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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem, simulação e otimização de um difusor de biomassa / Modeling, simulation and optimization of biomass diffusers

Barbosa, Larissa de Souza Noel Simas 05 April 2019 (has links)
Difusores podem ser empregados para extração de sacarose da cana de açúcar e da beterraba, para a extração de tanino da casca de acácia negra e para extração de óleos vegetais de plantas oleaginosas. Apesar de operarem de forma simples do ponto de vista mecânico e químico, problemas que ocorrem na sua operação comprometem a eficiência de extração. A modelagem, simulação e otimização de difusores de biomassa mostra-se essencial para melhor compreender tais problemas e propor estratégias otimizadas de projeto e operação. Nesse contexto, a tese aqui proposta tem como objetivo principal modelar e simular a operação de um difusor de biomassa de 10 estágios (Biomassa entra pelo estágio 1 e sai do difusor pelo estágio 10. A água de embebição faz o trajeto em contracorrente, i.e. entra pelo estágio 10 e sai pelo estágio 1) para, posteriormente, otimizá-lo mono e multi-objetivamente considerando a possibilidade de conexão entre todos os estágios de extração. No caso da otimização mono-objetivo, no qual uma vazão de embebição de líquido fixa é considerada, o principal objetivo da otimização consiste em maximizar a concentração de soluto no líquido que deixa o difusor a partir de mudanças aleatórias nos coeficientes de conectividade do difusor. Já para a otimização multi-objetivo, a vazão de embebição de líquido que entra no difusor é considerada variável. Sendo assim, a otimização do sistema requer a maximização de dois objetivos simultaneamente (a maximização da concentração de soluto no líquido e minimização da concentração final de soluto na biomassa) a partir de mudanças aleatórias nos coeficientes de conectividade do difusor. Além disso, visto que a minimização de problemas operacionais está relacionada com a monitoração da altura de nível de líquido no leito de fibra, diferentes sinais para detecção de presença de líquido no leito de fibras em um estágio de extração experimental foram testados. Dos resultados de simulação e otimização obtidos, podemos concluir que novas conexões entre os estágios do difusor podem otimizar o processo de extração o que contraria o senso comum segundo o qual as conexões devem ser sequenciais. No caso da otimização mono-objetivo, 82 a 89% do fluido é direcionado para o estágio seguinte ao longo dos estágios de extração (exceto para o estágio 6, no qual esse valor é de 100%). A recirculação do fluido para o mesmo estágio é mais acentuada nos estágios finais (estágios 1 a 4), apresentando o difusor otimizado 14 a 18% de recirculação do fluido para o mesmo estágio nesses estágios enquanto para os demais estágios a recirculação varia entre 0 e 11%. Já para os estágios iniciais (estágios 5, 7, 8 e 9), a recirculação do fluido para o estágio anterior apresenta maior destaque, variando de 6 a 16% enquanto para os demais estágios é de apenas 0 a 2%. O estágio 6, por sua vez, é o único que se conecta exclusivamente com o estágio seguinte. Para a otimização multi-objetivo, resultados similares foram encontrados, sendo que a probabilidade de que 85 a 100% do fluido seja circulada para o estágio seguinte está entre 93 e 99%. Em relação a recirculação para o mesmo estágio, a probabilidade de que de 0 a 15% do fluido seja recirculado varia de 58 a 79% para os estágios 1 a 4, de 49 a 55% para os estágios medianos 5, 6 e 7 e de 60 a 90% para os três últimos estágios (estágios 8, 9 e 10). Para a conexão com o estágio imediatamente anterior, a probabilidade de que de 0 a 15% do fluido seja direcionado para o estágio anterior é maior nos estágios 1, 2, 8 e 9, variando entre 31 e 38%. Para a detecção da presença de líquido no leito de fibras em um estágio de extração, dois tipos de sinais diferentes, condutividade elétrica e radiação infravermelha, foram testados. Os testes foram realizados, em um estágio de extração experimental, primeiramente apenas com água e, em seguida, com bagaço de cana. Os medidores de condutividade mostraram-se estáveis e com repetitividade quando testados com água. Já nos testes realizados com bagaço de cana, o sinal de condutividade mostrou-se insuficiente para a detecção de líquido. Para os medidores de infravermelho testados com água, os mesmos apresentaram alguns sintomas de instabilidade e variabilidade. Quando testados com cana, os medidores de infravermelho também apresentam instabilidade e variâncias distintas que dependem da posição do medidor no difusor e, consequentemente, da compactação do leito de fibra. Infere-se então que um aumento da variância do sinal pode ser um indicativo de um aumento da compactação do leito e, consequentemente, de diminuição da sua permeabilidade. / Diffusers can be used to extract sucrose from sugarcane and sugarbeet, to extract tannin from black acacia bark and to extract oil from oleaginous plants. Although they operate simply from a mechanical and chemical point of view, problems that occur in their operation can compromise the extraction efficiency. The modeling, simulation and optimization of biomass diffusers is essential to better understand such problems and propose optimized strategies for their project and operation. In this context, the main objective of the proposed thesis is to model and simulate the operation of a ten- stage biomass diffuser to later optimize it mono and multi-objectively considering the possibility of connection among all extraction stages. In the case of the mono-objective optimization, in which a fixed liquid imbibition flow rate is considered, the main objective of the optimization is to maximize the concentration of solute in the liquid that leaves the diffuser from random changes in the connectivity coefficients of the diffuser. For the multi-objective optimization, the liquid imbibition flow rate entering the diffuser is considered variable. Therefore, the optimization of the system requires the maximization of two objectives simultaneously (the maximization of the solute concentration in the liquid and minimization of the final solute concentration in the biomass) from random changes in the diffuser connectivity coefficients. In addition, since the minimization of operational problems is related to the monitoring of liquid level height in the fiber bed, different types of signals for level measurement were tested on an experimental extraction stage. From the simulation and optimization results, we can conclude that new connections among the stages of the diffuser can optimize the extraction process which runs counter to common sense that connections must be sequential. In the case of the mono-objective optimization, 82 to 89% of the fluid is directed to the next stage along the extraction stages (except for stage 6, in which this value is 100%). The recirculation of the fluid to the same stage is more pronounced in the final stages (stages 1 to 4), with the optimized diffuser having 14 to 18% of fluid recirculation for the same stage in these stages while for the remaining stages the recirculation varies between 0 and 11%. For the initial stages (stages 5, 7, 8 and 9), fluid recirculation to the previous stage is more prominent, varying from 6 to 16% while for the remaining stages it is only 0 to 2%. Stage 6, in turn, is the only one that connects only to the next stage. For the multi-objective optimization, similar results were found, with the probability of 85 to 100% of the fluid being circulated to the next stage being between 93 and 99%. Regarding recirculation to the same stage, the probability of 0 to 15% of the fluid being recirculated varies from 58 to 79% for stages 1 to 4, from 49 to 55% for the medium stages 5, 6 and 7 and from 60 to 90% for the last three stages (stages 8, 9 and 10). For the connection to the immediately preceding stage, the probability that 0 to 15% of the fluid being directed to the previous stage is greater in stages 1, 2, 8 and 9, ranging from 31 to 38%. For liquid level measurement, two different types of signals, electrical conductivity and infrared radiation were tested. The tests were first carried out only with water and then with sugarcane bagasse. Conductivity meters were stable and repeatable when tested with water. In the tests performed with sugarcane bagasse, the conductivity signal was insufficient for level measurement. For water-tested infrared meters, they have shown some instability symptoms and variability. When tested with cane, the infrared meters exhibit instability and distinct variances that depend on the position of the meter in the diffuser and, consequently, bed compactation. It can be then inferred that an increase in the signal variance can be also an indicative of increased bed compactation and, consequently, decreased bed permeability.

Investigation of integrated waterlevel sensor solution forsubmersible pumps : A study of how sensors can be combined towithstand build-up materials and improvereliability in harsh environment / Undersökning av integrerad vattennivåsensorlösningför dränkbar pump

Abelin, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Monitoring water level in harsh environment in order to handle the start and stop function of drainage pumps has been a major issue. Several environmental factors are present, which affect and disturb sensor measurements. Current solutions with mechanical float switches, mounted outside of pumps, wear out, get entangled and account for more than half of all the emergency call outs to pumping stations. Since pumps are frequently moved around, a new sensor solution is needed which can be integrated within the pump house and is able to continuously monitor water level to optimize the operation of the pump and to decrease wear, cost and energy consumption. This thesis presents an investigation how different sensor techniques can be combined to improve reliability for monitoring water level and handle the start and stop function of drainage pumps in harsh environment. The main focus has been to identify suitable water level sensing techniques and to investigate how sensors are affected by build-up materials building up on the pump surface and covering the sensor probes. A support vector machine algorithm is implemented to fuse sensor data in order to increase reliability of the sensor solution in contaminated condition. Results show that a combination of a pressure sensor and a capacitive sensor is the most suitable combination for withstanding build-up materials. For operating conditions when sensors are covered with soft or viscous build-ups, sensors were able to monitor water level through the build-up materials. No solution was found that could satisfactorily monitor water level through solidified build-up materials. / Att övervaka vattennivån i extrema miljöer för att hantera start- och stoppfunktion av dräneringspumpar har varit ett stort problem. Flera påverkande faktorer från pumpomgivningen influerar och stör sensormätningarna. Nuvarande lösningar med mekaniskt rörliga nivåvippor som är monterade utanför pumparna slits ut, trasslar in sig och står för mer än hälften av alla jourutryckningar till pumpstationerna. Eftersom pumpar ofta flyttas runt, behövs en ny sensorlösning som kan integreras i pumpen och som kontinuerligt kan övervaka vattennivån för att optimera pumpdriften och minska  slitage, kostnad och energiförbrukning. Den här masteruppsatsen presenterar en undersökning av hur olika givartekniker kan kombineras för att förbättra tillförlitligheten för övervakning av vattennivån och hantera start- och stoppfunktionen av dräneringspumpar i extrema miljöer. Fokus har legat på att identifiera lämpliga givartekniker för att mäta vattennivå och undersöka hur givare påverkas av beläggningar som byggs upp på pumpytan och täcker givarna. En support vector machine algoritm har implementerats för att kombinera givardata i syfte att öka tillförlitligheten hos givarlösningen i kontaminerat skick. Resultaten visar att en kombination av en tryckgivare och en kapacitiv givare är den mest lämpliga kombinationen för att motstå beläggningsmaterial. För driftsförhållanden när givarna är täckta med mjuka beläggningar kunde givarna mäta vattennivån genom beläggningarna. Ingen lösning identifierades som på ett tillfredsställande sätt kunde mäta vattennivå genom stelnade, solida beläggningsmaterial.

Vätskenivåmätning för nivåreglering till doppvärmare : I sura och basiska lösningar

Mohammadi, Morteza January 2018 (has links)
Idag är de flesta kemiska industrier försedda med system för nivåreglering. Dessa system syftar till att kontrollera vätskenivån i en behållare, trots störningar i form av smuts och skum. För denna process finns olika modeller av nivågivare på marknaden, men de flesta är antingen dyra eller kräver mycket rengöring och underhåll. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det är möjligt att mäta vätskenivån i en behållare som kan produceras till låg kostnad, och har en tillräcklig precision för att kunna användas som ett larm för att skydda doppvärmaren mot överhettning. Därför har ett konceptprov av kapacitiva nivågivare utförts där två varianter av kapacitiva nivågivare, etsad och tråd, har konstruerats och verifierats. Etsade varianter innefattar ett kopparlaminat med konfiguration av två fingerelektroder som rullats i ett PVDF-rör. Trådvarianten består av en partvinnad teflontråd som dragits på ett PVDF-rör. I både varianter varieras kapacitans med vattennivån beroende av avståndet mellan fingerelektroder i den etsade varianten och avståndet mellan teflontrådar i trådvarianten. Kapacitansen har beräknats för avståndet mellan fingerelektroder och mellan teflontrådar i form av en urladdningstid korrelerad med vattennivån. För denna process används en generatorkrets för fyrkantsvåg som byggts på en PCB. Resultatet av nivåmätning med båda varianter blev inte det önskade, men nivåmätningsfelet ligger inom ett acceptabelt intervall. Intervallet ligger mellan [+0,80,-0,52] för den etsade varianten och mellan [+1,02,-1,10] för trådvarianten. Det visar att den etsade varianten ger ett mindre nivåmätningsfel än trådvarianten. Nivåmätningsfelet kan minimeras genom att välja en lämpligare krets. / Today, most chemical industries have systems for level control. These systems aim to control the fluid level in a tank, despite dirt and foam disturbances. For this process there are different models of level sensors on the market, but most are either expensive or require a lot of cleaning and maintenance. This study aims to investigate whether it is possible to measure the level of fluid in a tank which can be produced at low cost and has sufficient precision to be used as an alarm to protect the immersion heaters from overheating. Therefore, a conceptual level of capacitive level sensors has been performed in which two variants of capacitive level sensors, etch and wire have been designed and verified. Etched variants include a copper-laminate with two finger electrode configurations rolled in a PVDF tube. The wire variant consists of a twisted Teflon wire drawn on a PVDF pipe. In both variations, capacitance with the water level varies depending on the distance between finger electrodes in the etched variant and the distance between the Teflon wires in the wire variant. The capacitance has been calculated for the distance between finger electrodes and between Teflon threads in the form of a discharge time correlated with the water level. For this process, a square wave generator circuit is built on a PCB. The result of level measurement with both variants did not get the desired, but the level measurement error is within an acceptable range. The interval is between [+ 0.80, -0.52] for the etched variant and between [+ 1.02, -1.10] for the wire variant. It shows that the etched variant gives a smaller level measurement error than the wire variant. The level measurement error can be minimized by selecting a more appropriate circuit.

Vestavěný systém pro automatizaci chovné stanice akvarijních ryb / Embedded System for Automation of Aquarium Fish Breeding Station

Moc, Filip January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis is concerned about embedded system for automatic water renewal in aquariums. Besides water renewal system also controls lights and ventilation in aquarium fish breeding station. In this report you will find informtions about technology relevant to automation of aquarium fish breeding station. Also you will find here informations about design and implementation of my specific final working solution.

Design And Development of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor Based Twin PTC And HTS Level Sensor for LOX Recondenser

Gour, Abhay Singh January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cryocoolers are closed cycle devices which produce cooling below 120 K. Usually, one or two linear motors are used to drive one pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers are used for various applications like, cooling of infra red detectors, cryo surgical knife, cryogen recondenser etc. In this thesis the design development and testing of Twin Pulse Tube Cryocooler (TPTC) are discussed. TPTC consists of two pulse tubes driven by dual piston head linear compressor. This dual piston linear compressor is operated using single linear motor. Using this configuration, cooling power is doubled with reduced cost of compressor. The design, fabrication and testing of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor (LMMSM) based dual piston head linear compressor are carried out indigenously. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is used for estimating eddy current loss and flux distribution pattern in various mover configurations of the linear motor. The developed fabrication and assembly procedure of linear motor are discussed in detail. The mover of linear motor is supported by using a pair of cross armed C – type flexures. These flexures are designed using FEM and are fabricated indigenously. The flexure pairs are tested for 108 cycles with ± 3 mm stroke length of linear motor before assembling compressor. Linear motor is usually required to be operated at different frequencies. Thus, a variable frequency and variable voltage Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) based power supply is designed using analog circuits like Op-Amps. This cost effective power supply is capable of delivering 27 A at 100 V with frequency range of 25 Hz to 80 Hz continuously. Sage software was used to carry out 1-D simulation and obtain dimensions of various Pulse Tube Cryocooler (PTC) components. Various pulse tube configurations like Joint Twin PTC, Twin PTC with buffer volume and single PTC with buffer volume were carried out. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fluent 2-D analysis was carried out for single PTC with buffer volume. The fabrication and assembly procedure of PTC is discussed in detail. A novel method of heat exchanger fabrication was developed and analyzed using FEM and its performance is tested experimentally. The twin PTC is operated at 34 bar and 48 Hz. A light weight High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) based level sensor is developed to monitor the cryogen level. The developed sensor was calibrated against discrete diode array and pre-calibrated continuous capacitance type level sensor. The calibrations were carried out in indigenously designed and fabricated 4-wall cryostat using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) and LOX as cryogen. LabVIEW software based data acquisition was designed for testing, recording and monitoring the performance of twin PTC and level sensors during experiments.

Ověření funkce bezkontaktního snímače hladiny paliva v palivové nádrži / Testing and calibration of fuel level gauge

HAIKL, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This work inkluse measurement principles for measuring liquid level in tanks with a focus on fuel. Are described most frequently used types of liquid level sensors, focusing on fuel. The work inkluse design chosen technical solutions fuel level sensor and its technical implementation, including the technical implementation and verification of its functionality and calibration.

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