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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of Digital Writing Aids in EFL Education / En studie om elevers uppfattningar och erfarenheter av digitala skrivverktyg i engelspråkig undervisning

Ahmeti, Marigona January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions and experiences of digital writing aids in order to explore how students perceive that their EFL language proficiency is impacted by digital writing aids. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted concerning the participants’ perceptions and experiences of digital writing aids and how they perceive that their learning is impacted. Six upper secondary students have been interviewed online. The data is analysed through a sociocultural perspective. The results show that the most common writing aids are grammar-, and spelling-checkers and the synonym function. The students also have different perceptions of writing aids. Most of the students find writing aids to be helpful and supportive, however, some students believe that writing aids are too helpful. In conclusion, the results and analysis imply that writing aids affect the development of English proficiency in terms of variety since writing aids help students notice when their writing is too monotonous. It is also concluded that vocabulary is impacted by writing aids, however, it is concluded that the impact on vocabulary is both positive and negative.

Hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen : En studie om hur ett utbildningsmaterial som integrerar hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen kan utformas

Sparrenborg, Linn January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis, which has been carried out in collaboration with Fairtrade,investigates how sustainable development can be integrated in the mathematicaldiscipline in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study includedfindings on design and disposition, with sustainability themes relatedto Fairtrade. This since Fairtrade is going to use the study as a basis forthe development of an educational material. The results of the study areof interest to teachers and organizations that want to develop educationalmaterial that integrate sustainable development in mathematics education.The main focus of the study has been the teachers’ preferences on dispositionand design.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven mathematics teachersin the Stockholm area. A workshop was also conducted with three mathematicsstudent teachers at the end of their training, and two people workingat Fairtrade. The result of the study shows that it is important that theeducational material corresponds to the achievement goals of the mathematicscourses. It also shows the importance of making the material differsfrom ordinary learning milieu, as this would inspire teachers to vary theirteaching. The results also indicate that mathematics education in the exerciseparadigm is not suitable for integrating sustainable development inmathematics education. Instead an investigative approach and working withtasks referring to real-life situations where the students are encouraged totake a position on questions of sustainable development is preferred. For instance,child labor and poverty can be investigated using mathematics andby linking those problems to consumptions the students can question theirown role as consumers. / Detta examensarbete har utförts i samarbete med Fairtrade och studienssyfte är att undersöka hur ett utbildningsmaterial som integrerar hållbar utvecklingi matematikundervisningen kan utformas. Studien har också närmareundersökt hur materialet kan utformas med hållbarhets teman koppladetill Fairtrades verksamhet. Fairtrade kommer nämligen att använda studiensom utgångspunkt för framtagningen av ett utbildningsmaterial. Studiensresultat är intressanta för lärare och organisationer som vill ta fram utbildningsmaterialsom integrerar hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen.Studien har ett lärarperspektiv som innebär att matematiklärares önskemålgällande utformning och innehåll har varit studiens utgångspunkt tillsammansmed syftet att integrera hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen.Semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med sju matematiklärare iStockholmsområdet. En workshop har också genomförts med tre matematiklärarstudenteri slutet av sin utbildning och två personer som arbetarpå Fairtrade. Resultatet visar att det viktigaste för matematiklärare när deväljer att använda ett utbildningsmaterial är att materialet svarar mot matematikkursernascentrala innehåll. Det är också viktigt att materialet avvikerfrån lärarnas vanliga undervisning dels för att lärare vill inspireras till att varierasin undervisning och dels för att exercisstyrd undervisning inte främjarintegrering av hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen. Då är iställetundervisning med verklighetsanknutna uppgifter av undersökande karaktärdär eleverna, med hjälp av matematiken, uppmuntras till ställningstagandeni frågor gällande hållbar utveckling att föredra. Exempelvis kan barnarbeteoch fattigdom undersökas med hjälp av matematiken och genom kopplingartill elevernas egen roll som konsument kan eleverna uppmuntras till ställningstaganden gällande sina konsumtionsvanor.

Användarutbildning. En studie kring utbildningspaket för Windovs 7 och Office 2010

Burmester, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Vid en uppgradering av ett företags IT-lösning kan de anställda komma att få nya datorer och ny programvara. För att upprätthålla samma effektivitet som innan uppgraderingen kan de anställda genomgå en fortbildning inom den nya programvaran. Denna rapport behandlar en studie kring hur man kan utveckla ett utbildningspaket vars fokus ligger på atta uppfylla användarnas och företagets behov vid uppgradering av deras IT-lösning. Studien resulterar i ett implementerbart utbildningspaket och har följt ett användarcentrerat och agilt arbetssätt för atta undersöka designprinciper, teorier om lärande och hur man kan förhålla sig till en heterogen målgrupp. / When a company is about to upgrade its IT solution the company´s employees may get new computers and software. In order to maintain the same efficiency as before the upgrade, employees can undergo trining in order to get familiarized with the new software. This thesis is a study on how to develop a training package that emphasis the users and company´s needs to make a smooth transition. The study results in an implementable training package and applies a user-centered and agile design process to examine design principles, learning theories and how to treat a heterogeneous audience.

Att skriva ett kurskompendium för tätkontroll och läcksökning.

Bergman, Therese January 2012 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Lackage fran en komponent i form av vatska eller gas ar ett ofta underskattat problem som kan ge upphov till samre produktkvalitet, energiforluster och i slutandan ge ekonomiska konsekvenser om lackaget blir for stort. Det finns dessutom en miljo- och halsorisk om en produkt eller komponent lacker ut storre mangder kemikalier eller metaller. Kan lackaget minskas finns med andra ord stora vinster att hamta. Nolek AB bygger instrument for att hitta lackage, lacksokning, och mata lackage, tatkontroll. Foretaget arrangerar utbildningar for sina kunder men har tidigare inte haft nagot uppdaterat material for detta andamal. Syftet med examensarbetet ar att producera delar till ett nytt utbildningspaket inom tatkontroll, lacksokning och provtryckning samt att undersoka teorier for skrivande av pedagogiska texter. Arbetets resultat utgors av ett kurskompendium samt en PowerPoint-presentation kopplad till kompendiet. Malgrupperna for kurskompendiet ar kursledare, nyanstallda pa Nolek samt foretagets kunder. Tathet ar ett relativt begrepp och det gar inte att bevisa en obefintlig lacka. Grunden for en tatkontroll ar tatkravet, vilket tydligt maste definiera lackagets storsta tillatna mangd per tidsenhet. Ur tatkravet ska det aven framga vilket medium kontrollen utfors i, vilket provtryck som anvands samt vid vilken temperatur som provningen sker. Vid tatkontrollen, som genomfors med lamplig metod utifran det satta tatkravet, gors en provning av om komponenten lacker mer eller mindre an tatkravet. Teoretiska kunskaper om tryck, gas och stromningslara ar centrala for att kunna avgora vad som ar ett godtagbart lackage eller for att forsta varfor ett visst utslag erhalls pa instrumentet. Provtryckning innebar ett test av hallfastigheten hos en komponent eller en produkt. Det finns ett flertal forordningar och direktiv som maste foljas vid provtryckning. Ett kurskompendium ar en pedagogisk text. Olika texter lases pa olika satt och lamnar olika stort utrymme for lasarens egna tolkningar. En pedagogisk text ska lamna ett mindre tolkningsutrymme at lasaren an vad den skonlitterara texten gor. Forfattaren av en pedagogisk text har pa forhand en uppfattning om vilka specifika saker mottagaren ska fa ut av sin lasning. Den pedagogiska texten ska vara beskrivande och maste struktureras utifran pedagogiska krav sa att fakta och forklaringar blir relativt enkla och gripbara for lasaren. Genom att forfattaren skriver enkelt, konkret och anvander rikt med exempel kan texten uppfattas som begriplig, personligt lonande och betydelsefull for mottagaren. Forfattarens tankar ska formedlas till lasaren samtidigt som lasaren stimuleras till att sjalv tanka vidare. ABSTRACT Leakage from an object or component is a common and often underestimated problem which can generate inferior quality of the product, loss of energy and eventually generate economical consequences if the leakage becomes too large. There also exists an environmental hazard and health risk if a product or component is leaking substantial amounts of chemicals or metals. Therefore there are great profits to gain if a possibility to minimize the leakage exists. Nolek AB assembles instruments for finding leakage, leak detection, and measure leakage, leak testing. The company arranges educations for their customers, but hasn’t had any updated material for doing this. The aim of this master thesis is to produce a compendium that explains leak testing, leak detection and proof testing, to produce a PowerPoint-presentation and to inquire into theories for writing pedagogical papers. The target groups for the compendium are course leaders, newly employed personnel at Nolek and the company’s customers. Density is a relative concept and it is not possible to prove a leak which does not exist. The base for leak testing is the density demands, which has to clearly define the leakage’s greatest quantity that is allowed per time unit. The density demands must also tell which medium, which pressure and which temperature that is being used for the testing. The testing is being carried out with a suitable method according to the density demands by deciding whether the component is leaking more or less than the density demands. Theoretical knowledge about pressure, gas and currents are central for determining what an acceptable leakage is or to understand why a certain deflection is shown on the instrument. Proof testing is a test of the strength of a component or a product. There exists multiple regulations that has to be considered when proof testing. A course compendium is a pedagogical text. Different texts are being read in different ways and leaves different room for the reader’s own interpretations. A pedagogical text should leave less room for interpretations than a fiction text. The author of a pedagogical text has a pre-defined opinion of what the reader is going to achieve by reading the text. The pedagogical text is supposed to be descriptive and has to be structured on the basis of pedagogical demands in order to make facts and explanations simple and tangible for the reader. When the author is writing in a simple and concrete fashion and uses a lot of examples, the text can be sensed as understandable, personally profitable and significant for the receiver. The thoughts of the author are supposed to be conveyed to the reader at the same time as the reader are being stimulated to think even further unaided.

Vocabulary testing for English as a secondlanguage and the theoretics behind thecreation of vocabulary tests / Ordförrådstester för Engelska som andraspråk och teorier bakomskapandet av dem

Melbacke, Filip, Al-Turaihi, Rim January 2022 (has links)
This study examines which vocabulary tests for English as a second language are relevanttoday and the theories involved in their creation. Recent research has shown that it is essentialto use vocabulary testing in classrooms. Problematically, it will be difficult to adapt onespecific vocabulary test for every student. The teacher can however adapt tests in for examplegroups, so the teacher can get a more clear picture of their students. Vocabulary testing istherefore fundamental to evaluating students' understanding and success in communicationwith other people. The Swedish curriculum uses tests in all four English stages (speaking,listening, writing and reading) that explain the effectiveness of vocabulary testing inclassrooms. The results of this study are based on six scientific studies that we discoveredthrough searchers on the database ERIC. Our synthesis underlined some factors that areassimilated to English vocabulary testing. Researchers have highlighted that vocabularycomprehension largely relies upon a student’s ability to comprehend the meaning of wordsand not only about the number of words they know and that there is a common combinationbetween receptive and productive tasks that can help teachers move away from thetraditional approach to vocabulary testing. The aim of this study is to investigate thevocabulary tests for English as a second language that are relevant today. Also the aim is toidentify the theories that are involved in vocabulary testing and the various ways students aretested. Lastly the aim is to identify how teachers can also improve conditions for learning byincluding true/false statements, matching, filling-in-the-blank exercises, and translation orsynonym tasks.

Fritidslärarens uppdrag i klassrumsmiljö : En kvalitativ studie om fritidslärarens uppdrag i klassrumsmiljö i den obligatoriska skolan / Leisure teacher´s assignment in a classroom environment : A qualitative study of the leisureteacher´s assignment in the classroom environment in the compulsory school.

Hussein, Abdulahi, Lönnström, Felix January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Modersmål i fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie på hur fritidslärare strävar efter att skapa möjligheter för modersmål i fritidshemmet / Mother tongues in the leisure center : A qualitative study of how leisure-time teachers strive to create opportunities for mothertongues in the after-school center

Veladzic, Aldin, Ladan, Marin January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Online user tracking and usability tools - a mapping study

Nyström, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
Tracking user activities online can be done in order to improve systems usability, understand user behaviour or to increase monetary prot, to mention a few things. The software tools for this purpose can vary, for example in terms of usability of the tool itself, features, security, price, accessibility and support options. In this study I have developed a methodology to evaluate a selection of modern tools and map them depending on various properties. I have also analysed learning theories to gain an understanding of how they impact on the educational challenges in how to use these tools. This is all done within the context of public procurement. I conclude that learning theories can be used to further understand the complexity of designing educational material for this type of tools. Findings also show that tools designed for usability studies do not all follow usability design guidelines, both in design of the tool itself and the design of educational material. This study shows an approach to how to map the selected tools based on their main area of use, and how to expand the mapping in the future. / Sparning av anvandares aktiviteter pa internet gors av manga skal. De mjukvaruverktyg som anvands for dessa andamal varierar i termer av anvandbarhet, funktioner, sakerhet, pris, tillganglighet och support. I denna studie har jag utvecklat en metodik for att utvardera ett urval av dessa verktyg och kartlagga dem beroende pa olika egenskaper. Jag har ocksa analyserat larandeteorier for att fa forstaelse for hur de paverkar de pedagogiska utmaningarna i att lara sig anvanda dessa verktyg. Allt detta gors inom ramen for oentlig upphandling. Jag drar slutsatsen att larandeteorier kan anvandas for att ytterligare forsta komplexiteten i att utforma utbildningsmaterial for dessa typer av verktyg. Resultaten visar ocksa att verktyg avsedda for anvandbarhetsstudier inte alla foljer riktlinjerna for anvandbarhetsutformning, bade i design av sjalva verktyget och i utformningen av laromedel. Denna studie visar en strategi for hur man ska kartlagga de valda verktygen utifran deras huvudsakliga anvandningsomrade, och hur man kan utoka kartlaggningen i framtiden.

Matematikens historia i gymnasiematematiken : En undersökning om matematikhistorias varande och icke varande i skolmatematiken / History of Mathematics in Swedish Upper Secondary Education

Lindberg, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
De senaste åren har matematikens historia tagit allt större plats i den svenska gymnasieskolans kursplaner för matematik. Flertalet didaktikforskare och lärare menar att matematikundervisningen gynnas av att ämnets historia vävs in och inkluderas. Det heter att både elever som lärare får såväl en djupare förståelse som uppskattning av matematik. Samtidigt pekar flertalet undersökningar på att historia spelar en relativt undanskymd roll i matematikämnet. Lärare känner varken att de har den tid eller kunskap som krävs för att inkludera matematikhistoria på ett bra sätt. Alla är heller inte överens om ämnets historia verkligen har något med matematik att göra, vissa menar till och med att en inkludering av historia snarare förvirrar eleverna och därmed gör större skada än nytta. Det finns heller ingen större anledning för eleverna att ta till sig av den historia som tas upp eftersom de aldrig testas på kunskaper om matematikens historia. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur matematikhistoria används i gymnasiematematiken, hur mycket plats den får och hur den då presenteras. Detta ställs mot vilka attityder mot matematikens historia som finns bland elever och lärare, tycker de att matematikhistoria har någon plats i gymnasiematematiken och hur skulle de vilja att den inkluderades? I rapporten diskuteras det även om historia egentligen hör hemma i matematikämnet och hur det i så fall bör inkluderas. Studien är på många sätt en fortsättning av kortare studier på samma ämne, kopplade till tidigare kursplaner. Studiens resultat visar att matematikens historia spelar en perifer roll i undervisningen där historia mest används som utfyllnad och kuriosa som eleverna inte förväntas ta till sig. Både lärare och elever ser flera fördelar med en bredare inkludering av historia men är ändå skeptiska till att matematikens historia ska få någon större del i den riktiga matematiken, alltså det som testas. Detta samtidigt som de båda grupperna är överens om att matematikhistoria måste börja testas för att på allvar få plats i matematikundervisningen. Visserligen testas historia allt mer idag jämfört med för några år sedan men det är ännu i liten utsträckning och varken elever eller lärare tar dessa test särskilt seriöst. Bland såväl lärare som elever finns åsikten att matematikhistoria snarare hör hemma i historieämnet än i matematikämnet, något som motargumenteras i rapporten. Undersökningens resultat visar på att lärarna bör få hjälp att finna nya metoder för att inkludera matematikhistoria och att matematikens historia börjar testas seriöst. / During the last few decades, the history of mathematics has taken an increasingly large place in the curricula for mathematics in Swedish high school. Lots of didactics researchers and teachers believe that an inclusion of the history of mathematics can favor the mathematics education. Both students and teachers will get a deeper understanding as well as estimation of the subject. Having said this, the majority of studies indicate that history plays a relatively minor role in mathematics education. Teachers feel that they neither have the time nor the necessary knowledge to include the history of mathematics in a good way. There is a disagreement regarding the role of history in mathematics education, some even claim that an inclusion of the history of mathematics can do more harm than good. Furthermore, there is little incentive for the student to learn any history as they are never tested on the knowledge of the history of mathematics. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the history of mathematics is being used in high school mathematics, at what proportion it is being used and how it is being presented. This is set against the attitudes towards the history of mathematics that exists among students and teachers. Do they think that mathematics history has any place in high school mathematics and if so, how would they like it to be included? The report also discusses if history really belongs in the subject of mathematics and how it can or should be included. The study is a continuation of some shorter studies on the same topic, linked to precious curriculum. The results of the study show that the history of mathematics plays a peripheral role in mathematics. History is mostly used as curiosities that the students are not expected to learn. Both teachers and students can see several advantages to a broader inclusion of history but are still skeptical regarding if history really should get a bigger part in mathematics education. The two groups do not consider that the history of mathematics should be included in the tests, although they appear to agree that history has to be tested to have any chance of getting a bigger part in the classroom. Admittedly, the history of mathematics is being tested a bit more today than it was a few years ago but it is still in a rather low degree and neither the students nor the teachers take these tests particularly seriously. Among both students and teachers are said that the history of mathematics rather belong in the subject of history than in the subject of mathematics. The report argues for an inclusion of history in the subject of mathematics. The results presented in this report indicates that the teachers should be given help to find new methods to include history of mathematics and that the history of mathematics should be tested seriously.

Programvaruutveckling för en elektromagnetisk skanner med fokus på användaren, användarstudier och inlärning

André, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
The project was based on a request to improve an already existing program and hardware at the electrical engineering department at the royal institute of technology. For maximum ease of use, tests have been done on students to properly design the program for what it is meant to be used for. These tests have been transcribed and analysed, then brought back to the group in a discussion and then transcribed and analysed again, I call this process the ‘four step process’ (this process is presented and explained in chapter 6.4.). A part of this master thesis was also to analyse the four step process to enhance validity of this research. The project resulted in a new program with a new graphical view and features to help students and researchers to work with the technical tool for electromagnetic readings of planar objects. Because users of the program have been a big part of the development of the program, the finished product has been designed according to their requirements and to facilitate their work.

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