Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lipschitz transition""
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Renormalization Group Approach to two Strongly Correlated Condensed Matter ModelsGhamari, M. Sedigh 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents renormalization group (RG) analyses of two strongly correlated condensed matter systems.
In the first part, the phase diagram of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnetic model on a spatially anisotropic triangular lattice is discussed. This model, together with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction, describes the magnetic properties of the layered Mott insulator Cs$_{2}$CuCl$_{4}$. Employing a real-space RG approach, it is found, in agreement with a previous similar study, that a fragile collinear antiferromagnetic (CAF) state can be stabilized at sufficiently strong anisotropies. The presented RG analysis only indicates the presence of the CAF and spiral states in the phase diagram, with no extended quantum-disordered state at strong anisotropies. Specifically, it reveals a fine-tuning of couplings that entails the persistence of ferromagnetic correlations between second-nearest chains over large length scales even in the CAF phase. This has important implications on how numerical studies on finite-size systems should be interpreted, and reconciles the presence of the CAF state with the observation of only ferromagnetic correlations in numerical studies. The effect of a weak DM interaction within this RG approach is examined. It is concluded that Cs$_{2}$CuCl$_{4}$ is well within the stability region of the spiral ordering.
In the second part, the fate of a neck-narrowing Lifshitz transition in two-dimensions and in the presence of weak interactions is studied. Such a transition is a topological quantum phase transition, with no change in symmetry. At the critical point of this transition, the density of states at the Fermi energy is logarithmically divergent and a van Hove singularity appears. It is found that, at the critical point, the Wilsonian effective action is intrinsically non-local. This non-locality is attributed to integrating out an emergent soft degree of freedom. Away from the critical point, a local perturbative RG description is presented, and it is shown that weak attractive interactions grow as $\log^2L$ ($L$ is the physical length). However, this local description is restricted to a finite momentum range that shrinks as the critical point is approached. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy
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Uniaxial Pressure Studies of the Unconventional Superconductor Sr₂RuO₄Jerzembeck, Fabian 09 January 2024 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on the effect of Lifshitz transitions and associated Van Hove singularities on the superconducting state of Sr₂RuO₄. I will start by giving a short summary of the unconventional superconducting state of Sr₂RuO₄, and discuss how a Lifshitz transition can be accessed using uniaxial pressure. I will then discuss recent results of measurements under uniaxial stress, which have changed our view of the nature of the superconductivity of this material considerably.
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Relativistic Density Functional Treatment of Magnetic AnisotropyZhang, Hongbin 23 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) reduces the spatial symmetry of ferromagnetic
solids. That is, the physical properties of ferromagnetic materials are anisotropic,
depending on the magnetization direction. In this thesis, by means of numerical calculations with full-relativistic density functional theory, we studied
two kinds of physical properties: surface magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE)
and anisotropic thermoelectric power due to Lifshitz transitions.
After a short introduction to the full-relativistic density functional theory in Chapter 2, the MAE of ferromagnetic thin films is studied in Chapter 3. For such systems, separation of different contributions, such as bulk
magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) energy, shape anisotropy energy, and
surface/interface anisotropy energy, is crucial to gain better understanding
of experiments. By fitting our calculating results for thick slabs to a phenomenological model, reliable surface MAE could be obtained. Following
this idea, we have studied the MAE of Co slabs with different geometries,
focusing on the effects of orbital polarization correction (OPC). We found
that the surface anisotropy is mainly determined by the geometry. While
OPC gives better results of orbital moments, it overestimates the MAE.
In the second part of Chapter3, the effects of electric fields on the MAE
of L10 ferromagnetic thin films are studied. Using a simple model to simulate the electric field, our calculations are in good agreement with previous
experimental results. We predicted that for CoPt, even larger effects exist.
Moreover, we found that it is the amount of screening charge that determines
the magnetoelectric coupling effects. This gives us some clue about how to
achieve electric field control of magnetization direction.
In Chapter 4, Lifshitz transitions in L10 FePt caused by a canted magnetic field are studied. We found several Lifshitz transitions in ordered FePt
with tiny features in DOS. Using a two-band model, it is demonstrated that
at such transitions, the singular behaviour of kinetic properties is due to the
interband scattering, and the singularity itself is proportional to the derivative of the singular DOS. For FePt, such singularity will be smeared into
anomaly by chemical disorder. Using CPA, we studied the effects of energy
level broadening for the critical bands in FePt. We found that for experimentally available FePt thin films, Lifshitz transitions would induce up to a
3% increase of thermopower as the magnetization is rotated from the easy
axis to the hard axis. / Spin-Bahn-Kopplung reduziert die Symmetrie ferromagnetischer Festkörper.
Das bedeutet, dass die physikalischen Eigenschaften ferromagnetischer Stoffe
anisotrop bezüglich der Magnetisierungsrichtung sind. In dieser Dissertation
werden mittels numerischer voll-relativistischer Dichtefunktional-Rechnungen
zwei Arten physikalischer Eigenschaften untersucht: magnetische Oberflächen-Anisotropieenergie (MAE) und anisotrope Thermokraft durch Lifshitz-Übergänge.
Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die relativistische Dichtefunktional-Theorie
in Kapitel 2 wird in Kapitel 3 die MAE ferromagnetischer dünner Filme
untersucht. In diesen Systemen ist es für ein Verständnis experimenteller
Ergebnisse wichtig, verschiedene Beiträge zu separieren: Volumenanteil der
magnetokristallinen Anisotropie (MCA), Formanistropie und Oberflächen bzw.
Grenzflächenanisotropie. Durch Anpassen berechneter Daten für dicke
Schichten an ein phänomenologisches Modell konnten verlässliche Oberflächen
Anisotropien erhalten werden. In dieser Weise wurde die MAE von Co-
Schichten mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien untersucht, wobei der Einfluss
von Orbitalpolarisations-Korrekturen (OPC) im Vordergrund stand. Es wurde
gefunden, dass die Oberflächenanisotropie hauptsächlich von der Geometrie
bestimmt wird. Während OPC bessere Ergebnisse für die Orbitalmomente
liefert, wird die MAE überschätzt.
Im zweiten Teil von Kapitel 3 wird der Einfluss elektrischer Felder auf die
MAE von dünnen ferromagnetischen Filmen mit L10-Struktur untersucht.
Unter Verwendung eines einfachen Modells zur Simulation des elektrischen
Feldes liefern die Rechnungen gute Übereinstimmung mit vorliegenden experimentellen
Ergebnissen. Es wird vorhergesagt, dass für CoPt ein noch
größerer Effekt existiert. Weiterhin wurde gefunden, dass die magnetoelektrische
Kopplung von der Größe der Abschirmladung bestimmt wird.
Dies ist eine wichtige Einsicht, um die Magnetisierungsrichtung durch ein
elektrisches Feld kontrollieren zu können.
In Kapitel 4 werden Lifshitz-Übergänge untersucht, die ein gekantetes
Magnetfeld hervorruft. Es wurden mehrere Lifshitz-Übergänge in geordnetem
FePt gefunden, welche kleine Anomalien in der Zustandsdichte hervorrufen.
Mit Hilfe eines Zweiband-Modells wird gezeigt, dass an solchen
Übergängen das singuläre Verhalten kinetischer Eigenschaften durch Interband-
Streuung verursacht wird und dass die Singularität proportional zur Ableitung
der singulären Zustandsdichte ist. In FePt wird durch chemische Unordnung
diese Singularität zu einer Anomalie verschmiert. Der Einfluss einer Verbreiterung
der Energieniveaus der kritischen Bänder in FePt wurde mittels CPA
untersucht. Es wurde gefunden, dass in experimentell verfügbaren dünnen FePt-Filmen Lifshitz-Übergänge bis zu 3% Erhöhung der Thermokraft erzeugen,
wenn die Magnetisierung von der leichten in die harte Richtung gedreht
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Relativistic Density Functional Treatment of Magnetic AnisotropyZhang, Hongbin 09 October 2009 (has links)
Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) reduces the spatial symmetry of ferromagnetic
solids. That is, the physical properties of ferromagnetic materials are anisotropic,
depending on the magnetization direction. In this thesis, by means of numerical calculations with full-relativistic density functional theory, we studied
two kinds of physical properties: surface magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE)
and anisotropic thermoelectric power due to Lifshitz transitions.
After a short introduction to the full-relativistic density functional theory in Chapter 2, the MAE of ferromagnetic thin films is studied in Chapter 3. For such systems, separation of different contributions, such as bulk
magnetocrystalline anisotropy (MCA) energy, shape anisotropy energy, and
surface/interface anisotropy energy, is crucial to gain better understanding
of experiments. By fitting our calculating results for thick slabs to a phenomenological model, reliable surface MAE could be obtained. Following
this idea, we have studied the MAE of Co slabs with different geometries,
focusing on the effects of orbital polarization correction (OPC). We found
that the surface anisotropy is mainly determined by the geometry. While
OPC gives better results of orbital moments, it overestimates the MAE.
In the second part of Chapter3, the effects of electric fields on the MAE
of L10 ferromagnetic thin films are studied. Using a simple model to simulate the electric field, our calculations are in good agreement with previous
experimental results. We predicted that for CoPt, even larger effects exist.
Moreover, we found that it is the amount of screening charge that determines
the magnetoelectric coupling effects. This gives us some clue about how to
achieve electric field control of magnetization direction.
In Chapter 4, Lifshitz transitions in L10 FePt caused by a canted magnetic field are studied. We found several Lifshitz transitions in ordered FePt
with tiny features in DOS. Using a two-band model, it is demonstrated that
at such transitions, the singular behaviour of kinetic properties is due to the
interband scattering, and the singularity itself is proportional to the derivative of the singular DOS. For FePt, such singularity will be smeared into
anomaly by chemical disorder. Using CPA, we studied the effects of energy
level broadening for the critical bands in FePt. We found that for experimentally available FePt thin films, Lifshitz transitions would induce up to a
3% increase of thermopower as the magnetization is rotated from the easy
axis to the hard axis. / Spin-Bahn-Kopplung reduziert die Symmetrie ferromagnetischer Festkörper.
Das bedeutet, dass die physikalischen Eigenschaften ferromagnetischer Stoffe
anisotrop bezüglich der Magnetisierungsrichtung sind. In dieser Dissertation
werden mittels numerischer voll-relativistischer Dichtefunktional-Rechnungen
zwei Arten physikalischer Eigenschaften untersucht: magnetische Oberflächen-Anisotropieenergie (MAE) und anisotrope Thermokraft durch Lifshitz-Übergänge.
Nach einer kurzen Einführung in die relativistische Dichtefunktional-Theorie
in Kapitel 2 wird in Kapitel 3 die MAE ferromagnetischer dünner Filme
untersucht. In diesen Systemen ist es für ein Verständnis experimenteller
Ergebnisse wichtig, verschiedene Beiträge zu separieren: Volumenanteil der
magnetokristallinen Anisotropie (MCA), Formanistropie und Oberflächen bzw.
Grenzflächenanisotropie. Durch Anpassen berechneter Daten für dicke
Schichten an ein phänomenologisches Modell konnten verlässliche Oberflächen
Anisotropien erhalten werden. In dieser Weise wurde die MAE von Co-
Schichten mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien untersucht, wobei der Einfluss
von Orbitalpolarisations-Korrekturen (OPC) im Vordergrund stand. Es wurde
gefunden, dass die Oberflächenanisotropie hauptsächlich von der Geometrie
bestimmt wird. Während OPC bessere Ergebnisse für die Orbitalmomente
liefert, wird die MAE überschätzt.
Im zweiten Teil von Kapitel 3 wird der Einfluss elektrischer Felder auf die
MAE von dünnen ferromagnetischen Filmen mit L10-Struktur untersucht.
Unter Verwendung eines einfachen Modells zur Simulation des elektrischen
Feldes liefern die Rechnungen gute Übereinstimmung mit vorliegenden experimentellen
Ergebnissen. Es wird vorhergesagt, dass für CoPt ein noch
größerer Effekt existiert. Weiterhin wurde gefunden, dass die magnetoelektrische
Kopplung von der Größe der Abschirmladung bestimmt wird.
Dies ist eine wichtige Einsicht, um die Magnetisierungsrichtung durch ein
elektrisches Feld kontrollieren zu können.
In Kapitel 4 werden Lifshitz-Übergänge untersucht, die ein gekantetes
Magnetfeld hervorruft. Es wurden mehrere Lifshitz-Übergänge in geordnetem
FePt gefunden, welche kleine Anomalien in der Zustandsdichte hervorrufen.
Mit Hilfe eines Zweiband-Modells wird gezeigt, dass an solchen
Übergängen das singuläre Verhalten kinetischer Eigenschaften durch Interband-
Streuung verursacht wird und dass die Singularität proportional zur Ableitung
der singulären Zustandsdichte ist. In FePt wird durch chemische Unordnung
diese Singularität zu einer Anomalie verschmiert. Der Einfluss einer Verbreiterung
der Energieniveaus der kritischen Bänder in FePt wurde mittels CPA
untersucht. Es wurde gefunden, dass in experimentell verfügbaren dünnen FePt-Filmen Lifshitz-Übergänge bis zu 3% Erhöhung der Thermokraft erzeugen,
wenn die Magnetisierung von der leichten in die harte Richtung gedreht
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Electronic States of Heavy Fermion Metals in High Magnetic FieldsRourke, Patrick Michael Carl 25 September 2009 (has links)
Heavy fermion metals often exhibit novel electronic states at low temperatures, due to competing interactions and energy scales. In order to characterize these states, precise determination of material electronic properties, such as the Fermi surface topology, is necessary. Magnetic field is a particularly powerful tool, since it can be used as both a tuning parameter and probe of the fundamental physics of heavy fermion compounds.
In CePb3, I measured magnetoresistance and torque for 23 mK ≤ T ≤ 400 mK, 0 T ≤ H ≤ 18 T, and magnetic field rotated between the (100), (110), and (111) directions. For H||(111), my magnetoresistance results show a decreasing Fermi liquid temperature range near Hc, and a T^2 coefficient that diverges as A(H) ∝ |H −Hc|^−α, with Hc ~ 6 T and α ~ 1. The torque exhibits a complicated dependence on magnetic field strength and angle. By comparison to numerical spin models, I find that the “spin-flop” scenario previously thought to describe the physics of CePb3 does not provide a good explanation of the experimental results.
Using novel data acquisition software that exceeds the capabilities of a traditional measurement set-up, I measured de Haas–van Alphen oscillations in YbRh2Si2 for 30 mK ≤ T ≤ 600 mK, 8 T ≤ H ≤ 16 T, and magnetic field rotated between the (100), (110), and (001) directions. The measured frequencies smoothly increase as the field is decreased through H0 ≈ 10 T. I compared my measurements to 4f-itinerant and 4f-localized electronic structure calculations, using a new algorithm for extracting quantum oscillation information from calculated band energies, and conclude that the Yb 4f quasi-hole remains itinerant over the entire measured field range, with the behaviour at H0 caused by a Fermi surface Lifshitz transition. My measurements are the first to directly track the Fermi surface of YbRh2Si2 across this field range, and rule out the 4f localization transition/crossover that was previously proposed to occur at H0.
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Electronic States of Heavy Fermion Metals in High Magnetic FieldsRourke, Patrick Michael Carl 25 September 2009 (has links)
Heavy fermion metals often exhibit novel electronic states at low temperatures, due to competing interactions and energy scales. In order to characterize these states, precise determination of material electronic properties, such as the Fermi surface topology, is necessary. Magnetic field is a particularly powerful tool, since it can be used as both a tuning parameter and probe of the fundamental physics of heavy fermion compounds.
In CePb3, I measured magnetoresistance and torque for 23 mK ≤ T ≤ 400 mK, 0 T ≤ H ≤ 18 T, and magnetic field rotated between the (100), (110), and (111) directions. For H||(111), my magnetoresistance results show a decreasing Fermi liquid temperature range near Hc, and a T^2 coefficient that diverges as A(H) ∝ |H −Hc|^−α, with Hc ~ 6 T and α ~ 1. The torque exhibits a complicated dependence on magnetic field strength and angle. By comparison to numerical spin models, I find that the “spin-flop” scenario previously thought to describe the physics of CePb3 does not provide a good explanation of the experimental results.
Using novel data acquisition software that exceeds the capabilities of a traditional measurement set-up, I measured de Haas–van Alphen oscillations in YbRh2Si2 for 30 mK ≤ T ≤ 600 mK, 8 T ≤ H ≤ 16 T, and magnetic field rotated between the (100), (110), and (001) directions. The measured frequencies smoothly increase as the field is decreased through H0 ≈ 10 T. I compared my measurements to 4f-itinerant and 4f-localized electronic structure calculations, using a new algorithm for extracting quantum oscillation information from calculated band energies, and conclude that the Yb 4f quasi-hole remains itinerant over the entire measured field range, with the behaviour at H0 caused by a Fermi surface Lifshitz transition. My measurements are the first to directly track the Fermi surface of YbRh2Si2 across this field range, and rule out the 4f localization transition/crossover that was previously proposed to occur at H0.
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