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Aderência bacteriana e formação de biofilme aos fios de dermossustentação facial / Bacterial adherence and biofilm formation on facial lifting threadsLeite, Bruna de Arruda 03 July 2008 (has links)
A flacidez e as rugas de expressão podem ser amenizadas com lifting facial ou implante no tecido subcutâneo da face de fios de poliuretano ou polipropileno. Sob determinadas condições microrganismos podem aderir sobre os fios e interagir com essas superfícies iniciando crescimento celular. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aderência bacteriana aos fios de poliuretano e polipropileno por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e métodos microbiológicos. Os fios foram seccionados em segmentos de 1,0 cm de comprimento e transferidos individualmente para tubos Falcon (50,0 mL) contendo caldo Mueller Hinton (15,0 mL), com 200 \'mü\'L da suspensão bacteriana (\'10 POT.8\' UFC/mL) preparada e, incubados por 1h e 30 minutos, 4, 24, 48, 72 e 120 horas. Após cada período de incubação, os corpos-de-prova foram lavados três vezes e introduzidos, separadamente, em 5,0 mL de solução salina esterilizada, sonicados a 40 kHZ por 8 minutos e homogeneizados em vortex por 10 segundos. Esta solução foi diluída (1/10 a 1/1000), da diluição 1/1000 uma alíquota de 0,1 mL foi plaqueada sobre Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA). As placas foram incubadas a 37 graus Celsius por 18 a 24 horas. Após o período de incubação, as células viáveis foram contadas e o resultado anotado em termos de unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC/mL). Os corpos-de-prova destinados à observação por microscópio eletrônico de varredura foram fixados em glutaraldeído, desidratados em séries de álcool, secos em centrífuga a vácuo metalizados com ouro. A avaliação quantitativa do crescimento de S. aureus sobre a superfície do poliuretano, após 1 hora e 30 minutos de contato, foi 4,0 \'+ OU -\' 0,0 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,07 \'+ OU -\' 0,10 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 5,08 \'+ OU -\' 0,1410 log UFC/mL. Após 4-120 horas o número de células viáveis de S. aureus sobre a superfície do poliuretano foi 5,49 \'+ OU -\' 0,04 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,99 \'+ OU -\' 0,07 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 6,52 \'+ OU -\' 0,03 log UFC/mL. A avaliação quantitativa do crescimento de S. aureus sobre a superfície do polipropileno, após 1 hora e 30 minutos de contato, foi 4,24 \'+ OU -\' 0,0 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,14 \'+ OU -\' 0,14 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 5,77 \'+ OU -\' 0,05 log UFC/mL. Após 4 - 120 horas o número de células viáveis de S. aureus sobre a superfície do polipropileno o número de células viáveis de S. aureus foi de 5,96 \'+ OU -\' 0,07 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,96 \'+ OU -\' 0,06 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 6,63 \'+ OU -\' 0,05 log UFC/mL. O número de células viáveis de S. aureus, S. epidermidis e P. aeruginosa sobre as superfícies de poliuretano e polipropileno foram significantemente diferentes (p<0,05). O biofilme foi observado sobre ambos fios (poliuretano e polipropileno) como demonstrado por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Flabbiness and expression wrinkles can be helped by undergoing a face lifting or by implanting subcutaneous tissues of polyurethane or polypropylene threads. Under certain conditions microorganisms can attach themselves to the threads and interact with these surfaces initiating cellular growth. The goal of the present study was to evaluate bacterial attachment to polyurethane and polypropylene threads by means of scanning electron microscopy and microbiological method. The threads were sectioned into segments of 1.0 cm in length and inserted, one by one, into separated Falcon tubes (50 mL) containing Mueller Hinton broth (15 mL), with 200 \'mü\'L of the bacterial suspension (\'10 POT.8\' CFU/mL) prepared, and incubated for 1 hour and 30 minutes, at 4, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hour periods. After each incubation period, the coupons were rinsed three times and, inserted, one by one, into 5.0 mL of sterile physiological saline solution, sonicated at 40 kHz for 8 minutes and vortexed for 10 seconds. This solution was diluted three-fold (1/10 to 1/1000), from dilution the 1/1000 dilution an aliquot of 0.1 mL was plated onto Tryptic Soy agar (TSA). The plates were incubated at 37 Celsius degrees from 18 to 24 h. After the incubation periods, the viable bacteria were counted and the results noted in terms of colony forming units (CFU/mL). The coupons destined for scanning electron microscopy observations were fixed in glutaraldehyde, dehydrated in alcohol series, dried in vacuum centryfuge and metalized with gold. A quantitative evaluation was recorded of the growth of S. aureus on the surface of polyurethane, after 1h and 30 minutes of contact, the results shown 4.0 \'+ OU -\' 0.0 CFU/mL, S. epidermidis 4.07 \'+ OU -\' 0.1 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 5.08 \'+ OU -\' 0.14 CFU/mL. After 4 - 120 h the number of viable cells of S. aureus on polyurethane surfaces were 5.49 \'+ OU -\' 0.04 CFU/mL, S. epidermidis 4.99 \'+ OU -\' 0.07 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 6.52 \'+ OU -\' 0.03 CFU/mL. A quantitative evaluation was recorded of the growth of S. aureus on the surface of polypropylene after 1h and 30 minutes of contact, the results shown 4.24 \'+ OU -\' 0.20 CFU/mL, with S. epidermidis 4.14 \'+ OU -\' 0.1 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 5.77 \'+ OU -\' 0.05 CFU/mL. After 4 - 120 h the number of viable cells of S. aureus on polypropylene surfaces were 5.96 \'+ OU -\' 0.07 CFU/mL, S. epidermidis 4.96 \'+ OU -\' 0.07 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 6.63 \'+ OU -\' 0.05 CFU/mL. The number of viable cells of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa on polyurethane and polypropylene surfaces were significantly different (p<0.05). A biofilm was observed on both threads (polyurethane and polypropylene) as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.
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Aderência bacteriana e formação de biofilme aos fios de dermossustentação facial / Bacterial adherence and biofilm formation on facial lifting threadsBruna de Arruda Leite 03 July 2008 (has links)
A flacidez e as rugas de expressão podem ser amenizadas com lifting facial ou implante no tecido subcutâneo da face de fios de poliuretano ou polipropileno. Sob determinadas condições microrganismos podem aderir sobre os fios e interagir com essas superfícies iniciando crescimento celular. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aderência bacteriana aos fios de poliuretano e polipropileno por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e métodos microbiológicos. Os fios foram seccionados em segmentos de 1,0 cm de comprimento e transferidos individualmente para tubos Falcon (50,0 mL) contendo caldo Mueller Hinton (15,0 mL), com 200 \'mü\'L da suspensão bacteriana (\'10 POT.8\' UFC/mL) preparada e, incubados por 1h e 30 minutos, 4, 24, 48, 72 e 120 horas. Após cada período de incubação, os corpos-de-prova foram lavados três vezes e introduzidos, separadamente, em 5,0 mL de solução salina esterilizada, sonicados a 40 kHZ por 8 minutos e homogeneizados em vortex por 10 segundos. Esta solução foi diluída (1/10 a 1/1000), da diluição 1/1000 uma alíquota de 0,1 mL foi plaqueada sobre Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA). As placas foram incubadas a 37 graus Celsius por 18 a 24 horas. Após o período de incubação, as células viáveis foram contadas e o resultado anotado em termos de unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC/mL). Os corpos-de-prova destinados à observação por microscópio eletrônico de varredura foram fixados em glutaraldeído, desidratados em séries de álcool, secos em centrífuga a vácuo metalizados com ouro. A avaliação quantitativa do crescimento de S. aureus sobre a superfície do poliuretano, após 1 hora e 30 minutos de contato, foi 4,0 \'+ OU -\' 0,0 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,07 \'+ OU -\' 0,10 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 5,08 \'+ OU -\' 0,1410 log UFC/mL. Após 4-120 horas o número de células viáveis de S. aureus sobre a superfície do poliuretano foi 5,49 \'+ OU -\' 0,04 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,99 \'+ OU -\' 0,07 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 6,52 \'+ OU -\' 0,03 log UFC/mL. A avaliação quantitativa do crescimento de S. aureus sobre a superfície do polipropileno, após 1 hora e 30 minutos de contato, foi 4,24 \'+ OU -\' 0,0 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,14 \'+ OU -\' 0,14 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 5,77 \'+ OU -\' 0,05 log UFC/mL. Após 4 - 120 horas o número de células viáveis de S. aureus sobre a superfície do polipropileno o número de células viáveis de S. aureus foi de 5,96 \'+ OU -\' 0,07 log UFC/mL, S. epidermidis 4,96 \'+ OU -\' 0,06 log UFC/mL e P. aeruginosa 6,63 \'+ OU -\' 0,05 log UFC/mL. O número de células viáveis de S. aureus, S. epidermidis e P. aeruginosa sobre as superfícies de poliuretano e polipropileno foram significantemente diferentes (p<0,05). O biofilme foi observado sobre ambos fios (poliuretano e polipropileno) como demonstrado por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Flabbiness and expression wrinkles can be helped by undergoing a face lifting or by implanting subcutaneous tissues of polyurethane or polypropylene threads. Under certain conditions microorganisms can attach themselves to the threads and interact with these surfaces initiating cellular growth. The goal of the present study was to evaluate bacterial attachment to polyurethane and polypropylene threads by means of scanning electron microscopy and microbiological method. The threads were sectioned into segments of 1.0 cm in length and inserted, one by one, into separated Falcon tubes (50 mL) containing Mueller Hinton broth (15 mL), with 200 \'mü\'L of the bacterial suspension (\'10 POT.8\' CFU/mL) prepared, and incubated for 1 hour and 30 minutes, at 4, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hour periods. After each incubation period, the coupons were rinsed three times and, inserted, one by one, into 5.0 mL of sterile physiological saline solution, sonicated at 40 kHz for 8 minutes and vortexed for 10 seconds. This solution was diluted three-fold (1/10 to 1/1000), from dilution the 1/1000 dilution an aliquot of 0.1 mL was plated onto Tryptic Soy agar (TSA). The plates were incubated at 37 Celsius degrees from 18 to 24 h. After the incubation periods, the viable bacteria were counted and the results noted in terms of colony forming units (CFU/mL). The coupons destined for scanning electron microscopy observations were fixed in glutaraldehyde, dehydrated in alcohol series, dried in vacuum centryfuge and metalized with gold. A quantitative evaluation was recorded of the growth of S. aureus on the surface of polyurethane, after 1h and 30 minutes of contact, the results shown 4.0 \'+ OU -\' 0.0 CFU/mL, S. epidermidis 4.07 \'+ OU -\' 0.1 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 5.08 \'+ OU -\' 0.14 CFU/mL. After 4 - 120 h the number of viable cells of S. aureus on polyurethane surfaces were 5.49 \'+ OU -\' 0.04 CFU/mL, S. epidermidis 4.99 \'+ OU -\' 0.07 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 6.52 \'+ OU -\' 0.03 CFU/mL. A quantitative evaluation was recorded of the growth of S. aureus on the surface of polypropylene after 1h and 30 minutes of contact, the results shown 4.24 \'+ OU -\' 0.20 CFU/mL, with S. epidermidis 4.14 \'+ OU -\' 0.1 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 5.77 \'+ OU -\' 0.05 CFU/mL. After 4 - 120 h the number of viable cells of S. aureus on polypropylene surfaces were 5.96 \'+ OU -\' 0.07 CFU/mL, S. epidermidis 4.96 \'+ OU -\' 0.07 CFU/mL and P. aeruginosa 6.63 \'+ OU -\' 0.05 CFU/mL. The number of viable cells of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa on polyurethane and polypropylene surfaces were significantly different (p<0.05). A biofilm was observed on both threads (polyurethane and polypropylene) as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.
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Unilateral Traditional Weight Lifting Generates Greatest Acute Upper Body Power OutputNakachi, Evan H 01 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Bilateral deficit (BLD) is a phenomenon where the force generated from simultaneous bilateral limb contractions is less than the sum force generated by separate right and left limb contractions. There have been many BLD studies, but the measures of force generation have predominantly been with isometric and isokinetic contractions. There are, however, no dynamic upper body isotonic unilateral weight lifting studies on acute power output. The purpose of this study was to determine acute power output between bilateral and unilateral weight lifting under the conditions of traditional and circuit weight lifting. Seventeen male BYU rugby players (age = 21.8 ± 2.1 years; mass = 93.5 ± 12.5 kg; height = 181.9 ± 5.0 cm) participated in the study. Each subject participated in 4 randomized weight lifting testing sessions separated by at least 48 h. Each weight lifting protocol included 6 dumbbell lifts (bench press, bent over row, overhead press, bicep curls, front raise, and bent over raise) performed as explosively as possible for 5 sets of 5 repetitions at 40–50% of 1RM. GymAware [GYM] units measured power output for the right and left arms. Peak and mean power (of all lifts combined) was greatest in the unilateral traditional weight lifting (UTWL) group compared to all other groups (p < .0001 for each comparison). No significant differences in overall peak and mean power (all lifts combined) existed between the other 3 groups. UTWL peak and mean power outputs were significantly highest for all lifts. UTWL and bilateral traditional weight lifting (BTWL) generated the second or third highest peak power outputs for all lifts, but they were not statistically different from each other except for the bent over raise. Bilateral circuit weight lifting (BCWL) generated the lowest peak power output in all lifts, but was not statistically different from the third lowest peak power output except for the bent over raise. Our study determined that dynamic upper body isotonic unilateral movements generate significantly greater power output than dynamic upper body isotonic bilateral movements using free weights. It was also concluded that traditional weight lifting protocols generated greater power output than circuit weight lifting protocols.
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No description available.
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A general lifting equation based on total mechanical workSONBOL, AMR M. 07 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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A quantitative placebo controlled study of the efficacy of manipulation of acromioclavicular joint dysfunction in weight trainersJordan, Warren Gray January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Chiropractic)--Durban University of Technology, 2009 / Objective: The efficacy of manipulation as compared to placebo in the treatment of two groups of weight trainers with Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Dysfunction. Methods: Twenty patients (n=20), using randomised sampling were allocated to two intervention groups. Patients in each group received four treatments each over a two-week period and assessed at initial, one week, two weeks and one month follow ups. Objective measures included Algometer and Inclinometer readings. Numerical Pain Rating Scales (NRS), Shoulder Rating Questionnaire (SRQ) and the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) measured subjective outcomes. Results: Manipulation demonstrated significant improvement in objective findings. Subjective outcomes did not show significant difference between the manipulation and placebo groups. Conclusion: Manipulation, when compared to placebo, can be considered as an effective treatment intervention for the treatment of AC joint dysfunction with particular reference to objective outcomes. Although, caution needs to be utilised in accepting this outcome due to limitations in sample size, subjective measure sensitivity and specificity as well as the stringency of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
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Development of New Lifting Equipment for VPA PlatesBatchuluun, Bolormaa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores how to develop new lifting equipment for the membrane and filter plates of the VPA (Metso) machine satisfying all the safety requirements. The VPA is a heavy duty machine with a number of plates, developed for filtration of minerals. The plates must be replaced or removed immediately once the wear has reached a given value or an error has been detected. The new lifting system differs to a great extent from conventional system in which a fiber strap was used; the designed lifting equipment comprises of a variety of parts resulting in a higher capacity to be used ín different situations safer and satisfies the vital requirements such as being a secure and cost-effective method, issued by the customers. Several solution proposals have been developed to offer better proposals before the final candidate has been selected and theoretically motivated with FEM analysis as well as analytical calculations. Keywords - VPA, membrane and filter plate, lifting equipment, pivot supporter hinge, safety, cost effective
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Over the past few decades, the demand for digital information has increased drastically. This enormous demand poses serious difficulties on the storage and transmission bandwidth of the current technologies. One possible solution to overcome this approach is to compress the amount of information by discarding all the redundancies. In multimedia technology, various lossy compression techniques are used to compress the raw image data to facilitate storage and to fit the transmission bandwidth.
In this thesis, we propose a new approach using algebraic integers to reduce the complexity of the Daubechies-4 (D4) and Daubechies-6 (D6) Lifting based Discrete Wavelet Transforms. The resulting architecture is completely integer based, which is free from the round-off error that is caused in floating point calculations. The filter coefficients of the two transforms of Daubechies family are individually converted to integers by multiplying it with value of 2x, where, x is a random value selected at a point where the quantity of losses is negligible. The wavelet coefficients are then quantized using the proposed iterative individual-subband coding algorithm. The proposed coding algorithm is adopted from the well-known Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) coding. The results obtained from simulation shows that the proposed coding algorithm proves to be much faster than its predecessor, and at the same time, produces good Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) at very low bit rates.
Finally, the two proposed transform architectures are implemented on Virtex-E Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to test the hardware cost (in terms of multipliers, adders and registers) and throughput rate. From the synthesis results, we see that the proposed algorithm has low hardware cost and a high throughput rate.
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Synchronized simultaneous approximate lifting for the multiple knapsack polytopeMorrison, Thomas Braden January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Todd Easton / Integer programs (IPs) are mathematical models that can provide an optimal solution
to a variety of different problems. They have the ability to maximize profitability and
decrease wasteful spending, but IPs are NP-complete resulting in many IPs that cannot
be solved in reasonable periods of time. Cutting planes or valid inequalities have been
used to decrease the time required to solve IPs.
These valid inequalities are commonly created using a procedure called lifting. Lifting
is a technique that strengthens existing valid inequalities without cutting off feasible
solutions. Lifting inequalities can result in facet defining inequalities, the theoretically
strongest valid inequalities. Because of these properties, lifting procedures are used in software to reduce the time required to solve an IP.
This thesis introduces a new algorithm for synchronized simultaneous approximate lifting for multiple knapsack problems. Synchronized Simultaneous Approximate Lifting (SSAL) requires O(|E1|SLP_|E1|+|E2|,m + |E1|2) effort, where |E1| and |E2| are the sizes of sets used in the algorithm and SLP is the time to solve a linear program. It approximately uplifts two sets simultaneously to creates multiple inequalities of a particular form. These new valid inequalities generated by SSAL can be facet defining.
A small computational study shows that SSAL is quick to execute, requiring fractions
of a second. Additionally, applying SSAL inequalities to large knapsack problem enabled commercial software to solve faster and also eliminate off the initial linear relaxation
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Investigation and Implementation of a Lifting Line Theory to Predict Propeller PerformanceEastridge, Jonathan R. 01 May 2016 (has links)
Numerous hydrodynamic theories may be used to predict the performance of marine propellers. The goal of this thesis is to investigate and implement a lifting line theory as a program written in FORTRAN and to test its capabilities on some Wageningen B-Series propellers. Special attention is given to the validation of the routines involved in the implementation of the theory. Difficulties were experienced in obtaining results that accurately reflect the published experimental results, and some discussion is included regarding possibilities for the sources of these errors. Also discussed are the results of other lifting line codes and their respective differences from the current implementation.
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