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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Лексиколошки и лексикографски статус актуелних позајмљеница у српском језику / Leksikološki i leksikografski status aktuelnih pozajmljenica u srpskom jeziku / Lexicological and lexicographical position of thecurrent loanwords in the Serbian language

Rakić Karmela 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatra status aktuelnih pozajmljenica u<br />srpskom jeziku iz perspektive leksikologije i<br />leksikografije. Za potrebe ovog razmatranja prikupljen je<br />korpus od 1000 pozajmljenica ekscerpiranih iz<br />relevantnih &scaron;tampanih medija. Prvi dio rada, nakon<br />osnovnih, uvodnih napomena o predmetu i cilju<br />istraživanja, bavi se teorijskim postavkama koje se ticu<br />pozajmljenica u leksikolo&scaron;koj i leksikografskoj literaturi.<br />U narednom segmentu rada obja&scaron;njava se metodologija<br />primijenjena u radu, te se opisuju izvori za ekscerpciju<br />leksike. Zatim slijedi analiticki dio u kome se analizira<br />ekscerpirana leksika na fonolo&scaron;kom, morfolo&scaron;kom,<br />tvorbenom, leksikolo&scaron;kom, semantickom i pravopisnom<br />nivou. Time se pokazuje adaptiranost pozajmljenica na<br />razlicitim jezickim nivoima, i odnos savremene srpske<br />leksikografije prema ovom znacajnom segmentu aktuelne<br />leksike srpskog jezika. Posebni dijelovi rada izdvojeni su<br />za osvrt na problem vi&scaron;eclanih leksema, i zatim za<br />strukturu rjecnika. Razmatranje se zavr&scaron;ava zakljucnim<br />napomenama, u kojima se daje pregled cjelokupnog rada,<br />i skrece se pažnja na otvorena pitanja. Najobimniji dio<br />rada je rjecnik aktuelnih pozajmljenica u srpskom jeziku.<br />U ovom istraživanju se pokazalo da relevantna<br />leksikolo&scaron;ka i leksikografska literatura, kao ni<br />leksikografska praksa ne obuhvataju u dovoljnoj mjeri<br />vrlo slojevit i kompleksan nanos strane leksike u<br />savremenom srpskom jeziku.</p> / <p>The thesis discusses the position of the current<br />loanwords in the Serbian language from the lexicological<br />and lexicographical point of view. The corpus of 1,000<br />loanwords excerpted from the relevant press has been<br />collected for this study. After some basic and introductory<br />comments on the subject and the goal of the research, the<br />first part of the thesis deals with theoretical statements<br />concerning loanwords in lexicological and<br />lexicographical literature. The following segment of the<br />study explains the methodology applied in practice and<br />describes the sources of the excerpted lexis. The next is<br />the analytical part where the excerpted lexis is analysed<br />on the levels of phonology, morphology, word formation,<br />lexicology, semantics and ortography. It is used to show<br />the adaptibility of loanwords to different linguistic levels<br />and approach of the contemporary Serbian lexicography<br />towards this significant segment of the current lexis in the<br />Serbian language. Some specific parts of the thesis have<br />been selected as the review of the issue of composite<br />lexemes, as well as the structure of the lexicon. The study<br />is ended with the concluding notes where the overview of<br />the complete thesis is given and the attention is drawn to<br />the open questions. The most extensive part is the lexicon<br />of the current loanwords in the Serbian language. This<br />research has shown that relevant lexicological and<br />lexicographical practice do not adequately comprise quite<br />layered and complex accumulation of foreign lexis in the<br />contemporary Serbian language.</p>

Morfemizacija krnjih leksičkih osnova u engleskom jeziku:leksikološki i leksikografski aspekti / Morphemization of truncated lexical bases in present-day English:lexicological and lexicographic aspects

Lalić-Krstin Gordana 15 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ova disertacija se bavi procesom<br />&nbsp;morfemizacije krnjih osnova koje su nastale<br />od leksičkihslivenica. Rekurzivinim<br />slivanjem s različitim inicijalnim elementima,<br />ove osnove se konsoliduju u svom skraćenom<br />obliku ili oblicima, &scaron;to za rezultat ima<br />separaciju novih tvorbenih jedinica. Najbitniji<br />ciljevi istraživanja su sledeći: da se utvrdi<br />teorijski i terminolo&scaron;ki status ovih elementa i<br />odrede kriterijumi za njihovo članstvo u ovoj<br />kategoriji; da se na osnovu tih kriterijuma<br />napravi popis morfemizovanih elemenata uz<br />razvoj metodologije potrebne za njihovu<br />ekscerpciju; da se sačini spisak leksema u<br />kojima se javljaju; da se ustanove formalne<br />varijacije i njihova relativna učestalost kao i<br />tipovi i oblici inicijalnih elementa sa kojima<br />se kombinuju, &scaron;to bi za rezultat imalo<br />formulisanje prototipskog tvorbenog modela;<br />da istraži značenje ovih elemenata, eventualni<br />razvoj novih semema i smisaonih odnosa; da<br />d&acirc; pregled njihove zastupljenosti u<br />postojećim rečnicima; da predloži model<br />njihove leksikografske obrada i da se na<br />osnovu tog predloga sačini rečnik kako<br />morfemizovanih krnjih osnova, tako i reči u<br />kojima se javljaju.</p> / <p>This dissertation investigates the process of<br />AB morphemization of truncated bases which<br />have originated from lexical blends. Through<br />their recurrent blending with various initial<br />elements, they become consolidated in their<br />truncated form or forms, resulting in the<br />secretion of new word-formational units. The<br />most important goals of the research are the<br />following: to determine the theoretical and<br />terminological status of these elements and<br />establish the criteria for category<br />membership; to compile a list of<br />morphemized elements based on these<br />criteria by developing the methodology for<br />their extraction; to compile a list of lexemes<br />containing these newly morphemized<br />elements; to determine formal variations and<br />their relative frequency as well as the types<br />and forms of initial elements with which they<br />combine, resulting in theformulation of the<br />prototypical word-formation pattern; to<br />investigate the meaning of these elements and<br />the development of new senses and sense<br />relations; to give an overview of their<br />representation in existing dictionaries; to<br />propose a model for their lexicographic<br />treatment and to apply that model in the<br />compilation of a specialized dictionary of<br />morphemized truncated bases and words in<br />which they appear.</p>

Identification et modélisation lexicographique des dépendances syntaxiques régies du français: le cas des dépendances nominales

Arbour Barbaud, Évelyne 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’interface entre la sémantique lexicale et la syntaxe, et elle s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de base lexicale DiCo (acronyme pour Dictionnaire de combinatoire) à l’Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] de l’Université de Montréal. Le projet découle d'une volonté d'inscrire de façon concise et complète, à même le dictionnaire, le comportement syntaxique typique à chaque unité lexicale. Dans cette optique, nous encodons la cooccurrence des lexies nominales du DiCo avec leurs actants à l'intérieur d'un tableau de régime lexical (aussi connu sous le nom de schéma valenciel, structure argumentale, cadre de sous-catégorisation, structure prédicats-arguments, etc.), en notant entre autres les dépendances syntaxiques de surface impliquées. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons les propriétés syntaxiques d'une dépendance nominale du français, celle que nous avons nommée attributive adnominale, de façon à exposer une méthodologie d'identification et de caractérisation des dépendances syntaxiques de surface. Nous donnons également la liste des dépendances nominales régies identifiées au cours de ce travail. Par la suite, nous exposons la création d'une base de données de régimes généralisés du français nommée CARNAVAL. Finalement, nous discutons des applications possibles de notre travail, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la création d'une typologie des régimes lexicaux du français. / This research focuses on the interface between lexical semantics and syntax, and is part of the lexical database project called DiCo (acronym for Dictionnaire de combinatoire) at the Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] at the University of Montreal. The project aims to register in a concise and complete way the typical syntactic behavior of each lexical unit directly in the dictionary. To this end, we encode the co-occurrence of the DiCo's nominal lexical units with their actants within a government pattern (also known as valency structure, subcategorization frame, predicate-argument structure, etc.), using, among other things, the surface syntactic dependencies involved. In this dissertation, we present the syntactic properties of a French nominal dependency, the one that we named attributive adnominale, so as to expose a methodology for the identification and the characterization of surface syntactic dependencies. We also give the list of valence-controlled nominal dependencies that were identified in our work. Subsequently, we describe the creation of a database of generalized French government patterns named CARNAVAL. Finally, we discuss possible applications of our work, particularly in regard to the creation of a typology of French government patterns.

Identification et modélisation lexicographique des dépendances syntaxiques régies du français: le cas des dépendances nominales

Arbour Barbaud, Évelyne 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’interface entre la sémantique lexicale et la syntaxe, et elle s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet de base lexicale DiCo (acronyme pour Dictionnaire de combinatoire) à l’Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] de l’Université de Montréal. Le projet découle d'une volonté d'inscrire de façon concise et complète, à même le dictionnaire, le comportement syntaxique typique à chaque unité lexicale. Dans cette optique, nous encodons la cooccurrence des lexies nominales du DiCo avec leurs actants à l'intérieur d'un tableau de régime lexical (aussi connu sous le nom de schéma valenciel, structure argumentale, cadre de sous-catégorisation, structure prédicats-arguments, etc.), en notant entre autres les dépendances syntaxiques de surface impliquées. Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons les propriétés syntaxiques d'une dépendance nominale du français, celle que nous avons nommée attributive adnominale, de façon à exposer une méthodologie d'identification et de caractérisation des dépendances syntaxiques de surface. Nous donnons également la liste des dépendances nominales régies identifiées au cours de ce travail. Par la suite, nous exposons la création d'une base de données de régimes généralisés du français nommée CARNAVAL. Finalement, nous discutons des applications possibles de notre travail, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à la création d'une typologie des régimes lexicaux du français. / This research focuses on the interface between lexical semantics and syntax, and is part of the lexical database project called DiCo (acronym for Dictionnaire de combinatoire) at the Observatoire de Linguistique Sens-Texte [OLST] at the University of Montreal. The project aims to register in a concise and complete way the typical syntactic behavior of each lexical unit directly in the dictionary. To this end, we encode the co-occurrence of the DiCo's nominal lexical units with their actants within a government pattern (also known as valency structure, subcategorization frame, predicate-argument structure, etc.), using, among other things, the surface syntactic dependencies involved. In this dissertation, we present the syntactic properties of a French nominal dependency, the one that we named attributive adnominale, so as to expose a methodology for the identification and the characterization of surface syntactic dependencies. We also give the list of valence-controlled nominal dependencies that were identified in our work. Subsequently, we describe the creation of a database of generalized French government patterns named CARNAVAL. Finally, we discuss possible applications of our work, particularly in regard to the creation of a typology of French government patterns.

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