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Vyhodnocení rozvojového potenciálu obceHladíková, Ivona January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of Moravsky Krumlov. The possibility of its development is mainly determined by the implementation of the reconstruction of the castle in Moravsky Krumlov, thereby town reached the revival of tourism and cultural life in the town. The first part describes the city and consequently the financial analysis of the municipal budget and monitoring indicators is performed. Gradually work goes directly to the evaluation of the planned project, which mean to the evaluation of the implementation of public project of reconstruction of the castle in Moravsky Krumlov. For this purpose was chosen Cost-benefit analysis, which deals with the evaluation of public projects, including their socio-economic impacts.
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Zvýšení efektivity třídění nebezpečného odpadu v Nemocnici Český Krumlov a.s. / Increasing the efficiency of hazardous waste sorting at the hospital Česky Krumlov a.s.SELINGEROVÁ, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the handling of waste and linen. It is divided into a theoretical and practical part.The theoretical part describes the history of Česky Krumlov hospital and is followed by an in-depth look at the history and development of the handling of waste and linen in a medical facility etc. In the practical part of the research qualitative-quantitative methods were used in the form of observation, interview, questionnaire and secondary data analysis. In Česky Krumlov Hospital I observed the ongoing activities and gathered data. The research sample for the interview consisted of 10 respondents. The questionnaires consisted of 21 questions. A secondary analysis of operating rules, guidelines and waste management legislation was used. The main objectives of the research were to compare the system of waste and linen handling in Česky Krumlov hospital with applicable legislation and rules of operation. In so doing, to determine whether there are shortcomings in the separation of waste and the handling of laundry and in which department(s). In addition, to compare the production of waste in amount and time with regards to the use of disposable devices and instruments. Finally, to monitor the way employees separate waste in the hospital and compare the approach to it between smokers and non-smokers.For the purpose of this research five research questions and four hypotheses were put forward: V1: Does the procedure for handling waste meet legislative requirements and the current operating system? V2: Does the system of separation and disposal of waste differ in individual departments and if so why? V3: Can a more effective system for waste management be found? V4: Does the procedure for handling linen meet legislative requirements and the current operating system? V5: Can a more effective way of handling laundry be found? H1: The attitude to the separation of waste is different in smokers and non-smokers. H2: The sorting method depends on education. H3: The sorting method depends on the job position. H4: The sorting method depends on the amount of work experience of employees. Interviews were transcribed using MS Word 2007, and then processed using XMind 6. The hypotheses were statistically analyzed.In addition, information from my observations, interviews and the operating rules and directives for hospital staff helped me to answer the research questions. On the basis of the statistical findings all the hypotheses, with exception to H1, were confirmed. Hypothesis H1 was refuted. During the work all the objectives were met with exception to the fifth objective where problems relating to the quality of services provided by the laundry in České Budějovice Hospital, a.s. were identified. A comparison of the waste management system in Česky Krumlov Hospital a.s. with its operating rules, guidelines and legislation shows that overall the procedures correspond. There were just a few exceptions in the form of unlocked containers for infectious waste and a lack of signatures on labels of some of the staff responsible. During my observation no errors occurred in the separation of waste. The hospital has established a uniform system, whereby the procedures only vary according to the type of waste. The established system of waste separation in Česky Krumlov Hospital a.s. is very good, fully compliant with legislative requirements and is efficient. When comparing the production of general waste over time, the amount is decreasing. However, the amount of hazardous waste being produced is increasing. It was found that the attitude to waste separation does not differ in smokers and non-smokers and that university-educated workers separate less waste at work than others due to the type of job within the organization. Nurses recycle more and more responsibly. The same can be observed for employees with more work experience. I found minor discrepancies in the handling of laundry and the current operating rules.
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Jazykově francouzská italika v eggenberské knižní sbírce na zámku v Českém Krumlově / French books so called "italicum" in the Eggenberg part of the castle library in Český KrumlovKULHÁNKOVÁ, Anna January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with French books which refer anyway to area now called Italy that is stored in the baroque Eggenberg part of the castle library in Český Krumlov. It means Italian authors, realia, history, famous personalities, etc. The goal is to create list of these books released since 1717 and characterize them from aspects as literary genre, content and reader's interest of Eggenbergs, mainly Marie Ernestine of Eggenberg (1649 {--} 1719). Also questions like what was the influence of prefaces to Eggenberg readers and if books were popular and read by them are important parts of this thesis.
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Problematika krajinného plánování na území Českokrumlovska a okresu Freyung- Grafenau / The issue of landscape planning in the territory Českokrumlovsko and district Freyung- GrafenauŠVARCOVÁ, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this paper is the issue of landscape planning. The prin-cipal expressions regarding to the landscape planning, such as landscape, landscape plan, landscape planning and landscape character, will be de-scribed on the basis of literary research. The literary research will further deal with analysis of articles written by foreign authors, who write about landscape planning in their country of origin. The chosen regions will be analysed in one separate chapter in terms of their comparability on the basis of chosen factors, such as coefficient of ecological stability, land use etc. Finally will be explored the possibility of application of the Ba-varian landscape planning model for the region Českokrumlovsko. This will be done through structured interviews with representatives of select-ed municipalities in the Czech Republic and representatives of landscape planning in the Bavarian district Freyung-Grafenau.
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Zdravotně sociální situace nezaměstnaných osob žijících na Českokrumlovsku / Health and social situation of unemployed people living in the region Český KrumlovŠESTÁKOVÁ, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The present thesis entitled "Health and social situation of unemployed persons living in Český Krumlov" deals with the issue of unemployment in the context of a human life situation. The five chapters the theoretical section define issues of health and its determinants with emphasis on the social determinants of health, and also deal with the characteristics of unemployment from an economic and social health point of view, the definition of the competencies of the Labour Office and other employment services, as well as with specific information about Český Krumlov including unemployment statistics relating to its territory. The practical part is based on quantitative research study. To collect data for this survey, interviewing method (a questionnaire) was used. A specific questionnaire was created, which contained mostly closed questions in the form of scales with a bilateral scale used for measuring the living situations of people questioned. Research tool focused on the subjective evaluation of the respondents in the areas of financial, social and health situation. The research sample consisted of individuals registered as jobseekers with the Labour Office in Český Krumlov. That means I used a deliberate choice through institutions. The selection was conducted by direct addressing potential respondents upon arriving at the Labour Office workplace in Český Krumlov. The questionnaires were distributed personally, so the return was 96.7%. After elimination of incomplete or logically incorrectly completed questionnaires, a total of 353 questionnaires were collected using the afformentioned procedure. The aim was to describe the health and social situation of unemployed persons living in Český Krumlov region and determine whether there is a relationship between social and health situation of the unemployed, and the relationship between unemployment length records and social situation of the unemployed. In line with the objectives of the work, two basic research questions were established in the following wording: "Does the subjective assessment of selected characteristics of the social situation reflect in the subjective evaluation of selected aspects of health of the unemployed?" And "Does the length of registration reflect in the subjective evaluation of the social situation of the unemployed?" To the research questions, the hypotheses were determined, which assumed that increasing the value of one variable will increase the value of the other variable. As the characteristics of the social situation for the first research question were chosen: duration of the records, perception of unemployment, living with a partner and financial situation. Health was due to the characteristics of the social situation assessed from three aspects - overall, mental and physical. The results of this research thus show that three out of four selected characteristics are reflected in the health of unemployed people in at least two respects. In terms of social situation, the results confirmed that the duration of the unemployment records are deteriorating financial situation and also the tolerance of the people around towards the unemployed from the perspective of the job seekers. These findings not only correspond with the current knowledge in this area, but also point out that the health and social problem of unemployment is still relevant even today, when the existential threat to the unemployed is averted. The diploma thesis could thus serve the Labour Office in Český Krumlov in the basic orientation about the health and social status of their registered candidates. Furthermore, it could be an incentive for local nonprofit organizations to establish cooperation with the unemployed if needed. The thesis could also enrich the existing research dealing with this issue in one of the regions with the highest unemployment rates in the country.
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Analýza metodiky komunitních plánů sociálních služeb realizovaných v Jihočeském kraji / Analysis of methodology of community planning of social services in the Region of South BohemiaKOMBERCOVÁ, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
Social services represent one of the form of help to handicaped people. Social services are not so important they{\crq}re needed by many people but the reason is important part of the society couldn{\crq}t participate at all parts of society life without having social services implemented. Thereby there would be avoided claiming of birth rights and civil liberties and the handicaped people would be socially excepted without having social services implemented. Social services are provided to people who need it due to their health state or their age and those that can{\crq}t overcome tough social situation or unfavourable living conditions. Planned reform of social services whose outcome is the law about social services is focused on 3 main activities {--} planning of social services, change of social services funding, the quality standards of social services. Methodology ambiguity in planning system of social services in Czech Republic avoids the data comparison from individual plans of social services. The objective of the thesis was to compare the methodology of community planning of social services in the Region of South Bohemia for selected cities. There were performed the analysis of the methodology for planning of social services and the comparision of the individual plans of social services in the cities Tábor and Český Krumlov in the Region of South Bohemia by means of the secondary and content analyses of the realized community plans of social services in these cities.
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Svět českokrumlovských měšťanek v letech 1500-1650 / World of Women of the Town of Český Krumlov in 1500-1650PODANÁ, Vladimíra January 2012 (has links)
The Master Thesis World of Women of the Town of Český Krumlov in 1500-1650 is based on the studies of the book of testaments, separately filed last wills and probate Inventories and the book of wedding contracts stored in the State District Archives of Český Krumlov. As another source, two types of prescriptive literature were used, namely the moralistic literature dealing with the roles of women, and the books of good deaths. Gradually the attention was paid to the transformation of sources, to women in the norms of the Early New Age, marriages and matrimony, structures of families, family relations and the social enviroments of women. The Thesis is also aimed at the piety of women, perception of death and the material culture of the women´s households.
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Návrh možností dekoncentrace cestovního ruchu - případová studie okres Český Krumlov / Proposal Possibilities of Touristic Deconcentration - A Case Study of District Český Krumlov.Zárubová, Alena January 2010 (has links)
4 ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to draw attention to the process of concentration in tourism.Various locations within the monitored area have different potential for tourism. This aspect leads to a concentration of tourists and services to certain centers. In the area of interest there are two attractive location for a tourist city of Český Krumlov and Lipno dam. These two sites are the frequently visited places, both in southern Bohemia and in the whole Czech Republic. However, the area has a hide potential for the development of alternative forms od tourism. The intent of this thesis is based on the available data and information to evaluate the process of concentration of tourism in the case of Český Krumlov district and propose appropriate tools to deconcentration of tourism and the use of peripheral sites. Keywords: concentration of tourism, alternative forms of tourism, Český Krumlov, Lipno dam
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Nástin hudebních aktivit v Českém Krumlově v období panování knížete Josefa Adama ze Schwarzenbergu / The Outline of the musical activities at Český Krumlov under the reign of the Prince Joseph Adam zu SchwarzenbergKvapil, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
(česky) Hlavním předmětem diplomové práce je nástin a charakteristika hudebního života a analýzy hudebních aktivit na dvoře Josefa Adama knížete ze Schwarzenbergu s teritoriálním zaměřením na oblast Českého Krumlova v období 2. poloviny 18. století jako příslušníka vyšších vrstev společnosti. Osvíceného knížete s hlubokým zájmem o společenský a umělecký život, štědrého mecenáše umění a především hudebního znalce a vynikajícího organizátora hudebního programu na svých panstvích. Jedním z úkolů je rovněž zachytit drobný příspěvek do problematiky studia šlechtické hudební kultury (období baroka a klasicismu) a socioekonomického okruhu s touto kulturou související či vzájemně se ovlivňující na konkrétním příkladě schwarzenberského dvora v souboru označovaném jako dechová harmonie. Společně s vývojem souboru dechové harmonie dojde ke stručné charakteristice divadelních aktivit a schwarzenberské hudební sbírky, úzce provázaných s hudebním provozem na dvoře Josefa Adama knížete ze Schwarzenbergu. Abstract (in English): The main aim of the diploma thesis is to provide characteristics of the musical life and analysis of the musical activities at the court of Prince Joseph Adam of Schwarzenberg, who belonged to higher society, with territorial focus in the area of Český Krumlov during the second half of the...
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Význam sociálního kapitálu v rozvoji periferního území: příklad místních akčních skupin na Českokrumlovsku / The role of social capital in development of periphery areas: An example of local action groups in the Český Krumlov regionČechová, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on factors concerning the quality of cooperation between municipalities and regions with emphasis on the influence of local actors. The case study focuses specifically on the Local Action Groups (LAG)s within the Český Krumlov region. We applied the concept of social capital as a tool to clarify the importance of endogenous conditions of regions, and endogenous factors that influence the quality of cooperation between personalities and institutions. The concept of social capital has gained the attention of foreign and Czech researchers during the last twenty years and it is considered to be an important element of comprehensive regional development. The research was held in two phases. The first phase was a pilot analysis based on publicly available sources. We compared scores of LAGs based on various factors including their success in grant applications. Based on information collected from this, we continued the research in the form of structured interviews with key actors in concerned LAGs. The structure of these interviews followed chosen aspects of social capital, such as social networking and cooperation between personalities. The research demonstrated the importance of social capital in the process of regional development. The impact of collective form of social...
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