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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Remediation of soiled masonry in historic structures contaminated by the Gulf Coast oil spill of 2010

Vora, Payal Rashmikant 05 September 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to understand the factors that affect the selection of remedial treatments for the complex staining of masonry materials on cultural resources located in environmentally sensitive sites such as Fort Livingston, Louisiana, on the Gulf Coast of the United States and other locations impacted by pollutants including crude oil. After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April 2010, the brick-and-tabby Fort was stained by crude oil. The EPA recommends SWA for removal of oil from solid surfaces such as masonry; however, limited research has been conducted into SWA effective for removal of crude oil from masonry, particularly in remote and environmentally sensitive locations. Research was conducted collaboratively at NCPTT and UT-Austin to identify a series of suitable SWA and to develop methods for evaluating SWA effectiveness in the laboratory. Products were selected for laboratory evaluation that do not require long dwell times, are easy to transport to the site, can be applied with portable equipment, produce effluent that can be collected for off-site disposal, and are listed on the EPA-published NCP Product Schedule. Two sets of 36 brick samples each were soiled with crude oil from the Fort. One set of samples was artificially weathered and one set was unweathered prior to being cleaned with selected six SWA. Laboratory evaluation shows that the primary factor affecting cleaner selection for remediation of brick masonry stained by light crude oil is the extent of weathering of oil on the masonry. For light crude oil, such as that spilled in the Gulf, organic solvent-based cleaners may be most effective if cleaning is possible soon after the staining occurs. Aqueous surfactant cleaners are most effective for removing weathered light crude oil from masonry. The following SWA listed in order of performance are recommended for field trials at Fort Livingston: 1. Cytosol; 2. SC-1000; 3. De-Solv-It APC; 4. De-Solv-It Industrial followed by De-Solv-It APC; 5. De-Solv-It Industrial followed by SC-1000. / text

The effect of light crude oil contamination on the geotechnical properties of kaolinite clay soil

Ota, Jonathan Okore January 2013 (has links)
Crude oil is of economic importance to any nation. However its poor management and disposal method has resulted in oil spillage and ground contamination. Most emphasis on crude oil contamination on the environment has been on surface and ground water pollution, as well as plants and animals with little or no attention paid to the engineering properties of the contaminated soil. This research is thus aimed at investigating the effect of light crude oil contamination on the geotechnical properties of kaolinite clay soil. This research is a laboratory based experiment in which the contaminated soil was prepared by adding different percentages of light crude oil (2%, 5%, 8%, 10%, 15% and 20%) measured by weight of the dry soil sample and mixed until a uniform mixture was obtained. The British Standard Test Methods for Civil Engineering purposes BS 1377: 1990 (EUROCODE 7: EN 1997: 2-5) was adopted with few modifications. The calculations were based on the fact that the pore space in the contaminated soil is occupied by water and crude oil so water content was calculated from the fluid content and the rate of evaporation of crude oil during oven drying was also considered. The classification results showed that crude oil contamination caused an increase in linear shrinkage, liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index between 0% to 20% contaminations. The compaction result showed that there was an increase in maximum dry density while the optimum moisture content decreased between 0% and 15% of crude oil contamination. The result showed that the soil could not compact at 20% contamination and above. Also, the coefficient of permeability increased with increase in the percentage of crude oil contamination while the coefficient of consolidation value (Cv) increases with increase in the percentage of contamination. There was a decrease in the cohesion value and the frictional angle due to the introduction of the crude oil into the soil. Although crude oil altered the geotechnical properties of the kaolinite clay soil and reduced its strength, the soil can still be used for geotechnical purposed after remediation.

Altération de la physiologie des poissons exposés à des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) : comportement et reproduction / Long term physiological disruptions in fish after exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) : behavior and reproduction

Vignet, Caroline 11 February 2014 (has links)
Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) sont des polluants organiques persistants qui sont présents en mélange complexe dans l’environnement et notamment dans les milieux aquatiques. Ils s’adsorbent sur les particules en suspension, s’accumulent dans les sédiments et dans les premiers maillons de la chaîne trophique. L’objectif de cette étude était de mesurer les effets à long terme d’une contamination par des HAP chez un modèle de vertébrés : le poisson zèbre. Dans un premier temps, des embryons ont été exposés pendant les 4 premiers jours de leur développement sur du sédiment naturel enrobé de 3 HAP individuel (phénanthrène, pyrène et benzo[a]pyrène) puis transférés et élevés en eau propre. Dans un deuxième temps, des poissons ont été exposés par voie alimentaire tout au long du cycle de vie et dès le premier repas à 3 fractions de HAP à doses environnementales enrobées sur les aliments : une fraction pyrolytique (PY) extraite d’un sédiment échantillonné dans la Seine et deux fractions pétrogéniques (un fuel lourd (HO) provenant de l’Erika et un pétrole brut type Arabian light (LO)). Les effets à long terme sur la croissance, la survie, la reproduction et le comportement ont été évalués à différents âges. Ces effets ont pu être observés à plusieurs échelles, i.e. de la molécule, aux tissus et organes puis à l’échelle de l’individu. Globalement, chez les poissons contaminés, la croissance est ralentie, la survie larvaire diminuée chez les HO, la fonction reproduction est altérée fortement à la fois au niveau hormonal, tissulaire et phénotypique ainsi que les réponses comportementales léthargiques ou hyper-réactives selon les cas. L’exposition par voie sédimentaire a révélé des effets visibles lorsque les individus atteignaient 6 mois soulignant l’existence d’effets tardifs, notamment sur les réponses comportementales, d’une exposition très précoce y compris chez la descendance. Quant à l’exposition par voie alimentaire, elle a montré une gradation des effets. Toutes fonctions confondues, les résultats obtenus permettent d'établir une hiérarchie dans la toxicité des fractions étudiées : PY < LO ≈ HO. L'approche multi-échelle utilisée dans ce travail a permis, en partant d'informations acquises au niveau moléculaire, tissulaire et individuel, d'aboutir à une compréhension intégrée des conséquences qu'une exposition à des HAP peut avoir sur l'aptitude à la survie des poissons dans leur milieu naturel ainsi qu'à leur capacité à participer au renouvellement des générations futures. / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) which are found in complex mixtures in the environment including aquatic ecosystems. They adsorb on particles, accumulate in sediment and in the first link of the food web. The aim of this study was to measure long term effects of PAHs contamination on a vertebrate model : the zebrafish. In a first study, embryos were exposed on natural sediment spiked with 3 individual PAH (phenanthrene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene) during the first four days of their development. In a second study, to evaluate the consequences of long-term chronic exposure to PAHs, zebrafish were exposed, from their first meal (5 days post fertilisation) until they became reproducing adults, to diets spiked with three PAHs fractions at environmentally relevant concentrations (0.3X, 1X and 3X; with the 1X concentration being in the range of 4.6-6.7 μg.g-1 for total quantified PAHs). The fractions used were representative of PAHs of pyrolytic (PY) origin or of two different oils of differing compositions (a heavy fuel (HO) and a light crude oil (LO)). Long term effects on growth, survival, reproduction and behavior were evaluated at different ages. Effects were observed at molecule, tissue, organ and individual scales. In general, for contaminated fish, growth was reduced, larval survival decreased in HO, and reproduction was strongly impaired at hormonal, tissue and phenotypic levels, and behavioral responses were lethargic or hyperactive depending on fractions and stages. Sediment exposure still revealed visible effects when fish were 6 month old. These results hereby showed significant late effects, especially in behavioral responses after an early exposure, including in larvae issued from contaminated fish. In spiked diets contaminated fish, we observed a gradation of effects. Combining all functions, we established of hierarchy in toxicity in the studied fractions: PY < LO ≈ HO. Finally, our results gathered at a multiscale from molecule, to tissue and individuals, indicate that PAH mixtures of different compositions, representative of situations encountered in the wild, can promote lethal and sublethal effects which are likely to be detrimental for fish survival and recruitment into future generations.

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