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Management of volunteers in faith-based organisationsClaassens, Elmien 12 January 2005 (has links)
In South Africa, government cannot take sole responsibility for meeting people’s basic physical, economic and psycho-social needs as well as addressing social issues. Collective responsibility and co-operation with organisations in civil society is strongly promoted by the South African government. In a media release from the Department of Social Development, it was said that Minister Skweyiya had been meeting with the religious sector since the year 2000, to discuss government's efforts at fighting poverty and exploring the partnership between government and the religious sector (Minister and Catholic Development and Welfare Agency work together to assist orphans and other vulnerable children, 2003). Government has committed itself to partnerships with various religious organisations of which the Catholic Development and Welfare Agency and the Dutch Reformed Church are examples. This study was an exploration of the management of volunteers within Lewende Woord Ministries Trust , a faith-based organisation (FBO) situated in Pretoria. The focus of the study was on current volunteers involved in Lewende Woord Ministries Trust. The organisation was established in February 1986. At first it functioned as a church organisation, looking only after the church members’ spiritual and physical needs, but later changed its operational structures to function as an FBO. Today the organisation greatly relies on volunteers for a variety of services, both in the congregation and the surrounding communities. The objectives of the study were to determine the dynamics of volunteerism in FBOs within a broader theoretical framework of volunteerism; to investigate volunteerism within the context of Lewende Woord Ministries Trust, with specific reference to the structure, functioning, activities, motivation, and the management of volunteers; and to provide guidelines for the management of volunteers in an FBO in order to achieve the goal of the study, namely to provide guidelines for the management of volunteers in an FBO. From the research findings, it became clear that to effectively manage volunteers in FBOs, there are key aspects that need to be taken into consideration, namely motivational factors, needs, recruitment, effective training and retainment of volunteers. The main recommendation of the study is that FBOs implement the proposed guidelines for the effective management of volunteers, in order to make the utilisation of volunteers more efficient. / Dissertation (MA (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted
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Die ideaal van kunsmatige intelligensie : 'n hersenskim? / J.A. LouwLouw, Jacobus Adriaan January 2010 (has links)
The ideal of artificial intelligence can firstly be set as the ability of a mechanical (or
electronic) agent to be able to, as a human, observe, reason, learn, communicate and act in
complex environments and secondly, to explain this type of behaviour in humans, animals or
any other type of agent. The aim of this study is firstly to determine whether this ideal is
feasible and secondly, to look at the physicalist premise thereof, viz., everything is physical
according to Dooyeweerd’s view of the creation, fall and redemption motive.
First we determine the essence of artificial intelligence through the Curch–Turing thesis. We
then place the essence of artificial intelligence alongside the essence of life firstly to see
whether the construction of an artificial intelligence agent is possible and whether the subject
artificial intelligence has something to say regarding intelligent behaviour in humans, animals
and similar agents. Lastly we look at the physicalist premise of artificial intelligence viz.,
everything is physical from the reformative creation, fall and redemption motive.
The Church–Turing thesis forms the boundary of what is feasible in artificial intelligence and
what is not feasible. Every component of the thesis is limited to the arithmetic law sphere of
Being, i.e. the succession of discrete elements in a set of elements. Any effort to reduce the
spatial aspect of the being to the arithmetic aspect of Being, like the enumeration of irrational
numbers, ends in an antinomy. Any artificial intelligence agent is in its nature limited to the
arithmetic law sphere of Being. The structural intertwinement, which such an artificial
intelligence agent has with its underlying physical components is, in contrast with living
organisms that of an irreversible grounded enkapsis. Life and mind has, in contrast to the
arithmetic seclusion of an artificial intelligence agent, a fullness and totality. It has an ability
to unlock Being in its fullness, which comes to the fore in a way that any living organism
unlocks the plastic horizon of Being in the respective internal and phenomenological
horizons. The unlocking of the spatial aspect plays a key role with its kernel of totality,
simultaneity and continuousness. In both these horizons, the organism is in a living enkapsis
with both its underlying physical substrate and the physical things in its external
surroundings. The ideal of artificial intelligence is thus a phantasm. The only comment it
can give on biology is that which has to do with the succession of discrete elements in a
system. Hempel’s dilemma and the halting problem expose the physicalist point of departure of
everything is physical as a religious premise, which is not empirically verifiable. Instead of
getting a better view of Being the contours of meaning of life as well as all the supra
physical aspects of Being fades away or is denied with concealment of Being. The only way
in which we can get the broadest possible insight into Being is in the light of the Word of
God. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Die ideaal van kunsmatige intelligensie : 'n hersenskim? / J.A. LouwLouw, Jacobus Adriaan January 2010 (has links)
The ideal of artificial intelligence can firstly be set as the ability of a mechanical (or
electronic) agent to be able to, as a human, observe, reason, learn, communicate and act in
complex environments and secondly, to explain this type of behaviour in humans, animals or
any other type of agent. The aim of this study is firstly to determine whether this ideal is
feasible and secondly, to look at the physicalist premise thereof, viz., everything is physical
according to Dooyeweerd’s view of the creation, fall and redemption motive.
First we determine the essence of artificial intelligence through the Curch–Turing thesis. We
then place the essence of artificial intelligence alongside the essence of life firstly to see
whether the construction of an artificial intelligence agent is possible and whether the subject
artificial intelligence has something to say regarding intelligent behaviour in humans, animals
and similar agents. Lastly we look at the physicalist premise of artificial intelligence viz.,
everything is physical from the reformative creation, fall and redemption motive.
The Church–Turing thesis forms the boundary of what is feasible in artificial intelligence and
what is not feasible. Every component of the thesis is limited to the arithmetic law sphere of
Being, i.e. the succession of discrete elements in a set of elements. Any effort to reduce the
spatial aspect of the being to the arithmetic aspect of Being, like the enumeration of irrational
numbers, ends in an antinomy. Any artificial intelligence agent is in its nature limited to the
arithmetic law sphere of Being. The structural intertwinement, which such an artificial
intelligence agent has with its underlying physical components is, in contrast with living
organisms that of an irreversible grounded enkapsis. Life and mind has, in contrast to the
arithmetic seclusion of an artificial intelligence agent, a fullness and totality. It has an ability
to unlock Being in its fullness, which comes to the fore in a way that any living organism
unlocks the plastic horizon of Being in the respective internal and phenomenological
horizons. The unlocking of the spatial aspect plays a key role with its kernel of totality,
simultaneity and continuousness. In both these horizons, the organism is in a living enkapsis
with both its underlying physical substrate and the physical things in its external
surroundings. The ideal of artificial intelligence is thus a phantasm. The only comment it
can give on biology is that which has to do with the succession of discrete elements in a
system. Hempel’s dilemma and the halting problem expose the physicalist point of departure of
everything is physical as a religious premise, which is not empirically verifiable. Instead of
getting a better view of Being the contours of meaning of life as well as all the supra
physical aspects of Being fades away or is denied with concealment of Being. The only way
in which we can get the broadest possible insight into Being is in the light of the Word of
God. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Inkomstebelasting van veeboere : 'n vergelykende analise in geselekteerde lande / W.C.J. FourieFourie, Willem Cornelius Jacobus January 2010 (has links)
The current South African tax system offers livestock farmers a variety of forms of relief. There are also certain aspects that do not make it so advantageous to be regarded as a farmer by the tax collector. A large number of farmers emigrate to other countries without knowing how the tax systems of those countries function or how much tax they will have to pay. With these factors in mind the question arises concerning how other countries tax their livestock farmers and what relief is provided to them. The objective of this research is to examine and compare the theoretical tax legislation of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, where after it will be applied in a case study. Finally conclusions and recommendations will be made based on the results of the research. It was found that, although the relief provided to South African livestock farmers regarding some aspects exceeds the relief provided in Australia and New Zealand, there are certain aspects that could be adjusted in order to make it more advantageous for livestock farmers to stay in South Africa. These proposed adjustments can indirectly stimulate the national economy. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Inkomstebelasting van veeboere : 'n vergelykende analise in geselekteerde lande / W.C.J. FourieFourie, Willem Cornelius Jacobus January 2010 (has links)
The current South African tax system offers livestock farmers a variety of forms of relief. There are also certain aspects that do not make it so advantageous to be regarded as a farmer by the tax collector. A large number of farmers emigrate to other countries without knowing how the tax systems of those countries function or how much tax they will have to pay. With these factors in mind the question arises concerning how other countries tax their livestock farmers and what relief is provided to them. The objective of this research is to examine and compare the theoretical tax legislation of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, where after it will be applied in a case study. Finally conclusions and recommendations will be made based on the results of the research. It was found that, although the relief provided to South African livestock farmers regarding some aspects exceeds the relief provided in Australia and New Zealand, there are certain aspects that could be adjusted in order to make it more advantageous for livestock farmers to stay in South Africa. These proposed adjustments can indirectly stimulate the national economy. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese modelDe Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe
navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde
oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in
die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk.
Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning
gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur
taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van
vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende
beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan
'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie
respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir
die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe
getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and
quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the
oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has
led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This
new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to
the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through
language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader
context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different
descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more
systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model
for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich,
descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can
lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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Die inheemse deliktereg van die Bakwena Ba Mogopa van Hebron in die ODI 1 distrikVan der Merwe, Emily 11 1900 (has links)
Abduction / Adultery / Assault / Constitution / Defamation / Delict / Grounds of justification / Indigenous law / Intention / Legal maxims / Legal system / Legal values / Living law / Malicious damage to property / Negligence / Rape / Remedies / Seduction / Theft / Trespass / Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / In die studie word bepaal of die verskynsel wat algemeen as delik
getipeer word, bekend is aan die inheemse reg en of daar na inheemse
deliktereg in die gewone sin van die woord verwys kan word.
Aangesien die lewende reg van 'n groep beinvloed kan word deur die
mate van verwestersing wat plaasgevind het, is 'n mikrostudie in 'n
semistedelike gebied gedoen ten einde te bepaal of eie waarde-oordele
verplaas en vervang word wanneer daar van Westerse regsinstellings
gebruik gemaak word.
lnligting is ingesamel deur middel van gesprekvoering met 'n paneel
van kundige mans en vrouens en is getoets aan beskikbare literatuur.
Daar is gepoog om nie net die regsbeginsels te identifiseer en te
omskryf nie, maar om ook kennis te neem van daardie
kultuurinstellings en sosiale prosesse wat buite die reg funksioneer. Alhoewel dit moontlik is om die algemene beginsels van 'n delik te
identifiseer asook die verskeie subjektiewe regte waarop inbreuk
gemaak kan word, moet die eiesoortige aard daarvan deurentyd in
gedagte gehou en verreken word teen die ongespesialiseerde aard van
die inheemse reg.
Daar is gevind dat die inheemse deliktereg van die bestudeerde groep
duidelike tekens toon van aanpassings by nuwe omstandighede, maar
tog met behoud van beproefde regsbeginsels en menslike waardes. / This study ascertains whether the phenomenon typified as indigenous
law of delict is known to indigenous law and whether reference may
be made to indigenous law of delict in the usual sense of the word.
As the living law may be influenced by the measure of westernisation
that took place, a micro study has been carried out in a semi-urban
area in order to ascertain whether own value judgments are replaced
or substituted when Western legal institutions are used.
Information has been collected by way of interviews with a panel of
knowledgeable men and women and controlled by reference to
available literature. An attempt was made not only to identify and
define legal principles, but also to take note of those cultural
institutions and social processes functioning outside the law.
Although it is possible to identify the general principles of delict as
well as several subjective rights that may be infringed, the peculiar
nature of delict must be borne in mind and set off against the unspecialised nature of indigenous law.
The indigenous law of delict shows clear signs of adaptation to new
circumstances, but there is evidence of the retention of proven legal
principles and human values. / Private Law / L.L. D.
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Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese modelDe Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe
navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde
oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in
die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk.
Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning
gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur
taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van
vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende
beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan
'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie
respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir
die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe
getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and
quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the
oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has
led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This
new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to
the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through
language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader
context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different
descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more
systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model
for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich,
descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can
lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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Die inheemse deliktereg van die Bakwena Ba Mogopa van Hebron in die ODI 1 distrikVan der Merwe, Emily 11 1900 (has links)
Abduction / Adultery / Assault / Constitution / Defamation / Delict / Grounds of justification / Indigenous law / Intention / Legal maxims / Legal system / Legal values / Living law / Malicious damage to property / Negligence / Rape / Remedies / Seduction / Theft / Trespass / Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / In die studie word bepaal of die verskynsel wat algemeen as delik
getipeer word, bekend is aan die inheemse reg en of daar na inheemse
deliktereg in die gewone sin van die woord verwys kan word.
Aangesien die lewende reg van 'n groep beinvloed kan word deur die
mate van verwestersing wat plaasgevind het, is 'n mikrostudie in 'n
semistedelike gebied gedoen ten einde te bepaal of eie waarde-oordele
verplaas en vervang word wanneer daar van Westerse regsinstellings
gebruik gemaak word.
lnligting is ingesamel deur middel van gesprekvoering met 'n paneel
van kundige mans en vrouens en is getoets aan beskikbare literatuur.
Daar is gepoog om nie net die regsbeginsels te identifiseer en te
omskryf nie, maar om ook kennis te neem van daardie
kultuurinstellings en sosiale prosesse wat buite die reg funksioneer. Alhoewel dit moontlik is om die algemene beginsels van 'n delik te
identifiseer asook die verskeie subjektiewe regte waarop inbreuk
gemaak kan word, moet die eiesoortige aard daarvan deurentyd in
gedagte gehou en verreken word teen die ongespesialiseerde aard van
die inheemse reg.
Daar is gevind dat die inheemse deliktereg van die bestudeerde groep
duidelike tekens toon van aanpassings by nuwe omstandighede, maar
tog met behoud van beproefde regsbeginsels en menslike waardes. / This study ascertains whether the phenomenon typified as indigenous
law of delict is known to indigenous law and whether reference may
be made to indigenous law of delict in the usual sense of the word.
As the living law may be influenced by the measure of westernisation
that took place, a micro study has been carried out in a semi-urban
area in order to ascertain whether own value judgments are replaced
or substituted when Western legal institutions are used.
Information has been collected by way of interviews with a panel of
knowledgeable men and women and controlled by reference to
available literature. An attempt was made not only to identify and
define legal principles, but also to take note of those cultural
institutions and social processes functioning outside the law.
Although it is possible to identify the general principles of delict as
well as several subjective rights that may be infringed, the peculiar
nature of delict must be borne in mind and set off against the unspecialised nature of indigenous law.
The indigenous law of delict shows clear signs of adaptation to new
circumstances, but there is evidence of the retention of proven legal
principles and human values. / Private Law / L.L. D.
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