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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kritéria pro porovnávání sportu a umění / Criteria for comparison of sport and art

Přikrylová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
Title: Criteriafor the comparison ofsportand art Objectives:The aim of this thesis is to develop its own criteria that enable sport and arts closer comparison. The criteria for comparison should be based on the sources studied, indicating the definition of sport and art. The sub-objectives include a definition of the field of sport and art that best suits examined issue. The work also aims to demonstrate that the issues examined are a topic that interested personalities such as Pierre de Coubertin and are still current as in the case of New Circus. Methods:The basicmethodologyof theoretical work, see chaptermethodology. Results: A close examinationof the literaturefocused onthedivisionof sport onpurposeandaesthetic. Comparisonaestheticssportswith artandcreate your owncomparison criteriaforthe sportandartusedon a specificexample of a newcircus. Keywords: Sport, art, visual culture, kalokagathia, olympism, the cult of the body. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Zlaté fólie z Borqu - ikonografická a náboženská analýza / Golden foils from Borg - iconographical and religious analysis

Gorroňová, Marianna January 2011 (has links)
5A Abstract This work gives the analysis of iconographic elements which are found on five gold foils. These foils depict two figures which look at each other from their profile. Foils were found in the foundations of the chieftain house in Lofot's islands in Northern Norway, which is from the Migration to the Viking period. For the reason of analysis the author demonstrates three main groups of gold objects - gold bracteates, gold foils and one medallion. On these objects we can find a pair of two figures and these objects were found in Scandinavia. The author presents here the context of such finds, iconographic elements and academic interpretations of the depiction. Author compares the elements such as type of foil, appearance of eyes, posture of man and woman, their dress and haidress with 91 foils from Scandinavia, and also with bracteates and other objects. She notices the partial concordance among these elements and the other objects and she seeks the iconographic essence and function of each foil from Borg which is later confronted with the theories of the influence of religion. Because of lack of attributes on the foils, the author's assumption is that there is no general depiction of gods on the foil. On the other hand, each foil has its own story showing people from their common life. According to...

Der sakrale Schutz von Grenzen im antiken Griechenland - Formen und Ikonographie / The sacred protection of boundaries in ancient Greece - form and iconography

Seiffert, Aletta January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Der Schutz von Grenzen war in der griechischen Antike von großer Bedeutung: Zum einen diente er der Wahrung des Grenzverlaufes, so dass das Bestehen von Besitzverhältnissen garantiert wurde. Zum anderen wurde er zur Abwehr von Gefahren und unwillkommener Eindringlinge benötigt. Ein weiterer Aspekt für die Notwendigkeit der Sicherung von Grenzen war der Schutz derjenigen, die die Grenzen überquerten. Für alle drei Punkte gab es verschiedene Formen des Schutzes – physischer, militärischer und rechtlicher Art. In einer Gesellschaft, wie der antiken griechischen, die stark religiös bestimmt war, kam zudem der sakralen Sicherung der Grenzen eine bedeutende Rolle zu. Eine Möglichkeit des sakralen Grenzschutzes war, Grenzmarkierungen mit einem göttlichen Schutz zu versehen. Dadurch erfuhr die Grenze bzw. der Grenzverlauf ebenfalls indirekt einen göttlichen Schutz. Diese Methode des sakralen Grenzschutzes lässt sich an Horossteinen nachvollziehen, über deren Verwendung ihre Inschriften sowie zahlreiche Erwähnungen in der antiken Literatur Auskunft geben. Eine zweite Form des sakralen Grenzschutzes war die Einsetzung bestimmter Götter und Heroen als sakrale Grenzwächter, die vor äußerer Bedrohung schützen sollten. Bei der Wahl der göttlichen Grenzwächter spielte neben der Eignung als Grenzschützer der Bezug der jeweiligen Gottheit zu weiteren topographischen Standortfaktoren eine gewichtige Rolle. Die Schutzfunktion von Grenzgöttern und -heroen bezog sich nicht allein auf die Abwehr menschlicher Aggression, sondern auch auf nicht sichtbarer Übel, wie Krankheiten, Seuchen, Plagen, böse Geister und Dämonen. Daher wurde dieser Schutz vor allem an den Grenzen menschlichen Wohn- und Lebensraumes – an Grenzen von Häusern, Heiligtümern, Städten und Ländern – und weniger an den Grenzen landwirtschaftlicher oder anderer unbewohnter Grundstücke gesucht. Den göttlichen Beistand erhoffte man sich durch die Einrichtung von Kultstätten zu sichern. Diese wurden an oder in der Nähe der Grenzen platziert, in der Regel an Eingängen oder Eingangssituationen, da diese die schwächsten und schutzbedürftigsten Orte einer Grenze darstellten. Grenzkultstätten besaßen unterschiedliche Formen: An Stadt- und Heiligtumstoren sowie an Haustüren bestanden sie aus verschiedenen freistehenden oder in Nischen positionierten Götterbildern in Form von rundplastischen Statuen, Pfeilermalen und Reliefs sowie aus Altären oder Opfernischen. Bei Kultstätten von Heroen fand der Kult in einigen Fällen an realen oder fiktiven Gräbern statt. Göttlichen oder heroischen Schutz erbat man sich zudem durch Weihung einzelner Mauerabschnitte oder Wachtürme an Götter bzw. Heroen. Kultstätten an den Landes- und Siedlungsgrenzen besaßen meist größere Ausmaße in Form von Temene mit Tempeln und weiteren Gebäuden. Neben Abwehr von äußerer Bedrohung, Geleitschutz und Sicherung der Grenzüberquerung besaßen Grenzkultstätten weitere Funktionen. Infolge ihrer Platzierung an den Grenzen kam ihnen auch die Aufgabe der Grenzkennzeichnung bzw. des sichtbaren Ausdrucks eines Gebietsanspruches zu. Auch dienten einige Heiligtümer an den Landesgrenzen der Bekräftigung und Manifestation der Herrschaft derjenigen Polis, unter deren Kontrolle das Heiligtum stand, gegenüber benachbarten Ländern. Grenzheiligtümer waren zudem von politischer Bedeutung, weil ihre Lage oft strategisch und ökonomisch vorteilhaft war und hier eine Kontrolle der Grenze erfolgen konnte. / The protection of boundaries in ancient Greece was of great importance. On the one hand, boundaries were created to guarantee the continuity of land tenure; while on the other hand these borders were necessary to defend against threats and invaders. Another aspect was the protection of those who lived within the boundaries. As a consequence, many forms of physical, military and judicial protection existed. In a society such as the ancient Greek society with highly developed religious determination, the sacred protection of boundaries played a large role. One way of asserting sacred protection was to put border stones under divine shelter. In this way, the boundaries or borderlines were indirectly protected by divine power. This method is seen with the horoi, whose utilisation is well documented in their inscriptions and by many sources of ancient literature. A second option was the appointment of specific gods and heroes to act as sacred border guardians. In addition to assigning sacred border guardians as protection, site-related topographic factors also played an important role. The guardian function of gods and heroes at territorial boundaries was not only applied to defend against human invaders, but also to ward off invisible dangers, such as illness, plagues, evil spirits and demons. Divine protection was therefore generally applied at the boundaries of human living quarters, such as houses, sanctuaries, towns and countries; and less so at the boundaries of agricultural and other uninhabited sites. Divine assistance was asserted through the construction of cult sanctuaries. These sanctuaries were placed on or near boundaries and mainly at entrances, as these were the most weak and vulnerable parts of boundaries. Cult sanctuaries along borders took a variety of forms: at the gates of towns and of sanctuaries, and at house doors they consisted of different images of deities, free-standing or standing in niches, in the form of statues, pillars or reliefs, sometimes together with altars or niches for sacrifices. At the sanctuaries of heroes, the cults were worshipped at real or fictive graves. Divine or heroic protection was encouraged through the sanctification of walls and watchtowers to gods or heroes. State and settlement border sanctuaries were normally of large dimensions in the form of temene, together with temples and other buildings. Beside the defence against external threats and safeguarding border crossings, cult sanctuaries served additional functions at boundaries. Through their placement along borderlines, cult sanctuaries acted as boundary markers and visible signs of territorial claims. Some frontier sanctuaries served as confirmation and manifestation of the dominion of the polis controlling the sanctuary against neighbouring countries. Furthermore, cult sanctuaries along borders were of political importance, as in many cases their location was of strategic and economic advantage and afforded control of the frontier.

Die Umdeutung des Kultus in der Qumrangemeinde und im Neuen Testament

Klinzing, Georg. January 1900 (has links)
A revision of the author's thesis, Heidelberg, 1967. / Bibliography: p. [225]-237.

Studien zum altitalischen und altrömischen Marskult und Marsmythos,

Scholz, Udo Werner, January 1970 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, 1968. / Includes bibliographical references.

Iseion Raumgestaltung und Kultpraxis in den Heiligtümern gräco-ägyptischer Götter im Mittelmeerraum

Kleibl, Kathrin January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 2006/07 u.d.T.: Kleibl, Kathrin: Du, der du eintrittst, wirst das Seiende erkennen

Recherches sur les cultes en Cyrénaïque durant le Haut-Empire romain /

Callot, Jean-Jacques, January 1999 (has links)
Th. univ.--Archéol.--Sorbonne, 1990. / Bibliogr. p. 11-17. Index.

Mýtus Julius Fučík. Spory o život a dílo v dějinném kontextu. / Myth Julius Fučík. Disputes about his life and work in historical context.

Suchá, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is a result of historical analyses of past interpretation of Julius Fučík. Attention is focused on how the cult of Julius Fučík was built, how was his image changing and how this contributed to maintain communist ideology. For better understanding of the whole issue, this thesis describes Fučík's work, especially his most famous artwork Notes from the Gallows, which is important for understanding manipulations with Julius Fučík's legacy. It also examines how changing political situation transformed his role from hero to traitor and collaborator. As a counterbalance, complex expert studies dealing with Fučík's case are introduced. The end of the thesis is focused on the 70th anniversary of Fučík's death in the year 2013 in a perspective of contemporary media. This documents today's social debate which no longer deals with the question of guilt but is rather targeted on Fučík's literary output.

Kult povrchu: analýza časopisu Top dívky z perspektivy mýtu krásy / Cult of surface: analysis of girl magazine Top divky from the perspective of the beauty myth

Hanzlíková, Terezie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the beauty myth and its presentation in Top dívky girl magazine. It focuses on revealing mechanisms used by the magazine to attract girls' attention, and their gender consequences. Observing both analogical and contrasting traits of presenting the beauty myth to girls and women is an important part of the thesis. In its theoretical part, the author begins by presenting the ongoing discussion on the beauty myth led by Naomi Wolf (2000), the feminist theorist. The basic theoretical framework for this thesis is Wolf's proposition of the "female" beauty myth, which subsequently helps the author to examine the "girlish" beauty myth. In her research, the author uses open, axial and selective coding. By determining the central category of Cult of surface, the thesis unveils the essential message of the beauty myth in Top dívky. The surface is the main aspect not only of girls' appearance, but also of their relationships and interests. The functioning of the cult of surface is enabled by the discourse of easiness and the accessibility of beautification, which the thesis considers as a very important aspect of the beauty myth in the girl magazine. Basic propositions on the female beauty myth apply to girls as well, however, there are certain nuances to consider, which the author also...

Ivan Hlinka a vytváření jeho kultu osobnosti v médiích v období naganského úspěchu a po jeho tragické smrti / Ivan Hlinka and creating a cult of personality in the media during the success in Nagano and after his tragic death.

Hejda, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
My diploma thesis is dedicated to the problem of creating a cult of personality around ice hockey coach Ivan Hlinka. It is focused on two key periods: The first is the victory of the Czech ice hockey team at the Olympic Winter Games in Nagano in February 1998 , the second is the period after Hlinka's tragic death in August 2004. The aim of the thesis is to analyze how much media influence the creation of a cult of personality by reporting about these two events. Objects of interest of my thesis are the process that puts a coach almost into the role of national hero . The second aspect of the work is the tabloidization of the topic such as a tragic accident and subsequent Hlinka's death. The thesis defines a cult of personality generaly and also from a historical perspective and adds the most famous reprsentative of cult of personality - Soviet dictator Josif Vissarionovich Stalin. In addition, it is dedicated to the cult of personality of athletes in general. This thesis not only presents Ivan Hlinka from a hockey standpoint, but mentions also his personality through a conversation with his longtime friend Josef Beránek sr. The final analysis is devoted to the representation of Ivan Hlinka in two specific print media during the two selected periods.

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