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The value of hepatic resection in metastasic renal cancer in the era of Tyrosinkinase Inhibitor TherapyHau, Hans Michael, Thalmann, Florian, Lübbert, Christoph, Morgul, Mehmet Haluk, Schmelzle, Moritz, Atanasov, Georgi, Benzing, Christian, Lange, Undine, Ascherl, Rudolf, Ganzer, Roman, Uhlmann, Dirk, Tautenhahn, Hans-Michael, Wiltberger, Georg, Bartels, Michael January 2016 (has links)
Background: The value of liver-directed therapy (LDT) in patients with metastasic renal cell carcinoma (MRCC) is still an active field of research, particularly in the era of tyrosinkinase inhibitor (TKI) therapy. Methods: The records of 35 patients with MRCC undergoing LDT of metastasic liver lesions between 1992 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Immediate postoperative TKI was given in a subgroup of patients after LDT for metastasic lesions. Uni- and multivariate models were applied to assess overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS) and disease-free survival (DFS). Results: Following primary tumor (renal cell cancer) resection and LDT, respectively, median OS was better for a total of 16 patients (41 %) receiving immediate postoperative TKI with 151 and 98 months, when compared to patients without TKI therapy with 61 (p = 0.003) and 40 months (p = 0.032). Immediate postoperative TKI was associated with better median PFS (47 months versus 19 months; p = 0.023), whereas in DFS only a trend was observed (51 months versus 19 months; p = 0.110). Conclusions: LDT should be considered as a suitable additive tool in the era of TKI therapy of MRCC to the liver. In this context, postoperative TKI therapy seems to be associated with better OS and PFS, but not DFS.
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Contemporary management of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinomaTefera Kassahun, Woubet 21 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) is a malignant liver tumor which is thought to be a variant of conventional hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It accounts for a small proportion of HCC cases and occurs in a distinctly different group of patients which are young and usually not in the setting of chronic liver disease. The diagnosis of FL-HCC requires the integration of clinical information, imaging studies, and histology. In terms of the treatment options, the only potentially curative treatment option for patients who have resectable disease
is surgery either liver resection (LR) or liver transplantation (LT). When performed in a context of aggressive therapy, long-term outcomes after surgery, particularly liver resection for FL-HCC, were favorable. The clinical outcome of patients with unresectable disease is suboptimal with median survival of less than 12 months. The aim of this review
is to update the available evidence on diagnosis, treatment options, outcome predictors, and recent developments of patients with this rare disease and to provide a summarized overview of the available literature.
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Unresolved issues and controversies surrounding the management of colorectal cancer liver metastasisKassahun, Woubet T. January 2015 (has links)
Ideally, tumors that might cause morbidity and mortality should be treated, preferably early, with proven, convincing, and effective therapy to prevent tumor progression or recurrence, while maintaining a favorable risk-benefit profile for the individual patient. For patients with
colorectal cancer (CRC), this diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic precision is currently impossible. Despite significant improvements in diagnostic procedures, a sizable number of patients with CRC have liver metastases either at presentation or will subsequently develop it. And in many parts of the world, most cancer-related deaths are still due to metastases that are resistant to conventional therapy. Metastases to the liver occur in more than 50% of patients with CRC and represent the major determinant of outcome following curative treatment of the primary tumor. Liver resection offers the best chance of cure for metastases confined to the liver. However, due to a paucity of randomized controlled trials, its timing is controversial and a hotly debated topic. This article reviews some of the main controversies
surrounding the surgical management of colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRLM).
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Prognostic significance of macrophage invasion in hilar cholangiocarcinomaAtanasov, Georgi, Hau, Hans-Michael, Dietel, Corinna, Benzing, Christian, Krenzien, Felix, Brandl, Andreas, Wiltberger, Georg, Matia, Ivan, Prager, Isabel, Schierle, Katrin, Robson, Simon C., Reutzel-Selke, Anja, Pratschke, Johann, Schmelzle, Moritz, Jonas, Sven January 2015 (has links)
Background: Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) promote tumor progression and have an effect on survival in human cancer. However, little is known regarding their influence on tumor progression and prognosis in human hilar cholangiocarcinoma.
Methods: We analyzed surgically resected tumor specimens of hilar cholangiocarcinoma (n = 47) for distribution and localization of TAMs, as defined by expression of CD68. Abundance of TAMs was correlated with clinicopathologic characteristics, tumor recurrence and patients’ survival. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software.
Results: Patients with high density of TAMs in tumor invasive front (TIF) showed significantly higher local and overall tumor recurrence (both ρ < 0.05). Furthermore, high density of TAMs was associated with decreased overall (one-year 83.6 % vs. 75.1 %; three-year 61.3 % vs. 42.4 %; both ρ < 0.05) and recurrence-free survival (one-year 93.9 % vs. 57.4 %;
three-year 59.8 % vs. 26.2 %; both ρ < 0.05). TAMs in TIF and tumor recurrence, were confirmed as the only independent prognostic variables in the multivariate survival analysis (all ρ < 0.05).
Conclusions: Overall survival and recurrence free survival of patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma significantly improved in patients with low levels of TAMs in the area of TIF, when compared to those with a high density of
TAMs. These observations suggest their utilization as valuable prognostic markers in routine histopathologic evaluation, and might indicate future therapeutic approaches by targeting TAMs.
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Contemporary management of fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma: diagnosis, treatment, outcome, prognostic factors, and recent developmentsTefera Kassahun, Woubet January 2016 (has links)
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) is a malignant liver tumor which is thought to be a variant of conventional hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It accounts for a small proportion of HCC cases and occurs in a distinctly different group of patients which are young and usually not in the setting of chronic liver disease. The diagnosis of FL-HCC requires the integration of clinical information, imaging studies, and histology. In terms of the treatment options, the only potentially curative treatment option for patients who have resectable disease
is surgery either liver resection (LR) or liver transplantation (LT). When performed in a context of aggressive therapy, long-term outcomes after surgery, particularly liver resection for FL-HCC, were favorable. The clinical outcome of patients with unresectable disease is suboptimal with median survival of less than 12 months. The aim of this review
is to update the available evidence on diagnosis, treatment options, outcome predictors, and recent developments of patients with this rare disease and to provide a summarized overview of the available literature.
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Induktion und Regulation der Hämoxygenase-1 in humanen HepatozytenMüller, Eda 04 October 2002 (has links)
Der nach Leberoperation und -transplantation auftretende Ischämie-/ Reperfusionsschaden (I/R) und die konsekutive Inflammation des Lebergewebes stellen ein bedeutendes klinisches Problem dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Einflüsse der warmen und kalten Ischämie (100% N2 bei 37°C bzw. 4°C) sowie der Exposition inflammatorischer Zytokine und Endotoxin (IL-1beta, 10 U/ml; IFN-gamma, 100 U/ml; TNF-alpha, 500 U/ml; LPS, 5 µg/ml) auf die Expression der Hämoxygenase-1 (HO- 1) mRNA und seines Proteins, einem Vertreter der Hitze-Schock-Proteine mit potentiell antioxidativer Wirkung, in humanen Hepatozytenprimärkulturen untersucht. Warme und kalte Ischämie stimulierten die HO-1 mRNA Expression in humanen Hepatozyten nach 0,5 bis 1h. Das HO-1 Protein wurde über 0,5-6h maximal exprimiert. Der Zellschaden, gemessen an der AST und LDH Freisetzung unter ischämischen Bedingungen wurde insbesondere nach 24 h beobachtet. Nach Zytokinexposition wurde die höchste Expressionsrate der mRNA durch IFN-gamma hervorgerufen, gefolgt von TNF-alpha, LPS und IL-1beta. Jedes einzelne Zytokin stimulierte die HO-1 mRNA Expression nach 0,5 h, erreichte ein Maximum nach 3 h und fiel nach 6 h ab. Nach Stimulation mit einem Zytokinmix (CM; IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, LPS) trat ein Maximum der HO-1 mRNA Expression erst nach 6 h ein, wobei ein signifikanter Zellschaden nach 12 h beobachtet wurde. Die HO-1 mRNA und Proteinexpression war nach Exposition von 6 h des Sauerstoffperoxides (H2O2, 200- 1000 µM) erhöht. Die HO-1 mRNA und Proteinexpression war nach S- nitrosoacetylpenicillamin (0.5 mM) Exposition, einem NO Donator, für 3-12 h verstärkt. Nach Cobalt-protoporphyrin (CoPP, 1µM) Exposition, einem potenten HO-1 Induktor, wurde eine erhöhte mRNA- und Proteinexpression beobachtet. Dass CoPP die HO-1 mRNA- und Proteinneusynthese induziert, konnte durch die selektive Blockade mit Actinomycin D und Cycloheximide bewiesen werden. Die Neusynthese konnte ebenfalls unter warmer und kalter Ischämie gezeigt werden. Hemin (10 µM), ein weiterer Induktor der HO-1, induzierte die HO-1 mRNA nach 3 h und das Protein nach 6 h. Die HO-1 Enzymaktivität wurde mittels Bilirubinbildung und Messung des Fe2+ Gehalts der Zellen bestimmt. Bei der Bilirubinbildung wurde die höchste Aktivität nach warmer Ischämie gemessen, gefolgt von kalter Ischämie, CM und der Kontrollgruppe. Die intrazelluläre Fe2+ Messung ergab ebenfalls die höchste Enzymaktivität nach warmer Ischämie. Die Vorbehandlung humaner Hepatozyten mit CoPP (1-50 µM) für 8 h, schützte die Zellen teilweise vor einer warmen und kalten Ischämie. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die pharmakologische Induktion der HO-1 somit bei großen allgemeinchirurgischen Eingriffen, wie der Leberteilresektion oder der Transplantation, einen protektiven Effekt entfalten könnte. / Hepatic injury induced by ischemia/ reperfusion (I/R) and inflammation following surgeries or transplantations creates important clinical problems. In this study, the effect of inflammatory conditions such as cytokine/ endotoxin exposure (IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, LPS), warm and cold ischemia on HO-1 mRNA and protein, a member of heat shock proteins, was investigated. It was observed that IFN-gamma caused the highest HO-1 mRNA expression, followed by TNF-alpha, LPS and IL- 1beta. Each stimuli increased HO-1 mRNA expression after 0.5 h, peaked at 3 h and decreased after 6 h. Highest HO-1 protein expression was observed after 0.5 to 1 h of stimulation with IFN-gamma, which was followed by LPS, TNF-alpha and IL-1beta. The peak of HO-1 expression using all four stimuli (CM) was after 6 h. CM caused a significant increase in LDH and AST after 12 h. Warm and cold ischemia stimulated HO-1 mRNA expression in human hepatocytes at 0.5-1 h. HO-1 protein expression had its maximum between 0.5-6 h. Cellular damage measured as the release of LDH and AST was significant after 24 h. Mimicking oxydative stress, hepatocytes were exposed to 200-1000 µM H2O2 for 6 h which also showed an increased HO-1 mRNA and protein expression. HO-1 mRNA and protein expression revealed an increase after SNAP exposure at 3-12 h. Results with CoPP (10 µM), a potent inducer of HO- 1, displayed an increase in HO-1 mRNA and protein expression. It was proved, that CoPP induced new synthesis of mRNA and protein by its blocking agents such as actinomycin D and cycloheximide, respectively. Hemin (10 µM), another inducer of HO-1, triggered HO-1 mRNA expression after 3 h and protein expression after 6 h. The HO-1 enzyme activity was measured by bilirubin production after exposure to CM, as well as warm and cold ischemia. The highest enzyme activity was found after warm ischemia, followed by cold ischemia, CM and then by the control group. Fe2+ content of the cells, used as another method to judge HO-1 activity, confirmed our findings. Pre-treatment of human hepatocytes with different concentrations of CoPP (1-50 µM) protect cells against warm or cold ischemia. Therefore, we conclude that pharmacological induction of HO-1 may have therapeutic potential under inflammatory conditions such as seen during liver resection or liver transplantation.
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Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchung des Einflusses von Prä- und Probiotika auf bakterielle Translokation und postoperative Infektionen nach abdominalchirurgischen EingriffenRayes, Nada 28 May 2004 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss von Prä- und Probiotika auf bakterielle Translokation (BT) und postoperative Infektionen nach großen viszeralchirurgischen Eingriffen untersucht. Dabei wurde aus methodischen Gründen zunächst BT nach Leber- (LR) und Colonresektion (CR) allein oder in Kombination experimentell im Rattenmodell quantifiziert und deren potentielle Pathomechanismen untersucht. Anschließend wurde der Einfluss von einzelnen Probiotika und einer Kombination verschiedener Probiotika und Präbiotika auf die Inzidenz bakterieller Infektionen nach Lebertransplantation (LTX) und pyloruserhaltender Pankreaskopfresektion (PPPD) in zwei prospektiv randomisierten klinischen Studien analysiert. Im experimentellen Teil der Untersuchungen wurde BT nach LR vor allem in Leber und Milz, nach CR hauptsächlich in mesenterialen Lymphknoten (MLK) und Milz nachgewiesen. Kombination von LR und CR führte zu einer Potenzierung der BT, parallel zum Ausmaß der LR. Durch Gabe von Probiotika wurde die Konzentration von Bakterien in den MLK signifikant gesenkt. Tiere mit einer hohen coecalen Laktobazillenkonzentration hatten eine signifikant niedrigere bakterielle Konzentration in allen untersuchten Organen als Tiere mit weniger Laktobazillen. CR führten zu einer Zunahme der coecalen gramnegativen Bakterienkonzentration und zu einer Abnahme der Laktobazillen. Histologische Veränderungen der Darmmukosa wurden nicht beobachtet. Die parazelluläre Permeabilität für Ionen, nicht aber für die höhermolekulare Laktulose war im Colon in allen Gruppen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe erhöht. Probiotika beeinflussten die Zusammensetzung der coecalen Flora und damit auch die BT. In der ersten klinischen Studie verminderte postoperative orale Gabe von Laktobazillus plantarum und einer ballaststoffhaltigen Ernährungslösung die Inzidenz von bakteriellen Infektionen nach LTX im Vergleich zu selektiver Darmdekontamination und ballaststofffreier Ernährung signifikant. Die Gabe von Ballaststoffen und hitzeinaktivierten Laktobazillen führte zwar auch zu einer geringen Reduktion der Infektionen; diese war jedoch nicht signifikant. In der Mehrzahl wurden enteropathogene Bakterien isoliert. Die zweite klinische Studie untersuchte den Einfluss einer Kombination von vier verschiedenen Milchsäurebakterien und vier Präbiotika auf die Inzidenz bakterieller Infektionen nach LTX und PPPD. Im Vergleich zu Präbiotika und Placebo kam es zu einer deutlichen Verminderung der Infekte, die nach LTX auch signifikant war. In beiden Studien wurde die enterale Ernährung gut vertragen mit relativ wenig Nebenwirkungen. BT tritt somit sehr häufig auch nach kleineren viszeralchirurgischen Eingriffen auf und hat organspezifisch verschiedene Ursachen. Probiotika konnten sowohl tierexperimentell die BT vermindern als auch klinisch die Inzidenz bakterieller Infektionen nach großen viszeralchirurgischen Eingriffen senken. Da sie leicht zu verabreichen sind und wenig Nebenwirkungen verursachen, könnten sie breit eingesetzt werden. / In the present study, the impact of pre- and probiotics on bacterial translocation (BT) and postoperative bacterial infection rates was assessed. Due to methodological reasons, we first quantified BT following single liver (LR) and colon resection (CR) or a combination of both and analysed potential pathogenic mechanisms for BT. Then, we performed two prospective randomised clinical studies to analyse the influence of a single probiotic strain and a combination of different pre- and probiotics on the incidence of bacterial infections in patients with liver transplantation (OLT) or pylorus preserving partial pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPD). In the rat model, BT after LR mainly occurred in the liver and spleen, after CR mainly in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and spleen. BT was increased in the animals with combined operation, in parallel to the extent of liver resection. Probiotics significantly decreased the bacterial concentration in the MLN. Animals with a high cecal concentration of lactobacilli had significantly less BT than the others. CR led to an increase of cecal gramnegative bacterial concentrations and to a decrease of lactobacilli. No histological changes were observed in the intestine. Paracellular permeability for ions, but not for the larger molecule lactulose, was increased in the colon in all groups compared to the sham group. Probiotics had an influence on cecal bacterial concentration. In the first clinical study, postoperative oral administration of Lactobacillus plantarum and a fibre-enriched enteral diet significantly decreased bacterial infection rates after OLT compared to selective bowel decontamination and a fibre-free diet. Fibre and heat-inactivated Lactobacillus also led to a slight, but not significant decrease of infections. Mainly gut-derived bacteria were isolated. The second clinical study analysed the influence of a combination of four different lactic acid bacteria and fibres on bacterial infection rates after OLT and PPPD. Compared to fibres and placebo, infection rates were significantly lower after OLT and markedly lower after PPPD. In both studies, the study substances were well tolerated without serious side effects. BT even occurs following minor abdominal surgery and is caused by different mechanisms related to the kind of operation. Probiotics were able to diminish BT in the rat model as well as to decrease bacterial infection rates following major abdominal surgery in the clinical studies. As they are easy to administer and do not cause severe side effects, they could be useful in clinical practice.
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