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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání olympských a chthonických aspektů v mýtu a kultu boha Asklépia / Comparisson of Olympian and Chthonic Aspects in the Myth and Cult of God Asclepius

Oberhofnerová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
In my work, I focus on a comparison of Olympian and chthonic aspects of the myth and cult of the god Asclepius in Classical Greece period. The starting point is a discussion concerning the distinction between Olympian and chthonic. I will try to clarify what these particular terms represent in works of selected authors and how those authors consequently apply them. Furthermore, I will try to show whether and how the dichotomy between Olympian and chthonic can be applied to a specific figure, namely the healing god Asclepius. I will focus on Asclepius myths and forms of his cultic worship too. Emphasis will be put on Asclepius divine, Olympian aspects, as well as on his heroic features, which belong to the realm of chthonic. On the basis of theoretical analysis of dichotomy between Olympian and chthonic and examination of a particular case figure of Asclepius, in the final synthetic part of my work I will try to demonstrate that the adherence to the dichotomy between Olympian and chthonic is significantly beneficial to the interpretation of the divine figure of Asclepius. Key words: Olympian, chthonic, Asclepius myths, cultic worship of Asclepius, interpretation of Asclepius

Transformace oběti v Písmu. Teologie oběti. / Transformation of Sacrifice in the Scripture. Theology of Sacrifice.

DVOŘÁK, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Diachronic comparison of three political and religious systems of three independent geographical areas (ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Syria Palestine) with the faith of ancient Israel shows certain aspects important for the kerygmatic theological message of Tanach as well as the New Testament. Significance of the king, priest, prophet, and religious ceremonies in the temple is derived from their specific understanding of the divine. However, their religious systems completely lack (with the exception of Israel) eschatology. The message about the transcendent/immanent God Lord (Jesus' Father) is impossible to reconstruct from the available sources through diachronic methodology. Furthermore it cannot be understood as a mere result of religious synchronic redefinition of the Scriptures. The New Testament transforms the Old Testament religious system to narrative kerygma about the sacrifice of both Father and Son. It speaks about the Risen Lord, who is able to reconcile God with his adherent. Such a message is unheard of (unexpected) in the Second Temple Judaism. Even the Church Fathers do not interpret Christ's conscious ebed-like sacrifice along the lines of the ritual forgiveness of the OT. Based on the scholarly analyses from the proponents of the so called Prague school, as well as those coming from theologians stressing the paradigm of biblical interpretation through the event of resurrection, this dissertation concluded in the subject matter of soteriological transformation of the sacrifice the following: Agnus Dei, with his crucifixion being a ritual slaughter, founds the new community through his own Pasch, which has also the futuristic (eschatological) aspect both in the NT and in the faith of the early Church. The meaning of this sacrifice will be actualized in 'drinking of the chalice' by the Lord Jesus with the resurrected Church in the coming new Creation. Thus, the Eucharist becomes a unique 'cultic' homage (Temple ceremony) through existential acceptance of the risen Lord. The same concept can be found at the heart of the Patristic thinking (inclusive paradigm of Christ's sacrifice, that is Christian obedience even unto death) . The Fathers understood the sacrifice as means of overcoming alienation from God by metamorphosis of one's life based on Christ's sacrifice not to God, but to people. Such a sacrifice is life-giving activity of the Lord God himself and is able to renew the life of God's people and make them heirs to the eternal life.

Sluneční kult v době Staré říše / Sun cult during the Old Kingdom

Hlouchová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to enrich existing knowledge concerning to the sun cult in the period of the Egyptian Old Kingdom when the cult of the sun god Ra was strongly connected with the ideology of the kingship of the ancient Egyptian state and also with the belief in eternal afterlife of king. On the basis of chosen writing, epigraphical and archeological documents the thesis will try to describe extent and effect of the sun cult on the ancient Egyptian society.

Ora pro nobis. Litanie B. V. M. v pražské Loretě 1626 - 1784. / Ora pro nobis. The Litanies of B. V. M. in the Prague Loreto 1626 - 1784.

Maršíková Michálková, Alena January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The thesis focuses on the Loreto litany in Loreto Prague in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the first part, it explores the Loreto litany in its involvement in the liturgy and puts it in context with the reflection of Marian spirituality. The second part examines Loreto litany from the Prague Loreto music collection from the property of Capuchin Order and from the property of the Lobkowicz family. Because some litany have a reduced setting, it extends the view of rural style analysis by examining printed collections of 18th century rural music.

Hallar och kulthus i södra Skandinavien under äldre järnålder: När Oden och härskaren blev grannar / Halls and cult houses in southern Scandinavia during early iron age: When Odinand the ruler became neighbours

Eriksson, Jan Erik January 2021 (has links)
Eriksson, J.E. 2021. Hallar och kulthus i södra Skandinavien under äldre järnålder: När Oden och härskaren blev grannar.Eriksson, J.E. 2021. Halls and cult houses in southern Scandinavia during early iron age: When Odin and the ruler became neighbours. The intention of this paper is to investigate why halls and cult houses were built close together and at the same time in southern Scandinavia during the Roman Iron Age and the Migration Period and how this can be linked to the development of administrative and military power. The thesis has been divided into three parts, namely a review of archaeological and historical research, a description of three archaeological sites and analysis. This means that the theoretical starting point of the thesis is to compare research with recent years reported archaeological results. The paper focuses on the time from the Roman Iron Age to the end of the migration period, from the year 0 to 550 AD and the geographically area being studied to southern Scandinavia. The result of the study shows that leaders inspired by the Roman Empire built and took control over the halls and cult houses around the year 250 AD to legitimize and manifest their power, acquire wealth and loyalty from subjects. Archeological remains show that the Norse god Odin was worshiped in the cult house and the stability of this cult can be traced to the end of the Viking Age.

Úcta a ikonografie sv. Máří Magdalény / Devotion and iconography of St. Mary Magdalene

Urbánková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
The Diploma thesis "Devotion and iconography of st. Mary Magdalen" - Two biblical characters have been associated with Mary Magdalene since the time of Gregory the Great; the unnamed sinner and Mary of Bethany. According to the Bible Mary Magdalene was one of the women who accompanied Jesus during His ministry. She was the woman from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons. She washed Jesus' feet with her tears and ointment. When Jesus was crucified she was there standing under the cross. She was present at His funeral. On Easter Sunday she went to the grave of the Lord to anoint His body. She discovered the empty tomb and saw the resurrected Jesus, who appeared to her as a gardener and sent her to announce His Resurrection to His disciples. She is considered "the apostle of the Apostles". According to an old French legend she was put in a boat without sails or oars and sailed to Marseilles, where she preached the gospel. Then she retreated to a cavern. There she lived as a recluse for thirty years. Every day she was lifted by angels up to heaven. She was buried in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume. Her main cult centers were the places where her relics had been preserved; Vezelay in Burgundy in the Romanesque period , and Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baumesince since the 13th to 18th century. She is usually...

Svatí a blahoslavení polští mučedníci v průběhu staletí / The Saint and Blessed Polish Martyrs In the course of centuries

Fričová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The Saint and Hallow Polish Martyrs In The Course of Centuries The objective of thesis "The Saint and Hallow Polish Martyrs In The Course of Centuries" is the introduction of selected Polish martyrs from the middle ages until the end of the 20th century. The thesis follow their cult development from its origin until present, including related demonstration of art, in particular the development of iconography. They also follow the influence of life example and the subsequent cult of the martyrs on the society at that time, as well as the spiritual and national awareness of the following generations. In this connection, they also give attention to particularities of the Polish national history, the constitutional arrangement, the artistic and culture relationships and environment and the history of the Catholic Church in Poland. Each chapter, which is introducing a Saint or a group of martyrs, is divided into three parts - the epoch, the life, the cult and iconography. The objective of this division is the schema of historical conditions in which the personality of the Saint was formed. These historical conditions were also determine for the martyrdom. The next parts of the chapters deal with a brief biography of the Saint and the summary of significant moments in the development of the Saint's cult...

Fenomén Apple: vliv moderních technologií na subjekt / The Apple Phenomenon: the Impact of Modern Technologies on Subject

Kuldová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The Apple Phenomenon: the Impact of Modern Technologies on Subject Abstract The goal of the submitted thesis is the study of the company Apple Inc. in the context of how it is percieved by subjects. After a brief introduction of the company Apple Inc. we will focus on semiotic analysis of the brand Apple, its products and marketing strategies. The object of study will be also a present society, whose distinguishing feature is a consumption, and brand perception of a subject in connection with his identity, image building, lifestyle and an inclusion in the social classes. The aim is to uncover which importance is attached to consumer goods by a present society, especially goods marked with the apple logo. According to the facts available, Apple has many of its supporters around the world. The object of this thesis is therefore to clarify the role of the company Apple Inc. and prove that Apple is a certain phenomenon, or even a cult, in a current consumer society, which is accompanied by emotions.

Propaganda v sovětském a nacistickém životopisném filmu 30. let 20. století: Specifika filmového média jako nástroje propagandy / Propaganda in soviet and nazi biographical film of thirthies of 20th century: Specifics of film medium as an instrument of propaganda

Weiss, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Thesis Propaganda in soviet and nazi biographical film of thirthies of 20th century: Specifics of film medium as an instrument of propaganda researches group of three soviet and three german Motion pictures. It focuses on nuances of using ideological meanings, creation of myths and sees examples of both cinematographies through Umberto Eco's Open work theory. It uses the methods of discurse and comparative analysis and compares few important aspects of main characters of analysed pictures. On this basis it creates generally valid conclusions.

Ikonografie a kult sv. Josefa v českých zemích v období baroka / Iconography and Cult of St. Joseph in the 17th and 18th century Czech lands

Hoduláková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the iconography and cult of St. Joseph in the Czech lands during the Baroque period. The first part of the thesis deals with the way St. Joseph is presented in sources, namely in canonical gospels, apocryphal gospels of childhood and in legends. The development of the cult and iconography of St. Joseph from antiquity to modern times is also outlined. The main part of the thesis focuses on the cult and iconography of St. Joseph in the Czech lands in the 17th and 18th centuries. The influence of the Habsburgs on the spread of this cult is taken into account. Attention is paid to the reception of St. Joseph among the patron saints of Bohemia and the introduction of his public holiday in 1654, which arose on the initiative of Emperor Ferdinand III. The next part of the thesis analyzes the responses to the reception of St. Joseph among the patron saints of Bohemia in art and also on the examples of his depiction in Baroque art in the Czech lands. The researched monuments include the fountain with the column of St. Joseph in the New Town of Prague, the statue of St. Joseph on Charles Bridge, painting of the Holy Family in the Church of Our Lady before Týn and the St. Joseph's painting cycle in Krzeszów in Silesia. Keywords St. Joseph, Baroque, Iconography, Cult, Habsburgs,...

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