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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The characterization and control of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot on vine

Mostert, Lizel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Phomopsis cane and leaf spot disease of grapevine is an economically important disease in many of the vine-growing areas of the world. Four different Phomopsis spp. have previously been associated with this disease. The present study investigates the taxonomic significance of the different taxa found on grapevines in South Africa, as well as the endophytic growth and fungicide sensitivity of Phomopsis viticola isolates. The thesis is compiled of several different parts, which deal with specific, but related topics, and hence some duplication has been unavoidable. Understanding the epidemiology of a disease is important for the correct timing of disease control. To investigate the endophytic growth of P. viticola, asymptomatic shoots were collected at eight different growth stages. Nodes, internodes, leaf petioles, leaves, tendrils and bunch peduncles were investigated. Two Phomopsis spp., taxon 1 and 2 were identified in this study. The Phomopsis viticola-complex had a relative importance of 9% and accounted for 3% of the isolations. P. viticola (taxon 2) is mainly isolated from the nodes and internodes. Inoculations of healthy, young vine tissue confirmed taxon 2 to be a virulent pathogen, suggesting that it is a latent pathogen rather than an endophyte. In contrast, taxon 1 appeared to be a true endophyte, and did not seem to be an important pathogen on vines. The true identity of the causal organism of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot disease was investigated by collecting samples from 58 different vineyards in the grapevine growing areas of the Western Cape. P. viiicola occurred in grapevine material collected from Lutzville to Swellendam, but was not found in the Oudtshoorn and Orange River grapevine areas. Diaporthe perjuncta (taxon 1), P. vutcola (taxon 2), taxon 3 and a Phomopsis species commonly associated with shoot blight of peaches in the U.S.A., P. amygdali, were identified among the South African grapevine isolates. Examination of the Australian culture designated as taxon 4 found it to be a species of Libertella, thus excluding it from the P. viticola-complex. An Italian isolate was found to represent a species of Phomopsis not previously known from grapevines, and this was subsequently described as taxon 5. Species delimitation was based on morphological and cultural characteristics, stem inoculations and the formation of the teleomorph in vitro. The identity of each morphological taxon was confirmed by means of phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1 and ITS2) and the 5' end partial sequence of the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU). P. amygdali, associated with peach shoot blight in the U.S.A., was isolated once only and appeared to be of lesser importance in this disease complex. Furthermore, taxa 1 (Diaporthe perjuncta) and 3 were also rarely encountered and proved to be non-pathogenic, indicating their non-functional role in Phomopsis cane and leaf spot disease. Taxon 2 (Phomopsis viticolas was common and widely distributed in diseased vineyards. This taxon was associated with the typical disease symptoms and proved to be pathogenic. Morphologically taxon 2 corresponded best with P. viticola, which was also neotypified in this study. Taxon 2 was mostly isolated from buds and nodes, indicating that these are important sites in which the fungus survives during winter. Molecular data indicated that taxon 3 and P. amygdali were not host specific to grapevine. The currently used foliar fungicides were compared to the new strobilurin fungicides. The effects of nine fungicides (azoxystrobin, flusilazole, folpet, fosetyl- Al+mancozeb, kresoxim-methyl, mancozeb, penconazole, spiroxamine and trifloxystrobin) were tested in vitro on inhibition of mycelial growth. The following EC50 (ug/ml) values were obtained: azoxystrobin (0.350), flusilazole (0.007), folpet (4.489), fosetyl-Al+mancozeb (3.925), kresoxim-methyl (1.665), mancozeb (2.891), penconazole (0.023), spiroxamine (0.321) and trifloxystrobin (0.051). Additionally, azoxystrobin, folpet, kresoxim-methyl, mancozeb, propineb and trifloxystrobin were tested for their ability to inhibit spore germination in vitro. The subsequent EC50 (ug/ml) values were obtained: azoxystrobin 0.123), folpet (0.510), kresoxim-methyl (0.0037), mancozeb (0.250), propineb (0.156) and trifloxystrobin (0.003). The results reported in part 4 showed that the strobilurin fungicides inhibited the mycelial growth and spore germination of P. viticola. However, further trials need to be conducted to verify these findings under field conditions. In the present study taxa 1, 3 and P. amygdali were infrequently isolated, suggesting that they played a less prominent role in the P. viticolacomplex. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Streepvleksiekte van wingerd is 'n ekonomies belangrike siekte wat in die meeste wingerdproduserende gebiede van die wêreld voorkom. Vier Phomopsis spesies is in die verlede met dié siekte geassosieer. Hierdie studie ondersoek die taksonomiese belangrikheid van die verskillende taksa wat op wingerd in Suid Afrika gevind word, asook die endofietiese groei en fungisiedsensitiwiteit van die Phomopsis vitico/a isolate. Hierdie tesis bestaan uit verskeie dele met spesifieke, maar verwante onderwerpe wat tot onafwendbare duplisering lei. Dit is belangrik om die epidemiologie van 'n siekte te verstaan sodat korrekte en tydsberekende siektebeheer toegepas kan word. Die endofietiese groei van P. vitico/a is ondersoek deur simptoomlose lote by agt verskillende groei stadiums te versamel. Nodusse, internodusse, blaarstele, blare, rankies en trosstele is ondersoek. Twee Phomopsis spp., takson 1 en 2 is geïdentifiseer. Die Phomopsis vitico/a-kompleks het 3% van die isolasies uitgemaak en 'n relatiewe belangrikheid van 9% getoon. P. vitico/a (takson 2) is meestal uit die nodus en internodus geïsoleer. lnokulasies van gesonde, jong wingerdweefsel het bevestig dat takson 2 'n virulente patogeen is en dat die takson eerder 'n latente patogeen as 'n endofiet is. In teenstelling hiermee is takson 1 'n ware endofiet en 'n onbelangrike patogeen op wingerd. Die ware identiteit van die veroorsakende organisme van streepvlek is ondersoek deur plantmateriaal vanaf 58 verskillende wingerde in die wingerproduserende gebiede van die Wes-Kaap te versamel. P. vitico/a is in wingerdmateriaal vanaf Lutzville tot Swellendam aangetref, maar nie in die Oudtshoorn en Oranjerivier wingerd produserende gebiede nie. Diaporthe perjuncta (takson 1), P. vitico/a (takson 2), takson 3 en P. amygdali is in die Suid Afrikaanse wingerdisolate geïdentifiseer. P. amygdali word met lootverskroeiing van perske bome in die V.S.A. geassosieer. Die Australiese isolaat wat benoem is as takson 4, is met die huidige ondersoek gevind om 'n spesie van Libertella te wees. Takson 4 is daarvolgens uit die P. vitico/a-kompleks gelaat. 'n Italiaanse isolaat het 'n nuwe spesie van Phomopsis op wingerd verteenwoordig en is vervolgens as takson 5 beskryf. Spesie-onderskeiding is op morfologiese en kulturele eienskappe, staminokulasies en die vorming van die teleomorf in vitro gebaseer. Die identiteit vanelke morfologiese takson is met behulp van filogenetiese analises van die nukleêre ribosomale DNS intern transkriberende spasieerders (ITS 1 en ITS2) en die 5' punt gedeeltelike nukleotied volgorde van die mitochondriale klein subeenheid (mtSSU) bevestig. P. amygdali is slegs een keer geïsoleer en blyk van minder belang in die siektekompleks te wees. Takson 1 (Diaporthe perjuneta) en takson 3 het ook min voorgekom en is nie-patogenies, wat hul nie-funksionele rol in streepvleksiekte aandui. Takson 2 (P. viticola) is algemeen geïsoleer en kom wyd verspreid voor. Hierdie takson is geassosieer met die tipiese siektesimptome en is ook patogenies. Morfologies stem takson 2 met P. viiicola ooreen en is ook geneotipifiseer in hierdie studie. Takson 2 is meestal vanaf die ogies en nodusse geïsoleer, wat daarop dui dat hierdie belangrike setels is waar die swam tydens die winter oorleef. Die molekulêre data toon aan dat takson 3 en P. amygdali nie gasheerspesifiek tot wingerd is nie. Die swamdoders wat tans teen streepvlek gebruik word, is met die nuwe strobilurin swamdoders vergelyk. Die effek van nege swamdoders (azoksistrobin, flusilasool, folpet, fosetyl-Al + mancozeb, kresoxirn-metiel, mankozeb, penconasool, spiroksamien en trifloksistrobin) is in vitro op die inhibisie van miseliumgroei getoets. Die volgende EKso-waardes (g/ml) is verkry: azoxystrobin (0.350), flusilasool (0.007), folpet (4.489), fosetiel-Al + mankozeb (3.925), kresoxirn-metiel (l.665), mankozeb (2.891), penkonasool (0.023), spiroksamien (0.321) en trifloxystrobin (0.051). Azoxystrobin, folpet, kresoxim-rnetiel, mankozeb, propineb en trifloksistrobin is ook in vitro getoets vir hul inhibisie op spoorontkieming. Die volgende EKso-waardes is verkry: azoxystrobin (0.123), folpet (0.510), kresoxim-metiel (0.0037), mankozeb (0.250), propineb (0.156) en trifloxystrobin (0.003). Die resultate vervat in deel 4 toon dat die strobilurin swamdoders die miseliumgroei en spoorontkieming van P. viticola inhibeer. Toetsing in die veld word egter benodig om die effektiwiteit van die middels te bevestig. In hierdie studie is taksa I, 3 en P. amygdali selde geïsoleer, wat aangedui het dat hierdie taksa 'n minder belangrike rol in die P. viticola-kompleks speel.

Breeding for durable resistance to angular leaf spot (Pseudocercospora griseola) in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Kenya.

Njoki, Ng'ayu-Wanjau Beatrice. 13 May 2014 (has links)
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important legume crop in Kenya and is a cheap source of proteins. The small scale farmers in Kenya produce common bean under low agricultural input systems and this predisposes the crop to pests and diseases. Among the diseases, angular leaf spot (ALS) is a major constraint to common bean production and contributes to yield losses as high as 80%. The causative pathogen Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous & Braun is highly variable and several races have been reported. There are few common bean genotypes with resistance to this disease. Therefore breeding for resistance to ALS is important for the country. This study was carried out to; i) evaluate the common bean production systems, constraints and farmer varietal preferences in Kenya, ii) evaluate local landraces and selected introductions of common bean for yield performance and reaction to ALS, iii) study the genetics of resistance to ALS in common bean and iv) develop a breeding method for durable resistance to ALS in common bean. To determine the common bean production systems, farmers’ preferred traits and their knowledge on common bean constraints including ALS, a survey was conducted in Kiambu county using a semi-structured questionnaire, interviews, and focus group discussions. The study revealed that farmers cultivate common beans during the short and long rain seasons. However, they experience better yields in the short rains due to reduced disease incidence. The majority of the farmers (71%) intercrop common bean and this ensures maximum utilisation of space. A high percentage (70%) of the farmers utilise their retained seed for production. The farmers identified ALS as one of the most important constraints to production. The only preventative measure they undertake to control the disease is weeding. The farmers reported that they would prefer improved varieties that were resistant to ALS. Farmers have a preference for particular common bean traits that include high yield (80%), resistance to insect-pests and diseases (72%), type I growth habit (52%), early maturity (68%), seed size and colour (21%) and cooking time (20%). These should be incorporated in breeding programmes. Two hundred common bean landraces and market class varieties were evaluated for ALS resistance in a nethouse at University of Nairobi, Kabete Field Station and for ALS resistance and yield in the field in KARI-Tigoni. The results showed that disease severity scores for the genotypes were similar in the two locations, with the top three resistant genotypes being Minoire, GBK 028123 and Murangazi with disease severity scores of 2.9, 2.9 and 3.2 in Kabete and 2.6, 2.8, and 2.9 in Thika respectively. These resistant genotypes can be used as sources of resistance in a breeding programme or they can be used as resistant varieties. All the market class varieties were susceptible to ALS (disease severity score 6.7-8.0). There was a non-significant correlation between disease and yield most likely because most of the resistant genotypes were exotic and hence not adapted to the local conditions. There was also a non-significant correlation between disease and seed size. The two hundred common bean genotypes were evaluated for yield at University of Nairobi, Kabete Field Station and KARI-Thika. The results indicated that the 2011 and 2012 seasons had similar mean yields and that yields at Kabete were higher than at KARI-Thika. The highest yielding genotypes across the two locations were; GLP 2 (766 kg ha-1), Nyirakanyobure (660 kg ha-1), GBK 028110 (654 kg ha-1), GLP 585 (630 kg ha-1) and Mukwararaye (630 kg ha-1). There was a significant genotype x environment interaction and hence it is important for breeders to carry out stability analysis, so as to recommend varieties for a wide range of environments. To study the genetics of ALS resistance in common bean, three inter-gene pool crosses: Super-rosecoco x Mexico 54, Wairimu x G10909 and Wairimu x Mexico 54 were made. The resistant genotypes were Mexico 54 and G10909, while Super-rosecoco and Wairimu were susceptible. The generations F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 for each of the crosses were developed. The parents P1, P2 and the five generations of each cross were evaluated for resistance to ALS in Kabete Field Station. Results showed that both dominance and additive gene action were important in the expression of resistance to ALS. However, additive gene action was predominant over dominance gene action. There was a moderately high narrow sense heritability estimate (52.9-71.7%). The minimum number of genes controlling resistance to ALS was between 2 and 3. The predominance of additive gene effects and the moderately high narrow sense heritability estimates recorded imply that progress in resistance to ALS could be made through selection in the early segregating generations. A double cross followed by selection against resistant genotypes was used to develop a method to breed for durable resistance to ALS in common bean. The method was used to accumulate minor genes of ALS resistance into single genotypes. Four intermediate resistant landraces were used to develop a double cross population that was screened using a mixture of ALS races. Selection in F1 and F2 population was done on the basis of intermediate resistance (disease severity score 4.0-6.0), while selection from F3 population was based on resistance (disease severity score 1.0-3.0). Ten advanced F4 lines along with their parents were evaluated for ALS resistance. The F4 advanced lines had a significantly improved resistance to ALS compared to their parents. Hence the method was successful in accumulating minor genes for resistance thus showing significant breeding progress in breeding for durable resistance. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Ramularia collo-cygni an Gerste / Biologie, Verbreitung, ökonomische Bedeutung und Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten / Ramularia collo-cygni on barley

Balz, Torsten 27 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Recurrent selection for gray leaf spot (GLS) and phaeosphaeria leaf spot (PLS) resistance in four maize populations and heterotic classification of maize germplasm from western Kenya.

Kwena, Philip Onyimbo. January 2007 (has links)
Maize (Zea mays L.) production is constrained by a number of stresses, amongst the most important are gray leaf spot (GLS) caused by a fungus Cercospora zeaemaydis Tehon and E.Y. Daniels and Phaeosphaeria leaf spot (PLS) caused by Phaeosphaeria maydis (Henn.). The diverse germplasm comprising farmer collections and exotic material used in the medium and highland altitudes maize breeding programmes in western Kenya has not been improved for resistance to the two diseases. Heterotic patterns of germplasm from this region have also not been studied. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (i) assess the prevalence, importance, and farmers’ perceptions of GLS and PLS, (ii) characterize maize germplasm collections into their heterotic groups and (iii) improve four maize populations for GLS and PLS resistance through recurrent selection. The participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was conducted at three sites in western Kenya during the 2005/2006 cropping season. Data was generated using a checklist in group discussions with 109 male and 123 female farmers as well as key informants. Constraints were identified and prioritised. The five most limiting, in order of importance, were low soil fertility, poor varieties and seed, drought, Striga, pests and diseases (GLS and PLS). Gray leaf spot and PLS were reported in all sites but farmers did not know the causes of these diseases. Farmers preferred local varieties Tiriki, Anzika and Kipindi due to their greater resistance to diseases than commercial hybrids. Farmer criteria for variety selection were low fertilizer, Striga and disease resistance, drought tolerance, closed tips, and high yield potential. Due to the high cost of hybrid seed farmers selected and planted their own seed from advanced generations from previous seasons. Across all the sites, yield gap between on-farm and expected yield potential was estimated as ranging from 4.73t ha-1 to 5.3t ha-1 mainly due to the identified constraints. Therefore maize breeding should focus on addressing important maize production constraints and farmers’ preferences identified in this study in developing varieties that will increase maize yields on-farm. During 2005/2006, seventy 77 testcrosses were developed through crossing 47 germplasm collections with four population testers, Kitale synthetic II (KSII), Ecuador 573 (EC 573), Pool A and Pool B. Crosses and testers were evaluated at Kakamega during 2006/2007 in a 9 x 9 triple lattice design. Significant (p < 0.05) differences in grain yield, ear height, days to 50% anthesis, GLS and PLS resistance were observed. Both general and specific combining ability effects (GCA and SCA, respectively) were significant (p < 0.01), with SCA accounting for more than 50% of the variation for GLS, PLS and yield and less than 50% for ear height, days to 50% anthesis and silk. This indicated that both additive and non-additive gene effects were important but non-additive gene effects were more important in conditioning these traits. High SCA effects indicated high heterosis between collections and populations. Both yield heterosis and SCA were used to study heterotic patterns, but percentage yield heterosis data was used to classify these materials into heterotic groups. Based on significance (p < 0.05) of percentage yield heterosis as a primary factor for classification, seven collections were classified to Pool A, 17 to Pool B, 12 to KSII and 6 to EC 573 heterotic groups. The study indicated that germplasm collections belong to distinct heterotic groups therefore they can be infused into these populations (Pool A, Pool B, KSII and EC 573). Four populations, KSII, EC 573, Pool A and Pool B were subjected to one cycle of reciprocal recurrent selection (RRS) and two cycles of simple recurrent selection (SRS) during the 2004-2006 cropping seasons at Kakamega. Response to selection was assessed by evaluating C0, C1 and C2 and four commercial checks in a randomised complete block design in three replications at Kakamega and Kitale during 2007. All cycles except C0 of Pool A were more resistant to GLS than the three checks, H623, KSTP94 and PHB3253. Response to selection for GLS was significant (p < 0.01) in the desired direction. Gains ranged from -32.2% to 6.4% cycle-1 for RRS and 0.0% to -61.3% cycle-1 for SRS. Heritability estimates of between 59% and 76.3% for GLS and 39% and 80% for PLS were observed indicating that both GLS and PLS can be improved through selection. Significant negative correlations between GLS and yield were observed in Pool A C0 (r = -0.947, p < 0.01) and between yield and PLS in Pool A C0 (r = -0.926, p < 0.01). These indicated gain in yield as GLS and PLS were selected against. Generally, SRS out performed RRS method both in genetic gain and time, as indicated by gain of -61% for SRS and -32.2% for RRS, respectively. Two cycles of selection were achieved in two years with SRS as compared to only one with RRS. These results clearly demonstrated that it is possible to improve for GLS resistance using simple and reciprocal recurrent selection methods. The main constraints to maize production in Western Kenya were low soil fertility, Striga, drought, lack of seed and diseases. Farmers preferred varieties that can do well under the constraints mentioned. Local collections belonged to distinct heterotic groups with good resistance to GLS and PLS and were highly heterotic to four maize population testers with both SCA and GCA effects being important in conditioning GLS and PLS resistance. Recurrent selection methods were found to improve maize resistance to GLS and PLS. Breeding should therefore, focus in development of hybrids and improvement of populations using these local collections by employing SRS and RRS selection methods with identified constraints and farmer preferences in mind. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.


Hinnah, Fernando Dill 24 January 2014 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Sunflower is an alternative specie to the system of no-tillage and crop rotation. His inclusion in this system provides soil improvements and interruption on cycle of pests and diseases, which are responsible for losses of productivity of the mainly sown crops. In addition to these benefits this specie has characteristics of increased tolerance to drought than traditional crops such as soybean and corn, maintaining satisfactory yields even in dry years considereds. For inclusion in the rotation and maintaining satisfactory yields the knowledge of the best sowing dates is necessary. As the weather has interannual variability, the risk analysis for the sowing dates is required, through a study of probability with a long series of weather data for better definition. This study aims to determine the sowing date of sunflower in which lower severity of alternaria and septoria leaf spots in the RS Central Region occurs. For it has adapted and calibrated an algorithm providing a forecasting system diseases, based on data from leaf wetness duration, air temperature during the leaf wetness period and rain, calculating the accumulated severity values (VSCA) throughout the cycle. In this adaptation and calibration data from six experiments performed at the Department of Plant Science since 2007. Hourly values of weather data from 1968 to 2011 was estimated from the default readings, and use this algorithm were simulated for 14 different dates of sowing spaced in 15 days, beginning on August 1 and ending on February 16 of each year. Due to the interannual variability of ENSO and their influence on weather conditions, crop seasons years was apart in Neutral, La Niña and El Niño. The data generated from the analysis of variance and the means of Scott- Knott test at 5% probability of error was taken. In addition, the VSCA were subjected to analysis of probability distribution, verifying that the Weibull, lognormal and normal distributions has the best represent the distribution of values of severity of leaf spots on sunflower, both for the entire cycle and for the subperiods emergency-end of anthesis and early reproductive-final stage of anthesis sunflower. It was also found that the period between early February and late April is more favorable to leaf spots, while sowing dates from August 1 to October 16, resulting in lower severity values, differing significantly from later sowings. In El Niño years suffer the greatest severities of disease, followed by La Niña years, and finally with the lowest values of VSCA for Neutrals years. / O girassol é uma espécie alternativa para o sistema de plantio direto e rotação de culturas. Sua inserção neste sistema proporciona melhorias edáficas e interrupção do ciclo de pragas e doenças causadoras de perdas de produtividade nas culturas agrícolas mais semeadas. Além destes benefícios, esta espécie possui características de maior tolerância ao déficit hídrico do que culturas tradicionais como a soja e o milho, mantendo produtividades satisfatórias mesmo em anos considerados secos. Para a sua inclusão no sistema de rotação e manutenção de produtividades satisfatórias é necessário o conhecimento das melhores datas semeadura. Como as condições meteorológicas tem variabilidade interanual, é necessária a análise de risco para uma mesma data de semeadura, através de um estudo de probabilidade com uma série longa de dados meteorológicos para sua melhor definição. Este trabalho objetiva determinar a data de semeadura do girassol na qual ocorre menor severidade das manchas foliares de alternária e septória, na Região Central do RS. Para isso adaptou-se e calibrou-se um algoritmo provendo um sistema de previsão de doenças, baseado em dados de duração do molhamento foliar, temperatura do ar durante o período de molhamento foliar, e chuva, obtendo-se os valores de severidade calculada acumulados (VSCA) durante todo o ciclo. Nesta adaptação e calibração utilizaram-se dados de seis experimentos realizados no Departamento de Fitotecnia desde o ano de 2007. Os dados meteorológicos estimados para valores horários de 1968 até 2011, a partir das leituras padrão, e a utilização deste algoritmo, foram simuladas para 14 diferentes datas de semeadura espaçadas em 15 dias, iniciando em 01 de agosto e finalizando em 16 de fevereiro de cada ano. Devido à variabilidade interanual do fenômeno ENOS e sua influência sobre as condições meteorológicas, os anos separados em Neutros, La Niña e El Niño. A partir dos dados gerados foi feita a análise de variância e o teste de médias de Scott-Knott a 5% de probabilidade de erro. Além disso, os VSCA obtidos foram submetidos a análise de distribuição de probabilidade, verificando-se que as distribuições Weibull, lognormal e normal representam melhor a distribuição dos valores de severidade máxima das manchas foliares no girassol, tanto para o ciclo completo quanto para os subperíodos emergência-final da antese e início da fase reprodutiva-final da antese do girassol. Verificou-se ainda que o período entre o início de fevereiro e o final de abril é mais favorável às manchas foliares, enquanto que as datas de semeadura de 01 de agosto a 16 de outubro resultam nos menores valores de severidade, diferindo significativamente das semeaduras posteriores. Em anos El Niño ocorrem as maiores severidades das doenças, seguido pelos anos de La Niña, e finalmente com os menores valores de VSCA para os anos Neutros.

Abiotischer Stress in Weizenblättern: Reaktionen im Photosynthese-Apparat in Relation zum Stressmetabolismus / Abiotic stress in wheat leaves: reactions in photosynthesis processes in relation to stress metabolism

Grimme, Elke 25 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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