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Airborne lidar-aided comparative facies architecture of Yates Formation (Permian) middle to outer shelf depositional systems, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and west TexasSadler, Cari Elizabeth 22 February 2011 (has links)
The eastern side of the Guadalupe Mountains, located in New Mexico and west Texas, represents an erosional profile along the Capitan reef margin. A complete shelf-to-basin exposure of the Upper Permian Capitan shelf margin is found on the north wall of North McKittrick Canyon, which is nearly perpendicular to the Capitan reef margin. An excellent 2-D sequence stratigraphic framework for upper Permian backreef facies has been developed by previous workers for North McKittrick Canyon (Tinker, 1998) and Slaughter Canyon (Osleger, 1998), forming the basis for observations in this study.
The goal of this study is to describe the sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Yates Formation, focusing on the Y4-Y6 high-frequency sequences (HFSs) found in the middle to outer shelf depositional systems, and to illustrate the use of airborne lidar data to quantitatively map at the cycle-scale. Seven measured sections were taken in North McKittrick Canyon. From airborne lidar, 3-D geometries of key sedimentary and structural features were mapped in Polyworks, in addition to the sequence boundaries delineating the Yates 4-6 HFSs.
In general, major cycles exhibit asymmetry and shoal upward. Cycle boundaries are sometimes hard to delineate due to amalgamation, particularly in the shelf crest. High-frequency sequences are commonly asymmetric; they deepen and thicken upward toward the maximum flooding surface, and the boundaries between HFSs are usually marked by thick siltstones. Major HFS boundaries can be mapped across the entire dataset, and some component cycles can be observed for minimum distances of one kilometer in an updip-downdip direction. Also, some facies tract dimensions can be estimated directly from the lidar data. Measured sections indicate that the shelf crest facies tract shifts seaward with each successive HFS, while the outer shelf facies tract steps landward.
Future work that could be done with the Y4-Y6 HFSs includes 8-10 more measured sections, collection of samples for thin sections, and tracing out of contacts between facies tracts. Extensive lidar data interpretation needs to be done so that digital outcrop models demonstrating facies distributions can be produced. This would enable the development of an outcrop analog model to mixed carbonate-siliciclastic reservoirs, which would be unprecedented in this area. / text
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Point cloud classification for water surface identification in Lidar datasetsSangireddy, Harish 07 July 2011 (has links)
Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) is a remote sensing technique that provides high resolution range measurements between the laser scanner and Earth’s topography. These range measurements are mapped as 3D point cloud with high accuracy (< 0.1 meters). Depending on the geometry of the illuminated surfaces on earth one or more backscattered echoes are recorded for every pulse emitted by the laser scanner. Lidar has the advantage of being able to create elevation surfaces in 3D, while also having information about the intensity of the returned pulse at each point, thus it can be treated as a spatial and as a spectral data system. The 3D elevation attributes of Lidar data are used in this study to identify possible water surface points quickly and efficiently. The approach incorporates the use of Laplacian curvature computed via wavelets where the wavelets are the first and second order derivatives of a Gaussian kernel. In computer science, a kd-tree is a space-partitioning data structure used for organizing points in a k dimensional space. The 3D point cloud is segmented by using a kd-tree and following this segmentation the neighborhood of each point is identified and Laplacian curvature is computed at each point record. A combination of positive curvature values and elevation measures is used to determine the threshold for identifying possible water surface points in the point cloud. The efficiency and accurate localization of the extracted water surface points are demonstrated by using the Lidar data for Williamson County in Texas. Six different test sites are identified and the results are compared against high resolution imagery. The resulting point features mapped accurately on streams and other water surfaces in the test sites. The combination of curvature and elevation filtering allowed the procedure to omit roads and bridges in the test sites and only identify points that belonged to streams, small ponds and floodplains. This procedure shows the capability of Lidar data for water surface mapping thus providing valuable datasets for a number of applications in geomorphology, hydrology and hydraulics. / text
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Patterns and paleoshorelines of White Sands Dune Field, New MexicoBaitis, Elke Elise 15 July 2011 (has links)
The dune field at White Sands, New Mexico, shows a well-defined pattern of dunes and interdune areas, as well as spatial variations in this pattern. The purpose of this research is to determine which measured pattern parameters are most consistent across the dune field and to determine the cause of depositional spatial variability. This was accomplished using an airborne LiDAR generated digital-elevation model (DEM) collected in June 2007 and covering 39 km² of the dune field. Properties of the dune field are defined by measurements from three dune populations: 1) 110 randomly selected dunes, 2) 247 dunes along transects oriented in the net transport direction, and 3) 171 dunes from three zones within the field where differences in pattern are visible. Measurements of eight common dune parameters show that the lowest coefficients of variation occur with dune orientation and crestline sinuosity, which largely define the field pattern. Cross-plotting of parameters shows generally poor correlations, which is thought to reflect variation around field-scale means that are comparable to other dune fields globally. Removing the dunes from the LiDAR DEM reveals a depositional substrate with breaks in slope interpreted as three paleoshorelines associated with Pleistocene Lake Otero. The paleoshorelines are antecedent boundary conditions that exert the primary control on spatial variability within the dune pattern. / text
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Estimation of individual tree metrics using structure-from-motion photogrammetry.Miller, Jordan Mitchell January 2015 (has links)
The deficiencies of traditional dendrometry mean improvements in methods of tree mensuration are necessary in order to obtain accurate tree metrics for applications such as resource appraisal, and biophysical and ecological modelling. This thesis tests the potential of SfM-MVS (Structure-fromMotion with Multi-View Stereo-photogrammetry) using the software package PhotoScan Professional, for accurately determining linear (2D) and volumetric (3D) tree metrics. SfM is a remote sensing technique, in which the 3D position of objects is calculated from a series of photographs, resulting in a 3D point cloud model. Unlike other photogrammetric techniques, SfM requires no control points or camera calibration. The MVS component of model reconstruction generates a mesh surface based on the structure of the SfM point cloud.
The study was divided into two research components, for which two different groups of study trees were used: 1) 30 small, potted ‘nursery’ trees (mean height 2.98 m), for which exact measurements could be made and field settings could be modified, and; 2) 35 mature ‘landscape’ trees (mean height 8.6 m) located in parks and reserves in urban areas around the South Island, New Zealand, for which field settings could not be modified.
The first component of research tested the ability of SfM-MVS to reconstruct spatially-accurate 3D models from which 2D (height, crown spread, crown depth, stem diameter) and 3D (volume) tree metrics could be estimated. Each of the 30 nursery trees was photographed and measured with traditional dendrometry to obtain ground truth values with which to evaluate against SfM-MVS estimates. The trees were destructively sampled by way of xylometry, in order to obtain true volume values. The RMSE for SfM-MVS estimates of linear tree metrics ranged between 2.6% and 20.7%, and between 12.3% and 47.5% for volumetric tree metrics. Tree stems were reconstructed very well though slender stems and branches were reconstructed poorly.
The second component of research tested the ability of SfM-MVS to reconstruct spatially-accurate 3D models from which height and DBH could be estimated. Each of the 35 landscape trees, which varied in height and species, were photographed, and ground truth values were obtained to evaluate against SfM-MVS estimates. As well as this, each photoset was thinned to find the minimum number of images required to achieve total image alignment in PhotoScan and produce an SfM point cloud (minimum photoset), from which 2D metrics could be estimated. The height and DBH were estimated by SfM-MVS from the complete photosets with RMSE of 6.2% and 5.6% respectively. The height and DBH were estimated from the minimum photosets with RMSE of 9.3% and 7.4% respectively. The minimum number of images required to achieve total alignment was between 20 and 50. There does not appear to be a correlation between the minimum number of images required for alignment and the error in the estimates of height or DBH (R2 =0.001 and 0.09 respectively). Tree height does not appear to affect the minimum number of images required for image alignment (R 2 =0.08).
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Morphostructural and paleo-seismic analysis of fault interactions in the Oxford–Cust–Ashley fault system, CanterburyMahon, Luke Evan January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates evidence for linkages and fault interactions centred on the Cust Anticline in Northwest Canterbury between Starvation Hill to the southwest and the Ashley and Loburn faults to the northeast. An integrated programme of geologic, geomorphic, paleo-seismic and geophysical analyses was undertaken owing to a lack of surface exposures and difficulty in distinguishing active tectonic features from fluvial and/or aeolian features across the low-relief Canterbury Plains.
LiDAR analysis identified surface expression of several previously unrecognised active fault traces across the low-relief aggradation surfaces of the Canterbury Plains. Their presence is consistent with predictions of a fault relay exploiting the structural mesh across the region. This is characterised by interactions of northeast-striking contractional faults and a series of re-activating inherited Late Cretaceous normal faults, the latter now functioning as E–W-striking dextral transpressive faults. LiDAR also allowed for detailed analysis of the surface expression of individual faults and folds across the Cust Anticline contractional restraining bend, which is evolving as a pop-up structure within the newly established dextral shear system that is exploiting the inherited, now re-activated, basement fault zone. Paleo-seismic trenches were located on the crest of the western arm of the Cust Anticline and across a previously unrecognised E–W-striking fault trace, immediately southwest of the steeply plunging Cust Anticline termination. These studies confirmed the location and structural style of north-northeast-striking faults and an E–W-striking fault associated with the development of this structural culmination. A review of available industry seismic reflection lines emphasised the presence of a series of common structural styles having the same underlying structural drivers but with varying degrees of development and expression, both in the seismic profiles and in surface elevations across the study area. Based on LiDAR surface mapping and preliminary re-analysis of industry seismic reflection data, four fault zones are identified across the restraining bend structural culminations, which together form the proposed Oxford–Cust–Ashley Fault System.
The 2010–2012 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence showed many similarities to the structural pattern established across the Oxford–Cust–Ashley Fault System, emphasising the importance of identification and characterization of presently hidden fault sources, and the understanding of fault network linkages, in order to improve constraints on earthquake source potential. Improved understanding of potentially-interactive fault sources in Northwest Canterbury, with the potential for combined initial fault rupture and spatial and temporal rupture propagation across this fault system, can be used in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for the region, which is essential for the suitability and sustainability of future social and economic development.
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Improving Distributed Hydrologic Modeling and Global Land Cover DataBroxton, Patrick January 2013 (has links)
Distributed models of the land surface are essential for global climate models because of the importance of land-atmosphere exchanges of water, energy, momentum. They are also used for high resolution hydrologic simulation because of the need to capture non-linear responses to spatially variable inputs. Continued improvements to these models, and the data which they use, is especially important given ongoing changes in climate and land cover. In hydrologic models, important aspects are sometimes neglected due to the need to simplify the models for operational simulation. For example, operational flash flood models do not consider the role of snow and are often lumped (i.e. do not discretize a watershed into multiple units, and so do not fully consider the effect of intense, localized rainstorms). To address this deficiency, an overland flow model is coupled with a subsurface flow model to create a distributed flash flood forecasting system that can simulate flash floods that involve rain on snow. The model is intended for operational use, and there are extensive algorithms to incorporate high-resolution hydrometeorologic data, to assist in the calibration of the models, and to run the model in real time. A second study, which is designed to improve snow simulation in forested environments, demonstrates the importance of explicitly representing a near canopy environment in snow models, instead of only representing open and canopy covered areas (i.e. with % canopy fraction), as is often done. Our modeling, which uses canopy structure information from Aerial Laser Survey Mapping at 1 meter resolution, suggests that areas near trees have more net snow water input than surrounding areas because of the lack of snow interception, shading by the trees, and the effects of wind. In addition, the greatest discrepancy between our model simulations that explicitly represent forest structure and those that do not occur in areas with more canopy edges. In addition, two value-added Land Cover products (land cover type and maximum green vegetation fraction; MGVF) are developed and evaluated. The new products are good successors to current generation land cover products that are used in global models (many of which rely on 20 year old AVHRR land cover data from a single year) because they are based on 10 years of recent MODIS data. There is substantial spurious interannual variability in the MODIS land cover type data, and the MGVF product can vary substantially from year to year depending on climate conditions, suggesting the importance of using climatologies for land cover data. The new land cover type climatology also agrees better with validation sites, and the MGVF climatology is more consistent with other measures of vegetation (e.g. Leaf Area Index) than the older land cover data.
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Optical characterization of Polar winter aerosols and cloudsBaibakov, Konstantin January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : L???Arctique est particuli??rement sensible aux changements climatiques et a r??cemment subi des modifications majeures incluant une diminution dramatique de l???extension de la glace de mer. Notre capacit???? a?? mod??liser et a?? potentiellement r??duire les changements climatiques est limit??e, en partie, par les incertitudes associe??es au forc??age radiatif induit par les effets directs et indirects des ae??rosols, qui de??pendent de notre compre??hension des processus impliquant les nuages et les ae??rosols. La charge des ae??rosols est caracte??rise??e par l???e??paisseur optique des ae??rosols (AOD) qui est le parame??tre radiatif extensif le plus important et l???indicateur re??gional du comportement des ae??rosols sans doute le plus de??cisif. Une de nos lacunes majeures dans la compre??hension des ae??rosols arctiques est leur comportement durant l???hiver polaire. Cela est principalement du?? au manque de mesures nocturnes d???AOD. Dans ce travail, on utilise des instruments (lidar et photome??tre stellaire) installe??s en Arctique pour mesurer, respectivement, les profils verticaux des ae??rosols et une valeur inte??gre??e dans la colonne (AOD) de ces profils. En outre, les donne??es d???un lidar spatial (CALIOP) sont utilise??es pour fournir un contexte pan-arctique et des statistiques saisonnie??res pour supporter les mesures au sol. Ces dernie??res ont e??te?? obtenues aux stations arctiques d???Eureka (80??? N, 86??? W) et de Ny A??lesund (79??? N, 12??? E) durant les hivers polaires de 2010-2011 et 2011-2012. L???importance physique des pe- tites variations d???amplitude de l???AOD est typique de l???hiver polaire en Arctique, mais suppose une ve??rification pour s???assurer que des artefacts ne contribuent pas a?? ces variations (par exemple un masque de nuage insuffisant). Une analyse des processus base??e sur des e??ve??nements (avec une re??solution temporelle ??? une minute) est essentielle pour s???assurer que les parame??tres optiques et microphysiques extensifs (grossiers) et intensifs (par particules) sont cohe??rents et physiquement conformes. La synergie photom??tre stellaire-lidar nous permet de caracte??riser plusieurs e??ve??nements distincts au cours des pe??riodes de mesures, en particulier : des ae??rosols, des cristaux de glace, des nuages fins et des nuages polaires stratosphe??riques (PSC). Dans l???ensemble, les modes fin (<1??m) et grossier (>1??m) de l???AOD obtenus par photome??trie stellaire (??[indice inf??rieur f] et ??[indice inf??rieur c]) sont cohe??rents avec leurs analogues produits a?? partir des profils inte??gre??s du lidar. Cependant certaines inconsistances cause??es par des facteurs instrumentaux et environnementaux ont aussi e??te?? trouve??es. La division de l???AOD du photome??tre stellaire ??[indice inf??rieur f] et ??[indice inf??rieur c] a e??te?? davantage exploite??e afin d???e??liminer les e??paisseurs optiques du mode grossier (le filtrage spectral de nuages) et, par la suite, de comparer ??[indice inf??rieur]f avec les AODs obtenues par le filtrage de nuages traditionnel (temporel). Alors que les filtrages temporel et spectral des nuages des cas e??tudie??s au niveau des processus ont conduit a?? des re??sultats bons a?? mode??re??s en termes de cohe??rence entre les donne??es filtre??es spectralement et temporellement (les e??paisseurs optiques des photome??tres stellaires et lidars e??tant toutes deux filtre??es temporellement), les re??sultats saisonniers semblent e??tre encore contamine??s par les nuages. En imposant un accord en utilisant un second filtre, plus restrictif, avec un crite??re de ciel clair ("enveloppe minimale du nuage"), les valeurs saisonnie??res moyennes obtenues e??taient de 0.08 a?? Eureka et 0.04 a?? Ny A??lesund durant l???hiver 2010-2011. En 2011-2012, ces valeurs e??taient, respectivement, de 0.12 et 0.09. En revanche les valeurs d???e??paisseur optique de CALIOP (estime??es entre 0 et 8 km) ont le??ge??rement diminue?? de 2010-2011 a?? 2011-2012 (0.04 vs. 0.03). // Abstract : The Arctic region is particularly sensitive to climate change and has recently undergone major alterations including a dramatic decrease of sea-ice extent. Our ability to model and potentially mitigate climate change is limited, in part, by the uncertainties associated with radiative forcing due to direct and indirect aerosol effects which in turn are dependent on our understanding of aerosol and cloud processes. Aerosol loading can be characterized by aerosol optical depth (AOD) which is the most important (extensive or bulk) aerosol radiative parameter and arguably the most important regional indicator of aerosol behavior. One of the most important shortcomings in our understanding of Arctic aerosols is their behavior during the Polar winter. A major reason for this is the lack of night-time AOD measurements. In this work we use lidar and starphotometry instruments in the Arctic to obtain vertically resolved aerosol profiles and column integrated representations of those profiles (AODs) respectively. In addition, data from a space-borne lidar (CALIOP) is used to provide a pan-Arctic context and seasonal statistics in support of ground based measurements. The latter were obtained at the Eureka (80 ??? N, 86 ??? W) and Ny ??lesund (79 ??? N, 12 ??? E) high Arctic stations during the Polar Winters of 2010-11 and 2011-12. The physical significance of the variation of the small-amplitude AODs that are typical of the Arctic Polar Winter, requires verification to ensure that artifactual contributions (such as incomplete cloud screening) do not contribute to these variations. A process-level event-based analysis (with a time resolution of ??? minutes), is essential to ensure that extracted extensive (bulk) and intensive (per particle) optical and microphysical indicators are coherent and physically consistent. Using the starphotometry-lidar synergy we characterized several distinct events throughout the measurement period: these included aerosol, ice crystal, thin cloud and polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) events. In general fine (<1 ??m ) and coarse (>1 ??m )modeAODs from starphotometry ( ??[subscript f] and ?? [subscript c] ) were coherent with their lidar analogues produced from integrated profiles : however several inconsistencies related to instrumental and environmental factors were also found. The division of starphotometer AODs into ??[subscript ]f and ?? [subscript c] components was further exploited to eliminate coarse mode cloud optical depths (spectral cloud screening) and subsequently compare ?? [subscript f] with cloud-screened AODs using a traditional (temporal based) approach. While temporal and spectral cloud screening case studies at process level resolutions yielded good to moderate results in terms of the coherence between spectrally and temporally cloud screened data (both temporally screened starphotometer and lidar optical depths), seasonal results apparently still contained cloud contaminated data. Forcing an agreement using a more restrictive, second-pass, clear sky criterion ("minimal cloud envelope") produced mean 2010-11 AOD seasonal values of 0.08 and 0.04 for Eureka and Ny ??lesund respectively. In 2011-12 these values were 0.12 and 0.09. Conversely, CALIOP AODs (0 to 8 km) for the high Arctic showed a slight decrease from 2010-2011 to 2011-2012 (0.04 vs 0.03).
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Ottawa's urban forest : a geospatial approach to data collection for the UFORE/i-Tree eco ecosystem services valuation modelPalmer, Michael 25 March 2013 (has links)
The i-Tree Eco model, developed by the U.S. Forest Service, is commonly used to estimate the value of the urban forest and the ecosystem services trees provide. The model relies on field-based measurements to estimate ecosystem service values. However, the methods for collecting the field data required for the model can be extensive and costly for large areas, and data collection can thus be a barrier to implementing the model for many cities. This study investigated the use of geospatial technologies as a means to collect urban forest structure measurements within the City of Ottawa, Ontario. Results show that geospatial data collection methods can serve as a proxy for urban forest structure parameters required by i-Tree Eco. Valuations using the geospatial approach are shown to be less accurate than those developed from field-based data, but significantly less expensive. Planners must weigh the limitations of either approach when planning assessment projects.
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Ecological land classification and soil moisture modelling in the boreal forest using LiDAR remote sensingSOUTHEE, FLORENCE MARGARET 20 December 2010 (has links)
Ecological land classification (ELC) is used to classify forest types in Ontario based on ecological gradients of soil moisture and nutrient fertility determined in the field. If ELC could be automated using terrain surfaces generated from airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing, it would enhance our ability to carry out forest ecosite classification and inventory over large areas. The focus of this thesis was to determine if LiDAR-derived terrain surfaces could be used to accurately quantify soil moisture in the boreal forest at a study site near Timmins, Ontario for use in ELC systems. Analysis was performed in three parts: (1) ecological land classification was applied to classify the forest plots based on soil texture, moisture regime and dominant vegetation; (2) terrain indices were generated at four different spatial resolutions and evaluated using regression techniques to determine which resolution best estimated soil moisture; and (3) ordination techniques were applied to separate the forest types based on biophysical field measurements of soil moisture and nutrient availability. The results of this research revealed that no single biophysical measurement alone could completely separate forest types; furthermore, the best LiDAR-derived terrain variables explained only 36.5% of the variation in the soil moisture in this study area. These conclusions suggest that species abundance data (i.e., indicator species) should be examined in tandem with biophysical field measurements and LiDAR data to improve classification accuracy. / Thesis (Master, Geography) -- Queen's University, 2010-12-16 18:52:04.81
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A 100-year retrospective and current carbon budget analysis for the Sooke Lake Watershed: Investigating the watershed-scale carbon implications of disturbance in the Capital Regional District’s water supply lands / One hundred-year retrospective and current carbon budget analysis for the Sooke Lake WatershedSmiley, Byron 01 May 2015 (has links)
Northern forest ecosystems play an important role in global carbon (C) cycling and are considered to be a net C sink for atmospheric C (IPCC, 2007; Pan, et al., 2011). Reservoir creation is a common cause of deforestation and when coupled with persistent harvest activity that occurs in forest ecosystems, these disturbance events can significantly affect the C budget of a watershed. To understand the effects of these factors on carbon cycling at a landscape level, an examination of forest harvest and reservoir creation was carried out in the watershed of the Sooke Lake Reservoir, the primary water supply for the Greater Victoria area in British Columbia. Covering the period between 1910 and 2012, a detailed disturbance and forest cover dataset was generated for the Sooke Lake Watershed (SLW) and used as input into a spatially-explicit version of the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector 3 (CBM-CFS3). The model was modified to include export of C out of the forest system in the form of dissolved organic C (DOC) into streams. The fraction of decaying C exported through this mechanism was tuned in the model using DOC measurements from three catchments within the SLW. Site-specific growth and yield curves were also generated for watershed forest stand types, in part, by using LiDAR-derived site indices. C transfers associated with disturbances were adjusted to reflect the disturbance types that occurred during the 100-year study period.
Due to the removal of C resulting from wildfire, logging and residue burning, as well as deforestation disturbances, total ecosystem C stocks dropped from 700 metric tonnes of C per hectare (tC ha-1) in 1910 to their current (2012) level of ~550 tC ha-1 across the SLW. Assuming no change in management priorities and negligible effects of climate change, total ecosystem C stocks will not recover to 1910 levels until 2075. The cumulative effect of reservoir creation and expansion on the C budget resulted in 14 tC ha-1 less being sequestered (111,217 tC total) across the watershed by 2012. In contrast, sustained yield forestry within the Capital Regional District’s tenure accounts for a 93 tC ha-1 decrease by 2012, representing an impact six times greater than deforestation associated with reservoir creation. The proportionally greater impact of forestry activity is partly due to current C accounting rules (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) that treats C removed from the forest in the form of Harvested Wood Products as C immediately released to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Cumulative DOC export to the Sooke Lake reservoir was ~30,660 tC by 2012, representing a substantial pathway for C leaving the forest ecosystem. However, more research is required to understand what fraction of terrestrially-derived DOC is sequestered long term in lake sediment. The results of this study will assist forest manager decision making on the appropriate management response to future forest disturbance patterns that could result from climate change and to improve climate change mitigation efforts. / Graduate / 0478 / 0425 / 0368 / byrons@uvic.ca
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