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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undergraduate Leadership Programs: A Case Study Analysis of Marietta College’s McDonough Leadership Program

Scott, Christopher G. 28 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Hjältar eller Lejdare? : En studie om ledarskapsideal och ledarskap i praktiken

Andersson, Martin, Schager, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Most people have a sense or understanding of leadership, this regardless if it is personallyexperienced or taught. A lot of former leadership research is focused on the leader, its attributes and functionality. From this perspective the successful leader is considered to have abilities that makes he or she someone special and extraordinary – a hero. However, a branch of more recent research takes a critical approach to this view. This critical perspective assumes that leadership is influenced and affected by other phenomena than just a strong leader. These phenomena can possibly be described as ideological or institutional. This paper aimes to critically analyze and problematize general assumptions and ideas about leadership.The study is based on interviews with six leaders from different businesses consisting of open-mindedly formulated questions about leadership. Among them are questions of the role of the leader and if there is a difference between being a leader and to excersise leadership. Also how they obtained the knowledge they possess about leadership. The study shows that people who are in a situation of leadership tend to describe it in relation to different types of leaders. These types of leaders seem to be categorizied as belonging to different generations and to them supposed ideals. The study also shows that there is a mutual dependence between leaders and followers, increasingly founded on cooperation and thereby acceptance and equality. / Ledarskap är något de flesta har en uppfattning om, vare sig det är självupplevt eller inlärt. Stora delar av tidigare ledarskapsforskning är centrerad kring ledaren, dennes attribut och funktion. Den framgångsrike ledaren anses, sett ur detta perspektiv, ha egenskaper som gör denne till någon särskild och extraordinär - en hjälte. En förgrening inom senare forskning intar dock ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till denna syn. Detta kritiska perspektiv utgår från att ledarskap influeras och påverkas av andra fenomen än en stark ledargestalt. Dessa fenomen kan möjligen beskrivas som ideologiska eller institutionella. Denna uppsats syftar till att kri- tiskt analysera och problematisera allmänna antaganden och idéer om ledarskap. I genomfö- randet av studien har sex stycken ledare från olika verksamheter intervjuats och öppna frågor har ställts om ledarens roll, eventuella skillnader mellan att vara ledare och att utöva ledarskap samt hur de erhållit den kunskap de besitter om ledarskap. Studien påvisar att personer i le- darställning tenderar att beskriva ledarskap i relation till olika typer av ledare. Dessutom ver- kar dessa ledarskapstyper kategoriseras som tillhörande olika generationer och dåvarande, påstådda, ideal. Studien visar även på att det existerar ett ömsesidigt beroende mellan ledare och följare som alltmer bygger på samarbete och därigenom acceptans och likställdhet.

Evaluation of the Junior Leader Organization in Southwestern Indian

Manning, Amy 01 July 1987 (has links)
Samples from three groups--Junior Leaders, 4-H members, and Non-4-H members--were compared to determine the effectiveness of the Junior Leader organization in Southwestern Indiana. Each sample in the three groups was given the Michigan Leadership Scale and a background information sheet. Comparisons were made between the groups and within each group. The study indicated that the Junior Leader group did not show a significant difference on enough of the variables in the study to conclude the members' skills could be directly attributed to the organization. The Junior Leader group was found to be significantly higher on some of the variables and in regard to involvement in other organizations. The Junior Leader group had a higher grade point average than the Non-4-H members group. The 4-H member group was significantly higher when the means were compared on leadership skills and involvement in other organizations than the Non-4-H member group. The 4-H member group had the highest grade point average of the three groups.

Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Leadership: A Study in the Context of Commercializing Satellite Technology

Shum, Jeremiah Christopher 10 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Leadership in Organisationen sozialer Bewegungen: Kollektive Reflexion und Regeln als Basis für Selbststeuerung

Simsa, Ruth 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag in der Zeitschrift Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation analysiert Leadership in Organisationen der spanischen Protestbewegung. Es werden Idealvorstellungen der AktivistInnen von Führung, deren Umsetzung in der Praxis, damit einhergehende Probleme und der Umgang mit diesen Problemen dargestellt. Theoretische Grundlage sind Critical Leadership Studies, die Führung nicht als das Handeln einzelner Personen, sondern als Prozess des gesamten beteiligten Systems interpretieren und damit klar zwischen Leadership und Führungspersonen unterscheiden. Ferner werden Konsequenzen für die Führungspraxis auch in konventionellen Organisationen diskutiert.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Leadership Studies Program

Hopkins, James Peter 01 January 2014 (has links)
>Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Leadership Studies Program. James P. Hopkins, 2013. Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler School of Education. ERIC Descriptors: Undergraduate Study, Student Experience, Program Effectiveness, Program Evaluation, Leadership. This case study reported on the effectiveness of the Jepson School of Leadership Studies program of instruction at the University of Richmond. The research extended and replicates research of a similar nature completed by Brungardt (1997) at Fort Hays State University and Funk (2005) at Kansas State University. The study investigated if the academic programming was an effective change agent were the attitudes, behaviors, or knowledge of the graduating seniors affected, and, if so, how. The study also reviewed which curriculum components pedagogy, course content, or service learning were most effective. This mixed-methods study focused on the perennial question surrounding academically based leadership studies programs are they effective? While effectiveness and causation are the main themes of this research, the study also addressed the utility of mixed-methods research on leadership topics and the need for further research into programs offering leadership studies degrees. The results suggested that students changed by growing in leadership capacity and efficacy through their Jepson School academic experiences. Quantitative instruments reflect growth in leadership behaviors from the sophomore to senior years and an overall satisfaction with the Jepson academic programming. The qualitative instruments added weight and meaning to quantitative results by explaining program impacts and benefits from a student, alumni, and key staff perspective. The results of this study matched the results of previous research and suggested that academic leadership studies programs are effective change agents.

On the Move: Storying the Authentic Leadership Development of Millennial Gay Men

Williams, Kyle 01 August 2019 (has links)
This study used Arts-based research and Narrative Inquiry to explore the rural-urban transition experiences of three high-achieving millennial gay men. Using Clandinin’s (2013) narrative commonplaces of temporality, sociality, and place as frames for understanding each participant’s individual story, the study utilized The Listening Guide (Gilligan, 2015) to illuminate participants’ experiences related to identity development, sense of community, queer migration, and authentic leadership development. In addition to the individual narratives, story threads or themes present in one, two, or all three narrative portraits were analyzed and discussed. The data also included found poetry and original poems written in the style of George Ella Lyon’s (1999) I Am From poem. The study examined the authentic leadership development of the participants and advanced arts-based research through a discussion of the personal, practical, and social justifications of the methodology broadly, and this study in particular. The significance of this study is directly related to the social justifications of theoretical contributions and a social justice orientation. By engaging in the research, the participants told their stories in this way for the first time and gave voice to their past experiences and illuminated the implications of these experiences on their current roles as junior faculty members and administrators in higher education. The narrative portraits and poetry serve as counter-narratives to those of white, straight men which are most often privileged in the academy and beyond. This study demonstrates the usefulness and rigor of using narrative methods to gather and share stories about 1) transitioning between rural and urban places, 2) the experiences of a subset of the millennial cohort and life-course development, 3) and the development of authentic leadership. Each participant expressed a passion and purpose for more socially just classrooms, campus environments, and community spaces, and each participant incorporated this purpose in his teaching, research, and practice in his own way. As more millennial gay men assume leadership positions in universities, board rooms, and city halls, ABR creates the potential capacity for a new generation of public leaderships to usher in societal shifts reflecting a changing America.

Cultivating Partnerships Between Community Leaders and Service Agencies to Provide Support for Military Families

Stillwell, Marla C 01 January 2015 (has links)
In an effort to evaluate the social needs of military families, this study will evaluate levels of community support, its influence on military families and how military communities work to provide support for those needs through partnerships. Previous and related studies have emphasized support areas which include suggestions for building strong communities for military families, building resilience, creating partnerships and providing military families with the social support they need to stay together and function positively. Data was collected from community leaders and stakeholders specifically in Elizabethtown, Kentucky (a Fort Knox community) through open-ended interviews to assess community support and services currently available, how leaders perceive current support systems, and identify key recommendations for cultivating partnerships to provide community support for military families stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

The Girlventures Culture: Supporting People of Color in the Organization

Tabeson, Charlotte A 01 January 2014 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on looking at how GirlVentures’—a non-profit with the purpose of empowering adolescent girls to develop self confidence and leadership skills—women of color experience support within and from the organization. An analysis of the organization’s overall history, functioning, culture, and aspects of experience for participants and employees of color will be obtained from interviews, coupled with my personal experience within the organization. An analysis of strengths and areas of growth for the organization will be worked in through out the study. This study hopes to assess and contribute to a higher quality of support for women of color involved with this organization in the future.

Revalume: Configurable Employee Evaluations in the Cloud

Li, Terrence Zone 01 March 2017 (has links)
The software industry has seen a shift from annual to more frequent quarterly and even weekly employee reviews. As a result, there is a high demand for employee evaluations to be less costly and less time-consuming, while providing key insights for richer interactions between employees and their employers or managers. Tech com- panies are constantly looking for methods of producing high quality evaluations to prevent costly turnover. In an industry where software engineers are in high demand, tech companies face a challenging problem. Issues with employee evaluations typi- cally include the lack of performance transparency, unhelpful feedback, lack of metrics, lack of time, and lack of resources. This thesis addresses these challenges through the implementation of an employee evaluation tool. Revalume is a cloud-based web application that provides a stream-lined solution of creating, routing, completing, and viewing evaluation forms. Revalume allows users to use pre-existing and configurable templates, third-party APIs, and a friendly UI to ease the evaluation process. Revalume was evaluated with a longitudinal, semi-controlled study that demonstrates meaningful improvements over existing solutions.

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