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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição ao estudo do valor, das perspectivas e da efetividade do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo no protocolo de Kyoto / Contribution to the values study, perspectives and effectiveness of the clean development mechanism of the Kyoto protocol

MORAES, LUIZ A.G. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Contribuição ao estudo do valor, das perspectivas e da efetividade do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo no protocolo de Kyoto / Contribution to the values study, perspectives and effectiveness of the clean development mechanism of the Kyoto protocol

MORAES, LUIZ A.G. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:54:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Esta dissertação trata da história e características do Protocolo de Kyoto (PK), seguido do estudo do valor, das perspectivas e da efetividade do Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), definido pelo Artigo 12 daquele Protocolo à Convenção Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima (CQNUMC). Nesse propósito, foram desenvolvidas análises conceituais das pretensões, possibilidades, valor e mesmo das equivocações do MDL. A grande importância desse instrumento acaba demonstrada que não é o seu objetivo primeiro, de auxilio nos compromissos dos países desenvolvidos (PDs), mas sim as diversas vantagens que promove para os países em desenvolvimento (PEDs). Esse instrumento de flexibilização, que foi concebido para auxiliar o cumprimento das obrigações (redução das emissões de CO2) dos países desenvolvidos (PDs) no Protocolo, pode ir muito além, com projetos de desenvolvimento sustentável (social, econômico, étnico, cultural, técnico e ambientalmente) adequados e favorável aos PEDs. Seus projetos podem e deve travar um bom combate à pobreza, o que garante também um avanço correto na perseguição do controle das causas e efeitos das mudanças climáticas. O MDL permeia todas essas questões e constitui o instrumento já presente e de conscientização, para trazer a necessária capacidade financeira e tecnológica do Norte ao encontro do Sul para que todas essas pretensões possam ocorrer. / Dissertação (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

The extent of Lesotho’s compliance with the provisions of international instruments in combating climate change

Khaketla, Sekamotho 05 December 2012 (has links)
No abstract available. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted


Melo, Gianpaolo Machado Lage de 19 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:47:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GIANPAOLO MACHADO LAGE DE MELO.pdf: 563346 bytes, checksum: 00630ef22ac0f33210b6617e409b36e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-19 / The Contemporary Society came upon with the global climate changes such as, increasing of the global temperature, natural phenomana which happened with less intensity in the past, increasing of sea s level, earthquakes, overflowings and tornatos in the end of 70 s where of the First Convention on Climate Change. In the end of 1980 s, the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization created the Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change to discuss these changes, and the most important agenda is the Kyoto s Protocol, which establish that the developed contries, related in the Anex I from this protocol, have do reduce between 2008 and 2012 the level of emisson of greenhouse smoke in 5,2% compared to the levels in 1990. Using this reduction by the implementation and the acceptance of the Clean Mecanism of Delevopment are created the Certified Emission Reductions (CER) which will be negociated between the Brazilian companies and the companies settled in the nations included in the Protocol. However, it is contoversy the judicial classification given to the CER in Brazil and, consequently, the accouting treatment used to tax directly and indirectly the Carbon Credits and what are the possibilities to avoid its the Double Taxation. And, by these reality, this is the challange that it will pretend to solve. / A sociedade contemporânea se deparou com as alterações no clima global tais como, elevação da temperatura mundial, fenômenos naturais que aconteciam com menos intensidade, elevação do nível dos mares, terremotos, enchentes e tornados a partir do final da década de 1970 a partir da Primeira Convenção Climática Mundial. Logo, as Nações Unidas e a Organização Meteorológica Mundial, no final da década de 1980, criaram o Painel Intergovernamental em Mudanças Climáticas para discutir essas mudanças, sendo que o documento mais importante, atualmente, é o Protocolo de Kyoto que determinou que os países industrializados, relacionados no Anexo I do mesmo, têm de reduzir entre 2008 e 2012 o nível de emissão de GEEs na média de 5,2% em relação aos níveis medidos em 1990. Por meio desta redução mediante a implementação e aprovação do Projeto de Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo MDL são gerados os créditos de carbono que serão negociados entre as empresas brasileiras e as empresas instaladas nos países constantes do Anexo I do Protocolo de Kyoto. Contudo, é polêmica a classificação jurídica que deve ser dada ao crédito de carbono no Brasil e, conseqüentemente, o tratamento contábil que deve ser dado a este no momento de tributá-lo diretamente e indiretamente e quais são as possibilidades de se evitar uma dupla tributação do crédito de carbono. E, diante desta realidade, este é o desafio que tentará ser solucionado.

Aplicação do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo: o caso Novagerar / Application of Clean Development Mechanism: the case Novagerar

Souza, Gleice Donini de 24 August 2007 (has links)
A Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas, que tem como objetivo final a estabilização das concentrações de gases de efeito estufa em um nível que impeça a interferência humana perigosa no sistema climático, estabeleceu o Protocolo de Kyoto. O Protocolo é um instrumento que permite aos Países do Anexo I (aqueles historicamente responsáveis pelas emissões de GEE) os meios de atingirem suas metas de redução de emissões de Carbono. Para que as metas sejam atingidas, o Protocolo instituiu mecanismos de flexibilização, dos quais destacamos o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL). O MDL prevê financiamentos de Países do Anexo I em atividade que resultem em reduções/seqüestro de Carbono em países Não Anexo I. O primeiro projeto de MDL registrado no Comitê Executivo no mundo é o brasileiro NovaGerar, objeto deste estudo. O propósito deste trabalho é discutir o Protocolo de Kyoto, o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo e verificar suas oportunidades a partir do projeto NovaGerar. / The United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has as final target to establish the greenhouse gases concentration on the atmosphere in one level that impedes the dangerous human interference on the climatic system. The UNFCCC established the Kyoto Protocol, one tool which allows Annex I Countries (that ones historically responsible for greenhouse gas emissions) to achieve their reduction targets. The Protocol put in place flexibility mechanisms - to help Annex I Countries to achieve their reduction targets - among them we highlight the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The CDM foresees Annex I Countries financings to activities which result in reduction/sequestration of Carbon in non Annex I Countries. The first CDM project registered in the Executive Committee was the Brazilian NovaGerar, subject of this study. The purpose of this text is to discuss the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism and verify its opportunities based on NovaGerar project.

Klimapolitik zwischen Kyoto und Cancún / Climate Policy: Between Kyoto and Cancún

Lederer, Markus January 2010 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag wird der Hintergrund der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen erläutert und die Ergebnisse des Kopenhagen-Akkords vorgestellt. Angesichts des Scheiterns der Kopenhagener Konferenz muss die zeitnahe Schließung eines rechtlich bindenden, globalen Klimaabkommens als unwahrscheinlich gelten. Die Klimapolitik wird zukünftig verstärkt auf nationalstaatlicher und transnationaler Ebene erfolgen.

Klimaschutz und Kohlenstoff in Holz : Vergleich verschiedener Strategien / Climate protection and carbon in wood : comparison of management strategies

Rock, Joachim January 2008 (has links)
Wälder haben im Bezug zum Klimawandel mehrere Rollen: Sie sind Kohlenstoffspeicher, -senken, sowie Lieferanten von Holz als Rohstoff für die Kohlenstoffspeicher in Produkten und für Substitution fossiler Energieträger. Unter Klimaschutzgesichtspunkten ist es wünschenswert, die Kohlenstoffbindung im Gesamtsystem aus Senken, Speichern und Substitution zu maximieren und zu entscheiden, welche Maßnahme an welchem Ort und unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen den größten positiven Effekt auf die CO2-Bilanz hat. Um die Speicherung in den verschiedenen Kompartimenten erfassen zu können müssen geeignete Inventurverfahren zur Verfügung stehen. Die IPCC – GPG benennen die Speicher und geben zum Teil Anforderungen an die zu erreichende Inventurgenauigkeit. Aus der klassischen Forsteinrichtung stehen genügend Methoden zur Verfügung, um das oberirdische Volumen sehr genau zu erheben. Um den Anforderungen an ein umfassendes Kohlenstoffmonitoring genügen zu können, müssen diese Verfahren in den Bereichen Erfassung von Störungsfolgen, Totholzdynamik, Boden und der Berechnung von Gesamt-Kohlenstoffvorräten aus dem Holzvolumen ergänzt werden. Zusätzlich bietet sich an, Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen entsprechend zu erfassen, um ihre Auswirkung auf die Kohlenstoffdynamik ebenfalls feststellen zu können. Dies ist für die Berichterstattung zwischen Inventuren sowie für die Herausrechnung von nicht-menschenverursachter erhöhter Kohlenstoffspeicherung („factoring out“ im Sinne des KP) wünschenswert. Wenn Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen unterschieden werden können und ihre Auswirkungen auf C-Vorräte bestimmbar sind, ist eine Verifizierung erhöhter Speicherung auch z. B. für Projekte nach Art. 3.4 des KP durchführbar. Diese Arbeiten stecken jedoch noch in der Anfangsphase. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die erste verfügbare qualitative Übersicht zu dieser Thematik erstellt. Die Optimierung der Wald-Holz-Option wird durch die im Kyoto-Protokoll (und den zugehörigen Folgeabkommen) vereinbarten Regelungen erschwert, da einerseits zwischen Wald und Produkten eine Trennung besteht und andererseits die Maßnahmenverantwortlichem im Wald nicht direkt durch das KP angesprochen werden. Eingeschlagenes Holz wird im Wald als Emission betrachtet und dem entsprechenden Sektor zugerechnet, was jedoch keine Auswirkungen auf den Forstbetrieb hat. Dieser profitiert im Gegenteil derzeit von der durch die – auch von KP Regelungen beeinflussten – Holzpreise und erhöht die Nutzungen, was zu Vorratsabsenkungen im Wald führt. Ob diese Absenkungen durch die Substitutionseffekte des geernteten Holzes kompensiert werden ist derzeit noch nicht geklärt. Um die Trennung zwischen Wald und Produktpool aufzuweichen bietet es sich an, die Waldbesitzer am Emissionsrechtehandel teilhaben zu lassen, damit nicht nur die Ernte sondern auch der Ernteverzicht finanziell bewertbar sind. Sozio-ökonomische Szenarien zur künftigen Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft zeigen große Flächenpotentiale, die für die Nahrungs- und Futtermittelproduktion nicht mehr benötigt werden oder nicht mehr rentabel sein werden. Eine mögliche Nutzung in Zukunft sind Energieholzplantagen. Informationen zu möglichen Erträgen sind zur Zeit noch unzureichend und Analysen zur Nachhaltigkeit dieser Erträge unter Klimawandel sind nicht vorhanden. In dieser Arbeit wurde mit dem ökophysiologischen Waldwachstumsmodell 4C an Beispielsstandorten in Brandenburg das Wachstum von Energieholzplantagen unter derzeitigem Klima und unter verschiedenen regionalisierten Klimawandelszenarien bis 2055 simuliert. Ertragspotentiale liegen derzeit auf der Mehrzahl der Standorte im positiven Bereich, auf einigen Standorten ist jedoch nur begrenzt mit positiven Deckungsbeiträgen zu rechnen. Bis 2055 ist in allen Szenarien mit einem leichten Rückgang der Erträge und einer deutlicheren Verringerung der Grundwasserneubildung unter Energieholzplantagen zu rechnen. Die Unterschiede zwischen Standorten sind jedoch derzeit und unter zukünftig möglichem Klima stärker als klimabedingte Änderungen. Bei der großflächigen Anlage von Energieholzplantagen können negative Auswirkungen auf die Biodiversität und andere Naturschutzbelange eintreten. Eine diese Effekte abmildernde Flächengestaltung, die trotzdem Erträge auf dem Niveau heutiger Vollerwerbslandwirtschaft erreicht, ist möglich. Insgesamt lässt sich für die Optimierung der Wald-Holz-Option feststellen, dass eine Nicht-Nutzung bestehender Waldflächen unter Klimaschutzgesichtspunkten negativ ist. Der Substitutionseffekt geernteten Holzes beträgt zusätzliche ca. 70 Prozent Kohlenstoff, die in dieser Form in nicht bewirtschafteten mitteleuropäischen Wäldern nicht zusätzlich gespeichert werden. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass sich durch die Berücksichtigung von Substitutionseffekten andere – wahrscheinlich kürzere – als die heute üblichen Produktionszeiten ergeben. Auf bisher waldfreien Flächen ist die Anlage von Energieholzplantagen positiver zu werten als eine normale Aufforstung. / Forests are important for climate protection: They sequester and store carbon, and provide timber for wood products and fossil fuel substitution. These functions interact in a complex way. From a climate protection point of view it is desirable to optimize these interactions, i.e. to maximize the amount of carbon stored in the whole system (called „forest-timber-option“) and to analyse what impact a management decision at the local level has with regard to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Inventory methods to estimate the total amount of carbon in a forest are needed. Classical forest inventories assess above-ground tree volume. To estimate total car-bon in accordance with the requirements of the Kyoto-Protocol, these inventories need to be expanded with regard to the assessment of disturbances, dead wood de-composition, soil carbon, and the estimation of carbon from volume. Methods in-vented here can also be used to assess local-level management activities, or to “fac-tor out” non-human-induced changes in carbon pools. The optimization of the „forest-timber-option“ is restricted due to regulations of the Kyoto-Protocol, because forest-related measures are accounted for under other sec-tors than wood and timber use. Harvested timber is estimated as an “emission” from the forest, and forest owners have no benefit from the use of wood for industrial pur-poses. Here, an inclusion of forestry in emission trading schemes can be advanta-geous. Alternative ways to produce wood are short-rotation coppice plantations on agricul-tural soils. Information about growth and yield potentials are scarce for the regions where land availability is high. Aspen (P. tremula, P. tremuloides) was parameterized in an eco-physiological forest growth model (“4C”) to assess these potentials on sites in Eastern Germany under current and under changing climatic conditions. The re-sults indicate that growth potentials are more sensitive to soil quality than to climatic conditions. Potential yields allow for incomes comparable to standard agriculture, but biodiversity and groundwater recharge may be negatively affected by large-scale plantations. An optimization of the „forest-timber-option“ requests the use of timber from forests. Harvested timber substitutes additional 70 % of carbon from fossil fuels. Forests un-der total protection do store more carbon than managed forest, but not equivalent to the substitution effects. Total protection of forests is thus no viable means for climate protection under Central European conditions.

Aplicação do mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo: o caso Novagerar / Application of Clean Development Mechanism: the case Novagerar

Gleice Donini de Souza 24 August 2007 (has links)
A Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas, que tem como objetivo final a estabilização das concentrações de gases de efeito estufa em um nível que impeça a interferência humana perigosa no sistema climático, estabeleceu o Protocolo de Kyoto. O Protocolo é um instrumento que permite aos Países do Anexo I (aqueles historicamente responsáveis pelas emissões de GEE) os meios de atingirem suas metas de redução de emissões de Carbono. Para que as metas sejam atingidas, o Protocolo instituiu mecanismos de flexibilização, dos quais destacamos o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL). O MDL prevê financiamentos de Países do Anexo I em atividade que resultem em reduções/seqüestro de Carbono em países Não Anexo I. O primeiro projeto de MDL registrado no Comitê Executivo no mundo é o brasileiro NovaGerar, objeto deste estudo. O propósito deste trabalho é discutir o Protocolo de Kyoto, o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo e verificar suas oportunidades a partir do projeto NovaGerar. / The United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has as final target to establish the greenhouse gases concentration on the atmosphere in one level that impedes the dangerous human interference on the climatic system. The UNFCCC established the Kyoto Protocol, one tool which allows Annex I Countries (that ones historically responsible for greenhouse gas emissions) to achieve their reduction targets. The Protocol put in place flexibility mechanisms - to help Annex I Countries to achieve their reduction targets - among them we highlight the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The CDM foresees Annex I Countries financings to activities which result in reduction/sequestration of Carbon in non Annex I Countries. The first CDM project registered in the Executive Committee was the Brazilian NovaGerar, subject of this study. The purpose of this text is to discuss the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism and verify its opportunities based on NovaGerar project.

Spécification de paramètres techniques et stratégie d'échantillonnage pour la conception de nouveaux capteurs lidars dédiés à la cartographie de forêts / Specification of technical parameters and sampling strategy for the design of new lidarsensors dedicated to forest mapping

Allouis, Tristan 14 December 2011 (has links)
Les forestiers ont besoin d'outils permettant de cartographier les essences, la hauteur, la structure ou la biomasse des peuplements. Même si le lidar aéroporté (light detection and ranging, détection et télémétrie par laser) ne permet pas de mesurer l'ensemble de ces variables, il permet d'accéder aux hauteurs et à la biomasse de manière rapide, précise et surtout spatialisée sur de grandes surfaces. Cependant, les lidars aujourd'hui utilisés en forêts n'ont pas été conçus spécifiquement pour étudier la végétation, et l'ajustement de leurs caractéristiques techniques est supposé permettre d'améliorer la précision des mesures. L'objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer des configurations de capteurs lidars dédiés à l'étude de la végétation forestière, et de proposer des méthodes d'extraction de paramètres forestiers adaptés aux différentes configurations. La capacité de différentes résolutions (taille d'empreinte et échantillonnage spatial), longueurs d'onde et modes d'enregistrement du signal retour à mesurer des paramètres forestiers (hauteurs et densité d'arbres, taille des couronnes et indirectement volume et biomasse) a été évaluée. Les études ont été menées de l'échelle de l'arbre jusqu'à celle du peuplement, sur des données expérimentales ou simulées. Dans une première partie, des méthodes de traitement de données lidars aéroportés classiques (scanneur, largeur du faisceau décimétrique, 5 mesures/m², laser proche infrarouge) ont été développées pour estimation la biomasse d'arbres individuels. Dans cette étude, l'apport de nouvelles données dites "full-waveform" (enregistrement du signal complet) a été démontré par rapport aux traditionnelles données multiéchos (extraction des échos les plus significatifs). Dans une seconde partie, une expérimentation avec un prototype lidar du Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA) embarqué sur un ULM a été réalisée (profileur, largeur de faisceau de 2,4 m, espacement de 2,4 m entre deux mesures successives le long de la ligne de vol, laser ultraviolet). Sans permettre des mesures d'arbres individuels, cette configuration de capteur a permis d'étudier les variations de la structure des arbres à l'intérieur d'une placette forestière (30 m de diamètre). En validant l'utilisation d'un laser ultraviolet pour l'étude de la végétation, les résultats de cette expérience permettent d'envisager le développement de capteurs bifonctions atmosphère/végétation. Dans une troisième partie, des signaux lidars à larges empreintes (plusieurs dizaines de mètres au sol) ont été simulés par agrégation de signaux lidars aéroportés classiques. Une méthode de modélisation permettant d'étudier la dynamique supposée d'un signal lidar satellitaire dans différents types de forêts a été proposée. Elle apporte des informations utiles à la calibration de l'énergie à émettre pour une future mission satellitaire dédiée à la cartographie de forêts. Le principal problème avec les données à larges d'empreintes est la forte influence de la topographie sur la précision des mesures de hauteurs d'arbres en zones pentues. En conséquence, une méthode de correction de cet effet a été élaborée, permettant ainsi de mesurer les hauteurs d'arbres avec une précision jusqu'alors inenvisageable. Cette méthode a de plus ouvert de nouvelles perspectives dans l'estimation de la topographie sous la forêt, à partir de données lidars à larges empreintes. / Foresters need tools to map the tree species, tree heights, stand structure and biomass. Although the airborne lidar (Light detection and ranging) technology does not give access to all these variables, it can provide quick, accurate and spatially explicit measurements of tree heights and biomass over large surfaces. However, lidar systems currently used have not been specially designed to performed vegetation studies. The adjustment of the technical characteristics of such systems is expected to improve the accuracy of retrieved forest parameters. Consequently, the objective of this thesis is to determine configurations of lidar sensors dedicated to the study of forest vegetation, and to propose methods designed to extract forest parameters depending on the different configurations. The ability of different resolutions (footprint size and spatial sampling), wavelengths and sampling modes of the backscattered signal to measure forest parameters (canopy height and density, crown size and also volume and biomass) was evaluated. The studies were conducted from tree to stand level, on experimental or simulated data. In a first part, we developed methods to process classic airborne lidar data (scanner system, tens of centimeter footprint, 5 measurements/m², near-infrared laser) for the estimation of the biomass of individual trees. In this study, we demonstrated the contribution of new data called "Full-waveform" (recording the entire signal) compared to traditional multi-echoes data (extraction of the most significant echoes). In a second part, we performed an experiment using a Comissariat of Energy Atomique (CEA)'s lidar prototype onboard an ultra-light aircraft (profiler system, 2.4 m footprint, 2.4 m spacing between two measurements along the flight line, ultraviolet laser). Such a configuration did not allow to measure individual trees, but we were able to study variations in forest structure at the plot level (30 m diameter). Having demonstrated the ability of an ultraviolet lidar to perform vegetation studies, this sensor opens the way to the development of bi-functional lidar for both atmosphere and vegetation remote sensing. In a third part, large footprint lidar signals (tens of meters on the ground) were simulated from the aggregation of classical airborne lidar signals. We proposed a method for modeling the signal dynamics of satellite lidars in different forest types, in order to calibrate the energy to emit for a future space-borne mission. The main problem with large-footprint size is the strong influence of topography on accurate measurements of tree heights in steep areas. We consequently developed a method to correct this effect, thus increasing the accuracy of tree height retrieval. This approach also opened new perspectives in topography assessment from large-footprint data in forest environments.

Modernity and the Idea: Liberalism, Fascism, Materialism in Showa Japan

Hurdis, Jeremy 29 August 2012 (has links)
After the Meiji Restoration of 1862, Western philosophy was imported and infused into Japanese culture and its intellectual climate. By the early 20th Century, Kyoto School philosophers and romantic authors sought to reaffirm Japanese culture, believed jeopardised by the hastened development of Western capitalist modernity. This movement became politically charged, and is not without fascist allegations. After the Second World War modernism again became a primary intellectual concern, as modernists and Asianists alike attempted to struggle with the idea of fascism in Japan. Works of Nishida Kitaro (1870-1945) and Watsuji Tetsuro (1889-1960), and the prewar contexts within which they were written, will be compared to the postwar thinkers Maruyama Masao (1914-1996) and Takeuchi Yoshimi (1910-1977). The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Japanese thinkers before and after the Second World War understood and responded to the global process of modernity, and how it relates to such political movements as liberalism and fascism.

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