Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kraji"" "subject:"kraft""
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Rozhodování a působnost orgánů kraje se zaměřením na kraj Vysočina / Decision-Making and Competence of Region Bodies focused on Vysočina RegionMarešová, Dita January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the position of local government units in the Czech Republic. It focuses mainly on decision regional bodies makers in delegated force and separate force. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts used in the work, decision making in public service and regional development and local government in the European context. The analytical part characterizes different regional bodies. They are evaluated in terms of its scope and powers of decision. There are identified risks that may arise from this organization. The system of organs is presented on the example of Region in the current election period 2008 - 2012.
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Komparace prostředků ze státního Programu obnovy venkova a Programu rozvoje kraje. / Comparison of resources utilization of the government Rural regeneration programme and District development programme.KLUIBR, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
This diplom papes deals with Rural regeneration programme and District development programme. It´s objectiv is influence increasing of these tools of district politics in Jihočeský, Pardubický and Plzeňský kraj. Partial programme changes have been proposed based on analyses district state charakteristics, development programme and performed comparison of embedded resource.
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Geografické aspekty korupce v Česku na příkladu veřejných zakázek ve vybraných krajích / Geographical aspects of corruption in Czechia on the example of public procurement in selected regionsPodestát, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of corruption in public procurement. The main aspect of the work is to compare the transparency of public procurement in selected towns of Pilsen, South Bohemia, Karlovy Vary and Ústí Region in the years 2006 - 2014. Based on the data of public procurement were observed characteristics, that highlight the risk of corruption. Partial aim was to assess possible influence of political environment and their changes on the practice and transparency of public procurement. The results show, that the towns, which are positively evaluated in terms of their transparency are characterized by high participation in elections and low unemployment rate. According to the results, towns with higher levels of economic and social capital rate are generally better evaluated in their transparency. The influence of variables characterizing the political environment on the transparency of public procurement, was not proved. Keywords: public procurement, potential corruption, regional differencies, towns, z-index
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Problémy současného územního členění ČR / Problems of the current territorial division of the Czech RepublicOndrejka, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problémy současného územního členění České republiky. Základním východiskem práce je charakteristika historického, právního a společenského kontextu územního členění státu. Na tomto podkladě je následně proveden rozbor hlavních oblémů územního členění České republiky a navrženy eventuální možnosti řešení. První teoretická část je věnována fenoménu územního členění z pohledu obecné státovědy a sociální Uherské monarchie až po reformu veřejné správy provedenou po vzniku samostatné České republiky. Pozornost je zaměřena především na popis a hodnocení dobových koncepcí územního uspořádání a na proměny jednotlivých typů územních celků v čase. Třet zaměřena na úpravu územního členění v rovině ústavního pořádku České republiky. Jde zejména o rozbor relevantních obecných článků Ústavy včetně preambule. Samostatný pododdíl je potom věnován české koncepci územní samosprávy v podobě obcí a vyšších územně samosprávných celků. Drobná úvaha je rovněž věnována nejednoznačnému postavení statutárních měst. Čtvrtý oddíl se zaměřuje na právní úpravu administrativního členění České republiky. Práce poskytuje přehled správních obvodů ve formě obcí, vojenských újezdů, okresů, krajů a zvláštního postavení hlavního města Prahy. Je poukázáno na kolizi správních a samosprávných krajů a rovněž je zdůrazněn...
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Paradiplomacie regionů v EU / Paradiplomacy of the Regions in the European UnionNovák, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This paper deals with the new phenomenon of international relations - the foreign relations of subnational units. It describes it in the framework of new regionalism and in the concept of paradiplomacy. It analyses the main channels of regional representation at the level of European Union: the Committee of Regions, the European Commission, the Council of ministers, the European parliament, regional representation offices and transnational associations. At the end, the paper focuses on examples of Flandern, Baden-Würtemberg, Burgundy, Voivodship of Opole and Central Bohemian region.
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Analýza možnosti čerpání finančních prostředků z fondů EU na financování rozvojových aktivit krajů, konkretizace na příkladu Karlovarského kraje / Analysis of Possibility Drawing Financial Resources of Funds European Union to Financing Developing Activities of Region, Specification on the Example Karlovy Vary RegionHejdová, Venuše January 2013 (has links)
The presented thesis is focused on the analysis of possibility drawing financial resources of funds European Union to financing developing activities of region, specification on the example Karlovy Vary. The thesis is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contains three chapters, that are focused on a region, it's tasks and position in the Czech Republic, European Union and it's support for regions and an economy of region. In the practical part there are characteristic of Karlovy Vary region and it's situation in the selected sectors, the organization structure of the region and budget in the period of 2007-2013. This part contains evaluation of the region from Regional operating program NUTS II north-west and the most frequent mistakes in the drawing from this program and drawing from thematic operating programs. Next there is short comparison of drawing on operating programs of the Karlovy Vary region and the Moravskoslezsko region. In the comparison there was discovered, that these regions are similar not only in specialization on the industrial sector, but the regions drawn financial resources on the similar field like a development of towns, transport, sustainable using of resources and education. The main difference was specialization in the improvement of water management infrastructure in the Moravskoslezsko region compared to Karlovy Vary region, that is concentrated on the regeneration of landscape. At the end of the work there is a summarization of total drawing of region and recommendation for the next development.
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Postavení krajské úrovně územní samosprávy a její úkoly v rozvoji kraje. / The status of regions in local governance system and its authority in the regional developmentJeřábek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with an analysis of the economic performance of the Pardubice region and with an evaluation of a selected regional development project. It is divided into two parts. Firstly, the historical development and the current status of local governance in the Czech Republic are defined in the theoretical part. Further, the definition of regional policy with the emphasis on the role of the region in regional development is provided. Final section of the theoretical part is dedicated to the financial aspects of local governance, particularly to detailed description of the income and expenditure components of the budget. The analytical part of this thesis begins with the characteristics of the Pardubice region, especially from the geographical and socio-economic perspectives and continues with the analysis of economic performance of the Pardubice region in the period 2011 -- 2013. A comparison of the indebtedness of this region with other regions and the national average is added. Final part of the thesis provides an assessment of the selected regional development project called "Effective Public Administration and Friendly Public Services -- Smart Administration".
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Alternativy regionalizace Senátu Parlamentu ČR / Alternatives for the regional reform of the Czech SenateMurár, Filip January 2012 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis "Alternatives for the regional reform of the Czech Senate" frames on the basis of a comparative analysis of regional second chambers in the West European countries the possible alternatives for the regional reform of the Czech Senate. The comparative analysis of second chambers of parliaments in Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and France identifies the similarities and differences between the examined second chambers, in particular with respect to their historical origin, way of election, size, constitutional powers, relation to the first chamber and relation to the executive branch of the government. The examined second chambers are classified according to A. Lijphart's typological concept on the scale of strong - medium strength - weak bicameralism. The comparative analysis is then the source for the framing of specific alternatives for the regional reform of the Czech Senate. The main conclusions of the thesis are: (1) examined West European regional second chambers fall within the types of medium strength and weak bicameralism, (2) the hypothesis about the weaker position of second chambers in unitary states is partially confirmed, and (3) the framing of representative and functional alternatives for the regional reform of the Czech Senate.
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Analýza procesní zralosti organizace / Examination of an organization's process maturityHavlín, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to the examination of maturity levels of the rescue service of the central bohemian region. Furthermore to using the results of the examination to formulate recomandations in order to ease possible effort of the management to introduce approaches of the process management into the organization. Levels of maturity are examined by the factors identified by Mike Hammer in his PEMM (Process and Enterprise Maturity Model) model. Whole document is logically divided into four parts. The first part consists of detail description of the organization from three different angles. Purpose of the organization, strategic goals of the management and the organizational structure. Second part includes global and detail business process models created by the MMABP (Methodology for Modelling and Analysis of Business Process) by prof. Ing. Václav Řepa Csc. The models are created in the BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) and Eriksson-Penker notation. There are also included process interfaces and object lifecycles in the second part. Third part is where the comparison of described reality and the PEMM model factors of maturity is being made. All the maturity levels of the factors are argumented here as well. In the last part of this document, there is a presentation of the recomandations concluded from the previous comparison.
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Regionální rozdíly v naději dožití ve zdraví v Česku / Regional Differences in Healthy Life Expectancy in CzechiaKlicperová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Regional Differences in Healthy Life Expectancy in Czechia Abstract Over the past decade, the health status of the population has also been measured by Healthy Life Expectancy indicator. This indicator covers not only the quantitative aspect, but it takes into the account also the qualitative aspect of prolonging human life. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the differences in healthy life expectancy among the regions of Czechia, both in terms of space and time (2009-2014). The introductory part of the thesis outlines the connections of the origin of the healthy life expectancy indicator and analyses the methods of its construction. The theoretical part of the thesis also includes description of sample surveys. To calculate healthy life years, the Sullivan method is used. Data on health status were obtained from the SILC survey. According to the results of the analysis, there is considerable variability between regions in terms of healthy life expectancy. The difference is significantly higher in terms of healthy life expectancy than in the case of life expectancy. A more detailed analysis of the distribution of the healthy life expectancy values has revealed that there is a certain "paradox" of healthy life expectancy in relation to life expectancy, since there are regions where the high...
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