based on RIS and PACS data, a platform was developed using JAVA technology to provide the visualization of the status of key indicators of the performance of radiology departments; innovation activity; and research & teaching activities. This Doctoral Thesis provides the radiology and nuclear medicine departments with an innovative tool in three fundamental fields, offering a better diagnosis, health-care and attention to the patient. This has been done, using the quantification of image biomarkers and the structured report for a personalized medicine, and selecting those indicators of activity to make decisions based on data evidence. / Ruiz Martínez, E. (2017). Herramienta de gestión integral en innovación en imagen médica [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90429 / TESIS

Komparace funkcionality standardní BI platformy a BI modulu integrovaného v ERP systému / Comparison of functionality of the standard BI platform and BI module integrated in the ERP system

Fargačová, Tamara January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with comparison of the standard Business Intelligence platform specifically IBM Cognos BI and BI module integrated in the ERP system QI. In the first part it defines basic concepts of this topic and describes the life cycle of business information systems with emphasis on Business Intelligence. In the next part current situation on the market of these platforms and BI tools which create management information systems is described. Both types of BI solutions are compared with concentration on standard functionality usage. It also describes their ability to analyze through using data warehouse technology, integration with third-party products and business and economic aspects.

Vyhodnocovaní efektivity výroby / Evaluating production efectivity

Czipszer, Jiří January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the issue of evaluation of efficiency and data collection of lines in production, using the APROL program from B\&R automation. The aim of this work is to create a program completed requirement, which is going to be compared with already implemented projects of the company and will serve to create a company standard. The first part is devoted to the description of the theory of this issue and used software. The second part describes the solution of the line simulator and the whole concept of collection and evaluation.

Řízení rizik projektu ve společnosti / Risk Management of Project in a Company

Klimeš, Marek Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with risk management in a newly starting project in a company, with a special attention to risks before and after beginning of the project. Based on the analysis of the company, the proposal for risk driving is introduced

The effect of key performance indicators on state owned enterprises performance in South Africa : a critical analysis of three national departments

Ngqumeya, Monde Benedict Afrika 24 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this exploratory research was to explore the effect of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on State Owned Enterprises’ performance in South Africa. The aim of the study was to establish the impact that KPIs have on state owned enterprises, how they are currently measured and the causes of success or failure of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on State Owned Companies.Fifteen respondents participated in this qualitative study. The survey method used was a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. The respondents were all Senior Executives including Chief Executive Officers, General Managers, Board Members and Senior Management employed by State Owned Enterprises reporting to the Department of Public Enterprises, Department of Transport and Department of Water Affairs. The research instrument that was used was a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Automatic Requirement Tracing for Multi-Source Trace points

Khalil, Muhammad Wasiq 11 September 2018 (has links)
The software plays an important role in the current era of automotive development and the robust functionality of a software can only be achieved by following proper development process. The requirement engineering and the management of requirements are one of the key point in the software development. The requirements help the software developer to validate and verify the designed software. The Knorr-Bremse is one of the leading company in the automotive and locomotive industry which expertise in the area of braking system. The software department has been searching for a new approach in the area of requirement tracing and to evaluate the progress and performance of the complete system. They planned to design a new tool which should be able to trace the requirement and signals which means it should detect the new variation in the project automatically and update the software modules and test cases. Another mandatory functionality of tool is the measurement of progress and performance of complete system/project. The evaluation includes the quality of work of the software developer as well as the recording of milestones which has been achieved. A project has been planned for this master thesis is to develop a tool using various programming languages such as C-sharp, ASCET, ESRA Launcher, Graph-viz and XML. The purpose of this tool is to solve the above stated scientific challenge. The first phase is to design a tool which extracts the specific project data such as requirements and signals from 620 Requirement Specification files and then this data would search for the multi-level trace points in software and test modules based data. Upon successful search, the tool generates graphical representation of trace points for selected level of architecture. The second phase is to enhance the tool for measure the progress and performance of project selected by user. This task has been performed by developing an KPI. The GUI has been developed which represents the previous and current progress of project using famous graphical methods such as histogram, stag bar, bubble chart etc.

Developing new Key Performance Indicators : A six-step approach / Utveckla nya KPIer : En sexstegsprocess

Ransjö Zander, Märta January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create a brief, but comprehensive process for developing KPIs independent of context. Bridging the current gap in the literature for a process that can be applied in any industry or situation and include instructions for each of the steps in the process. To fulfill the purpose, the following research question is answered: Independent of industry and application, how could a process for organizations that are interested in developing new KPIs be structured? Method: This is an abductive qualitative study that combine extant literature with empirical data from both in-depth analysis of a single case company as well as interviews with companies from different industries. The literature was analyzed through a content analysis. Thematical analysis was utilized for analyzing the interviews. A tentative process for new KPI development synthesized from the theory and empirical findings was applied in the case company to identify a process that is applicable in a practical setting. Findings: The findings consist of a process for developing new KPIs with (1) six activities that companies should undertake, (2) six critical success factors, one for each activity, they need to consider, and (3) actions and tools to utilize in each activity. Implications: This study contributes to the literature by combining the currently wide array of research into a brief but comprehensible and applicable process that can be used independent of context. For practitioners, this study contributes by creating an understanding of how to efficiently develop new KPIs that enables the whole organization to achieve the strategy and goals. Limitations and future research: There are two main limitations in this study; the process is only applied at one company and the timeframe inhibited the ability to study the effects of the developed KPIs. Hence, future research should investigate if the process is valid in other contexts as well as study the effects of the KPIs being developed through the process. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en koncis och kontextoberoende process for utveckling av nya KPIer. Detta överbryggar det nuvarande gapet i litteraturen för en process som innehåller detaljerade instruktioner och kan appliceras i vilken industri och situation helst. Följande forskningsfråga besvaras för att uppfylla syftet: Oberoende av industri och användning, hur kan en process för organisationer som vill utveckla nya KPIer vara strukturerad? Metod: Detta är en abduktiv, kvalitativ studie som kombinerar nuvarande litteratur med empirisk data från både en djupgående analys av ett företag samt flertalet intervjuer med företag från olika industrier. Litteraturen analyserades med en innehållsanalys. En tematisk analys nyttjades för att analysera intervjuerna. En tentativ process för utveckling av nya KPIer syntetiserad från teoretiska och empiriska resultat applicerades i ett företag för att identifiera en process som var applicerbar i praktiken. Resultat: Resultatet består av en process för utveckling av nya KPIer med (1) sex aktiviteter företag bör utföra, (2) sex kritiska framgångsfaktorer, en för varje aktivitet, de behöver ta hänsyn till och (3) steg och verktyg att nyttja i varje aktivitet.  Bidrag: Denna studie bidrar till litteraturen genom att kombinera det nuvarande breda spektrumet av studier till en omfattande men koncis och applicerbar process som kan användas oberoende av kontext. Studiens praktiska bidrag är att processen skapar en förståelse för hur företag effektict kan utveckla nya KPIer som möjliggör att företagets strategi och mål uppnås.  Begränsningar och framtida forskning: Studien har två huvudsakliga begränsningar: processen är enbart applicerad i ett företag och tidsramen förhindrade undersökning av de utvecklade KPIernas effekt. Därför vore det värdefullt om framtida forskning studerade processens användning i fler industrier och situationer samt vilken effekt KPIer utvecklade med processen har.

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