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Development of recombinant aldolase production process in Escherichia coliPinsach i Boada, Jaume 08 May 2009 (has links)
Aquest treball s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament del procés de producció d'aldolases recombinants en Escherichia coli.D'una banda, el procés de producció de fuculosa 1-fosfat aldolasa (FucA) recombinant va ser automatitzat utilitzant un sistema d'expressió basat en un promotor feble induïble per IPTG. Donat que la inducció en forma de pols no afectava de forma significativa el metabolisme cel·lular fins que s'havia assolit un alt rendiment de producte, es va implementar un control robust del procés mitjançant l'automatització d'alimentació exponencial de substrat. Es van obtenir cultius d'alta densitat cel·lular controlant la velocitat específica de creixement a nivells de substrat limitants. El llaç de control utilitzat es va basar en l'estimació indirecta de la biomassa (utilitzant l'anàlisi dels gasos de sortida) i balanços de matèria.D'altra banda, es va desenvolupar el procés de producció de ramnulosa 1-fosfat aldolasa (RhuA) recombinant utilitzant un sistema d'expressió basat en un promotor fort induïble per IPTG. Estudis preliminars d'expressió obtinguts en cultius en erlenmeyer van indicar que l'ús d'un promotor fort presentava importants avantatges. En comparació amb el sistema d'expressió basat en un promotor feble, es van obtenir alts rendiments de producte en terminis més curts i amb menors requeriments d'inductor. No obstant això, el sistema va resultar ser extremadament sensible a la inducció en cultius d'alta densitat cel·lular. Per tant, es va prestar especial atenció al desenvolupament de les estratègies de procés més adients.En primer lloc, el desenvolupament del procés es va centrar en l'aplicació estratègies d'inducció alternatives en cultius d'alta densitat cel·lular. Tot i que en els estudis preliminars d'expressió s'havien aconseguit elevades activitats específiques, es van mesurar valors inferiors en cultius d'alta densitat cel·lular induïts amb polsos d'IPTG. Les condicions que provocaven un xoc metabòlic a les cèl·lules es van identificar i evitar mitjançant l'aplicació d'una estratègia d'addició contínua d'inductor. Aquesta estratègia va permetre la modulació de la velocitat d'expressió de la proteïna, de tal manera que la durada de la fase de producció es va estendre, els requeriments d'inductor van disminuir i es van assolir elevats rendiments de producte. Tot i això, els resultats encara indicaven una menor activitat específica de l'enzim que en el cas dels estudis preliminars d'expressió. Disminucions de l'activitat enzimàtica s'han atribuït sovint a l'estrès degut a un excés de temperatura (ja sigui traduït en un mal plegament de la proteïna i/o a proteòlisi en sí), de tal manera que es va dur a terme l'optimització de la temperatura del procés. En aquestes condicions es van mesurar velocitats de producció específiques més baixes, però es va aconseguir millorar significativament els rendiments de RhuA activa.També es van dur a terme estudis preliminars de modelització del procés. Tot i que no va ser possible calibrar un model de producció prou robust com per descriure totes les situacions que podrien ocórrer (i, per tant, l'optimització matemàtica de l'estratègia del procés no seria fiable), els estudis van permetre la identificació dels aspectes més importants del procés així com dels colls d'ampolla d'aquest.Aquesta informació va permetre desenvolupar una estratègia de creixement alternativa amb l'objectiu de reduir l'estrès cel·lular degut a la limitació de substrat. Mitjançant el control dels nivells de glucosa al bioreactor, es van obtenir cultius d'alta densitat cel·lular a nivells de substrat inhibitoris per evitar l'acumulació d'acetat. Després de l'optimització de l'estratègia d'inducció, es van obtenir alts rendiments de producte així com una elevada activitat específica de l'enzim.Finalment, es va realitzar un anàlisi global del procés de producció. Donat que l'objectiu era obtenir un enzim immobilitzat per ser utilitzat com biocatalitzador, les diferents estratègies de producció van ser comparades tenint en compte el seu impacte en les etapes posteriors de purificació i immobilització. Els resultats van mostrar que les estratègies alternatives de procés que s'havien desenvolupat en aquest treball augmentaven significativament els rendiments específics de RhuA immobilitzada activa respecte a l'anterior estratègia. Aquests resultats van posar de manifest la necessitat d'optimitzar la producció de proteïnes recombinants considerant tant el procés de producció com les fases posteriors de purificació i immobilització conjuntament. / This work has been focused on the development of recombinant aldolase production process in Escherichia coli. On the one hand, the production process of recombinant fuculose 1-phosphate aldolase (FucA) was automated when using an expression system based on an inducible weak promoter. Since pulse induction did not significantly affect the host cell metabolism until high product yields were reached, a robust process control could be implemented by automating an exponential substrate feed. High cell density cultures were obtained at limiting substrate levels by controlling the specific growth rate. The implemented control algorithm used a simple feedback loop based on indirect biomass estimation (using exhaust gas analysis) and mass balances.On the other hand, the production process of recombinant rhamnulose 1-phosphate aldolase (RhuA) using an expression system based on an inducible strong promoter was developed. Results obtained from preliminary expression studies performed in shake flask cultures indicated that the use of a strong promoter presented important advantages. When compared to the expression system based on a weak promoter, high product yields were obtained in shorter times, and lower amounts of inducer were required. However, when going to high cell density cultures, the system was found to be extremely sensitive to induction. Thus, special attention was paid on the development of suitable process strategies.First, process development was focused on the implementation of alternative induction strategies in high cell density cultures. While high intracellular specific activities were achieved in shake flasks, lower specific values were measured in standard pulse-induced fed-batch cultures. The conditions under which high metabolic load on host cells compromised the productivity of the process were identified and avoided by implementing a continuous inducer addition strategy. When tuning protein expression rates, the length of the production phase was extended, the requirements of inducer were decreased and high product yields were achieved. However, results still showed lower specific enzyme activity than in the case of preliminary expression studies.Since decreased enzyme activity has been often attributed to temperature-driven stress (translated into either protein misfolding and/or proteolysis itself), optimisation of process temperature was carried out. Lower specific production rates were measured at a reduced process temperature, but significant improvement was achieved in terms of bioactive RhuA yields. Besides, preliminary studies on process modelling were carried out. Even though it was not possible to calibrate a production model robust enough to describe all situations which could potentially occur (and, thus, mathematical optimisation of the process strategy would not be reliable), insight of the process was gained, and some of the process bottlenecks and unknown key features were identified.From these learnings, an alternative growth strategy was then developed to minimise the starvation induced-stress on host cells. High cell density cultures were obtained at non-limiting substrate levels by controlling the glucose concentration in the culture at inhibiting values to avoid acetate accumulation. After optimising the induction strategy, high product yields as well as high specific enzyme activities were obtained.Finally, an analysis of the global production process was performed. Since the aim of the whole process was to obtain an immobilised enzyme ready to be used as biocatalyst, all different production strategies were compared taking into account their impact on downstream yields. When doing so, results showed that the alternative process strategies which had been developed in this work significantly increased the immobilised specific yields of active RhuA with respect to the previous strategy. These results reinforced the need to optimise recombinant protein production processes considering both the production and downstream stages as a whole.
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Enviromental impact analysis at full-scale OFMSW biological teatment plants. Focus an gaseous-emissionsCadena Martínez, Erasmo 21 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Lattice Boltzmann Method for Simulating Turbulent FlowsKoda, Yusuke January 2013 (has links)
The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is a relatively new method for fluid flow simulations, and is recently gaining popularity due to its simple algorithm and parallel scalability. Although the method has been successfully applied to a wide range of flow physics, its capabilities in simulating turbulent flow is still under-validated. Hence, in this project, a 3D LBM program was developed to investigate the validity of the LBM for turbulent flow simulations through large eddy simulations (LES).
In achieving this goal, the 3D LBM code was first applied to compute the laminar flow over two tandem cylinders. After validating against literature data, the program was used to study the aerodynamic effects of the early 3D flow structures by comparing between 2D and 3D simulations. It was found that the span-wise instabilities have a profound impact on the lift and drag forces, as well as on the vortex shedding frequency.
The LBM code was then modified to allow for a massively parallel execution using graphics processing units (GPU). The GPU enabled program was used to study a benchmark test case involving the flow over a square cylinder in a square channel, to validate its accuracy, as well as measure its performance gains compared to a typical serial implementation. The flow results showed good agreement with literature, and speedups of over 150 times were observed when two GPUs were used in parallel.
Turbulent flow simulations were then conducted using LES with the Smagorinsky subgrid model. The methodology was first validated by computing the fully developed turbulent channel flow, and comparing the results against direct numerical simulation results. The results were in good agreement despite the relatively coarse grid. The code was then used to simulate the turbulent flow over a square cylinder confined in a channel. In order to emulate a realistic inflow at the channel inlet, an auxiliary simulation consisting of a fully developed turbulent channel flow was run in conjunction, and its velocity profile was used to enforce the inlet boundary condition for the cylinder flow simulation. Comparison of the results with experimental and numerical results revealed that the presence of the turbulent flow structures at the inlet can significantly influence the resulting flow field around the cylinder.
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La perception des anglophones, des francophones et des Métis dans La liberté et le St. Boniface courier / Le courrier de Saint-Boniface, de 1970 à 1974Keller, Michelle 02 April 2013 (has links)
Pourquoi existe-t-il toujours une tendance chez les Franco-Manitobains à se définir comme une communauté homogène, en dépit d’un passé et d’un présent hétérogènes? Pour élucider cette question, nous remontons au début des années 1970 pour analyser le discours sur deux événements marquants dans l’histoire manitobaine: le centenaire du Manitoba et le début du Festival du Voyageur. Nous examinons tout particulièrement le discours sur les anglophones, les francophones et les Métis dans La Liberté, comparé au St. Boniface Courier / Le Courrier de Saint-Boniface et à La Bastringue, pour mettre en lumière les raisons historiques et culturelles d’une évolution lente vers la reconnaissance d’un espace francophone diversifié. Notre analyse révèle que La Liberté cherche, au début des années 1970, à renouveler les relations avec les Québécois et à renforcer un festival « canadien-français » ou « franco-manitobain » au détriment d’un festival bilingue inspiré de l’héritage métis.
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Análisis de la población doble haploide de cebada procedente del cruzamiento de Albacete × Plaisant para el estudio de la translocación recíproca presente en AlbaceteLacasa Benito, Isabel 13 July 2012 (has links)
Es va analitzar una població doble haploide procedent de l'encreuament entre las varietats d'ordi Albacete i Plaisant per dur a terme la caracterització de la translocació cromosòmica recíproca present en Albacete i valorar la seva possible relació amb la resistència d'Albacete a ambients extrems de fred i sequera. El genotipatge amb marcadors SSR i DART y la hibridació in situ fluorescent (FISH) en preparacions cromosòmiques d'Albacete va confirmar la presència de la translocació recíproca entre els cromosomes 1H i 3H. Per valorar la relació de la translocació recíproca amb caràcters d'interès agronòmic es van realitzar assaigs en dues localitats durant un període de dos anys. El caràcter pes de mil grans va ser superior, de forma significativa, en les línies doble haploides portadores de la translocació recíproca. Es van detectar també QTLs significatius per als caràcters vigor inicial, data de canoneig, data d’espigat, fase d'elongació de la tija i fase d'ompliment de gra. / Se analizó una población doble haploide de cebada procedente del cruzamiento de Albacete y Plaisant para llevar a cabo la caracterización de la translocación cromosómica recíproca presente en Albacete y valorar su posible relación con la resistencia de esta variedad a ambientes extremos de frío y sequía. La construcción de un mapa saturado, con marcadores SSR y DArT, y la hibridación in situ fluorescente (FISH) en preparaciones cromosómicas de Albacete determinaron que los cromosomas implicados en la translocación recíproca eran el 1H y el 3H. Para valorar la relación de la translocación recíproca con caracteres de interés agronómico se realizaron ensayos en dos localidades durante un periodo de dos años. El carácter peso de mil granos mostró ser significativamente superior en las líneas doble haploides portadoras de la translocación recíproca. Se detectaron también importantes QTLs para los caracteres vigor inicial, fecha de encañado, fecha de espigado, fase de elongación del tallo y fase de llenado de grano / A double haploid population derived from a cross between two barley cultivars widely grown in Spain, Albacete and Plaisant, was used to characterized the reciprocal chromosomal translocation present in Albacete. The possible relation between this translocation and the drought tolerance present in Albacete was analyzed. A genotyping process, with SSR and DArT markers, and a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), in chromosome preparations of Albacete cultivars, confirmed the presence of a reciprocal translocation between the chromosomes 1H and 3H. In order to assess the relation of the reciprocal translocation with important agronomical traits, different trials were carried out in two locations in two growing seasons. The 1000-kernel weight was significantly higher in DH lines carrying the reciprocal translocation. Moreover, significant QTLs were detected for early vigour, jointing, heading date, stem elongation and grain filling.
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L’autobiographie « collective » d’Annie Ernaux : une étude féministe de l’instance narrative dans Les annéesSylvester, Katelyn A 13 September 2011 (has links)
Dans son œuvre récente, Les années, Annie Ernaux, écrivaine française, abandonne le « je » autobiographique qui caractérise ses textes précédents afin d'opter pour une voix narrative collective (« nous » et « on ») et à la troisième personne (« elle »), passant de son histoire individuelle à une sorte d'autobiographie collective. Cette nouvelle voix narrative permet à l'auteure de présenter l'Histoire d'une génération dans le contexte de la société française de l'après-guerre à aujourd'hui, société qui repose sur les constructions sociales, entre autres, de sexe et de classe sociale. À l'aide d'une perspective féministe, cette thèse s'intéresse d'abord aux transgressions des formes littéraires établies qu'opère Ernaux par sa pratique narrative. Ensuite, la perspective féministe intersectionnelle souligne les multiples façons dont les rapports de sexe entrent en interrelation avec d‘autres aspects de l'identité sociale dans cette œuvre, mettant en relief la complexité et la multiplicité des expériences sociales. Finalement, la théorie du dialogisme met en lumière le caractère polyphonique de cette narration qui permet à l'auteure de présenter une histoire davantage inclusive, c'est-à-dire qui représente diverses expériences de vie dans une variété de contextes socio-historiques.
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CFD-analysis of buoyancy-driven flow inside a cooling pipe system attached to a reactor pressure vesselPetersson, Jens January 2014 (has links)
In this work a cooling system connected to a reactor pressure vessel has been studied using the CFD method for the purpose of investigating the strengths and shortcomings of using CFD as a tool in similar fluid flow problems within nuclear power plants. The cooling system is used to transport water of 288K (15°C) into a nuclear reactor vessel filled with water of about 555K (282°C) during certain operating scenarios. After the system has been used, the warm water inside the vessel will be carried into the cooling system by buoyancy forces. It was of interest to investigate how quickly the warm water moves into the cooling system and how the temperature field of the water changes over time. Using the open source CFD code OpenFOAM 2.3.x and the LES turbulence modelling method, a certain operating scenario of the cooling system was simulated. A simplified computational domain was created to represent the geometries of the downcomer region within the reactor pressure vessel and the pipe structure of the cooling system. Boundary conditions and other domain properties were chosen and motivated to represent the real scenario as good as possible. For the geometry, four computational grids of different sizes and design were generated. Three of these were generated using the ANSA pre-processing tool, and they all have the same general structure only with different cell sizes. The fourth grid was made by the OpenFOAM application snappyHexMesh, which automatically creates the volume mesh with little user input. It was found that for the case at hand, the different computational grids produced roughly the same results despite the number of cells ranging from 0,14M to 3,2M. A major difference between the simulations was the maximum size of the time steps which ranged from 0,3ms for the finest ANSA mesh to 2ms for the snappy mesh, a difference which has a large impact on the total time consumption of the simulations. Furthermore, a comparison of the CFD results was made with those of a simpler 1D thermal hydraulic code, Relap5. The difference in time consumption between the two analyses were of course large and it was found that although the CFD analysis provided more detailed information about the flow field, the cheaper 1D analysis managed to capture the important phenomena for this particular case. However, it cannot be guaranteed that the 1D analysis is sufficient for all similar flow scenarios as it may not always be able to sufficiently capture phenomena such as thermal shocks and sharp temperature gradients in the fluid. Regardless of whether the CFD method or a simpler analysis is used, conservativeness in the flow simulation results needs to be ensured. If the simplifications introduced in the computational models cannot be proved to always give conservative results, the final simulation results need to be modified to ensure conservativeness although no such modifications were made in this work.
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Massively Parallel Spectral Element Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Channel Using Wall ModelsRabau, Joshua I 03 October 2013 (has links)
Wall-bounded turbulent flows are prevalent in engineering and industrial applications. Walls greatly affect turbulent characteristics in many ways including production and propagation of turbulent stresses. While computational fluid dynamics can be used as an important design tool, its use is hindered due to the fine-mesh requirements in the near-wall region to capture all of the pertinent turbulent data. To resolve all relevant scales of motion, the number of grid points scales with Reynolds number as N ≈ Re9/4, making it nearly impossible to solve real engineering problems, most of which feature high Reynolds numbers.
A method to help alleviate the resolution requirements is the use of wall models. This method allows for a coarser mesh to be used in which the near-wall region is modeled and the first grid point is placed in the log-law region. The shear stress at the wall is correlated with the velocity at a point outside the near-wall region, drastically reducing the number of elements required and reducing the computational time and cost of the simulation.
The goal of this study was to test the speed increase and element reduction capabilities of combining a wall function solution with the massively-parallel, spectral element solver, Nek5000, and verify the method using a turbulent channel simulation. The first grid point is placed at y+ = 100, in the log-law region, for Reτ = 950 and the sub-grid scales are modeled using a dynamic Smagorinski model. The results are then compared to a DNS performed by Jimenez and Hoyas for model verification.
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Large eddy simulation of shock wave, turbulent boundary layer interactionLoginov, Maxim S. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
München, Techn. University, Diss., 2006.
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Effet de l'intensité lumineuse sur le contrôle de la reproduction chez la brebis et sur la croissance des agneaux /Boivin, Catherine. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse (M.Sc.)--Université Laval, 2007. / Bibliogr. Publié aussi en version électronique dans la Collection Mémoires et thèses électroniques.
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