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Recycled Concrete Aggregate – A Viable Aggregate Source For Concrete PavementsSmith, James Trevor 27 November 2009 (has links)
Virgin aggregate is being used faster than it is being made available creating a foreseeable shortage in the future. Despite this trend, the availability of demolished concrete for use as recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is increasing. Using this waste concrete as RCA conserves virgin aggregate, reduces the impact on landfills, decreases energy consumption and can provide cost savings. However, there are still many unanswered questions on the beneficial use of RCA in concrete pavements.
This research addresses the many technical and cost-effective concerns regarding the use of RCA in concrete pavements by identifying concrete mixture and proportioning designs suitable for jointed plain concrete pavements; constructing test sections using varying amounts of RCA; monitoring performance through testing, condition surveys and sensor data; modeling RCA pavement performance; and predicting life cycle costs.
The research was carried out as a partnership between the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT) at the University of Waterloo, the Cement Association of Canada, Dufferin Construction, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
The literature review provides an overview of sustainability and key performance indicators, the material properties of RCA both as an aggregate and in concrete, concrete mixture and proportioning designs with RCA, performance of existing RCA pavements, and the implementation of RCA highlighting some examples where RCA has been used successfully.
Twelve preliminary mixes were developed using three total cementitious contents amounts of 315 kg/m3, 330 kg/m3, and 345 kg/m3 to determine four suitable mixes with varying coarse RCA contents (0%, 15%, 30% and 50%) to place at the CPATT test track. At 28-days, all of the twelve mixes exceed the 30 MPa design strength.
Four test sections containing 0%, 15%, 30% and 50% coarse RCA were constructed in June 2007. The test sections had identical cross sections consisting of 250 mm portland cement concrete (PCC), 100 mm asphalt-stabilized OGDL and a 450 mm granular base. For each coarse RCA content, one slab was instrumented with six vibrating wire concrete embedment strain gages to measure long-term longitudinal and transverse strain due to environmental changes, two vibrating wire vertical extensometers to monitor slab curling and warping, two vibrating wire inter-panel extensometers to monitor joint movement, and two maturity meters to measure maturity and temperature.
Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) testing showed that the mixes containing RCA exhibited similar or improved performance when compared to the conventional concrete for compressive and flexural strength, freeze-thaw durability and coefficient of thermal expansion.
Pavement performance of the four test sections was evaluated using visual surveys following the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Manual for Condition rating of Rigid Pavements. Nine pavement evaluations have been performed every two to four months since construction. All test sections are in excellent condition with pavement condition index (PCI) values greater than 85 after two years in-service and approximately three hundred thousand Equivalent Single Axle Loads.
Sensor data from the strain gauges, and vertical and inter-panel extensometers are providing consistent results between the test sections.
Long-term performance modeling using the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (ME-PDG) showed improved performance with respect to cracked slabs, joint faulting, and pavement roughness as the RCA content increased. Multivariable sensitivity analysis showed that the performance results were sensitive to CTE, unit weight, joint spacing, edge support, surface absorption, and dowel bar diameter.
Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) illustrated the savings that can be expected using RCA as a replacement aggregate source as the cost of virgin aggregate increase as the sources becomes depleted. Multivariable sensitivity analysis showed that the LCCA results were sensitive to construction costs, discount rate, and maintenance and rehabilitation quantities.
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Recycled Concrete Aggregate – A Viable Aggregate Source For Concrete PavementsSmith, James Trevor 27 November 2009 (has links)
Virgin aggregate is being used faster than it is being made available creating a foreseeable shortage in the future. Despite this trend, the availability of demolished concrete for use as recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is increasing. Using this waste concrete as RCA conserves virgin aggregate, reduces the impact on landfills, decreases energy consumption and can provide cost savings. However, there are still many unanswered questions on the beneficial use of RCA in concrete pavements.
This research addresses the many technical and cost-effective concerns regarding the use of RCA in concrete pavements by identifying concrete mixture and proportioning designs suitable for jointed plain concrete pavements; constructing test sections using varying amounts of RCA; monitoring performance through testing, condition surveys and sensor data; modeling RCA pavement performance; and predicting life cycle costs.
The research was carried out as a partnership between the Centre for Pavement and Transportation Technology (CPATT) at the University of Waterloo, the Cement Association of Canada, Dufferin Construction, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
The literature review provides an overview of sustainability and key performance indicators, the material properties of RCA both as an aggregate and in concrete, concrete mixture and proportioning designs with RCA, performance of existing RCA pavements, and the implementation of RCA highlighting some examples where RCA has been used successfully.
Twelve preliminary mixes were developed using three total cementitious contents amounts of 315 kg/m3, 330 kg/m3, and 345 kg/m3 to determine four suitable mixes with varying coarse RCA contents (0%, 15%, 30% and 50%) to place at the CPATT test track. At 28-days, all of the twelve mixes exceed the 30 MPa design strength.
Four test sections containing 0%, 15%, 30% and 50% coarse RCA were constructed in June 2007. The test sections had identical cross sections consisting of 250 mm portland cement concrete (PCC), 100 mm asphalt-stabilized OGDL and a 450 mm granular base. For each coarse RCA content, one slab was instrumented with six vibrating wire concrete embedment strain gages to measure long-term longitudinal and transverse strain due to environmental changes, two vibrating wire vertical extensometers to monitor slab curling and warping, two vibrating wire inter-panel extensometers to monitor joint movement, and two maturity meters to measure maturity and temperature.
Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) testing showed that the mixes containing RCA exhibited similar or improved performance when compared to the conventional concrete for compressive and flexural strength, freeze-thaw durability and coefficient of thermal expansion.
Pavement performance of the four test sections was evaluated using visual surveys following the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Manual for Condition rating of Rigid Pavements. Nine pavement evaluations have been performed every two to four months since construction. All test sections are in excellent condition with pavement condition index (PCI) values greater than 85 after two years in-service and approximately three hundred thousand Equivalent Single Axle Loads.
Sensor data from the strain gauges, and vertical and inter-panel extensometers are providing consistent results between the test sections.
Long-term performance modeling using the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (ME-PDG) showed improved performance with respect to cracked slabs, joint faulting, and pavement roughness as the RCA content increased. Multivariable sensitivity analysis showed that the performance results were sensitive to CTE, unit weight, joint spacing, edge support, surface absorption, and dowel bar diameter.
Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) illustrated the savings that can be expected using RCA as a replacement aggregate source as the cost of virgin aggregate increase as the sources becomes depleted. Multivariable sensitivity analysis showed that the LCCA results were sensitive to construction costs, discount rate, and maintenance and rehabilitation quantities.
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On Reliability of SiC Power Devices in Power ElectronicsSadik, Diane-Perle January 2017 (has links)
Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a wide-bandgap (WBG) semiconductor materialwhich has several advantages such as higher maximum electric field, lowerON-state resistance, higher switching speeds, and higher maximum allowablejunction operation temperature compared to Silicon (Si). In the 1.2 kV - 1.7kV voltage range, power devices in SiC are foreseen to replace Si Insulatedgatebipolar transistors (IGBTs) for applications targeting high efficiency,high operation temperatures and/or volume reductions. In particular, theSiC Metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) – which isvoltage controlled and normally-OFF – is the device of choice due to the easeof its implementation in designs using Si IGBTs.In this work the reliability of SiC devices, in particular that of the SiCMOSFET, has been investigated. First, the possibility of paralleling two discreteSiC MOSFETs is investigated and validated through static and dynamictests. Parallel-connection was found to be unproblematic. Secondly, drifts ofthe threshold voltage and forward voltage of the body diode of the SiC MOSFETare investigated through long-term tests. Also these reliability aspectswere found to be unproblematic. Thirdly, the impact of the package on thechip reliability is discussed through a modeling of the parasitic inductancesof a standard module and the impact of those inductances on the gate oxide.The model shows imbalances in stray inductances and parasitic elementsthat are problematic for high-speed switching. A long-term test on the impactof humidity on junction terminations of SiC MOSFETs dies and SiCSchottky dies encapsulated in the same standard package reveals early degradationfor some modules situated outdoors. Then, the short-circuit behaviorof three different types (bipolar junction transistor, junction field-effect transistor,and MOSFET) of 1.2 kV SiC switching devices is investigated throughexperiments and simulations. The necessity to turn OFF the device quicklyduring a fault is supported with a detailed electro-thermal analysis for eachdevice. Design guidelines towards a rugged and fast short-circuit protectionare derived. For each device, a short-circuit protection driver was designed,built and validated experimentally. The possibility of designing diode-lessconverters with SiC MOSFETs is investigated with focus on surge currenttests through the body diode. The discovered fault mechanism is the triggeringof the npn parasitic bipolar transistor. Finally, a life-cycle cost analysis(LCCA) has been performed revealing that the introduction of SiC MOSFETsin already existing IGBT designs is economically interesting. In fact,the initial investment is saved later on due to a higher efficiency. Moreover,the reliability is improved, which is beneficial from a risk-management pointof-view. The total investment over 20 years is approximately 30 % lower fora converter with SiC MOSFETs although the initial converter cost is 30 %higher. / Kiselkarbid (SiC) är ett bredbandgapsmaterial (WBG) som har flera fördelar,såsom högre maximal elektrisk fältstyrka, lägre ON-state resitans, högreswitch-hastighet och högre maximalt tillåten arbetstemperatur jämförtmed kisel (Si). I spänningsområdet 1,2-1,7 kV förutses att effekthalvledarkomponenteri SiC kommer att ersätta Si Insulated-gate bipolar transistorer(IGBT:er) i tillämpningar där hög verkningsgrad, hög arbetstemperatur ellervolymreduktioner eftersträvas. Förstahandsvalet är en SiC Metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) som är spänningsstyrd ochnormally-OFF, egenskaper som möjliggör enkel implementering i konstruktionersom använder Si IGBTer.I detta arbete undersöks tillförlitligheten av SiC komponenter, specielltSiC MOSFET:en. Först undersöks möjligheten att parallellkoppla tvådiskretaSiC MOSFET:ar genom statiska och dynamiska prov. Parallellkopplingbefanns vara oproblematisk. Sedan undersöks drift av tröskelspänning ochbody-diodens framspänning genom långtidsprov. Ocksådessa tillförlitlighetsaspekterbefanns vara oproblematiska. Därefter undersöks kapslingens inverkanpåchip:et genom modellering av parasitiska induktanser hos en standardmoduloch inverkan av dessa induktanser pågate-oxiden. Modellen påvisaren obalans mellan de parasitiska induktanserna, något som kan varaproblematiskt för snabb switchning. Ett långtidstest av inverkan från fuktpåkant-termineringar för SiC-MOSFET:ar och SiC-Schottky-dioder i sammastandardmodul avslöjar tidiga tecken pådegradering för vissa moduler somvarit utomhus. Därefter undersöks kortslutningsbeteende för tre typer (bipolärtransistor,junction-field-effect transistor och MOSFET) av 1.2 kV effekthalvledarswitchargenom experiment och simuleringar. Behovet att stänga avkomponenten snabbt stöds av detaljerade elektrotermiska simuleringar för allatre komponenter. Konstruktionsriktlinjer för ett robust och snabbt kortslutningsskyddtas fram. För var och en av komponenterna byggs en drivkrets medkortslutningsskydd som valideras experimentellt. Möjligheten att konstrueradiodlösa omvandlare med SiC MOSFET:ar undersöks med fokus påstötströmmargenom body-dioden. Den upptäckta felmekanismen är ett oönskat tillslagav den parasitiska npn-transistorn. Slutligen utförs en livscykelanalys(LCCA) som avslöjar att introduktionen av SiC MOSFET:ar i existerandeIGBT-konstruktioner är ekonomiskt intressant. Den initiala investeringensparas in senare pågrund av en högre verkningsgrad. Dessutom förbättrastillförlitligheten, vilket är fördelaktigt ur ett riskhanteringsperspektiv. Dentotala investeringen över 20 år är ungefär 30 % lägre för en omvandlare medSiC MOSFET:ar även om initialkostnaden är 30 % högre. / <p>QC 20170524</p>
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