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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv strategického plánování na rozvoj obcí a regionů / The Impact of Strategic Planning on Development of Municipality and Region

SLÁDKOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is dealed with the quantification of the effects of strategic planning for the development of municipalities and regions. The first part includes the theoretical basis of the issue, especially the definition of basic concepts such as regional development, regional policy, a region, the indicators of regional development and strategic planning. In the practical part are analyzed strategic planning through the Program of the South Bohemian and Pilsen region and their strategies with the help of studying the matter. Using indicators of regional development will be quantified impact of strategic planning for the development of municipalities and regions. Since there is no uniform method of measuring methods of strategic planning, the conclusion will be proposed uniform method of measuring the impact of strategic planning for the development of municipalities and regions.

Důsledky velkých výpadků elektrické energie na zemědělské chovy Jihočeského kraje / Consequences of blackouts on agricultural farms of South Bohemia

PARLÁSKOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Electrical energy plays an indispensable role in our contemporary society. However, we mostly realize its position in agriculture in a situation which often already entails irreversible consequences. Therefore, the thesis aims to assess the consequences of power blackout on agricultural farming. In connection with the selected objective, a question arises whether long-term power blackouts also constitute a serious threat to agricultural farms of South Bohemia? The theoretical part briefly describes electrical energy, its production and method of transmission. It also includes basic elements of the power system including its stability and safety. The chapter also acquaints the reader with the critical infrastructure of the Czech Republic and its legislative base. Then, it globally analyzes the term blackout.Given the topic of the thesis, it is necessary to mention the valuable work of the integrated rescue system which in addition to the basic obligations to ensure the protection of human life and property is required to provide missions to rescue animals in emergency situations. Finally, this chapter deals with the application of electrical energy in agriculture, including the characteristics of surveyed farms and a high degree of automation used in farming.The research part is based on the search of the current state of selected agricultural farms. The research was focused on the South Bohemian Region which makes no exception in relation to this issue. Used for the research was a qualitative method of data collection with the information obtained through the techniques of controlled interviews and the secondary analysis of data provided by competent employees of farms in South Bohemia. The results are then outlined in two planes. During recent years, breeding stations have been completely renovated, especially in the section of technological processes. Modern electronic devices which include e.g. automated milking, feeding, suction and washing equipment, heating of service water and heating, should ensure trouble-free operation in such farms. However, what the vast majority of farms is not adequately prepared for is to ensure their smooth operation even during a failure of the electrical system. A number of farms do not have an alternate source of electrical energy. The percentage of self-sufficient farms having on its premises a pumping station that can supply the local diesel-aggregate, is also negligible. Moreover, in case of a diesel-aggregate failure, no alternative source is available. A crucial problem arises in the category of poultry. The animals are situated in large-volume halls where all processes are controlled by fully automated control systems. An alternative source of electrical energy is a crucial element needed to ensure normal operation of the farms. Unless the established criteria are in compliance (ventilation, lighting, etc.), reaction of the animals becomes evident within tens of minutes. Any deviation results in rapid loss of animals. It is assumed that the resulting data will be used both for research purposes in the area of secondary impacts in case of electrical system failures and for objective assessment of the effectiveness in farming security within the current methods. The purpose is to educate the above entities.

Připravenost Zdravotnické záchranné služby Zlínského kraje na krizové situace / The preparedness of the Emergency Medical Service of Zlin Region for Crisis Situations

MANA, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Impacts of global climate changes in the form of repeated natural disasters are becoming a part of the day-to-day life of the present-day society. The issue of preparedness for extraordinary and crisis situations is becoming more and more topical. The Czech Republic is no exception; it regularly faces heavy rains, floods or snow. The key prerequisite for successful management of these emergencies is an effective prevention and preparedness in the form of crisis plans or crisis preparedness plans. The objective of my thesis is to find out whether Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region is sufficiently prepared for the occurrence of emergencies and to propose solutions if shortcomings are identified. The Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region constitutes a basic component part of the Integrated Rescue System of Zlín Region. As a provider of emergency medical services, it is included in the Crisis Plan of Zlín Region. Capacity for action and the activities of the Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region have to be ensured not only in day-to-day operation, but also if an emergency occurs and continues. The theoretical part of my thesis provides a general overview of emergency and crisis planning, competencies of administrative authorities with respect to emergency medical services in case of an emergency situation announcement, traumatology plan and pandemic plan. This chapter includes also characterization of the legal entity of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region and description of special antropogenic and natural threats. The theoretical part is followed by qualitative research, which involves in particular a detailed study of available professional resources in printed and electronic form, especially crisis and emergency planning documents of Zlín Region and internal documents of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region. The practical part of the thesis contains an analysis of external and internal threats at respective ambulance stations of Emergency Medical Service of Zlín Region. The external risks analysis is based on the Crisis Plan of Zlín Region and Emergency Plan of Zlín Region, while the internal risks analysis is based on an expert estimate of potential risks at respective ambulance stations of EMS ZR. I assigned the potential impact on the activity of EMS ZK to each identified risk in the risk analysis. The outputs from the analysis became the main source for the preparation of the crisis preparedness plan. The analysis of external risks confirmed that agility and EMS ZK activities may disrupt in particular the following threats: natural flood (ambulance station in Zlín Peroutkovo nábřeží, Uherské Hradiště, Vsetín), special flood (ambulance station in Zlín - Peroutkovo nábřeží, Karolinka, Vsetín), risks arising from climatic conditions (especially heavy snow in Wallachia), disruption of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies (secondary consequence of the crisis) and electricity cuts (especially ambulance stations that do not dispose of emergency power unit). The thesis result is a proposal of Crisis Preparedness Plan of Medical Emergency Service of Zlín Region. A legal entity or an individual who secures the performance of measures resulting from the regional crisis plan is responsible for the preparation of the crisis preparedness plan. The particulars and manner of preparation of the crisis preparedness plan are described in detail in the Government Decree No. 462/2000 Coll., which implements the provisions of Sec. 27(8) and Sec. 28(5) of Act No. 240/2000 Coll., on Emergency Management and Amendment to Some Acts. When drafting the plan I proceeded according to valid legislation. This plan is an internal document of the legal entity to solve the challenges of security in crisis situations.

Plánování evakuace, jako součást krizové připravenosti Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, a. s. - Pardubická nemocnice / Planning of evacuation, like a part of crisis preparedness Hospital of the Pardubice region, Ltd. - Hospital of Pardubice

POSPÍŠILOVÁ, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Purpose of this thesis was composet at two goals. Purpose of the first goal was evaluate present condition of Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice, personal's knowledges about behavior in cause of extraordinary event with emphasis on evacuation. Next goal was evaluate the overal status of preparedness of the Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice for evacuation. The basis of the theoretical part is in applicable legal standards of Czech republic, next this part describe planning of evacuation, including software planning, using modeling programs. In this part are describe events, when the evacuation has been done in real. The purpose of the practical part was to evaluate goals, which has been subsequently established by research questions and hypotheses. The purpose of answering the first research question, was evaluated the survey. The questionnaire has had 37 question and had been divided into 5 parts. The survey was realized during February and March 2018 at 6 departments of the Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice. The return of questionnaires was 58 %. More detailed specifications are given in chapter 4. To confirm whether the refutation of hypothesis nr. 1 was key respondents' answers to the questions asked, whose accuracy was compared based on the set 80% success rate of the right answers. In order to confirm whether or not the hypothesis nr. 2 was refuted, the results were subsequently processed by the 2 test statistic method - test of good agreement, which should confirm, or refute dependence of individual departments on their responses. For confirmation or refutation hypothese nr. 3, was compared results of this theses survey and results of bachelour thesis results. After the examination of the second research question, a comparison of the hospital's internal documentation with valid legal norms was carried out. An interview with the crisis manager was carried out, which examined the issue of population protection in the hospital. Last part of this research the analysis of questions (5, 7, 8, 13, 21, 24 and 25) of the questionnaire (Appendix 1). The overall success rate of staff awareness is 61 %, according to results. The overall preparedness of the hospital to evacuation is very good. The results of diploma thesis will be used especially for the analysis of own prepeardeness of the Hospital Pardubice region, jsc. Hospital of Pardubice for object evacuation.

Metody hodnocení kulturního a přírodního potenciálu destinace cestovního ruchu / Methods for Evaluation of Culturural and Environmental Potential of a Tourism Destination

HANUS, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with methods for evaluation of the cultural and environmental potential of the tourism destination. The theoretical part defines the professional terms that need to be understood for processing. In the practical part are implemented selected methods, which were applied on the regions of the Czech Republic. Subsequently, these methods were compared by results and their strengths and weaknesses were defined. The design part deals with innovation and improvement of current methods.

Dopravní dostupnost jako faktor výše nezaměstnanosti v územních obvodech obcí s rozšířenou působností Moravskoslezského kraje / Transport accessibility as a factor of the level of unenployment in the administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers of the Moravian-Silesian Region

Čiminga, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The presented work deals with analysis of relationship of transport accessibility and the level of unemployment in the Moravian-Silesian Region or how different level of unemployment in the various administrative districts of the region, depending on their time accessibility to the regional capital and the capital city of Prague as the most important economic, political and cultural center of the Czech Republic. The quality of transport infrastructure directly influences level of economic development of the region, one of the consequences of underdeveloped transport infrastructure, or limited availability of transport may be unemployment. The work is based on different characteristics of the sub-regional units Moravian-Silesian Region using methods of regression analysis to demonstrate the extent to which affects the accessibility level of unemployment in the area.

Důsledky stárnutí populace v jednotlivých krajích ČR / The consequences of aging population in regions of the Czech Republic

Samková, Alice January 2015 (has links)
In recent decades, the fact of an aging population has become one of the most discussed phenomena in all economically developed countries. Its main consequence is the increasing number of people relying on the assistance of another person. The goal of this thesis is to provide quantitative estimation and suggestions of the possible future need for social services for the elderly within the Czech Republic as such and also with the reference to the evolution of the situation in individual regions of the country. The introductory chapter deals with the demographic development of population in the Czech Republic and in all its regions individually, on the basis of which an obvious and steady trend of population aging is confirmed in the past and future years. The second chapter focuses on the characteristic of regional facilities in selected social services as well as on the costs and financing of such services. On the grounds of findings from the previous chapter, the final chapter is dedicated to the estimation of the future evolution of the care recipients in the senior age groups in all regions in the Czech Republic. All this consistently on the basis of the projection of the evolution of the population until the year 2050 and projections of the structure of the beneficiaries of care allowance by level of the dependence in the year 2010. The result of the analysis indicates that the existing capacity of social services for elderly will not be sufficient due to the trend of aging population. With regard to that fact, some possible measures, that could be a future source of a solution of this unfavorable situation, are suggested in the conclusion of this thesis.

Rizika spojená s používáním detektorů plynů u zásahu jednotek HZS / Risk Related to the Use of Gas Detectors during Fire Brigade Interventions

Ficová, Patricie January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the risks associated with the use of gas detectors in the intervention of fire brigade units, specifically in the case of an event associated with a carbon monoxide leak. The diploma thesis briefly explains the procedure of the units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic in terms of gas detection, specifically carbon monoxide. The work focuses on the Fire and Rescue Service of the South Moravian Region and analyzes the current equipment of fire stations with detection means. The output of the diploma thesis is to design a suitable optimization of the unit and measurement, including financial evaluation in various types of emergencies, in which units of the fire brigade may encounter a leak of carbon monoxide. Furthermore, a draft Methodological Sheet is prepared - Interventions with carbon monoxide leakage provide information on carbon monoxide and procedures for activities related to gas leakage.

Sociální služby v České republice a význam institucí veřejné správy při jejich poskytování / Social Services in the Czech Republic and the Role of Public Institutions in their Provision

Bareš, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
BAREŠ, P. 2013. Social Services in the Czech Republic and the Role of Public Institutions in their Provision. Doctoral Thesis. Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Science, Institute of Sociological Studies: Prague. Key words: Czech Republic, municipalities, non-governmental organisations, providers of social services, public administration, public policy, regions, social services, state Abstract: Social services should be perceived as important instrument of the system of social protection in the Czech Republic. The extent of provision of social services by organisation representing different institutional sectors should be considered as key characteristics of this system. Two main groups of organisations should be distinguished in this regard primarily - public and private organisations. However both these broad categories consist of different subjects: state, regional or municipal organisations in the first case and for-profit organisations, entrepreneurs, social enterprises or non-profit organisations in the second. The primary aim of the thesis is to analyse the extent of provision of social services by public organisations (all above mentioned types), however the provision of social services by private organisations has been analysed as well, because this question is complementary to the...

Regionální strany v politickém systému ČR / Regional Parties in the Political System of the Czech Republic

Chlupáč, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
Czech party system can be described as relatively young compared to other, especially western European party systems. However in these days we can identify a number of regional parties inside it. This work answers the question how we can accurately identify which political entities belong to the group of regional parties in the context of the Czech Republic and which not. Likewise, it brings analysis of the position of these kinds of formations in the Czech political system. The theoretical part deals with the definition of "regional party". It brings several different theoretical approaches, which deal with the definition of that term, and then examines the application of the definition of regional parties to the case of the Czech Republic. In the analytical part, which is a case study, there is defined circuit of Czech regional parties. After that it is presented comprehensive analysis of these subjects on base of official documents of these parties, such as their articles of association, political program etc., as well as statistical data kept in the databases of central government authorities of the Czech Republic and interviews with members of selected regional formations. Particular attention is paid to these phenomena: the circumstances of creation of selected regional parties, as well as...

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